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Dead or Alive 5 Alpha Demo Quick Play HD -

Dead or Alive 5 has many new fea­tures over it’s pre­de­ces­sors like “respectable boob sizes” and explod­ing cars/buildings. I’m just kid­ding. It only has one of these.

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Community4559d ago
Boody-Bandit4559d ago (Edited 4559d ago )

Looks pretty but it doesn't do it for me even a little bit. It's DOA4 with new backgrounds. It's like they did almost nothing to enhance the mechanics. What's going on with Team Ninja? Going to keep my eye on it but looks more like a rental than a purchase. At least for me.

Lucretia4559d ago

Huh......tekken 6 is just tekken 1 with new graphics and backgrounds, the gameplay is EXACTLY the same, They changed doa5's gameplay, the pace of combat, added new moves, are adding new characters, massive graphic and art style overhaul aswell as way more interactive enviorments.

not sure howw you are not seeings anything new lol

Boody-Bandit4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

Who ever agreed with you is a moron. Tekken 6 is nothing like Tekken 1. That's plain silly. But where do you see me mentioning Tekken in my response? Insecure / trolling much?

I am not a fan of Tekken 6. Actually I thought it was a big step backwards compared to previous versions. For the first time a Tekken game that was not arcade perfect. Looked muddy, had bad load times (compared to previous versions) and a weak single player mode.

The last Tekken I liked was Dark Resurrection BUT again, we are not talking about Tekken here, we are discussing DOA 5, or so I thought. This DOA 5 (IMO) looks weak, lacks impact, physics, hardcore violence, sill over emphasis on sexuality (from the female side of things of anyway). About the only thing I think DOA does decently is counters. Other than that it just seems like a lot of fluff and a wanna be Virtua Fighter, which it's not.

After Ninja Gaiden 3 and now seeing the videos for this game, I'm seeing it as a rental at best. Excuse me for having an opinion. Next time you're trying to validate your opinion, do so without going off topic.

Nearly every reason you listed as an addition / upgrade to DOA 5, Tekken, Soul Calibur and nearly every other fighting sequel has done the same. This is a weak update considering how long it's been since the last iteration of this series. It just doesn;t feel like a big enough step forward after a long lay off between revisions. That's my opinion, "for now", and I'm sticking to it "while staying on topic".

Maybe once I play the demo I will see things I'm not seeing in the demo but I doubt that will happen. I always enjoyed DOA games but was never blown away by any of them so maybe my view point is slightly skewed. The view point of a gamer than has been gaming since it's inception.

Lucretia4558d ago

??????? huh. wait so whats a fighter that evolved tons over its predecessors? I play tekken, I dislike tekken tag 2, Im currently loving SC5 (forget the lack of modes), Virtua fighter is ok, to slow for me. fav fighter is blazblue. I despise all MK games after trilogy, so slow, stiff, unrealistic to the point of the way people die, the gore for the sake of gore, the fighting style stances, the tons of clone characters, and well i can go on.

doa5 lacks Physics? now i know your just trolling, its the only fighter with physics, the enviorment interacts with you, when a cone falls from an explosion it hits your character and dazes him/her, when u get slammed into something it causes a chain reaction. How is that not phsyics? when a character fights in the water they may slip, you can use the water to do water specific throws, there are enviroment specific attacks, aswell as when you get hit with a power blow there are several points u can aim ur opponent.

just curious as to wwhat your favorite fighting game is. not saying doa is the best, but its not bad and doa5 is taking a very good direction. and YES tekken 6 plays almost the same to tekken 1. trust me i played every tekken except tag 1, same floaty combo's that let you juggle till they die with no combo breakers, same stiff animations for the old characters yet new and fluid aanimations for new characters.....feels out of place

d3nworth14559d ago

I havent played DOA since ps1 when the physics was so ridiculous that their breast were literally hitting them in the face.I probably get this 1.

Kingscorpion19814559d ago

I like that you can counter throws!!!!


Didn’t Expect To See You Here: 5 Influential Fighting Game Guest Characters

Trevor Walker said: Fighting games have always been able to simultaneously experiment and innovate while staying true to their roots in the best of ways. Mechanics change, crossovers take place, and evolution occurs. One of the best examples of all three can be seen in the coveted guest character.

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Community187d ago

Dead or Alive 5 - 10 Years of Free-to-Play

Dead or Alive 5 debuted 10 years ago today, ushering in a new era of AAA free-to-play gaming which has since become commonplace.

