I'am many things, among them is god hood


CRank: 5Score: 149310

what a bunch of babies

2569d ago 21 agree10 disagreeView comment

on they black list they go, never ever will they get my money.

2660d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if it was about current events it would revolve around whats happening in Europe, though I guess they don't want their studio shot up.

2669d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

the fact that these words are coming out of a bunch of nasally voiced nerds i cannot take them seriously and neither should she. if women want to hang around a male dominated area they should learn proper etiquette like knowing how to take shit and talk shit. men say mean things to each other in the name of banter.

2689d ago 7 agree25 disagreeView comment

that seems incredibly tame to be honest, I heard worse in high school, and they sound ridicules with their nasally voices.

2689d ago 19 agree9 disagreeView comment

into the trash it goes. unless its free to play.

2689d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it because they are all copy and paste garbage. it been three years since I bought an AAA game because they all play the same along with being filled with micro-transactions.I would rather play games in my backlog then waste money on new games.

2694d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sweet might have to pic it up if its the right price.

2715d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

opps did I trigger you? seems like you had that list of hollow buzzwords ready on stand by. and nowhere did I say you called anyone a Nazi but the left do like to use that word on their opponents. and I'm simply stating a fact people are getting sick and tired of the lefts pretentious identity politics.

2740d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Jon tron quoted this Washington post article https://www.washingtonpost....

you lefties need to realize your name-calling buzzwords are not working anymore. and these SJW's have diluted all meaning from their words my not knowing how to properly communicate with out calling other people Nazi'...

2740d ago 19 agree3 disagreeView comment

with all the people demanding refunds looks like they made a bad call one would think.

2740d ago 18 agree7 disagreeView comment

he's only controversial if your an intolerant brainwashed liberal hippie. lefties need to realize people are getting tired of your shit

2740d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

after watching a live stream the game looks and sounds terrible

2744d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was very clear all the talented people at Bioware already left before Andromeda even started. now EA stuffed them with their interns and and talent-less gender study activist.

2747d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whats the point when they are all butt ugly

2747d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment
2770d ago Show

Around the 3.3 million dollar man prepare for a scam, hopefully these indie parasitic garbage Devs crash and burn with all the good will they have destroyed.

2888d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

People need to understand sex just sells, gotta go were the money is.

2990d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you missed my point 10 years people cared more about quality then identity politics. 2016 diversity means tokenism by the social justice clique, for social virtue signaling to pat themselves on the back.

"The ones who hate having diversity in games are the same people who always have Dorito cheese dust on their fingers, sipping on mountain dew, and intentionally starting Internet fights. " and you just proved my point with your nice gene...

3061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what do you expect when SJW use there aggressive militant attitude to force their propaganda down everyone throats?

this wouldn't even have been a problem 10 years ago because nobody would care about things like how diversity is represented but now sjw are pointing out individuals because of their identity and making a big issues out of it. so they can parade around their little accessories and have there hipster friends pat them on the back.

You can...

3061d ago 3 agree18 disagreeView comment