
Tales of Graces F is finally coming to America! Here is the complete Trophy list

Tales of Graces F is not a mere port of the original Nintendo™ Wii version, it expands the Efinea world and includes the epilogue of the game.

Check out the latest Trophies with large size images.

Makasu4489d ago

Sweet, been waiting for this one, a loooong time!

NewMonday4489d ago

will get this just so Xillia gets a better chance of a western release.

Cloudberry4489d ago

Rumor has it, Innocence R English version along with Monster Hunter Portable 3 Vita, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Nights Vita, and Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Vita.


Gregard4489d ago

Why "Just so" ? Graces it's an awesome game in its own right! Hell the combat system might even be better than Xillia's! Vesperia's too! Unless you already played / imported Graces already ofc

Game4life4489d ago

Me too. Glad im on spring break next week. its also looking like the first week sales will be a hell of alot better than vesperas in america was. i don't know about Europe but I can see Grace doing 150,000 just in america first week when vesperia did like less than 50,000 according to Vgchartz though i know they arent always accurate butright now Grace as of last week has about 90,000 preorders in america which a lot better than vesperia. i have hope that Innocence will come over since its never been released here.

Abyss i dont think will do amazing but I think so far its still doing better than vesperia. But then again its a port so i wasnt really expecting alot from it

jacksonmichael4487d ago

Abyss will probably do alright - it hadn't came out in Europe prior to the 3DS version.

tiffac0084489d ago

My money is already ready for this game. Now all we need is Tales of Innocence: R and Tales of Xillia. :)


Tales Of Graces Ƒ Retro Review – Holding Out For a Hero

Gary Green said: Namco Bandai heard the call of many fans asking for the PlayStation release of Tales of Graces which was originally released seemingly exclusively for the Wii back in 2009. If you’re acquainted with the Tales series then Graces f won’t be something entirely new to you, yet if you’re a newcomer then you’ll find a plethora of gameplay mechanics and nuances that distinguish this series from other JRPGs. While the game finds itself following the traditional archetype of JRPGs, such as a somewhat clichéd story, Graces has something to offer to both veterans and newcomers alike.

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GoodGuy0966d ago

Odd this and the xillia games still haven't gotten remasters yet.


The 10 Best Games in the Tales Series

The Tales games may be less recognizable than the Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy games, but that doesn't mean that they aren't worth playing!

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PhoenixUp1784d ago

I’ve been hooked on the series ever since playing Tales of Xillia

jznrpg1784d ago

I hope they remaster or port a lot of the older games of the series to PS4/PS5

Immagaiden1784d ago

“Tales series is considered one of the top three Japanese RPG series next to RPG giants like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.”

How you gonna talk about the top three JRPG franchises and not mention Pokémon, the top selling series in the genre?

This is how the top JRPG series stack up

1. Pokémon - 340M
2. Final Fantasy - 144M
3. Dragon Quest - 78M
4. Monster Hunter - 52M
5. Kingdom Hearts - 30M
6. Souls - 25M
7. Tales of - 20M


Tales of Graces Anniversary Party set for November 24

Bandai Namco will host a “Tales of Graces Anniversary Party” event at the Maihama Amphitheater on November 24 in celebration of the game’s 10th anniversary, the company announced.

Snookies121831d ago

This was actually my first Tales game. Took me forever to complete it, as I stopped mid-way through for a long time. I eventually came back, and beat it. It really lingered in my thoughts afterwards, to the point where I just knew I had to play the other games in the series. I've been a huge fan of the series ever since. I'm really pumped for Arise, seems to be just what the Tales games needed as a refresher.

TheGamez1001831d ago

I recommend playing vesperia definitive if you havent already. The last amazing tales game. Post-vesperia were just very mediocre. Really hope arise is a great game and a return to how great tales used to be, they did mention it would have "classic" gameplay and I hope they mean pre-graces. Also that baba is no longer there and now has the god eater guy there which is a series that has great story telling and gameplay so Im excited to see how this game will turn out and have higher hopes.

Snookies121831d ago (Edited 1831d ago )

I actually really liked Xillia. The sequel and Berseria didn't do much for me though. Just felt like treading the same waters again. Which is why the new Arise engine (Unreal 4) should do wonders to help breathe new life into the series as a whole.

I haven't played Vesperia yet, I always wanted to do so after playing the demo on my Xbox 360 years ago. I just never got around to it. I've seen the Remastered version on sale, but I just don't have the time to devote to it right now. I'll definitely get around to it though. (Still trying to work my way through Persona 5 at the moment, lol.)

1831d ago
Teflon021831d ago

I think the only one I really didn't enjoy was Zesteria. My fav overall was Graces f. I loved the story. I like the personal story in it alot. Made me forget I was playing a game at times and the whole thing where you start as kids and then it goes into the future with a time skip. I was in complete shock because I thought I'd be using kids the whole game thinking because it was a Wii game initially, it went with the Symphonia style lol

1831d ago
Teflon021831d ago

I absolutely LOVE the battle system. the whole reward system in it made it soooooooo good compared to alot during those times. I think the only system I kinda enjoy more. but only in some aspects is Hearts R. The moment the ability triggers and you start going crazy and if you can time the parries perfectly. OMG it's amazing. But overall Graces has had my favourite battle system otherwise.

PhoenixUp1831d ago

I really enjoyed the cast of this game. It caught me by surprise how good it was. I played it first because I was on a Tales of binge(I still am) and got hooked but that final boss was a long hard battle

Juusterey1830d ago

Easily my favourite on
loved the characters in this
and just the world in general
i assume it's getting a ps4 release