
5 Reasons Why Final Fantasy VIII Should Have a Sequel

GameDynamo - "Why doesn't Final Fantasy VIII have a sequel? Square-Enix is coming out with FF XIII-2, XII had spin-offs, X had X-2 and is getting an HD remake, and VII had an animated sequel as well as a handful of side stories. If there's ever been a Final Fantasy that has engendered so much debate and division, it's Final Fantasy VIII.

And yet, the game is a remarkable entry that many fans, including this writer, really enjoyed. Here are my top 5 reasons why I think FF8 should be the next Final Fantasy to get a sequel."

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Pozzle4682d ago

As much as I love FFVIII and think the world would look incredible in HD graphics, I don't think it needs a sequel. It ended so perfectly: the villain was defeated, the world was saved, and the protagonists "lived happily ever after" so to speak. I really don't think there's anything Square could expand upon without somehow ruining the wonderful story/characters/world they created (*cough*like Dirge of Cerberus*cough*).

Lord_Sloth4681d ago

Dirge of Cerberus was actually pretty fun, it just had some level design issues. The story was fine, besides in FFVII there is no Happily Ever After.

Maybe not a Sequel to VIII but maybe a spinoff or remake with a more traditional RPG playstyle.

Pozzle4681d ago (Edited 4681d ago )

The story was the main problem I had with Dirge of Cerberus, tbh...

The Lifestream being used as an internet network that you can "download" into someone's mind, Vincent's limit break being the destined savior of the world all along (wtf), ShinRa having an entire army of super SOLDIERs underneath Midgar that NOBODY knew about, Hojo uploading his conscience into a computer system then downloading it into Weiss, Genesis appearing out of nowhere as the new savior of the planet, the "plot twist" that Lucrecia chose Hojo over Vincent because she felt guilty over Vincent's father's death, etc. (Oh and apparently Vincent got his fashion sense from his dad. Hooray! I'm SOOOO glad we now know that! /s)
Aaaand the entire FFVII team is utterly useless except for Vincent, who for some reason gives a damn about saving the planet now (even though he never gave a crap in the past)...and OMG isn't it convenient that Vincent ends up being The Only One Who Can Save The World in the end.

Ugh it was like something out of a really bad fanfiction. >_>

Instead of expanding on the story and world that Squaresoft had created with FFVII, it seems Square Enix wrote the story first THEN tried to make it fit into the FFVII world. So there were all these WTF moments that made no sense in context of the original FFVII story. (funnily enough, I was just discussing The Third Birthday having this exact same problem in another article).

Reibooi4681d ago

Story issues aside I enjoyed Dirge of Cerberus. I think teh whole thing was SE just making a game for Vincent and kinda going a bit to far and not thinking it through. That said it wasn't a masterpiece but I enjoyed it for what it was.

However on topic. I would like to see something else in the FFVIII universe. While Pozzle hit the nail on the head in saying the story is perfectly wrapped up it doesn't mean there can't be more to explore.

For example(and it's been like 5 years since I last played the game so forgive me) Squall and most of the members of the Garden would more then likely not just stop being SEED's because the story ended. I would assume the Garden would keep on being what it was and that alone allows for some interesting future stories that could come out of the universe without needing to ruin what was the original game.

Perhaps a new war breaks out and the Garden and it's SEED's step in to try to resolve the whole thing. Just the basic concept of the garden's being a military school of sorts allows for some interesting little spin offs that wouldn't need to ruin what the original story was.

It doesn't even have to be about Squall and company. Perhaps have it take place down the road with new members of the Garden and maybe there can be Cameo's and what not. It could work. The world itself and concepts introduced are interesting enough in my opinion although I'm sure there are those that would not want another game set in that world if it didn't have the original characters and I can understand that.

That said after the 3rd Birthday I am kinda hesitant for SE to go back and touch any of it's classic PSone era games. I'm just saying the possibilities are there and they don't have to ruin the original game if done right.

WhiteLightning4681d ago

I thought FF7 and FF10 ended well but they got a sequel, even the crappy FF13

I think it should, Square should take that theory about Rinoa becoming Ultimecia (which they've already debunked....but still) and the SeeD have to find away to rewrite history while at the same time battle an even bigger threat....maybe another war starts.

Although to be honest I'd rather they do a remake, get FF7 out of the way and start on a remake for FF8. The Garden battle in HD with good voice acting would be amazing.

However they could do a prequel with Laguna, Kiros and War leading up to the final battle with Sorceress Adel, how Laguna trapped her and won the Sorceress war making him president of Esther.

WildArmed4681d ago

The beauty of FFVIII was everything was neatly packed with a bow tie on top by it's end.

