
Mass Effect 3 new gameplay details revealed

GB : We have some latest details of Mass Effect 3 for you, and it has made us really optimistic about the final product when it comes to a store near you on March 6th 2012.

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Megaton4546d ago (Edited 4546d ago )

Old news is old.

People knew what the RPG and Action modes did back in... what? November?

Bioshocking4546d ago (Edited 4546d ago )

There is a huge lack of hype for ME3....

I mean games like Twisted Metal, Bioshock Infinite all have what seems to be more hype than ME3.

The Last of Us was announced not even a month ago, and it has already become the 4th highest talked about game here on N4G.

Maybe people are being cautious after Dragon Age 2? Or the fact they feel like ME3 is becoming more action game than RPG.

I honestly like the ME games for their characters and that feeling of changing the course of the story

I'm pretty excited for Me3, but it seems like some people are not that hyped for it

Anyways... Im looking forward to the conclusion of the story and I am anticipating what Bioware brings out next.

kotor 3 plz?


apparently ME3 has won most anticipated game of 2012 from the VGA's and couple other media outlets....

Guess I was living under a rock or something

Tr10wn4546d ago Show
Bioshocking4546d ago


Well, the Last of Us does look amazing, and I think it is more of the fact people knows that ND makes great games, rather than just blind brand loyalty

I hate when people just use games they never played in order to win some stupid internet flame war

kaveti66164546d ago

It's fairly obvious why "The Last of Us" gets more hype on N4G than Mass Effect 3. It's a PS3 exclusive, and the moment the trailer was announced a dozen people were writing up prediction articles about gameplay, story, voice actors, etc.

Mass Effect 3 is the final game in an established series. We know the actors, we know the characters, we know the story to an extent (just not the conclusion). There's no reason why Mass Effect 3 would be hyped up at a random time like this.

da_2pacalypse4546d ago

mass effect 3 is going to be a disappointment. EA has completely ruined what Bioware games stand for. Just compare Mass effect 1 to ME2, and you can see how dumbed down the gameplay is. and then compare Dragon Age Origins to DA2, and compare the same. Bioware games are not at all what they used to be.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4546d ago
krazykombatant4546d ago

I don't know why, maybe its the lack of hype, for me at least, that I'm nowhere near behind how hyped up I was when ME2 came out. I really don't know what to expect, I want it to be the most epic fight ever perhaps with an unexpected ending. However, with DA:2 I don't where BioWare stands anymore.

I love ME universe, I'm a die hard fan ever since I played the first one. I don't want to see it become an MMO. Like KoToR I want another extraordinary RPG with great storytelling I want to actually see the impact of my decisions, not have some one tell me.. The queen of the Rachni says hi.

All I see is action action and more action. Pew Pew pew... I don't see improvements on dialogue, is the skill system more like ME and less like ME2?

Will I be able to use the Normandy in my missions, than more than my ultra expensive taxi cab, to get me from place to place. Don't tell me that in the past 2 games it would have been nice if you had the option of just blasting the crap out of people with the Normandy and calling it a day.

Idk maybe its better that there hasn't been that much release out to the public that way my expectations won't be let down.

All in All I hope this is a great way to end Mass Effect for this gaming gen.

I certainly hope its not the last we see of commander Shepard.

strauser3604546d ago

DA is DA. this is Mass Effect...stop treating bioware like a heavy metal band.

Megaton4546d ago

I've resigned myself to the idea that they're only showing pew pew pew PR in an attempt to fool casual CoD/Gears dudebros into buying the game at launch. I sincerely hope they aren't so far gone under EA's indoctrination that they've actually streamlined the already-streamlined ME2 model even further into a pure TPS.

I love Mass Effect for the lore, story, characters, and dialogue depth. Not for the combat. I understand that this is their big finale, total galactic war against the Reapers, but all this new cinematic combat should not come at the expense of what made Mass Effect great.

I have read some of the leaked spoilers, and some red flags were certainly raised. Without going into too much detail, one of the most egregious was how they decided to make your choice to save or kill the Rachni queen completely meaningless. I can only hope that they weren't doing damage control when they said the spoilers were old and false, but I find that hard to believe after their scorched Earth response to removing it from the internet.

