
Sony losses deepen may affect PS4

Sony has recently launched its latest hardware the PS Vita in Japan that has got off to a slow start, but now seems to have turned the corner a little. The device is set to launch in other regions in a few weeks and Sony will be hoping for some good sales, as the company’s losses deepen and it makes you wonder if it may affect the PS4 release.

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belal4523d ago

no it wont, the gaming division is whats keeping sony up. I am positive that the year microsoft releases xbox 3 sony will announce their and rellease it at the same year but a bit later.

Dante1124523d ago (Edited 4523d ago )

Isn't it their other divisions and departments that causing Sony big losses (I know the Thai floods and yen is a part as well), mainly their television, camera departments? Why would they just throw away their gaming division when it kinda the only department that does well?

Edit: @ Sillygamer

Notice the new push lol


Gaming1014523d ago

Sony should try cutting the over-bloated salaries of its executives who seem determined to drive Sony off a cliff into bankruptcy with their stupid ideas like releasing a portable playstation in a market that is over-saturated with portable smart phones that people play games on.

metsgaming4523d ago

yea the company is having losses they should definitely make cuts for the part of the company that actually makes money ! /s

Bundi4523d ago

Except that very division hasn't recouped its losses from when the ps3 launched. 5 whole billion. Pretty sure shareholders will be thinking about that when PS4 is being manufactured. Think business you guys, come on.

gamingdroid4523d ago (Edited 4523d ago )

That is after years of losses, that the Playstation business is making a profit. Every generation starts like that with massive investment into research, then the product is sold as a loss leader for gazillion in losses early on.

Sony is bleeding money and has been for the last four and soon to be five years so I do wonder about PS4...

Frankly, I don't see anything from Sony that is going to change for the profitable, even with the new CEO. Sony should have gotten a CEO from outside the company... somebody fresh!

edit: @metsgaming

Stringer wasn't a fresh outsider. He has been with Sony since 1998 i.e. over a decade now. He was just considered "fresh" simply because he wasn't Japanese when he became CEO in 2009. Sony is very much a Japanese company and doesn't like foreigners running their company.

metsgaming4523d ago (Edited 4523d ago )

not entirely sure but wasnt Stringer the fresh outsider? Look how that worked.

He became president in 2009 hes been CEO since 2005.

Neko_Mega4523d ago

Playstation has lost any money, only money Playstation has lost was from the hack.

Other then that, nothing (If you have a brain, I said Playstation. Which doesn't have to do with any other parts of Sony).

Besides Nintendo isn't doing to hot right now after their stocks hit rock bottom.

--Onilink--4523d ago (Edited 4523d ago )

mmm if you check the info, the gaming division posted losses of over $1bill, yeah BILLION, i would hardly call that keeping Sony up....

The problems Sony faces arent just about gaming or tv, its everywhere, they have kinda lost their focus, which is what they are trying to correct with a new president.

So if i had to guess, yeah it will probably impact in some way the PS4 and any other product they might release, who knows in what ways (could be good or bad) but the fact is that after 4 straight years of reporting losses of billions of dollars, something has to change

Sony is more than just 1 division, so even if the gaming division didnt suffer losses, if the rest of the divisions do suffer, eventually its going to have an impact in the rest of the company

Mikhail4523d ago

The one that made $1 billion loss was the TV and mobile products under their consumer electronic division which is also where the Playstation is. The PS brand made profit for them (increase hardware and software sales) and was one of the bright spot for them. Still, it can't leverage the other two division dominated by Apple and Samsung.

Go to Bloomberg, BBC news for a more thorough breakdown

Anon19744523d ago Show
--Onilink--4523d ago


well yeah, it might have been the entire division and not just the gaming part, but in the end, the division where the PS is reported huge losses, whether is from the PS itlself or from something else, in the end the entire division is affected

And well, im not sure if you know where the info can be found more especifically so we can confirm because even if sales increased, it doesnt mean that the gaming part made a profit, you also have to take into account all the money that went into to PSV launch, and how many was/is spend on R&D for the Vita and PS4

kikizoo4523d ago

Clearly, only misinformed donkeys, like xbox fanboyz (like the ones on gamingolt articles fest) are ignoring the fact that sony is winning =, or more money then ms (less $ on marketing, on rrod, and more hardware and games sold = more profits)

product reviews (lol), this comment is right :

