
10 Games Only Horrible Parents Would Let Their Kids Play

Maxim writes: We’re not telling you how to raise your kids, but if you let them play any of these games, we’re putting you on the FBI watch list. Also, you’re letting your son eat too much corn syrup and he should really have more friends his own age. Here are the games that will ruin your children. Parents and Santa Claus, take notes.

Neko_Mega4516d ago

Wheres Duke? That was far worst then BMX XXX, some of those games aren't as bad. Heck I think Mass Effect 3 sex parts are worst them most of those games.

Captain Qwark 94516d ago

i agree bmx is def bad. and i also agree mass effect 3. ME3 shouldnt be played by anyone under 13 and yet i was in gamestop getting my copy at the same time some mother was buying a copy for her kid who couldnt have been older than 10.

ME3 has crazy violence ( i can explode enimies ), the storyline is more or less about mass genocide, there is sex and partial nudity in it as well. amazing game, not for young kids. shes an idoit. i find it amazing how parents bitch about violent videogames yet they are the ones purchasing the games for the kids without actuall knowing whats in it.

GTA and MK are a few others that come to mind

nveenio4515d ago

I don't shield my son from video games at all (unless they contain sexualized nudity...) because I don't believe that it makes kids crazy. My sons are perfectly well adjusted, polite, intelligent and surrounded by a large number of friends.

I also played violent games growing up, and I'm not crazy or some kind of civil outlaw, either.

Given, it definitely depends on the kid--a case-by-case basis.

I hate articles like this.

Exoil4515d ago

@inveni0: You're an American right?

shadow27974515d ago

You know what? I agree with this article. Any parent that buys any of these games for their kids is a horrible parent*.

Because all these games suck*. I wouldn't play them either.

*Bulletstorm being the notable exception (how did that get in there?).

nveenio4515d ago

I assume you make that assumption because of my nudity comment. Please note that I said "sexualized". Seven-year old children shouldn't watch penises enter vaginas while hearing "yeah, yeah, yeah!"

If that's what makes me an American...well, then, I'm proud to be an American.

Exoil4515d ago

@inveni0: No, it's the american view on "sex being the devil" (to quote Waterboy).
I understand why you won't let your, I suppose, 7 year old, play sexualised games, but I can't really understand why you seem to think games like Manhunt, Postal, God of War, Ninja Gaiden and so on is any better for a young kid to play or watch.

But hey, we all have our own way of raising our kids :-)

nveenio4515d ago

Like I said, it depends on the kid. Some impulses are easier to control than others.

That being said, I wouldn't let my son play Manhunt or Postal. But only because they're violent for the sake of violence. I think that kind of thing is stupid. I don't like to feed stupidity or the families of the people that create it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4515d ago
Ares84HU4516d ago (Edited 4516d ago )

Mass Effect 3 sex parts are worst??

I just hate it that in today's society sex is considered to be a bad thing that can't be shown but it's ok to murder thousands of people in games like CoD and such and rip their heads off in MK.

Am I the only one who thinks that there is something wrong here?

Also, every parent who let's their kind play video games should be familiar with the rating system. If they aren't than they are doing a bad job as a parent.

PooEgg4516d ago (Edited 4516d ago )

Agreed, violence in video game should be a bigger concern for parents then sex in video games. plus the sex in ME3 is no worse than what they might see in a lot of TV shows. Plus if parents talked to their kids about sex instead of pretending it is something that does not exist we would probably have a lot less teen pregnancy.

rdgneoz34516d ago

In the US, people get outraged more about sex / nudity than violence. In other parts of the world, its the opposite.

pandaboy4516d ago

it's because in america you get a lot of the devout religious. They have a very mentally immature attitude toward sex.

SilentNegotiator4516d ago (Edited 4516d ago )

I think our youth is more likely to act on sex than shoot up their school. At least in the kind of area I grew up in.

So a policy of premarital abstinence, avoiding sexual influences, and not engaging in homosexuality is "immature" in a world with increasing rates of aids, teenage pregnancy, and faulty birth/STD control? Or just a different life decision than yours?

pandaboy4516d ago

Yes it is very immature. European countries have a much healthier attitude toward sex. It's talked about, safe sex is encouraged, and it isn't a taboo like the religious make it out to be. The more secular countries actually lower teenage pregnancy too, but I don't have a source for that just now sorry.

