
Top 5 Best Tales Of Games

The Tales of games are among the best JRPG's you can play! There are several released games under the Tales of banner so far. So which 5 are the best of the rest? Give a look at this list and see if your top 5 matches!

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PhoenixUp2502d ago (Edited 2502d ago )

Such an awesome series Tales of is. Xillia was also my introduction into the series

I still can't believe you put Rays on here though

DivineAssault 2502d ago

No vesperia or abyss? I disagree with this list except for berseria

NewMonday2501d ago

Vesperia is my clear #1

great story, main character, music, the cell shaded art is still better than low level 3D they have been using since, battle system is 2nd only to Graces.

scorpio_20492501d ago (Edited 2501d ago )

I still think Phanstasia is the best. I have fond memories of playing it back around 2001 in high school. Completely drew me in. I’ve also played Destiny, Eternia, Abyss, Symphonia and Vesperia. Vesperia would be a second to Phantasia and then Symphonia.

I still love the simplicity of Phantasia’s characters. The characters in the subsequent games became parodies of anime characters.

DarkZane2501d ago

For me, it's Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, Graces F and Xillia in no particular order.

Lovable2501d ago

Tales of Graces has the best battle system out of all of them. Story kinda meh though. lol

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Tales Of Graces Ƒ Retro Review – Holding Out For a Hero

Gary Green said: Namco Bandai heard the call of many fans asking for the PlayStation release of Tales of Graces which was originally released seemingly exclusively for the Wii back in 2009. If you’re acquainted with the Tales series then Graces f won’t be something entirely new to you, yet if you’re a newcomer then you’ll find a plethora of gameplay mechanics and nuances that distinguish this series from other JRPGs. While the game finds itself following the traditional archetype of JRPGs, such as a somewhat clichéd story, Graces has something to offer to both veterans and newcomers alike.

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GoodGuy09101d ago

Odd this and the xillia games still haven't gotten remasters yet.


Beloved Tales Of Character Designer Mutsumi Inomata Has Passed Away

Today it was announced that the gaming and anime industry has lost another beloved artist and creator. Mutsumi Inomata has passed away.

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banger88130d ago

The Tales Of series are some of the best RPGs I've ever played, and the characters are a big reason for that. I don't think I played a single game in the series that I didn't enjoy. Rest in peace.

Snookies12130d ago (Edited 130d ago )

Damn, that sucks to hear... His designs were always wonderful.

H9130d ago

RIP, sheade some great designs, man it's one after the other this year

FinalFantasyFanatic129d ago

We're 3 months into the year and I feel like we're taking nothing but L's.

autobotdan130d ago

Wow she was the character designer for Tales of Destiny one of my favorites of all time =(

scorpio_2049130d ago

I love the Tales games. Phantasia will always be my favorite. Ironically I felt like as the series progressed the character design became too “anime cliche.”

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10 Most Peaceful Areas in Games

Here are the most peaceful areas in games that are otherwise quite violent, offering players respite from chaos in the game world.

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Babadook7363d ago

My first thought was the safe rooms in the resident evil series. When you hear that enchanting music you know you’re safe.

Killer2020UK363d ago

I literally just came here to post this. That music in the Resi 1 safe rooms is playing in my head.

Rimeskeem362d ago

I was thinking TLOU work benches. Although I remember one time where it was a false security.

closed_account362d ago

Perfect. 👌👌

I'd add the top of my highrise apartment in GTA Online. That calm, quiet peace, just knowing as soon as I step out that door I will be bombarded by 8 and 12 year olds calling each other n**** and f****, trolled by combat jets and rocket launchers.

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henbayward362d ago

The entire map of SotC is peaceful as hell. Used to just ride around exploring it.

mastershredder362d ago (Edited 362d ago )

Afterlife in Cyberpunk 2077 is a peaceful area? Erm, hands down and very hard to miss, Misty Olszewski's Esoterica is the absolute epitome of peaceful areas in that game.

raiden_188362d ago

The "last of us" deer location i found to be a welcoming respite. It was nice to not have someone trying to eat me.

RPGer362d ago

Kingdom Hearts tend to present half peaceful areas and most of them are amazing.

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