
Mass Effect 3: 'We've brought back a lot of what was missing in ME2'

BioWare producer Michael Gamble on creating a sequel everyone can enjoy...

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LAWSON724515d ago

I can't believe that guess I will see when I play the game but if the citadel or any where is as bad me2s citadel I will bring the game back to the store

Bercilak4515d ago

Like, um...a genuine story arc with real, binary options that allows for a meaningful participatory experience rather than a series of extended fetch quests?

I thought not.

gillri4515d ago


I think your expecting too much from a video game tbh

how many RPG's arent extended fetch quests?

you want a game like that with the polish, design and cinematic quality thats comes from a ME game
be prepared to wait 6/7 years for it

LAWSON724515d ago

Mass effect 2 had terrible design even if it was a quality title it still would not make up for content

LAWSON724515d ago (Edited 4515d ago )

Oops double post and can't delete

TopDudeMan4515d ago

I can't even think of any mission that has been just a simple fetch quest in ME2. All the missions have their own sub-plot! I found all of them enjoyable to do. I have no idea how you could call them fetch quests.

krazykombatant4515d ago

Fetch all the squad members to get from point a to point b....

TekoIie4514d ago

Remember having to get the ingredients for the normandy chef? (genuine side quest). The definition of pointless.

PamPoovey4515d ago (Edited 4515d ago )

I havent seen anything in all the trailers, previews, teasers of anything that was missing in ME2.....and the game comes out next month.

Where is the cool down weapons then ?.......Yeah there was a lot of people who liked the futuristic weapons that sperated it from other third person cover shooting mechanics. It made you rely on your team more and your biotics

m234514d ago

Weapon customization, a better upgrade system for characters using larger skill trees,more variation in biotic skills, what looks like a better health system, get to go to Earth (finally), there must be some more on top of the ones I listed.

How can you say they haven't added "anything" that was missing from ME2.

PamPoovey4514d ago (Edited 4514d ago )

Better inventory, buy/sell armor/weapons, find weapons/armor, cool down weapons, bring statergy back in battle instead of going in guns blazing like every other TPS, make which team mates you choose mean something again, make it so you rely on them more and use them to their full advantage, better biotics for biotic users like the ones in ME, only certain weapons for classes so everyone isn't basicaly a soldier class ...........oh and the RPG elements they promised.

I could go on

m234514d ago

I'm confused as to what you're trying to say. They are aiming to fix those things that you listed like the inventory system. If you played ME2 on insanity or even hardcore, you have to be able use your squadmates effectively and you can't run in guns blazing, so yes you had to use them to their full advantage.
I told you about the extended skill trees they are working on, as well as the greater emphasis and variety on biotic powers.
I'm confused as to whether you're looking forward to the game, or you just coming here to troll.

m234514d ago

I want the Mako back, that's what made ME1 so good, the exploration aspect was awesome.

Disccordia4514d ago

At the time nearly everyone thought that part of the game sucked. Anyway not saying you specifically because you may very well have genuinely enjoyed it but it reminds me of people moaning that re6 isn't going back to its roots - the same people who said the franchise was boring after re3 and forced the change seen in re4 in the first place.

Bit I see this about the mako alot. IMO just because bioware didn't come up with a better idea in me2( scanning) doesn't mean we should go back to the slightly better method of the mako. Looks like galaxy at war will be much better this time around

m234514d ago

I know what you mean about people wanting it back after complaining about it, but I wasn't one of them.
I'm not even sure how they are handling the resource gathering in ME3, "galaxy at war" sees interesting.

ColinZeal4508d ago

Uhhh... I thought the MAKO handled itself like a hose squirting out gallons of water..

I can be without that part.

Lucreto4515d ago

I wonder that type of resource gathering be in the game.

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