Lets also not go down the infamous 'n4g different opinion argument' either as though you think every opinion has the same logical validity. You sure do have some wacky opinions silentnegotiator.

SilentNegotiator4516d ago


Your version of America is very stereotypical. But the reality is that, even though abstinence is encouraged more, so is the use of protection.

And don't tell ME that I'm apart of the "every opinion is valid" group. I'm always about objective review. Those things are a lifestyle choices. There's no need to be threatened by their lifestyle choices because they're not yours. I know the stereotype is that those people "force" those things on "you", but (if) you're an adult, no one can make you follow the same path.

And don't waste your time telling me a "fact" if you're not even going to provide a source. Even if it's true, I really don't care. Abstinence is still a lot more effective against getting STDs and avoiding pregnancy. America probably does have a higher teen pregnancy rate...and that's because "prude" America is more sexual than MANY other supposedly "secular" places. Lots and lots of silly stereotypes.

ShabbaRanks4516d ago

@Ares84HU people are retarded thats why ... Sex is bad violence is good. Fathers bring their kids to the shooting range at 5 years old, but dont talk about pussy son -_-

theDECAY4516d ago

@ SilentNegotiator

He was right from the beginning. It's not news. We care more about sex than violence in the US. Stop arguing.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4516d ago
Lazy_Sunday4516d ago (Edited 4516d ago )

I played Duke Nukem and Mortal Kombat with my Dad growing up before I even hit into Kindergarten. I got a full ride to a pretty famous (some would say "prestigious") university thanks to my 7.3GPA in high school (4.0 weighted). I grew up playing violent and controversial video games. I currently have a 4.0 GPA and am a sophomore in college. I couldn't fathom the thought of hurting another human being. In fact video games probably granted me better insight on the difference between "real life" and "pretend."

If you follow that standard, people who play video games with violent or controversial content will be less likely to hurt others or make big mistakes and more likely to do well in school and get scholarships.

...I also have a lot of sex. Living the dream.

Violent video games = full ride and lots of sex
Troll science?

theDECAY4516d ago

Getting good grades in school isn't an argument. What are you talking about? This argument isn't about you and no one cares where you went to school.

Womanizers, drunks, murderers, rapist and thieves may have all gotten good grades in high school. What logic are you using?

Lazy_Sunday4513d ago (Edited 4513d ago )

Someone's a little upset. Sounds like someone's played a few too many violent video games, with that kind of temper lol!

jk. I'm still in college though, not out yet. Didn't mean to sound like a show off or anything, I just wanted to grant some insight using my life, but you seemed to have taken it personally. Sorry you took it that way :/

4516d ago
LackTrue4K4516d ago

lol.....in Trill Kill, the guy with no arms doing the break dancing! hahah...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4513d ago
Shnazzyone4516d ago

Please note, if your parents let you get these games as a kid. Your parents are horrible.

Shnazzyone4516d ago (Edited 4516d ago )

Experiment to see how many kids are on the site. Seeing as all these games came out in the 2000's. 8 Whiny children counted who should have been brought up better. Either that or their all parents that bought their kids these titles.

mynameisEvil4515d ago

No, our parents actually understood how we are.

If your child is mentally unstable, yeah, I could understand not getting him games like friggin' Manhunt. But for someone who IS mentally stable (excluding bipolar, but that doesn't make me violent), there's nothing wrong with violent games.

My dad said something long ago that was so damn simple yet so damn important. "You can play any game you want (he wasn't talking about AO games, people) as long as you never do the things they do in those games."

And guess what? I've never assaulted someone. I've never murdered someone. The only time I've hit people was in self-defense. I've never smoked or done any sort of illegal drug. I haven't swallowed even the tiniest bit of alcohol. I haven't molested or raped anyone. I haven't committed grand theft auto.

So, yeah, I've played many violent, sexual, or otherwise very disturbing games in my life and I've never committed or wanted to commit any sort of felony. So, since my parents understood that I'd never do any of these things in the games, they let me play them. How does that make them bad?

Now, again, if your child is mentally unstable and you DO let him play these games, yeah, you're a horrible parent. But understanding your child? That's one of the best things a parent could do.

theDECAY4515d ago

The fact that you've never smoked pot shows that those games messed with your mind. Never smoked pot. Kids these days.

