
Is Mass Effect 3 Really Better With Kinect?

James Pungello of GamerGaia writes "The Mass Effect franchise has been known for pushing the creative envelope in terms of dynamic storytelling and consequences for your actions; it is equally well known that these innovations are what most believe the series will continue to be able to do. There is one thing that many people are skeptical about, however, and that is if Mass Effect 3 can legitimize the Kinect for the hardcore. Let’s take a look and see if Mass Effect 3 is truly better with Kinect."

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fluffydelusions4528d ago (Edited 4528d ago )

No. It's quicker to push a button than to say any of the commands I've seen. Besides all this could have been done with a normal headset...it's just a marketing gimmick to push Kinect down peoples throats

Fylus4528d ago

Exactly. Microsoft is just wasting time and resources with Kinect.

But hey, Mass Effect 3 with Kinect will at least make everyone who bought a Kinect feel less gullible.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4528d ago

I agree with two's of you. When I heard that kinect will only offer you voice command I nearly fell out my seat. Kinect isnt needed for voice command as it has been done with a regular headset in games like HAWX and End War. This is just an attempt to appeal to the core gamer through a casual peripheral.

pungello884528d ago

I agree 100% that the Kinect is not needed and a headset could have been used. But, I do think that the application of the voice commands will stop you from needing to pause the game and access the wheel. Especially for the other squad members that could make things easier (plus the wheel option is still there if you like to pause and plan more) But if my friend hadn't won a Kinect and then let me borrow it there is NO WAY I would have bought one because of this.

STONEY44528d ago

Who would really rather speak out "Shepard, Shotgun" then just hit a button and be done with it. If anything, that's more immersion breaking then "enhancing" it as they've been claiming.

And there's about a 3-second delay from when you finish your phrase to when the command actually happens. Maybe that's fine on easy, but on insanity prepare to have your ass handed to you. This would also be a problem for enemies who only pop out of cover for a couple of seconds. The Kinect demonstration had about 2 AI at any given time, and no one even aimed at Shepard.

Reaper99374528d ago

No, its an epic failure, just like Kinect.


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He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


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