
Game Informer - Silent Hill: Downpour Review

Game Informer - Silent Hill has an almost magnetic draw for me. Year after year, I somehow end up wandering its foggy streets and fending for our lives against unspeakable evils. I recently returned to the town in Downpour, taking to the twisted streets after a harrowing trek through an underground nightmare. My hands-on time gave a good feel for developer Vatra’s take on the iconic horror series’ locations, puzzles, enemies, and combat. Downpour is shaping up to be a polished return to the classic survival horror formula.

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solidboss4586d ago

a review? hmmm wasnt aware SH:Downpour came out already -_-

-Mezzo-4586d ago (Edited 4586d ago )

I screwed up.

@Gillri - Probably the SiteBot, or a Mod didn't noticed.

gillri4586d ago

who approved it then?

Puty4586d ago

Glad you noticed, so how about changing misleading title of the news?

RyuDrinksTheDew4586d ago

nice job approving this. it has such an obvious error.

rmedtx4586d ago

I think it should be "preview" instead of "review".

FunkMacNasty4586d ago (Edited 4586d ago )

Sure so it's a preview, not a "review." Either way, I can't wait for this game.. it looks like it is shaping up to be a much better addition to the series that the last game, Silent Hill:Homecoming was.. I'm especially happy to hear that the combat system seems to be more effective, as the combat attack/dodge system in Homecoming was all but completely broken. I have been hooked on Silent Hill games since I played the first one when I got my first PS one :)

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Vits275d ago

I mostly disagree with Downpour's position. Yeah, the game is not amazing by any stretch of the imagination but is much better than the HD Collection and Homecoming. The main issue is the performance, but that was mitigated by the patches, especially on the PS3. Personally, I put it a little behind Origins and The Room.

Having Restless Dreams as a different entry from Silent Hill 2 is also a choice.

bfrye26275d ago

Normally, we would not consider it a different game (Restless Dreams), but since it had a very different critical reception and had new content, it was allowed. As for Downpour, I would agree, but since that one is subjective, we let him make his case for the placement.

gold_drake275d ago

silent hill 2 is definitely the best one out of those.

for me personally, the whole ritual/cult stuff was always so weird to me in all the other games.

CrimsonWing69274d ago

No disrespect but I put SH2 over 1. 1 is fantastic, but 2 took it all up a level.

bfrye26274d ago

We agree, that is why the writer put it in top place!