Tonester9254516d ago

I remember renting BMX XXX from blockbuster. lol I forgot about that. No Parent needed. Then I tried to rent GTA... "We need your parents" lol Uhhh Backwards

Besides that... Who even spends money on making a game like that

MANGLORD4516d ago (Edited 4516d ago )

Nice! I remember playing thrill kill on the modded ps.

xtremexx4516d ago

horrible parents? or best parents EVER!?

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Most Offensive Video Games That Would Never Cut It Today

Times are changing, and these games would have never been made in today's climate.

Read Full Story >>
thorstein130d ago (Edited 130d ago )

Every single time someone uses this phrase whether it's music, movies, books, comics, video games, etc it's always the same claim.

The ubiquitous "they" won't allow it to be made. And every decade these claims are made the claimant completely ignores all the "offensive" material that is published when the claim is made.

In ten years, you can write a new article about how you can't make games like Helldivers 2, Resident Evil VIII, Mortal Kombat I, Dragon's Dogma 2, Alan Wake 2 etc etc etc any more.

MrBaskerville129d ago

Yeah, people wouldn't be constantly outraged if there weren't games that people found enraging. The whole SBI discourse shit wouldn't be a thing if all games were inoffensive. A game like Starfield can make a guy froth at his mouth, so there will always be room for a list like this.

0hMyGandhi129d ago

Normally, I'd be inclined to agree with you, but there are massive caveats.
TV shows like Venture Bros, Ren and Stimpy, and Aqua Team wouldn't/couldn't be made today. Hell, Ren and Stimpy was a *children's* show, same thing with Rocko's Modern Life.

It's not for some arbitrary reason, either. It's branding and IP alignment. Companies are far more risk-averse than they were when I was kid in the 90's. Of course, you have companies coming out of the woodwork to hell spur on similar content, but remember: Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon and some incredibly provocative material.

And for movies? it's pretty obvious. American Pie/Wedding Crashers/Eurotrip among many other "raunch coms" have fallen out of style, and are absolutely outside what the modern day film industry is willing to stand by.
Ace Ventura 1 and 2, Dumb and Dumber, Freddy Got Fingered, Rat Race, Harold and Kumar, and Van Wilder follow suit.

Remember: I am not explicitly talking about films put onto streamers. I am talking wide-releases in actual theaters. Same thing goes for games: Carmageddon, Duke Nukem, Manhunt, Six Days In Fallujah (with their original concept), Hatred, and so on and so forth. Of course, I'd be inclined to mention most tactical shooters like Rainbow Six and Joint Ops as well, due to cultural sensitivity regarding *who* you are shooting and why.

And not all of it is bad (obviously). Tastes change, and perspectives change to fit the demographic.
I should add that I'm a lefty, living in L.A. Working in film.

thorstein129d ago

The Boys, Invincible, Jojo Rabbit, Deadpool, Gen V, Last of Us, Banshee... There are plenty of media being made today that people will claim "can't be made today".

Profchaos129d ago

Yeah but if you consider manhunt which was basically a snuff film could you seriously make that game with high than PS2 era graphics.

thorstein128d ago

The Outlast Trials just came out.

But the storyline of Manhunt was that you were executed. But then lived. And if you didn't do as you were told, you'd die. And the people you killed were not innocents.

It was all filmed by a psychopath.

As we speak GTA VI is being finished up for a release. You get to play a Bonnie and Clyde type of protagonist who run up against the law.

Bodycam looks so real.

People are making those games. Articles like this will always exist no matter how incorrect they are, no matter how many times they blame "them" for whatever it is "they" do to prevent "those" games from being made.

Number1TailzFan129d ago

The UK is the biggest junk country pandering to that nonsense as well, with laws against free speech and expression to match. It got so bad even Rowan Atkinson made a video on free speech about it.

Now the UK raises the age rating on harmless films like Mary Poppins, it's just a load of pansy weak ass nonsense.

MrDead129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

The right wing Tories have been in power in the UK for the 14 years you know the ones that are "anti-woke", blame them for your perceptions.

Killer2020UK129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

Are these snowflakes in the room with us now?

