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NGB: Soul Calibur V Review

Beautiful graphics, destructible environments and simple core mechanics make Soul Calibur V a title that’s easy to pick up and play. The amount character creation and customisation options is great too. Sadly, the shallow story mode coupled with gameplay that lacks any real depth, makes it a title that is also very hard to recommend to anyone who is serious about their fighters.

If you’re looking for a fighting game that you can easily dip in and out of, then look no further than Soul Calibur V. However, if you like a fighter with some depth, then you’ll be probably be better off looking elsewhere.

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Community4559d ago
Baka-akaB4559d ago (Edited 4559d ago )

Repeating multiple times that the gameplay lacks depth , without actually advancing an actual argument , wont necessarily make it true .

SC's depth and gameplay is just different and unlike its gameplay usually seen in 2d fighters or stuff like Tekken .

It's less about learning sequences of combos and inputting them in a tight and timely fashion , and more about space positioning , pace and strategizing round it and your character .

Attention , all those other fighting games uses pacing and space too , and arent some dumb rythm game . but far less than emphase on it than SoulCalibur .

SC is accessible but dont kid yourselves , going all bullish and spammy , will only warrant frustation about chars like Mitsurugi being "overpowered" , when outsmarted . When in fact he's mid tier at best

Or Siegfried being too bullish and easy , when the best of them are quite the strategists . Siegfried usually require mastery of his whole moveset , and as a slow and very punishable fighter , is all about building up momentum after some heavy pressure

In short , i dont see how it could be counted as a minus or negative . it just is a different game .
Just like it would be silly to claims that Quake would lack the depth of some MW game .

TheBlackSmoke4559d ago (Edited 4559d ago )

Good comment, although I think you are wasting your time to be honest. I just cringe every single time a new fighting game comes out because I just know the amount of mis-informed drivel that is going to come out of so called gaming journalists mouths.

Dunno if you checked out any of the preview videos from any of the big review sites but the level of play was akin to that of a 10 year old (though even that is too much praise). Its not about being the best at fighting games in order to review them but at least to do some research (you know, like ACTUAL journalists do) instead of making blanket statements about a game based on their own incompetent skill level.

Soul Calibur not being deep is about as true as Mortal Kombat deserving "fighting goty 2011"


Woah hold on a sec, Im not trying to be negative because you come across as genuine, but again I have to say that all your comment does is cover up a blanket uninformed statement with another.

Saying that "simple controls" back up the "fact" that the game is simple overall is complete BS. If by simple you are referring to the number of buttons then quite frankly you are a fool, Virtua fighter is probably the most technical of all fighters and its been a 3 button game since the beginning. Depth is not measured in how complicated a move set is, it is in how you use them, when you you use them and how the game mechanics (just guard, guard impact, brave edge, critical edge) are integrated in to play.

Im also assuming that your reviewer is going to EVO this year because he has already mastered this "simple" game and so he will be getting guaranteed free money.

NGB4559d ago

Thanks for the comment, Baka-akaB.

Our reviewer stated that the core mechanics are quite simple, making the game easy enough to pick up and play (which is both a positive and negative in this case), but beyond that the gameplay lacks depth when compared to other fighters (Street Fighter IV, Tekken 6, BlazBlue and so on).

This, for him, his backed up by simple controls (which he mentions) and the fact that there is no real tutorial mode for the game either. Couple that with the fact that he got a little bored, and only versus kept him going (fun, but not great) we think he adequately backed up his point.

It's obvious that you don't agree, and that is fine, but our reviewer just shared his opinion.

Again, thanks for your comment though, much appreciated.

Gregard4559d ago

Well, there are opinions and then there are facts! Saying the game has simple controls is false. If we count the individual buttons it has, then it has like what, 2 less buttons than street fighter? And pretty the same buttons as tekken if I'm not mistaken? After that you got your button combinations for special moves, grabs, BEs, CEs and the like.

And simple mechanics? You got you standard hits, counter hits, stuns, ukemis, wall hits, juggles, grabs/grab breaks, just guards, guard impacts, Brave edges, Critical edges, dodging, 8 way run (the only true 3d fighting game!!!), vertical/horizontal moves, guard break moves, unblockables, guard crashes, just frames, mixup/faking moves/cancels, low/med/high/ attacks, jumping attacks, while rising attacks, crouching attacks, attacks that force an opponent state like crouching. And then you can go even deeper with frame data, safe/unsafe moves, mind game strategies, spacing strategies, ring out strategies, guaranteed combos etc.

Do all these seem simple to you? It sure doesn't seem like it to me :P Multiply all that by the number of fighting styles in the game! Imagine mastering all that in your playstyle, knowing what to do and when to do it, learning your rivals, escaping from their techs etc. I can't really comment on Tekken's or BlazBlue's complexity because I only played them casually (yet you don't see me making statements!). But I can comment on street fighter IV, and especially in IV's case, which is dumbed down considerably from the previous iteration, I can confidently say that Soul Calibur is the deeper fighter.

