
Amazon.ca Deal of the Week: February 28th 2012, PS3 320 GB Uncharted 3 and Infamous 2 Bundles

The Deal of the Week this week on Amazon is technically just on the 320 GB Uncharted 3 Bundle, but they also have a sale going on the 320 GB Infamous 2 Bundle that is a great way to save some money.

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inFamous 3: We Want A Second Son Sequel

Fans of the action-adventure franchise have been eagerly awaiting news of a potential sequel to one of the best games on the PS4.

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Alexious486d ago

I want it too. Make it co-op as well.

-Foxtrot486d ago

Yeah they had a lightning bolt in the shape of a question mark at the end of Infamous 2

They always went off the good ending for Cole so I think for Delsin it should be the bad ending

What he did in the bad ending, absorbing everyone’s powers, seemed like he was going to turn into something powerful.

Makes you feel like he could have been the real Beast and John was just an anomaly because of them messing with time

Sets up a Cole vs Delsin showdown

potatoseal486d ago

How would fans feel about a reboot? You know to bring a new audience in? Not a good idea? Good idea?

anast485d ago

Not a god idea. They let it sit for too long and the game hasn't been strong enough to carry itself all these years. There is so much other stuff out there right now.

masterfox486d ago

Second Son was released in 2014 was an amazing game visually and gameplay wise, sometimes I play it again on the PS5 and seeing it run at 60 fps is something to behold(yes an almost 10 year old game), if you haven't done that on your PS5 try it you won't be disappointed, pure eye candy, a PS5 exclusive of Infamous would be amazing no doubt.

gold_drake486d ago

meh, i want Cole to come back.

or maybe a reboot. with cole.

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Older PlayStation games that we'd love to see on the PlayStation 5

From Xfire: "For a company with a three-decade-long history in gaming, Sony has done a crappy job at preserving its legacy. "

Flawlessmic877d ago (Edited 877d ago )

All the mgs games, all the ape escapes, silent hill 1-4, croc 1 and 2, legend of dragoon, tekken 3,tenshu, bushido blade, vagrant story, okami, ico, crash bash, gt4.

Thats just off the top of my head that i would play immediately, still so many more though that id love.

Welshy876d ago

MGS, Silent Hill etc are no brainers, but you earned my thumbs up for our boi Croc. I talk about him all the time, it's an honour to find another man of culture.

Flawlessmic876d ago (Edited 876d ago )

Hahaha yea was one of my very first games i owned on ps1 as a child, great memories!!

Love to hear there other people out there that enjoyed the gem of a game that is croc 👌

RedDevils876d ago (Edited 876d ago )

Okami has HD version already. I want those Sly games though since PS3 and vita had it.

Flawlessmic876d ago

Yea sly would be cool, i never got into those so would be a good opportunity for me to do so.

But yea theres so many games in sony catalogue we coukd be here all day listing titles.

Hopefully we all get the ganes we are hoping for.

outsider1624877d ago

Tenchu 1 and 2
Socom 1 and 2
MGS 1-3

seanpitt23876d ago

RDR2 for me they can boost that up to 60fps with better graphic settings than last gen

Luc20876d ago

Folklore. It was such a unique and beautiful game. Great soundtrack. I still have my PS3 copy

The_Hooligan876d ago

YES please! Also I would love to see Warhawk come back. Such an awesome game.

moriarty1889876d ago

The Resistance and a killzone series for me.

Bigman4k876d ago (Edited 876d ago )

Infamous 1 & 2 probably will get remaster for PS5/4 at some point as for the others in that article idk

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Analyzing 'Uncharted: Drake’s Deception' – Wait, What is The Game About?

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception has a lot to live up to as Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is an incredible and near-perfect game.

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Profchaos1054d ago

It's about retirement...oh wait

UNCHARTED2FANATIC1054d ago (Edited 1054d ago )

I cant even say what the point was its easily the worst story in the series. The online was a whole lot of fun though but overall doesn't come even close to 2

porkChop1054d ago (Edited 1054d ago )

It was a step back for sure. Personally, I thought even the MP was way better in U2. Solid game, glad I played it. I just think they didn't push as hard as they did with U2.


Yes both the online and story was better in 2 no doubt

Flewid6381053d ago

The "young Drake" portion was pretty top notch, story-wise. But yeah, everything outside of that I felt was inferior.

DanielEndurance1054d ago

Villains were all over the place in this… one second they wanted Drake dead, the next they needed him, then they want him dead again, then they coulda killed him, but poisoned his friend instead, then coulda shot him again, but had brunch with him, then needed him alive, then coulda mowed him down, but decided to kill him by fire and let him escape… Uncharted 2 was way better. 😅😅

slowgamer1054d ago

=D Sounds crazy. I don't remember any of that. Played it on ps3 and I remember thinking that why was this game so bashed compared to second one. I liked it.

Chocoburger1053d ago (Edited 1053d ago )

Another thing that annoyed me about UC3 events was the agent Talbot teleporting around Turkey. It just felt off to me, and made no sense.

Also, for about one third of the game, you go on a wild goose chase to rescue Sully, who wasn't even there to be rescued, and you end up back where you started again. There was simply no pay off for all the events you go through, so it fell flat in that regard as if they couldn't figure out how to make the game longer, so they decided to side-track you to do something with no pay off, hoping you wouldn't notice due to all the incredible action set pieces they made.

Overall though, even with its flaws, I still enjoy the game.

TheEnigma3131053d ago

This was actually my least favorite in the series. Didn't have that same impact that part 2 set.

Flewid6381053d ago

Uncharted 2 is the pinnacle of the series (to me).

Granted, 4 had the best story in my opinion, but 2 was the overall best game.

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