
BioWare Won’t Rule Out Changing Mass Effect 3 Ending

BioWare clarifies statements regarding their stance on changing the ending of Mass Effect 3 on their official facebook page.

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StanSmith4472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

My exact reaction too.

Mark my words, gamers have green-lighted another business move. We will have to pay for endings via DLC! Congrats!

I get that your choices don't effect the ending and that the endings are all similar, but if Bioware now change the ending then that is daft. The ending needs to stay without change. What needs to change are the alternative endings.

da_2pacalypse4472d ago

Here is what I'm pro for:

-Create more endings, leave the single ending that you created in the first place.
-Make it free
-make the endings distinctively different
-have more of our choices affect the endings
-Give us more characters (for free, 6 is too little)

This is what I'm against

-replace the current SINGLE ending with another SINGLE ending
-make us pay for it
-make more MP DLC
-Make multiple endings with different colour schemes

I don't think it's too much to ask for multiple endings in a game that is centred around choice

pocketaces114471d ago

I don't know what all the commotion is about but I do feel that if they give in to what is PERCEIVED by me... The fewer but louder whiny gamers these new ending it will only fuel their fire to whine more and see what else they can get out of people.

Although I'm still playing thru ME2 right now so I can't comment as to whether these accusations are warranted or not

Philoctetes4472d ago

The only thing that could possibly cheapen this franchise any more is if Bioware releases the "real" ending as DLC. As awful and inexcusable as the ending is, Bioware made their bed and now they need to lie it.

DeadlyFire4472d ago

I still don't see why The Illusive man didn't mutate like Saren.

So many little things. It could all be fixed in a flash really though. They need to only do one or two little things to set the ending straight. Delete that segment with Joker flying off to another planet with all of your crew. Earth is only fractions of a minute away. Add in something happening to each ending. Give us option 4 when talking to the boy. "I don't like your damn choices. I want to kill you and the Reapers."

krazykombatant4472d ago

hey buddy its called a spoiler TAG USE IT!! YOU MASSIVE @ss!

Nimblest-Assassin4472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )


If you had the artbook in the CE that was the original plan, having TIM undergo a Saren-like transformation at the very end and being the final boss.

However, the team realized this idea would not work properly and scraped it completely

Lazy_Sunday4472d ago

Of course they're going to change the ending--they have so much DLC opportunity.
It's EA, so most likely, they'll be selling the new ending packed in with DLC.

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codename134472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

I dont know !! what could I expect from them now after massive disappointment. After all they are now totally indoctrinated by greedy EA.

kent800820074472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

It's official now, people who call those asking for a different ending whiners now whine even louder than those who are asking for a change in the first place

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4472d ago

I haven't seen it yet but goodness even if it were bad don't give in to these freaking gamers. Mass Effect is YOUR game not theirs. Who are they to tell you how to end your franchise?

Chuk54472d ago

What the hell are you talking about?

It's clearly their game.

codename134472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

Don't worry, just finish the game and then lets see whether you can hold ur own comment. :P

perfectCarbonara4472d ago

LOL. Are you serious !?

Gamers are their customers, they damn well better please us.

If it's just 'Bioware's game' then why sell it ?
Just make it and keep it to yourself.

Nonsense !

Chuk54472d ago

Does a musician make music for everyone else? Does a writer make novels for everyone else? Not really. I don't know why people fail to recognize the importance of creative input that developers have. They don't make games directly for us. They wisely listen to what fans like and what is well-received, but ultimately their muse guides them, for better or worse.

Ghost2504472d ago

no you don't have a say in how a company developed the story in a game, so get this crap out of your head thinking your entitled to something your not. if we were talking about content locked from a fucken disc that your getting charged for after you bought the game at full price like "From Ashes" then i'd understand. but you have no say on how the story of a game ends, never have never will. there is hundreds of games that people don't like how a game ends but you don't see them making a big deal. you know how much i hated the resistance 3 ending but im not gonna fucking complain about if thats how the story was meant to end in the eyes of the developer then i can't argue about their vision i can only comment on it. but you Mass Effect tiddy babies are nothing more than a bunch of idiots. i really hope BioWare doesn't change the ending of this game, if they do i can see little babies crying about every games ending. just because some of ya'll don't like the ending doesn't mean other people don't. get the fuck over yourselves.

AtomicGerbil4472d ago

Whilst I agree entirely that gamers are in no way entitled to a change of ending, I will say that Bioware did not deliver in any way shape or form in what they've been saying the ending/s were going to deliver.

I think the overall disappointment by many is warranted.

csreynolds4472d ago

Yes, nonsense! Perfect word to describe your opinion.

SilentNegotiator4472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )


Do I spend $60 on an album (No wait, $70 with the bonus song)?
Do I read a novel for 100 hours and just shrug if the ending sucks?

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Ness-Psi4472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

If it was just about excepting what was put out with no discussion the nazi's would have taken over.
but if your chosen demographic who you cater to, is unhappy with it they have a right to voice their opinions.
if bioware do anything is up to them becuase it is their game, but non the less it could have been alot better.

make your choice shepard:

(+) choose to fight for a better ending.

(+) sit on the fence and dont care either way.

(+) call people names and whine about fanboys.

badz1494471d ago

there will not be this much rage over the ending if ME was an RPG with a linear story and gamers just need to follow that story path dictated by Bioware!

ME is about choices you made along the way and you can even carry over your saves and characters since the 1st game all the way to the 3rd! gamers were PROMISED that their choices will bare different consequences and will effect the outcome of the trilogy but the endings are far cry from what promised! so, why make such ridiculous promises in the first place just to have the endings throw away all the decisions made out of the window? playing all the way, making different choices but in the end only given the option to choose the color of the ending?? get out of here Bioware!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4471d ago
AusRogo4472d ago

The only disappointing thing is not being able to change genders with an imported character, sucks not having all the gear ive had from ma2. I just want to see the game from a different perspective :(

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