"Johnson, you really are an m$ fanboy. In the last few days you have written a couple of anti Sony pieces, both of them ridiculous! The last one basically said that higher polygon counts in games would be detrimental to gameplay. This article isn't any better either. Your assumption that Sony's manufacturing output would be affected by quarterly results is just plain dumb. The only thing that affected Sony in any way was a series of natural disasters, which is exactly what you are as a journalist. And you actually get paid for this trash?!"

h311rais3r4523d ago

And you clearly have no recollection o the real world and can't accept you "god" sony is having profit troubles despite you unlimited offerings upon their pedestal.

plato4523d ago (Edited 4523d ago )

Sony is in financial restructure...4 times now since the 1990's. They posted losses.
It happens to the best of companies. But please don't try and blow smoke up peoples a**** that they are not in a loss situation right now.
And how is Sony "winning"
You sound like Charlie Sheen...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4523d ago
Silly gameAr4523d ago

Hmmm. What can I write to get to the top of N4G and get those hits...oh, I know!

RandomDude6554523d ago

"Something is doomed"
"10 reasons why something is doomed"
"10 reasons why something isn't doomed"
"Something unrelated to gaming"

FalseAngel04523d ago

You forgot "Something with boobies in the thumbnail" :)

slutface4523d ago

i think it will be the reverse....it will cause Sony to step up and reclaim the throne

mume194523d ago

Even if the gaming division is making money it doesn't recoup for the overall losses, so yea i think it will afect it a bit.

metsgaming4523d ago

Other then the obvious that it would be dumb to cut your best division lets look at some other facts.

1. Kaz hirai will be CEO, he comes from gaming division
2. He even stated that he plans to focus on the core business which he stated gaming is a part of.
Need proof

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Hardest PS3/PS4 Platinum Trophies

Neocrisis - Here are some of the hardest platinum trophies to get on the PS3 and PS4. These are the ones that I was able to get myself.

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IamTylerDurden12276d ago (Edited 2276d ago )

Some of the hardest platinums imo.

Orcs Must Die Uchained

Enter The Gungeon

Max Payne 3

Nuclear Throne

Super Meat Boy

bouzebbal2275d ago (Edited 2275d ago )

Velocity 2X
DJ Hero
WipEout HD
...are among the toughest and 5 plats i am most proud of

jerethdagryphon2275d ago

Kz 2 the online was a stupid requirement

Knushwood Butt2275d ago

Congrats on Velocity 2X

I got the silver for 25 perfects...

joab7772275d ago

For me, in my run, it’s Lost Planet 2 and Killzone 2 before it’s patch. But about 3 yrs ago, I stopped chasing pointless trophies that are just wasted hours.

jazzking20012275d ago

i am not a plat hunter but i will try to get them.....if they do not require a ton of work to do.

jerethdagryphon2275d ago

Out of the 90 i have gt5 and sport are probobly high on the list that and sports champions

2pacalypsenow2276d ago

MGS 5 is not a hard platinum, it's just time consuming.

How is Killzone 2 not on this list?

jazzking20012276d ago

I have never played K2, thus not on the list.

kuraki_dan2276d ago

This list is trash.... infamous took me less than 24 hours to plat and resogun only a few days.... so many much harder/actually time consuming games. Warhawk for example...

Sniperwithacause2275d ago

OMG dude! You beat me to it. As soon as I started scrolling thru comments, and didnt see Warhawk yet I was going to post it.

the worst2275d ago

Warhawk is no joke. I have a championship blade. But flying all that time in the air. I just couldn't do it

franwex2276d ago

Still working on the mgs v one. So far I’m about 130 hours in. All I need to do is collect all the damn animals, beat the target tests on mother base, do the secondary objectives on the campaign. Phew.

Gameseeker_Frampt2275d ago

Killzone 2 is super hard now that the servers shut down yesterday.

joab7772275d ago (Edited 2275d ago )

That’s is my hardest before Radec was patched. I spent 9 straight hrs fighting him on Elite. And finally got him! Lost Planet 2 is also absurd!

And Dead Space 2 was tough, going through with like 3 saves for the whole game.

