
10 Vita Games Which Showcased the Handheld's Technical Abilities

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "In spite of Switch now dominating this niche and mobile/tablet games inching ever closer to console quality, Sony's Vita has a number of titles which were not only impressive relative to the time they released but still remain gorgeous to look at even to this day. So I'll be looking at what was impressive about them (and what could have been improved) alongside a conclusion on how well the Vita did as a high-end handheld during its lifespan."

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armchairDev2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

I once heard someone brag how the vita is as powerful as the ps3. That really made me laugh. A lot of games couldn't even run at the native 540p OR maintain 30 fps... It was basically a portable ps2.

conanlifts2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Vita was 28gflops, ps2 6.2gflops. I think the comparison was that it could almost run ps3 games if the resolution was reduced. In reality probably not as it had 8x less gpu power. It was good for a handheld at the time though in terms of power.

armchairDev2566d ago

A nintendo 64 could almost run ps3 games if the resolution was reduced. To 160x90 pixels.

TWB2566d ago

To most people, PS Vita was probably to PS3 what PSP was to PS2.

On the smaller screen, you could say "ehh, kinda in the same ballpark"

SilentZeroX2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

On the vita's smaller screen, first party titles like Killzone: Mercenary and Uncharted: Golden Abyss can really fool
you into thinking that it is a ps3 game, it was more like a portable PS3, if only more dev use its power. A portable ps2 is more like the 3ds.

GameBoyColor2566d ago

only thing good about it was jrpg support and the og vita's oled screen. Other than that I felt I wasted my money on it.

Indigon2566d ago

If only Sony supported it with software and didn't put a ridiculous pricing tag on memory cards.

Kallisti2566d ago

Killzone: Mercenary looks awesome on the Vita. Too bad it didn't get a big exclusive game like a new GTA to reel buyers in, plus those propriety memory card prices are ridiculous even now.

FullmetalRoyale2566d ago

Right now I'm playing Trails, and while it's no technical showcase, being able to suspend the game at any time makes grinding much more manageable.
Some of my favorite vita games aren't impressive graphically. Persona, Danganronpa, Lone Survivor, Spelunky, Rogue Legacy(!!).
Still working thorough my backlog.

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Top five Digimon games of all time

GF365: "When we talk about Japanese RPGs, different sagas come to mind: Final Fantasy, Persona, Pokémon. But one that, despite not being so trendy, is Digimon. Digital Monsters, better known on this side of the pond as Digimon, since 1998 has conquered the hearts of many people through manga, anime, and video games.

With the next game just around the corner, it’s time to take a look back and appreciate the best games in the series – from the title released for the Sega Saturn to the mobile games. Here are our picks for the top five Digimon video games."

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Guerrilla Announces Shutdown of Servers for Killzone: Shadow Fall and More

In August, online servers for several PlayStation games will shut down, leaving their multiplayer functions unplayable.

purple101735d ago

whrere on earth is the next killzone, im soooOOO thirsty for some proper weighted, (but still fast when running/sprinting) fps gamplay, it felt sooso so good on ps3, with that, lets be honest, very small, quite uncomfortable sixaxis dualshock controller, that was just too small for western sized hands, ok for japanese kids i suppose was the point>??

now with PS5 controller, it would be totally masterfull.

ClayRules2012735d ago

I hear you. I want some NEW Killzone, especially on PS5, with the PS5 DualSense controller with that ever so impressive DualSense of an experience Haptic feedback!

Knowing how far Guerrilla has come since Horizon: Zero Dawn, Killzone can only benefit greatly from their ever growing talent!!

Bobertt734d ago

I think Sony has given up on their exclusive shooters. They haven't released a remaster for the Resistance series or a new SOCOM game either. I don't think Guerilla is in a rush to make Killzone since they have Horizon now too :(.

735d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box735d ago

All I want is for them to build Killzone 2 with multiplayer included from the ground up, keep the gameplay the same, and I'll be happy.

GG with KZ3 and Shafowfall haven't been able to match KZ2 so I don't really have faith in another sequel.

Unfortunate that KZ2 came out during COD era where every game that didn't pay like Modern Warfare was deemed garbage. KZ2's multiplayer is definitely an all time great.

Michiel1989735d ago

since when was kz2 deemed garbage?