So yeah, sharing opinions is fine and all, but if you want to consider yourself a respected reviewer you have to go beyond a simple opinion. All fanboyism has to be put aside, compare things objectively, and have a person knowledgable to the genre and the games history review the game.

It's like me going now to play virtua fighter, which I've never played since X32 on megadrive 2, count the button presses, compare it to Soul Calibur that I know well, and state that it's simple :P You have to get into it, see or experience some high level play first, before commenting on its depth!

Baka-akaB4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

Well the whole buttons thing would makes even less sense , when some of the most hardcore 2d fighting games only use 4 buttons (Blazblue , KOF)

"we think he adequately backed up his point. "

Except he didnt do any of that . He just repeated it lacks depth , while hardly adding any depth to his review actually .

Simple controls ? Given his general attitude , i have a feeling he can't pull off the whole movelists of every chars in combat situations , to begin with .

In the end all we know is that he is bored and not very privy to the game's mechanics and shenanigans ... the weakest "back up" ever .


Soulcalibur 5 will be delisted next week on PS3 and Xbox 360

Soulcalibur official Twitter: "Valiant Warriors - Soul Calibur V is taking its final curtain call on the stage of history and will be sunset on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on June 19, 2023. The base game and all associated DLC will no longer be available for purchase. Thank you for your continued support."

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Community410d ago
-Mika-410d ago

This is why guest characters shouldn't be on the base roster. Im sure Ezio and the whole Assassin's Creed stuff license expired and that is why it is being removed. The same thing is probably going to happen to Soul Calibur 6 in 10 years.

Terry_B410d ago

I doubt a lot of people still played the worst SC game over 10 years after its release on dead consoles.

blackblades410d ago

Right whoever wanted the game would've had it by now. Also physical is usually the better option

gold_drake410d ago


alot of games have been delisted recently.

Nyxus410d ago

Meanwhile several big games are going digital only. Good omen for the future...

MadLad410d ago

I've been mainly gaming on PC for 12 years now. I don't think there was ever a game that was actually taken away from me.
Even the multiplayer-focused games, with their servers typically being taken down, you can still host your own.

Not sure why People are so against digital. You still need online infrastructure just to update your games or to patch them. You're stuck to online/digital one way or another.

Nyxus410d ago

Most games play just fine without an internet connection. There are also other reason aside from preservation, digital games are often more expensive (at least the one I'm buying) than what you can find through deals in stores. But most of all I just like to be able to actually own the games as physical objects, being able to lend them out etc. And be assured that I can still play them in the future. Sure you can probably emulate them, but I prefer to play on console and I'd rather play an actual copy than an emulation anyway.

I'm not against digital in itself, I just don't want to be forced to go digital because the physical option is taken away. Just give people the option to either get it physically or digitally, that way everyone is happy and it's also the best way to preserve games for the future.

CrimsonWing69410d ago

Make your peace with it. It’s the direction the industry is going in.

XiNatsuDragnel410d ago

Well industry is pretty much dead in that case.

lucian229410d ago

Can we please get soul cal 7 a year after tekken 8?

darthv72410d ago

Good thing I have both on disc.

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Ranking The Soulcalibur Games From Worst To Best

Bandai Namco's other premier fighting game series, Soulcalibur, has been around for over 25 years, but what game is the best?

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Community1087d ago
Yi-Long1087d ago

Really loved Soulcalibur on Dreamcast. Truly blew all competition away back then when it came to graphics and fluidity, and I liked the roster and arenas.

Haven’t bothered with the newest release because sadly fighting games these days have become too expensive. They’ll release a base-game, then add all the interesting characters through expensive season passes, so unless there’s a Complete Edition released (and if I’m still interested in the game by then), I’m better off just shrugging my shoulders and skipping it completely.

The direction the fighting game genre has picked for itself means it will now only appeal and sell to the hardcore fans of the genre, while the mainstream gamers will spend their money elsewhere.

FinalFantasyFanatic1087d ago

I played Soul Calibur 2 on the PS2, it was great and I got pretty good at it, decimated most of my friends at that game. I recently got VI on the PS4 and it just doesn't have the same magic, plus it seems to have stuffed some extra mechanics in there that just complicate it too much for me, although I really do agree they're too expensive, I've always wanted to get all the DLC characters for Central Fiction, but it's way too expensive.

Kaze881087d ago

I prefer SC VI to the SC III. SC II had a really fast pace for a fighting game, when new SC III bursted into the scene it felt sluggish when compared to the second one. On SC VI they brought back the quicker pace of the game, but not as much on SC II, though I think it was a good decision. I wish they would go the MK11 route with their games, but we all know that Bandai Namco is not interested, they hardly gave the devs time and money to support SC VI.


5 of the Worst Characters in Major Fighting Games

KeenGamer: ''Fighting games have had a long history of wild and iconic characters. But for every Scorpion and Chun-Li, there are groups of Bo Rai Cho's and Lizardmen. This list takes a look at five of the worst fighting game characters to ever exist."

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