Guess all we can do is wait and see.

strauser3604546d ago

So you read a leaked spoiler from a leaked unfinished script and start criticizing the unfinished product. This isnt a wait and see. whatever. I know what im getting into with ME3 and im over the top excited, every other "fan" like you wont affect how I enjoy my game so theirs really nothing more that I could say to you.

dedicatedtogamers4546d ago

I'm a huge Mass Effect fan, but unfortunately I feel that Bioware has been drastically changed by EA. Even Mass Effect 2 (which was a very good game) was slimmed down from what the first ME offered. Fewer sidequests, less equipment, fewer places to explore. Yeah, the spectacle and action was way better, but the RPG aspects were almost completely gone.

Then, seeing the shift from Dragon Age: Origins (which was made by "old Bioware" prior to being bought by EA) and Dragon Age II was a wake-up call. EA doesn't want Bioware to be Bioware. They want Bioware's name and Bioware's IPs, but they aren't interested in letting Bioware create the complex story-driven RPGs that they once did.

RevXM4546d ago

Id like better and more fluid movement and combat but for most fans it better have just as much work behind it on the rpg elements as any of the previous 2. And Id like them to iron out the technical issues more than they ever have I think its fair too say that their games have had a fair share of issues. but they have a solid and interesting universe I wouldn't like technical flaws to interupt the sometimes immense immersion I have had!

The_Abbad4546d ago

I just want it to be more like number 1.

jrbeerman114546d ago

I would like it to be between 1 and 2 as both had their strengths and weaknesses.

I read way back on game informer that they planned on giving us more options and level ups to make it closer to ME1, which would be great.

I want ME3 to have all the character building and RPG elements that we had in ME1 (more stats and abilities to build with more openness to character building) while utilizing the improved performance and gameplay of ME2. Like how ME2 used 3 types of protection (armor, barriers, and shields) with different abilities to take care of each. I also loved the ability combinations of 2 as well, nothing better than singularity with warp after shedding shields with an overcharge. I also loved how each class in ME2 felt more unique from the others, the vanguards main ability especially was a lot of fun and completely changes the gameplay.

I thought the missions in ME1 were too long while ME2 tended to be too short and sometimes felt disconnected from overall story. so something in between would also be good.

ME1 had more side missions, but they repeated scenery and felt rushed and half assed, ME2 had better more story centric side missions but much less and all the action side missions (companion quests) felt like part of main story that penalized you if you skipped anyways. So you could argue that almost all side missions in ME2 were non combat.

ME1 gave you characters quicker and earlier, but didnt have depth of ME2s characters, but at the same time getting some of the best characters near end of game is also terrible because I want to use the character more (legion for example).

also Saren/Sovereign > baby terminator/Harbinger. Give me Saren/Harbinger for the best combo. I am excited for the new enemy variety in ME3 between possess races and cerberus enemies.

TLDR if ME3 finds a good middle ground, best game of all time for me.

FutureTechnologies4546d ago (Edited 4546d ago )

-This comment comment sound off topic, but it's a simple reply to all the previous comments about how ME3 is not getting much hype compared to ME2. The thoughts in between the (((...))) are not mine, but taken from someone else.

Maybe ME is not getting all this hype because most of the people think like this...

(((And so, the Bullshit begins. Bioware made an amazing experience no one could have expected with Mass Effect 1. Then EA decided to turn it into a cash cow and made it into Gears of war in space and added all the micro cash installments for things that should be in the game to begin with. I mean, in Mass Effect 2 you didnt even have full access to your own fucking ship if you didnt pay for dlc.

Now we see the same exact fucking things happening with ME3.

Between them getting rid of planet exploration and adding all the other bullshit, to the cherry on the cake of removing 5-20 things from the game (from items to missions) unless you pay for them....

and then they complain about people pirating dlc? OOOooook....

Yeah they're right, because after I pay 60$ for gears of war in space with alien "sex scenes" (awkward fully clothed hugging) the first thing I want to do is spend another 40$ t obe able to have a full crew or have all the guns.

What a bunch of fucking dumbass assholes.

And just watch, just like with Skyrim, every single fucking press outlest including this site is gonna be licking the balls of this game from day one as a "MASTERPIECE" and other nonsense.

Thank god for pirating.)))

I found this thought in the comment section of gametrailers.com about a video of ME showing DLC and pre-order bonuses, but this comment got 105 thumbs up which is probably the highest rated comment I've seen on GT.com.
People are getting tired about how EA and Bioware are redirecting the franchise.

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