MizHDTV735d ago

Right on dude
KZ2 was just a special game to me

sinspirit735d ago

I'd love KZ2 multiplayer again. I also think they could easily incorporate a mode to compete with Battlefield style game modes

Seraphim735d ago

KZ2 was one of maybe a handful of games I actually put time into online. What a blast!! And the campaign was excellent as well. I certainly miss that dark world. Still ashamed I never buttoned up that Platinum.

Storm23734d ago

A remake of Killzone 2 with the same grittiness and feel on PS5 would be f*cking incredible. The SP and MP were just perfect. I played the sh*t out of that game. Would happily pay a lot of money for that.

DarXyde734d ago

Honestly, I don't like FPS games. They're not for me, but I do agree that there was something about KZ2 multiplayer that even someone like me enjoyed.

Sony really needs to get better about tearing down servers. I don't like that they shut them down.

shadowT734d ago

agree, KZ2 was a masterpiece

Muigi734d ago

KZ3 multiplayer was better imo.

Outside_ofthe_Box734d ago (Edited 734d ago )

"since when was kz2 deemed garbage?"

As with anything, things don't get the appreciation it deserves until way after it's release.

KZ2 got a lot of flak for it's weighty controls that many mistook for input lag. People didn't like that it wasn't a twitch shooter like CoD. You also had people saying things like "it feels like you're controlling a midget", "enemies take too long to die" (you can't pray and spray in kz2. You have to shoot in bursts for your shots to be more accurate), people complained about the sniping, etc.

This led to a lot of changes in KZ3 that turned the vets off like reducing the amount of variables for bullet damage, getting rid of spawn grenades, etc.



I don't think there's much Sony or any other company in that position can do much different about it... Keeping servers running simply cost money, these gomes don't generate none anymore, so eventually they need to pull the plug.

Astrokis734d ago

KZ2 was definitely better then KZ3, but the third one still had strong suits. It’s been many years but I remember something about Shadow Fall being made by a team at GG that did NOT do KZ2 and KZ3 multiplayer which is why it felt different. I remember when I found that out it made a lot of sense about Shadow Falls multiplayer feeling so off.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 734d ago
elazz735d ago

Horizon zero dawn sold more copies than all of the killzone franchise combined including spin offs on handheld. I guess that's the reason why won't see killzone from guerilla soon. There is at least one more mainline horizon coming out and their second team is working on horizon VR I believe. So it's gonna be a while unless another studio takes over.

Profchaos735d ago

I've been playing a lot of Killzone 2 on rpcs3 with a duelsense combined with the ability to remap controls to a modern standard and bump the game to 60fps it shows that we really need a remaster to probably the best killzone game to date although shadowfall technically beats it in the graphics department art style was so different that they are incomparable

MizHDTV735d ago

I’d be happy with a release of KZ2

John_McClane735d ago

Killzone went to the same place as Socom and Mag, more money in 25 hour single player games with no servers to maintain. Socom was literally the reason I bought a PS2, Resistance FOM the reason I bought a PS3, all gone now.

senorfartcushion734d ago (Edited 734d ago )

Killzone has never been weighted correctly, the jumping never worked.

A new properly-weighted shooter in the Killzone series would be great. More like Killzone 1 and 2 than SF.

I think the issue comes from the fact that the Helghast side is sympathetic while looking like Nazi stormtroopers. The Trump age has led artists to avoid this look entirely.

ironmonkey734d ago

I feel something may be announced soon

ManMarmalade734d ago (Edited 734d ago )

The sixaxis felt fine in my hands since they're small, but the ps5 really made me feel the difference. So ergonomic.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 734d ago
Gardenia734d ago

Killzone 2 was/is so good and it still looks good today. The multiplayer was fun as well. If they make a new Killzone I hope it is the style of Killzone 2.

Hauntedasylum8735d ago

I wish Sony didn’t abandon Resistance and Killzone. Those are some of my favorite series on PlayStation. If they’re not gonna make anymore, then maybe a remastered collection of each could be negotiated.

DefenderOfDoom2735d ago

KILLZONE 2 was my reason for buying a PS3. If a new KILLZONE or RESISTANCE was coming out in 22 I would try to buy a PS5 immediately.

Lightning77735d ago

SSOD2 would be big for Sony. The only reason they would be interested in it is if they can turn it into a live service game.

In which I can see that happening.

Hauntedasylum8735d ago

Hell yeah, brother. You and me both.

