
CVG - Mass Effect 3: 'We know that people are going to want another Mass Effect game''

CVG - Mass Effect's already one of the biggest game series in the galaxy; it has the moral choices, it has the top-notch blasting - all it's missing is multiplayer.... until now.

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coolbeans4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

"...- all it's missing is multiplayer...until now."

Why does the lack of multiplayer in a game or series now become something that's "missing", as if ME3 would be an incomplete experience without that component?

zeal0us4679d ago

Sadly the whole
"every game needs some form of multi-player" concept came with this generation of gaming. Its just a factor that gaming companies this gen believes will drive sale figures. Adding in multi-player can have both positive and negative feedback/results.
I'm glad some gaming companies haven't brought into that concept.

I think ME3 would done fine without multiplayer. All that extra time Bioware had could of been used to enhance the single-player experience or release the game sooner.

Skip_Bayless4679d ago

I'm a huge of Mass Effect 1. ME2 was great. I'm not excited for ME3 because of system limitations. The multiplayer is something new for the series so I'm excited for that. If they just make it a next generation launch title then that would be ideal.

Ducky4679d ago

"or release the game sooner."

I don't agree with that last part.
If I'm paying for the game, then I don't mind waiting to get more content.

If you had the choice of Uncharted2 releasing early, or UC2 having MP, which would you have gone with?

Godmars2904680d ago

I'd like to see an explorable, living universe. The non-humanoid races being more than a cheap joke. Ship combat.

A dozen more other things before multiplayer.

maniacmayhem4679d ago

Ship combat would be bad a$*. Something along the lines of those star trek commander games.

Bigpappy4679d ago

I think the co-op will be very well received. I always thought it would work well in the battles, and I am confident that Bioware will do it well.

4679d ago
jthamind4679d ago

while the multiplayer maybe have technically been missing, i don't think it was missed. meaning sure, it wasn't there, but i doubt most of the people who played the game cared. i sure as hell don't want to co-op through a Mass Effect experience, because that would ruin what the game is supposed to be for me. if i want to co-op through a Bioware space game, then i'll play The Old Republic.

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