Laguna's story, Squall's story, Seifer's story, etc they all come to an conclusion.
Really loved the game <3

Lord_Sloth4681d ago

Actually the storyline tied directly into Vincent which is why the others stepped back. They allowed him to decide on his own. After all, he kept helping them.

The Lifestream is magic and has power over the soul so using it to "hack" into the soul wasn't a terrible idea.

Vincent decided to save the world because he had friends who showed up to help him. Besides, Lucrecia would be upset with him if he didn't.

But these are all opinions really and there isn't much sense arguing about opinions.

Pozzle4681d ago (Edited 4681d ago )

But that's my point. It doesn't really make sense that the others would step back and let Vincent do all the dirty work when such a big part of FFVII was working together and being a team. They defeated Sephiroth because they were all stronger than him, and even though FFVII was mostly Cloud's story, the others didn't just step back and let him take on Sephiroth by himself (not counting the last battle that took place in his mind). Because they were all in this together, y'know how it goes - "all for one and one for all".

But of course since Dirge was a shooter, there could only be one main character, so Square just dumped the rest of the team in the background and hoped nobody would care enough to question why Cloud and Co. aren't too worried about letting one of their closest friends save the entire planet on his own...even though if Vincent lost it would result in his death AND the complete destruction of the planet.

Same goes for the whole Lifestream-internet crap. I get that the Lifestream is a magical force and doesn't go by any real-world logic, but there are limits to what the Lifestream should be able to do. And using it as a computer system of sorts was what crossed the line into WTF territory for me. Especially since at no point in FFVII did anyone mention that the Lifestream COULD be used as an "internet". Like, why the hell did this plot even exist? Is this REALLY the only way Square thought they could continue the FFVII story? D:

Don't even get me started on the Lucrecia thing. Vincent forgave himself and Lucrecia at the end of FFVII (when you get his final weapon) so that she could finally disappear and he could finally move on. He accepted that he no longer deserved punishment and that the real villain was Hojo. That was a HUGE part of his characterization that Square Enix completely forgot about so that they could add more angst to Dirge's plot.

Tanir4681d ago (Edited 4681d ago )

if anyone even understood the ending of ff8 or what ff8 was about they would know *Spoiler Alert*

Squall has been dead since the end of disc one. there for Noooo Sequel......

dont know if anyone is aware but Squallisdead.com can fill you in if your confused

and @Pozzle about Dirge....sooooo true man, sooooo true.

although a proper ff7 sequel finishing off genesis would be nice :P

tieryas4681d ago

Hi Tanir, I'm the writer of this article, and I found the site for squallisdead fascinating, and a real interesting perspective on the story of FF8. Thanks for posting.

TheBlackMask4681d ago (Edited 4681d ago )


That whole "Squall is dead" crap was debunked by Square ages ago. They even said something along the lines of that even though something which happened to Squall would kill a man in real life they didn't want to give off that impression during that scene that he was dead and the events after were just his dream

Squall is alive and kicking

Lord_Sloth4681d ago

Yeah...That's too much for me to bother reading. Ciao.

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jthamind4681d ago

bring on the disagrees, but i thought Final Fantasy VIII was a horrible game, and honestly one of the most ridiculous i've ever played of any genre. the graphics (for its time) and soundtrack were amazing, but everything outside of that was garbage to me.

so i personally wouldn't be looking forward to a sequel. lol.

bozebo4681d ago (Edited 4681d ago )

Enix will just butcher it. FF8 ended perfectly and doesn't need any spinoffs (you can point out holes in any story if you want).

@jthamind, just out of curiosity. Did you think 8 would be a continuation of 7? Most people hate 8 because they played 7 first and didn't understand that FF games were mostly in different universes, then stopped playing early on and didn't give 8 a chance.

jthamind4681d ago

i didn't think that, i just didn't like most of the aspects of it. i hated most of the characters, the story, the battle mechanics (drawing magic, the summons, cards), the weapons, the plot twists, the set pieces...

i'm not trying to make it sound like blind hate or anything, because i love Final Fantasy games, and i went into 8 fully expecting to love it, i just thought it was a poorly made game in design, not in the technical aspect.

WhiteLightning4681d ago (Edited 4681d ago )

Obviously people like you who think FF8 was a porrly made game overall because of "crap" characters, drawing magic and the card game never even played it or understood it......a third likley reason could be that you just want to hate it because it wasn't FF7 which is where the small amount of hate for this game comes from....FF7 lovers.

"i'm not trying to make it sound like blind hate or anything"

To say you hated everything......yeah it's blind hate alright.