This is more faux outrage designed to get hits. The consequences are unfortunately creating hysteria amongst those willing to buy into it and blame "them" or "the left" or "liberals" meanwhile the left are kicking off about genocide, actual real world abhorrent acts. Nobody is campaigning to censor this shit.

Huey_My_D_Long129d ago

Not too mention the fact that some of these game are controversial for you know, underage porn and encouraging rape.

So either the guy just came in to comment snowflakes without reading anything, or he is calling people snowflakes for having a problem with said titles. Crazy how much brain rot someone can have.

banger88130d ago

Dead Island: "The early PC version of the zombie game swapped the playable character Purna’s Gender Wars skill with a prototype name, which shouldn’t be mentioned directly. The skill name made fun of both Purna as a character and feminists."

"Feminist Whore" lmao

gold_drake129d ago

ill add one more to the list.
drakengard 1.

its ridiculous tho, especially since they'd still be able to find their place in alot of places in the world. except america of course ha. and maybe Australia.

ppl are so sensitive these days. ha. but it is what it is.

Barlos129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

They're not offensive.

And we need another Fat Princess. Fantastic little game!

Some people just have no sense of humour if this sort of thing offends them. They need to lighten up and stop taking themselves so seriously.

Deeeeznuuuts129d ago

Would love a new fat princess game 🤟

CantThinkOfAUsername129d ago

Games literally about sexual assault, mass genocide, bombing civilians, and school shooting. None of which is satirical.

isarai129d ago

Actually it's about fat princesses

Huey_My_D_Long129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

Its crazy that people are fixated on Fat princess when clearly the list is going over controversies, and not all of them are equal. Like way worse examples but pretend the entire list is like that.

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Duty Calls - Epic Games' Forgotten Call of Duty Parody

Back in 2011, Epic Games and People Can Fly launched a Call of Duty parody - Duty Calls - that has been lost to the annals of history.

closed_account405d ago

"Duty Calls: The Calm Before the Storm" sounds more like a massive case of the sh**s. 😂

I saw the parody mention, and half expected the ability to drop a deuce on your opponent... I left disappointed.

closed_account403d ago

Never too much Taco Tuesday!! Now if only we could just achieve eternal Taco Tuesdays without the inevitable Wipe-It Wednesdays!!! 😂😂

404d ago Replies(3)
Amplitude404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

Hahaha i actually just dropped a review of this game on my channel! I hit all the story beats for anybody too lazy to install it and play through it


Bulletstorm - A Cult Classic Worthy of Revival?

Bulletstorm will soon receive a VR remake, but is it worth revisiting? Take a look back at the original 2011 release.

IMissJimRyan413d ago

Absolutely. I remember when the game came out on ps360, I thought: "wow, another shooter" and in the 7th gen that wasn't an unfair reaction.

But when the game was re-release on ps4 I took my time an played it (it was on playstation plus at the time) because, ironically, I missed a shooter in that console. And boy, what a fun game! They made a game to be played and not to be watched. It was a fresh air in the genre that deserved better.

So yes. Maybe it find its audience this time.

SullysCigar413d ago

It's an awesome game. The only exception (for my taste) is the script writing, which is OTT, but I guess that's what they were going for. It does at least match the OTT action and gore. I thought it was great overall and actually being in this game is going to be bonkers!

IMissJimRyan413d ago

Yeah, I agree that storywise it's not an Oscar nominee, but it's like a porn movie in game format.

Abnor_Mal413d ago (Edited 413d ago )

Agree with the over the top script, and felt at the time that was the only thing that people were hyped about, the language and not game play.

But in vr this game is going to be great. It has everything that would make a great vr game. Lots of bombastic action, gunplay, blood, and that leash.

Looking at the gameplay now it seems that the game was ahead of it’s time and was perfect for vr before vr wasn’t even off the ground.

Venoxn4g412d ago

I loved the game back in the day and will love in VR even more!

Yui_Suzumiya412d ago (Edited 412d ago )

I got it on PS3 at launch and am still waiting for the long rumored sequel to finally be announced. Currently have it on Switch and wish a physical version of that would be released. Absolutely love it.

FinalFantasyFanatic412d ago

I actually feel like this game gets revived all the time, not that I hate the game, I actually quite like it, it's just constantly available, unfortunately I'm not a fan of VR so I'll be skipping this version.