VanDamme734d ago

For anyone trying to understand @Lightning77’s comment, they had a typo, this should clarify:

Superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial, also known as manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase, is an enzyme which in humans is encoded by the SOD2 gene on chromosome 6.

Profchaos735d ago

After 5 killzone games including portable Sony felt it needed a break I wouldn't say its abandoned however I believe we may randomly get a ps5 remaster with improved lighting to test the waters and eventually a full blown new game after all you can't just leave shadowfall on that ending

SeTTriP735d ago

Horizon is priority now its a mega franchise for them maybe after Horizon they might revisit.

Imalwaysright734d ago

I refuse to play for online play but there is one game that would make pay for it and that's Resistance Fall of Man. That's the only game that would make me throw my principles out of the window without feeling ashamed of myself.

jBlakeeper734d ago

Remember in the mid 2000’s when nearly every developer started to do FPS or linear third person? Now nearly every developer wants to do open world exclusively because it’s the easiest type of game to leave things out and then expand upon the world with DLC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 734d ago
deleted735d ago

So many fond memories of both Shadowfall and Mercenaries Vita online! Shadowfall's SP may have been weak, but the MP was still a ton of fun. I had a lot of time in both, and it's especially tough seeing the Vita's best mp experience get shut down.

RIP my old friends.

LoveSpuds734d ago (Edited 734d ago )

In my opinion, I thought the single player games was really decent too and was treated quite harshly by the critics, but then, I think the Killzone franchise as a whole was kinda under rated by the critics. I always enjoyed the story in these games and I liked the slower, more deliberate gunplay too.

I remember getting my PS4 on day 1 and the first game I installed was Killzone Shadowfall, my workmates and I would play it for hours on end, the mode whish switched between game modes was brilliant.

P_Bomb735d ago

A world without Killzone Online. That it’s come to this…

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10 Years Later — 'Uncharted: Golden Abyss' Deserved a Better Fortune

A relic of its time or a buried treasure from the past?

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darthv72892d ago

I was really hoping this would have made it into one of the collections. Like how they did with the GoW PSP games.

VenomUK892d ago

I recall just playing the start on PS Vita but not much more and many Uncharted fans wouldn't have played it either so this 'unknown' chapter could be ripe for an expanded version for PS5.

TiredGamer892d ago

Agreed here. Played it back on the Vita years ago, but never finished. The cramped Vita controls and the tiny analog sticks just didn't gel with me in a game where precise headshots are half the fun. It's the first Uncharted game that I haven't completed/Platinumed, and I think much of it is control related. Really wish it was PS TV compatible (natively).

I would definitely buy it if it were released as a PS4/PS5 version.

YoungKingDoran892d ago

If you ever play it again on Vita definitely turn on the gyro aiming assist, made it alot more fun to play and i ended up getting all the headshot trophies thanks to this- super accurate

TheEnigma313892d ago

I loved this game. It was like an extension of the first one. Why haven't we gotten an HD release yet?

TiredGamer892d ago (Edited 892d ago )

Lack of available dev resources and lack of a lucrative ROI probably. I think Sony has an opportunity to sell it as a separate, standalone HD remaster for like $20. Otherwise, the effort to convert a PS Vita game to the PS4/5 won't be worth their while. Unfortunate, but that's probably the only way it'd make financial sense.

deleted892d ago (Edited 892d ago )

Some of the puzzles/interactivity would have to be completely reworked. I remember having to hold the camera to a bright light. (I remember being annoyed at that part bc I was playing in bed late night while my wife was asleep next to me. Ran to the kitchen at like 3am just to get past it lol)

Also the swipe battles. I absolutely couldn't stand the final boss because the swiping felt so inaccurate and it would constantly misread gestures.

I adored the rest of the game though, and even the story! It couldn't simply just be rereleased, it needs reworking for consoles. (same reason it didn't get PS Vita TV support) The rubbing parts could still work w Dualsense/DS4 though.

I'd gladly welcome it and do hope it happens eventually!

Muigi892d ago

Glad I still have my Oled Vita.

MadLad892d ago

Sony should have tried harder to support the Vita. It ended up just a solid emulation machine that happens to have a handful of classics.

Bigman4k892d ago (Edited 892d ago )

Yeah Sony gave up on the ps vita way too fast

Bigman4k892d ago (Edited 892d ago )

I really like Uncharted:Golden Abyss on ps vita it would be dope if they remaster it for PlayStation 5

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