
Mass Effect 3 Versus Mass Effect 2: Latest Build Screenshot Comparison

"We have an amazing comparison for you this time between Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. Both these games run on the Unreal Engine 3, and look extremely good. Mass Effect 2 really shined when it came to graphics and that’s mostly because the splendid art design stood out. Mass Effect 3 on the other hand features more improvements as Bioware mentioned earlier that they have really optimized the engine well. Mass Effect 2 was released on the PS3 as well, and while it had some frame rate issues, it did look spectacular for an Unreal Engine 3 game. We have a lot of screenshots which show Mass Effect 2 and 3 in all its glory, and it’s hard to choose between any one of them because the art design is so similar in both games, but tell us which ones do you prefer?"

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h311rais3r4548d ago

Looks great. Wonder how my pc version will look :)

SignifiedSix4548d ago

Two words... THE BEST
I wish my Imac would run it on max, but it wouldn't.
I have ME2 for it, and surprisingly it runs pretty damn good at 1080p.
I love developers who know how to optimize a game! :)

SuperSaiyan44548d ago

You can EASILY tell those screenshots of ME3 are touched up fake shots.

I have PHYSICALLY seen ME3 being played at Eurogamer and I can tell you write now it looks no different to ME2.

KeiserSosay47884548d ago

Was is being played on console or PC?

coolbeans4548d ago

You expect us to believe about 2 years dev time has caused no changes to be made in the engine? Sorry, not a chance. It certainly doesn't look much different, but it's certainly not 'the same'.

STONEY44548d ago (Edited 4548d ago )

How do these pictures look fake at all? They actually look similar to Mass Effect 2, and you can easily see blurry textures. These are definitely in-game. In fact, these screenshots almost make ME2 look better, but ME2 doesn't. The screenshots are really low-quality and compressed as hell since it's Gamingbolt.

Also if you've seen the gameplay videos, ME3 looks a lot better then ME2.

KeiserSosay47884548d ago

I really wish the PC version would get some DX 11 love. UE3 has supported it for almost a year now. Here's to hoping it does.

ME19894548d ago

Don't see why it wouldn't...Dragon Age 2 supported it...

h311rais3r4548d ago

Not very well I might add

Rubberlegs4548d ago

Dragon Age 2 didn't run on the UE3. DA series is still using their Baldur's Gate engine that they keep updating. Its why it looks a bit dated too.

KeiserSosay47884548d ago

Yeah now that I think about it, didn't DA2 have to be patched to even run minimal dx11 features at an acceptable frame rate?

ME19894548d ago

Looks great, ME3 definitely looks a little sharper than ME2. I guess that's a given though since they said the lighting engine has been tweaked and some better effects are being used.

Can't WAIT though, my most anticipated game this year by far!

s3fr4548d ago

Well the lightings been improved thats for sure.. light shafts are new.. saw em in the e3 vids.. hope the textures are better on the pc this time around.. some textures in me2, up close especially, looked bad.. pretty sure there wont be no dx11 but no matter the game's art design is amazing.. a bit dated tech wont matter..

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