FF8 had some of best developed characters in the FF franchise, especialy Squall.....or how you would blindly put it that "emo" kid.

jthamind4681d ago


i played the game from start to finish, i leveled most of the characters to max, and i even beat the superbosses. sorry, but the "you haven't played it or understood it" aspect won't work on me. i play every FF game from start to finish, no matter how much i like them.

blind hate would be hate without a reason. i have my reasons, whether you agree with them or not. :)

Nerdmaster4681d ago

Oh, God, my eyes started to bleed when I read "FF8 had some of best developed characters in the FF franchise, especialy Squall". You're comparing it to which FF game? FF1?

It's sad that Square went back to the d*ck/b*tch protagonist with Lightning. Although I don't like XIII, at least her change was gradual and somewhat believable, not "I'm a d*ck the whole game and in the last two hours I change completely" like Squall.

bozebo4681d ago (Edited 4681d ago )


Squall wasn't a d*ck, you must have misinterpreted the narrative ^_^ I played the game originally when I was young and replayed it more recently and I reacted totally different to the characterization the second time through.

Some of the FF8 characters were developed really well and the others were just... kinda there. But the pace of the game overall is fantastic - the way the story is incrementally uncovered and the way they pose new areas to explore was just great.

I didn't mind the junction and drawing systems, every FF game does something unique so it makes sense that lots of people will dislike the methods they may choose.

The secret areas and extras were also top notch and very well presented. Lots of interesting "difference" if that makes sense, that you don't see in most games these days. (like, they don't just copy and paste scripts to add "content" with different names for things >_>)

I have a similar opinion of FF12, though the story just left some chunks unexplained and most of the characters were too "meh".

Also, for anybody in this discussion that loves FF. Try Lost Odyssey if you havn't played it, it is even worth buying a 360 for if you are a fan of the series, trust me. It is the spiritual successor to the great FF games of old and it has a lot of the developers of the older FF games who left Enix and founded Mistwalker. Check out some youtube videos or something, it's such a fantastic game.

jthamind4681d ago


i completely agree with you about Lost Odyssey. i thoroughly enjoyed it. it had the feel (as far as gameplay) of a lot of the old Square JRPGs while also feeling a bit more mature and fresh.

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Relientk774681d ago

Squaresoft > Square Enix

If it was Squaresoft I would say yes, I would love to see a sequel to FFVIII, and FFIX as well.

Acquiescence4681d ago

I'd love a sequel for FFVIII; I adore that game. But knowing Square Enix, they would just make a mockery of it or something.

WildArmed4681d ago

lol, like they killed FFX ...
such a perfect game that was.
The ending was tough but not all FFs needed to end on a light note.

Then they did FFX-2 :(

elbeasto864681d ago

I would welcome a sequel. I really loved FFVIII and I would welcome anything that would expand on the game. Maybe it could be about Squall and Rinoa's son or daughter and include a few more Garden's. Also, how about a revamp of the junction system? haha I really doubt this would happen but I'm getting excited just thinking about the possibilities. :P

WildArmed4681d ago

idk about most people, but I really loved the junction system. I practically was lv7 on my Squall until the last disc and still destroy coz of junction system <3

Sure drawing magic in front of Ultimaweapon and Omegaweapon was never a good idea.. but it had to be done LOL

I didn't like how you had to draw magic, but it fit well with the junction system i guess.

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Playstation Icons: Squall Leonhart

Gary Green said: Tempting as it is to dedicate our first installment of PlayStation Icons to a franchise-leader like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, or even Sackboy, instead I’m choosing a character that I, like so many others, connected with on a personal level. He’s a moody, world-weary teen, a proud loner with no time for the drama of others, and yet he’s also a hero just waiting for the motivation to unleash his full potential. He’s a warrior. He’s a leader. He’s the king of internal monologues. It’s time to meet Squall Leonhart.

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10 PS1 Games That Actually Need A Remake

With hundreds of games, some of which are considered to be classics that hold up to this day, you’ve got the pick of the litter when it comes to choosing a potential remake

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RaidenBlack171d ago

^This. THIS!
Stop remaking PS4 games!
Remake PS1 and PS2 games à la FF7R, RE1, Mafia, Half Life style ....
Make Legend of Dragoon, Legacy of Kain etc Remakes happen

darthv72171d ago

Legend of Dragoon... WTH is Sony doing just letting this one squander?

-Foxtrot171d ago

I wonder if their mindset is like “meh we have Final Fantasy what’s the point of our own JRPG”

FinalFantasyFanatic171d ago

Square-Enix had a long period there where it seems they didn't know what to do with Final Fantasy, I think that time period would have been a good time to revisit their classics and remake them. Now it seems they're going full steam ahead with the franchise, so they have less reason to revisit those older games. I wouldn't mind if they subcontracted them out to other developers, that and I don't trust SE to remake their older games.

