
PS Vita $55 Preorder Bonus and $10 Off Two Different Games

With 11 days away from launch today is a great day to preorder your PS Vita and receive $55 in bonus offers. Two games, Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational and WipEout 2048 are discounted $10 so you can play Vita right away at a great price! Other games are available at a slightly discounted price as well.

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morganfell4548d ago

Only two days away for those of us with the First Edition preorder. Can't wait for this. And now with Ninja Gaiden launching on the 22nd, this is going to be great.

BrutallyBlunt4548d ago

They are being far more aggressive in pricing/bundles with the 3G model and it's no wonder seeing as most people want to get the wi-fi only model instead. This dates back to when the air was sucked out of the room last year at E3 when Sony announced being partnered with AT&T.

rob60214548d ago

I almost went with the 3g model with the free 8gb card, but decided for 10 more dollars the wifi+16gb was better long term investment; considering prices may actually be cheaper on PSN than retail this time around.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34548d ago

I'll probably pick one up to help Sony out, since they do try to satiate gamers' needs. I just don't see any games that catches my eye yet.

Horny4548d ago

Same here and the fact I really want to play uncharted. But by May they will have plenty of titles that I would love to have on the portable so I might as well buy it first day. Tues is when I decide to get the first edition to pick up Wednesday or just wait a week and get it with a larger memory card

I played uncharted GA in gamestop for a little and was impressed by the graphics. On that small screen it looks like uncharted 1 and this is a launch title.
I would highly recommend the system.

xursz4548d ago

This is arguably the best launch lineup in console history dating back to the Sega Dreamcast. With 26 games and more to come, I think there's enough choices to go around.

That's my 2c

coryok4548d ago

my only problem with the launch line up is the lack of rpgs :'(

uncharted and shinobido will suffice though

FierceDeityLink4548d ago

Oh, the same old deal but someone else getting referral credit. Ok.

Already have Wipeout 2048 and Hot Shots Golf coming via UPS. I though this was a new deal like the Amazon UK, buy a Vita, get a game for £15.

phantomexe4548d ago

uncharted golden abyss is all i care about. If it wasn't for it i wouldn't be picking the vita up. I'm a huge uncharted fan but i've got to admit i'm worried it will be the psp all over again. 250 is alot to gamble on being sony last handheld outing.


The 10 Best DLC Packs on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "In this article, I’m aiming to look at 10 of the best DLC packs on Vita – ones that offer a compelling additional experience for a reasonable price and so are well worth checking out. There were a whole load to sift through in writing this, so don’t be too disheartened if your favourite isn’t here, but do let me know in the comments what you think!"

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How Developers Adapted to the End of Sony's Handheld Line

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "When Sony entered the world of handheld gaming in 2004, it provided a new opportunity for developers to chase a different market than had existed before. Over the next decade we saw multiple companies, from both western and eastern shores, shift their pipelines to focus on providing software for both the PlayStation Portable and its successor the PlayStation Vita. Despite the latter’s relatively weak hardware sales, there were still successes to be found on the console, which meant that it was easy to plan a future around being a Vita developer.

By 2014, though, it had become clear that Sony was no longer interested in pursuing the handheld market and this left a number of companies in difficulty – they’d either need to adapt to the shifting times, or face dying out altogether. In this article, I’m aiming to look at what happened to developers who made both the PSP and Vita their main focus, how they adapted to the demise of Sony handhelds, what future plans they made, and how well they’re doing in the current gaming market."

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Segata1818d ago

The moved to the Switch from Vita. Some of the exact same games or similar games from those developers. Loved the Vita and glad to see those devs still have a platform to release lesser budget fun games.


Vita's 10 Best Online Games

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Competing with other players online is ingrained into the gaming ecosystem these days, with every hardware manufacturer (even the previously resistant Nintendo) offering ways to connect to others over the internet to engage in multiplayer. Ever since SEGA blazed a trail with their gone-too-soon Dreamcast and titles such as Chu Chu Rocket and Phantasy Star Online, the console landscape changed towards embracing the internet – solidified further by Microsoft’s Xbox initiative in 2001.

On handhelds, inroads into online gaming were slower, but with the advent of Sony’s PSP in 2005 that changed again and suddenly portable experiences were offered that could also connect with other players across the world. This was refined further with their next-generation handheld the PlayStation Vita, which offered improvements like easily accessible friends lists, system-based party chat, alongside some of the best portable online games that were available at the time of its release."

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1916d ago Replies(1)
IamTylerDurden11916d ago

Killzone Mercenary has spectacular gameplay and great mp. Underrated game.

Helldivers was pretty awesome to have on Vita.

NFS MW worked well on Vita.

NecrumOddBoy1916d ago

Killzone Mercenary is not only a phenomenal KZ, it has the best integrated system shared between the campaign and the online community. I wish more shooters were this incredible.