
30 Years of Mario [Infographic]

Mario has been with us since 1981. He has a very complex history of running through pipelines, riding creatures that hatch from eggs, even throwing fire balls and don’t get me wrong, a lot more between. Here’s your complete guide

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smurfz4581d ago

That's crazy! Over 30 years of awesomeness.

StraightPath4581d ago

wow Mario is older then me..and even after 30 years Mario truimps games with awesome fun gameplay.


Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are the highest rated EXCLUSIVE this generation. The recently Mario Land 3DS is great too.

CatSanderson4581d ago

I can't believe its really been that long

cb8104581d ago

wow, 30 years huh? That is older than a lot of gamers...

hellvaguy4581d ago

He will always have a special place in my heart like Seseame Street, and other things I outgrew decades ago. Neat to see my kids starting to like Marios now.

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SEGA Hasn't Given Up On Competing Against Mario With Sonic

SEGA’s Second Division Manager, Osamu Ohashi, wants to surpass Mario by strengthening the Sonic IP.

TheColbertinator327d ago

Pointless really. Mario is galactic .

SinisterMister326d ago

So is Sonic, but at a lesser level comparatively.

Snookies12324d ago

Nah, Sonic is definitely iconic but it will never be at the level of Mario. Much less surpass it...

Knightofelemia326d ago

They can compete but Mario will always win. Mario and Sonic cater to different fans or fans who like both.

jwillj2k4326d ago

Give sonic a reason to run fast mix in some Saw and Texas chainsaw features.

Barlos326d ago

Sonic doesn't have to compete though. Both are their own thing, there's plenty of room for them both.

Inverno326d ago

Thing is Sonic despite the bad games is still an icon as big as Mario, probably bigger cause he's seen more in media than Mario. More cartoons, more movies, more memes. So on that end he's good, they just gotta stop making bad games.

Rebel_Scum326d ago

Nailed it. Tbh though Sega don't know how to make a good Sonic game anymore.


Paper Mario's remake has been rated, suggesting a release might not be far off

The Switch game, which was announced earlier this year, is a remake of a cult favorite GameCube title, and currently holds a placeholder release date of 2024. However, it’s possible that since the game is already beginning to arrive at rating boards, the release could come early in the year.

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Special Edition Mario Bomber Jackets Take Your Fandom to the Streets

A series of new Special Edition Mario Bomber Jackets allow fans to show their dedication to the franchise when out and about.

1Victor437d ago (Edited 437d ago )

The Jackets look good but are kids sizes only 😭
🤬 They don’t want my nostalgia money