And is MGS 4 harder? I haven’t played 5, but going through 4 without alerting or dying is tough.

Knushwood Butt2275d ago

Radec was patched?

I admit I gave up.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2275d ago
IamTylerDurden12275d ago

My most enjoyable platinum was 2016 R&C. Most plats get tedious towards the end but R&C was fun the entire time.

dariux322275d ago

I am working on it right now. And game is stil fun to play in challenge mode.

jazzking20012275d ago

i also got it as a plat...trophies were mostly easy...thanks to a bug i was able to get the final racing trophy

jerethdagryphon2275d ago

You dont need a bug just need to practice a bit

SonyWarrior2275d ago

Socom confrontation is the true hardest plat they made that dumb hard to ever get the plat i doubt any one in the world besides the devs got the plat

2pacalypsenow2275d ago

Oh yeah that def was the hardest trophy prob out of all the games released on the Vita,Ps3 and Ps4

DaBudSmoka2275d ago

I got the socom platinum...so yea

AKS2275d ago (Edited 2275d ago )

That's the one that people seem to notice most. Several people have commented about that when they've checked out my trophies. I was more proud of getting the Big Boss Emblem in MGS4 in terms of gaming accomplishments, but alas there were no trophies when I got it.

jazzking20012275d ago

i beat MGS4 but that was before it got trophy support. If it had when i played it, i may have it now

AKS2275d ago (Edited 2275d ago )

The Big Boss Emblem was from a "perfect" run with no kills, health items, or alerts in under 4 hours on the most difficult setting. I feel like I should have a trophy for that.

jerethdagryphon2275d ago

Demons souls was pretty easy only pure bladestone was hard

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The 10 Best Selling Gaming Consoles Of All-Time (As Of December 2017)

PS4 just earned a new rank as it continues its journey to 100 million.

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PhoenixUp2388d ago

I could’ve sworn the Genesis sold 40 million

kevnb2388d ago

i thought so too, the xbox one is probably already past 31 million as well.

badz1492388d ago

Best selling PS4 game is UC4 at 4 mil+?? WTF? It's not the best selling game on PS4 but it still sold like 10mil copies already by now.

kevnb2388d ago

ya, that uncharted 4 bundle sold like crazy.

Lime1232388d ago

I thought Uncharted 4 had better first week than Halo 5 in UK (where Xbox One is strongest, next to US), and it wasn't bundled then.


FyBy2388d ago

Wow ps4 shows its strenght. After 4 years is already in top 10. Surprise for me was og ps. I didnt knew it surpassed wii. And 62m for NES. Wow!

kevnb2388d ago (Edited 2388d ago )

sony is the only console maker that seems to be able to do really well in the entire world consistently. Xbox has troubles outside the west, Nintendo sometimes has problems in Europe, but Sony is killing it everywhere.

FyBy2388d ago

Yeah exactly! It was surprise for me, that every gen of ps is on the list. Nintendo is saved by its software and uniquenes. They have extremely well accepted first party titles.

Aceman182387d ago

PS1 didnt surpass Wii, it's just the Wii fell short of PS1 lol. Assuming we have another 2-3 yrs of the gen Sony will be only gaming company with 3 systems selling over 100 mil units. That is just inssne.

2388d ago
joab7772388d ago

Wow! Sony has 3 of the top 4 and the PS4 looks to be moving up into one of those spots. Crazy after all the issue with the PS3, it outsold the 360. And they turned it around by taking MS's lead. They focused on 1st party titles and making the gamer their top priority, like MS did for the 360s first 3-4 yrs. Then they started thinking too far ahead like their PC division.


PS4's Latest European Commercial Goes After Kids

This is interesting: a PlayStation 4 commercial targeted squarely at kids. Sony’s spent the past few years marketing the machine mostly at adults and core gamers, but it has hinted in recent interviews that it wants to widen the reach of the console as it pursues that all-important 100 million units milestone, and this is an example of that.

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C-H-E-F2497d ago (Edited 2497d ago )


andrewsquall2497d ago

I like the way PES is the hardcore footballers choice of game for the kids. Even though we all know FIFA is on their Santa lists and the never heard of PES lol.

Sir_Meowface2497d ago

Lol, totally true, I dont think ive ever seen a kid even mention PES.