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Community728d ago
Glemt729d ago

I really wish "free-to-play" got a different name. Because, yeah, you can play (part of) the game for free, but then they hypercharge you for DLC. Nearly 1000 credits to get all the DLC? Damn.

neutralgamer1992728d ago

Exactly give me a complete bundle

MadLad728d ago

You get the fighting game.
They make you pay for the bikinis and booty shorts.

ApocalypseShadow728d ago

Worse decision ever for the gamer. Over emphasis on fan service nonsense and micro transactions than making a great fighting game.

Use to love the game as a Virtual Fighter offshoot and competitor to VF and Tekken. Won't touch this current incarnation with a 10 foot pole. You know there was something wrong when they tried to charge for hair color.

spicelicka728d ago

I wish it wouldn't be called "fan service" anymore. It's of service to no one, it's just exploiting our perverted nature blatantly, but then again people who fall for it can't really complain.

MadLad728d ago

People complain about the dlc, but you get the actual game.
You're paying to look at their bodies.

Silly gameAr728d ago

I have no problem whatsoever with the fanservice. My problem was the endless, expensive packs of pointless costumes that people loved to buy apparently.

lucian229728d ago

Don't be a cry baby. Go play another game if you don't like fan service. Not every game needs to be woke trash.

DOA only fell because of overpriced dlc

Silly gameAr728d ago

Not every comment needs to bring up woke when there is no wokeness going on. I wish they would ban the word woke from the face of the planet.

lucian229726d ago (Edited 726d ago )

You sound "woke" yourself, crying and wanting more cancel culture. That's the problem with you people, you don't like something and just want to cancel it.

Woke is now a day a synonym for social justice Warrior. It's people who cry that something is offensive and use cancel culture to destroy something they don't like...... Sorry but it applies when people complain about boobs

isarai728d ago (Edited 728d ago )

Do people really not realize there was a full release of this game? I've seen this pop up a few times and it always baffles me that people talk as if DOA5 was only F2P. I still have the Last Round disc that includes all characters, maps and most outfits

HeliosHex728d ago

Truly the best in the series. If you only want one DOA this is the one to get right here.


Did Jonathan Holmes just say that the DOA games promote beating of women?

I (Robin Ek, TGG) was just informed that it appears as if Jonathan Holmes (writer for Nintendo Force and Destructoid) have stated that the DOA series promotes beating of women. So, here's my take on the matter.

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Community2761d ago
SaveFerris2762d ago

Oh my days! That journalist must be constantly triggered by fighting games, but then I don't understand why he just doesn't quit if he can't handle the scripted actions of pixels.

TGG_overlord2762d ago

I would also like that add that real-life female fighters can take perfectly care of themselves inside and outside of the ring.

SaveFerris2761d ago

Absolutely. There are lots of women who take part in contact sports willingly because they enjoy it, and not just martial arts, but also rugby and rugby league.

naruga2761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

destructoid ....a bunch of tragic people trying to relate themslves with gaming ....go close yourselves

Eonjay2761d ago

Even if he did say it, why should we be triggered?

Simon_the_sorcerer2761d ago

@SaveFerris " That journalist must be constantly triggered by fighting games"

Try searching for his name + this:

TGG_overlord2761d ago


"Absolutely. There are lots of women who take part in contact sports willingly because they enjoy it, and not just martial arts, but also rugby and rugby league."

- Yep, I like American Football more than Rugby though ;)

Simon_the_sorcerer2761d ago

I honestly like to watch female soccer more than the male version, as they tend to whine less when they get tackled and whatnot.

GrimReaperGamer2761d ago

Jonathan Holmes is a liberal snowflake. Quick Mr. Holmes aka Captain No Manhood call on the developers of DOA to make a safe space in game for these women. The amount of mentally unstable people on earth is hilarious, but also extremely scary at the same time.

TGG_overlord2761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

@GrimReaperGamer "Jonathan Holmes is a liberal snowflake"

- That is correct. Nevertheless, I had no idea who that guy was at first though. However, the more I read and heard about him, the more I started to realize that his indeed a hardcore liberal snowflake.

"The amount of mentally unstable people on earth is hilarious, but also extremely scary at the same time."

- At first I thought that he was just fooling around, but his pretty dead serious about what he thinks and says...

Simon_the_sorcerer2761d ago

Ah, that "Holmes"...Then I get his rather stupid statement (s).

TGG_overlord2761d ago

That's the one, yes...I've been listening to some of his other interviews, and his like a more hardcore SJW version of Jack Thompson (imo).

annoyedgamer2761d ago


Don't include women in fighting/shooting games = sexist because women are equal

Put women in = sexist because it promotes domestic violence

ShaunCameron2761d ago

Feminists and their enablers don't know what they want.

Atomicjuicer2761d ago

They just want to bitch and moan. Best ignored basically.

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