
IGN | Silent Hill Downpour Review

The most frustrating thing about Silent Hill Downpour isn’t the lousy combat, dull exploration, or even the technical gaffes. It’s the fact that every now and then while playing through the game’s story, you’ll see signs of brilliance; sunlight hinted from behind the overcast sky. From the Otherworld sequences to the interesting protagonist as well as the way the very town itself is molded to Murphy’s past all make for a game that could’ve really been something special for the series. However, all of the aforementioned issues play their role in making Downpour an unfun, disappointing experience.

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DaveMan4519d ago

Scores 4.5...looks at review site...closes out of said review site....waits for an actual review, from an actual review site -_-

moegooner884519d ago

Gamespot gave it a 7.5, and suggested that survival horror fans must get, can't wait

Rikitatsu4519d ago

If IGN hates it, it must be good.

Words to live by.

DaveMan4519d ago

Yeah and Jim Sterling who is also noteably harsh for all games gave this a 8.

No offense to IGN, but after the God Hand, Deadly Premonition, and I am Alive dibocale I can't trust that site anymore.

The reviewer doesn't even appropriately explain why he gave such a harsh score. I get poor visuals, I get clunky combat, I get some technical issues here and there, hell I even get the dull exploration...but, really, isn't that what SH so loveable in the first place?

The broken combat, the exploration, the not always pitch perfect graphics.

Honestly, and I'm not saying this because I'm some hardcore SH fan, it simply sounds like this guy doens't care for the survial horror genre, nor is a big fan of Silent Hill, and merely played this game to get his paycheck for the review.

gaden_malak4519d ago

Silent Hill has never had good combat in my opinion.

But usually i am crapping myself and running away.

AntoineDcoolette4519d ago

I'll take this with a grain os salt and rent the game for myself. Silent Hill games typically always scored lower than average despite their massive cult following

LastDance4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

yeah....coz silent hill would be better if the combat was more like bayonetta.

Seriously - why dont they detract points from GT5 for having some cars with piss pour steering in it.

Having said that, im sure the American devs didn't even come close to grasp what silent hill is suppose to be either way

guitarded774518d ago

I just want to add (now that I got it and have played some) that this review is officially s#!t. The game has some issues with screen tearing, but it's pretty damn good so far. Already had a couple scares. No it's not the most beautiful game ever, but it makes up for it with the creepy environment. I'm not saying the game is a 10 or anything, but 4.5 is ridiculous.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4518d ago
floetry1014519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

Well said.

CynicalVision4519d ago

It's funny how many people will their nose up at a review site just because they're not happy with the score that's given.

If IGN had scored the game 9/10 I'm sure we'd be seeing comments such as "nice one" "IGN rule for reviews".

guitarded774518d ago

Maybe, but the way the review goes, it sounds more like a 6-7. There are no major technical complaints and the game is not broken, so why the 4.5. A 4.5 is usually reserved for an awful game, and the reviewer never said the game was awful... just a let down in some areas for him. If the game was broken, it would justify the score, but the score does not reflect the review... so IGN seems to be off here.

ritsuka6664519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

No suprise...i called this Konami!

What is WRONG with the developers?
SH1 was the best horror ever.SH2.SH3 is also very very great,and when everything starts to become bad!!

"the Korn theme song likely isn’t for everyone. The voice work is hit and miss."

it is without question that with Akira Yamaoka gone, the atmosphere is going to take a heavy hit in this crap game.

FEARprototype4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

i don't mind when someone have an opinion. however, if its based on instinct, i can't really take you seriously.
i played this game and it deserve a 7.9, hell! even 8 will do!
fan if silent hill will give it 8.5 or even 9.
its good to have an educated opinion^^

ritsuka6664519d ago

Nahh, the game is bad bro, and this game looks nothing like Silent Hill series...

4519d ago Replies(2)
acemonkey4519d ago

i never played any of the Silent Hills was going to pick up HD collection...but i dont think i will try any of the newer games

ShAkKa4519d ago

You should, Homecoming was severely underrated.

jc485734519d ago

I'm not hating, but I did watch a little "walkthrough" video. I could tell they are trying to go back to SH roots, but maybe Downpour is a little too traditional. It plays pretty slow compared to all the SH games I've seen so far. The characters are somewhat uninspiring with ok voice overs.

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Vits275d ago

I mostly disagree with Downpour's position. Yeah, the game is not amazing by any stretch of the imagination but is much better than the HD Collection and Homecoming. The main issue is the performance, but that was mitigated by the patches, especially on the PS3. Personally, I put it a little behind Origins and The Room.

Having Restless Dreams as a different entry from Silent Hill 2 is also a choice.

bfrye26275d ago

Normally, we would not consider it a different game (Restless Dreams), but since it had a very different critical reception and had new content, it was allowed. As for Downpour, I would agree, but since that one is subjective, we let him make his case for the placement.

gold_drake275d ago

silent hill 2 is definitely the best one out of those.

for me personally, the whole ritual/cult stuff was always so weird to me in all the other games.

CrimsonWing69274d ago

No disrespect but I put SH2 over 1. 1 is fantastic, but 2 took it all up a level.

bfrye26273d ago

We agree, that is why the writer put it in top place!