Cacabunga171d ago

Simply because i do not think it will succeed.. maybe a bad example but e we got Medievil remake after many years fans have beg asking... result is It flopped hard. Remaking a JRPG is so risky. Only a bunch of hardcore gamers who played the original would buy it. If Sony put even more budget into it then it’s even more risky.

As i suggested before, i think they should start remaking like square did with Star Ocean. Or something similar to Octopath Traveller. Build up some hype and try on higher scale later on..

Terry_B171d ago

Let me tell you about PS1 games that should get a remake actually.

Jumping Flash (As a VR game)
Ridge Racer 1-4 as Ridge Racers 3..just like the pretty perfect PSP RR1.-2 games but with even more content
Cardinal Sin which was full of nice ideas for its time but was plagued by technical limitations
Bushido Blade ^^ just like CS
Bust A Groove.
WWF Attitude. With the same roster, same voices,Only slightly updated gameplay but current gen graphics
Dynasty Warriors..yes the fighting game that was similar to Tekken 2 while it had weapons.As nice as the DW games are..its a shame they never released a new fighting game

And while I am at it.

Thrill Kill ...hell yes.

KyRo171d ago

Ah Thrill Kill, the game that was banned/cancelled but everyone had played 😂 what a throwback!

darthv72171d ago

jumping Flash would make a great VR game. Im actually quite surprised nobody has thought to do that one... even on the indie side for something like the meta quest.

171d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic171d ago

I miss Ridge Racer so much, give me a new game or at least a collection of the older games! I had a blast playing Ridge Racer PSP on my PS4 a few months back.

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FinalFantasyFanatic171d ago

I cannot understand the current business practice of remaking games from the previous generation, especially when they are very much playable today and still hold up well, it's even worse when people are willing buying them again. The PS1 generation is so ripe for remakes, I know more than a few people who would clamour for a Xenogears remake, or almost any game from that list.

Ravenkiss171d ago

and Valkyrie Profile Lenneth. They did Star Ocean 1 & 2 R already, VPL should get the same treatment.

Redgrave171d ago

I assume this to mean that you aren't considering the PSP port to be the remake in this statement? Like a remake of that one?

FinalFantasyFanatic171d ago

That version is quite old though, that was 18 years ago, so doing a remake in the vain of Star Ocean might be worth it (I did not think the PSP was that old until I looked it up).

Knightofelemia171d ago

I'd be down for FF8, and Xenogears. But I would also be down for Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. And I wish Namco would get off their ass and remake or remaster the Xenosaga trilogy.

FinalFantasyFanatic171d ago

There's been talk of a Xenosaga trilogy on the proviso that there was enough demand, I hope that actually happens one day.

Christopher171d ago

1. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
2. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
3. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
4. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
5. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
6. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
7. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
8. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
9. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
10. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

LoveSpuds171d ago

What a fantastic game that was!

Skuletor171d ago

You forgot Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Snookies12171d ago

Why does From Software not do ANYTHING with this franchise... It's so sad... Can't they at least outsource it to someone to try a revival?

leahcim170d ago

masterpiece, best OST of all times.

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Final Fantasy Games That Deserve the Remake Treatment

Final Fantasy has a long running history with numerous numbered titles and spin-offs, but which games stand to benefit from a remake?

gold_drake277d ago

i feel like all of them.
well except 2 haha.

shinoff2183277d ago

Agreed. Ff2 though can be made better, so it's not entirely a lost cause. Ff8 will gets its time. I do wish they'd do the old ones. From ff10 and up those ones still hold up pretty well.

kevco33277d ago

Honestly, I've always felt that VII and up 'hold up well' in that regard. The early 3D games just needed a cosmetic update. But the FFVII Remake is so different to the original in execution that a lot of games could be done in a similar fashion and feel far more modern.

I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing (that depends on your personal preference!), just that they could feel very different.

shinoff2183276d ago

Kevco I liked remake but I think your right. Idda been happy with a 1 to 1 remake that looked like ever crisis to. Or both

I'd just love I square would one day give us a turned based one with today's graphics. I can't really think of a jrpg that does that.

andy85276d ago

I'd rather the 13 trilogy just be ported tbh. No matter what you think if it, it shouldn't be the only numbered offline games not playable on new consoles. But naturally I'd play the **** out of 8-12 remakes.

shinoff2183276d ago

I do agree. I'd give it another shot even though I didn't like it at first. My taste change over time. Gta 4 for instance I was so disappointed it lacked so much of what san andreas had I didn't play it for like 5 years. One day went to a semi pro football game(American football) came home drunk and decided to try 4 again. I actually liked it after giving it a fair shot.

Rebel_Scum276d ago

Just make new games. Not every game needs to be remade.

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