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Ziff Davis staff holds impromptu GameSpot rally

A number of Ziff Davis staffers (including a few writers for 1UP, arguably GameSpot's biggest competition) recently crafted an uplifting banner and marched to the GameSpot offices just two blocks away. The demonstration was a response to the recent unexplained firing of GameSpot contributor Jeff Gerstmann. After hearing the rumors that Gerstmann was fired due to pressure from advertisers following his lackluster review of Kane and Lynch, the ZD staff decided to show their support for their fellow gaming journalist.

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gamesblow6137d ago (Edited 6137d ago )

I really, really, really hate that girl holding up the right hand side of that idiotic sign. Like, loath. She's such a moronic twit! Anyways, this is nothing but a chance to pounce onto sympathy votes and get more subs and readers to their site and mag. It shows they are the compassionate ones and if they support their "fellow" reviewers so much... Why don't they offer Jeff a job where they work?

P.S. Look at that bunch of SLOP DONGS! Look at them... all of them. These are not normal people. Check out the dude in the last picture form the right on the bottom. He's wearing a yellow shirt a giant ass ear ring and lip stick. What the sam F*CK is going on here? These smacks are morons! They're all like 30 and they dress like they're 15 and that one TW@T RASH who I hate has a damn puppy in her purse... What degenerates. I mean, these are the people who need to be hit with missiles.

ErcsYou6137d ago (Edited 6137d ago )

Thats a little harsh but i get were your going with it and i agree.

Everybody @ N4G look at these people. . . .This is where our game reviews come from, and its making me depressed. These people are losers.... a bunch of super dorks and ugly chicks.. i wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with them let alone accepting their "opinions" on my favorite games. Fu$k them... where are all the hardcore gamers at? their obviously not at GameSpot or 1up.. i'm tired of these happy go lucky gamers dressing like fruitcakes and hugging the nuts of major review sites. Their reviews are misleading and way off most of the time.. I hope GameSpot burns..

Edit to all below me...

Do my words irk you? good.... first off its not about fashion sense or being a " Hot socialite " its how you carry your self. i guess what im trying to say is if your a little hardcore yourself..( graffiti,music, a little violent, a little thugish) your probably asking your self "why would i listen to these corny mo fo's for?"

OatLoops6137d ago (Edited 6137d ago )

I find it odd that regular posters on a videogame website would negatively judge someone by their looks. You both must be hot socialites with a fierce fashion style, huh? I doubt it. Be nice, guys.

Bill Nye6137d ago

Yeah, everyone on N4G is hot stuff, right? Especially you guys. Damn. Way to go.

solar6137d ago

holy crap get off your high horses. because they dont look like the rest of society doesnt mean they are any less of a person then you are your hieness. and how can you look at someone and tell if they are a hardcore gamer?

the judgmental always have short comings of themselves they are trying to hide. lemme guess? pre-op trannies right?

socomnick6136d ago

I think games blow has too many bubbles for his own good.

Nice thing they did supporting a fellow game reviewer who lost his job.

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Retro-Virus6137d ago

"1UP, arguably GameSpot's biggest competition"

Wow, talk about dumb leading the dumber !!

beoulve6137d ago

yup dumb and dumber in Game Reviewer site.

Elginer6137d ago

If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Yeah that applies here.

felman876137d ago

I wonder why they didn't invite me

goldenxbox6137d ago

There is a petition up at 315+ signatures and counting, we must send a message to them!!!


We will not stand for paid off reviews, regardless of what system we own!!!!!!!

KidMakeshift6137d ago (Edited 6137d ago )

I'll go round up Gandalf, and Legolas

Bnet3436137d ago


Muppetmeat6137d ago

And you wonder why you've never gotten a girl.

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Classic Mobile Game Spotlight - Kane and Lynch: Dead Men

Zach writes: 'IO Interactive have developed a number of highly regarded titles during their two-decade long run. The Hitman games have always been huge commercial and critical successes, and even lesser-known titles like Freedom Fighters ended up as a cult classic.'.

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Community1798d ago

Top 10 Games that Deserve a Second Chance

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "The video game industry is a pretty cutthroat place. More often than not the cycle of a game’s life is pretty set in stone – a title is announced, hyped ,released and hopefully it’s a hit. However sometimes things don’t go as planned and a game doesn’t hit home with gamers. Not that’s it a bad game per say but due to a myriad of issues or the general mood of the world at the time the game isn’t remembered so fondly as its contemporaries. So for this week’s Top 10 we’re listing off ten titles that you should probably give a second chance to because they really are decent titles and deserve more love than they ever got."

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Community2312d ago
IamTylerDurden12313d ago

I enjoyed Kane and Lynch. I would love to see a PS All-Stars 2 or a non-Smash take on a PlayStation fighter. Maybe a Marvel v Campcom style but with larger levels.

PhoenixUp2313d ago

Can Tekken X Street Fighter even get a first chance

FallenAngel19842313d ago

I’d rather Nintendo give Star Fox Assault a second chance and make another new game in that style. I like that game way better than Star Fox Adventures

wonderfulmonkeyman2312d ago

I heartily agree.
Maybe even a sequel with that new walker from Star Fox Zero.[yes I know it's originally from Star Fox 2, but most of us know it from Zero because we didn't get to play SF2.]

SSj4Yagami2312d ago

More people played SF2 than SFZ thanks to SNES Mini, and emulation. Also, Star Fox Adventure > Star Fox Assault.

wonderfulmonkeyman2312d ago

The Conduit.

Just, give us a reboot of that for Switch and make it bigger and better than the original, which had potential but never got off the ground due to being on the Wii.

lptmg2312d ago

Unpopular af opinion: give Castlevania 64 and Deadpool a second chance

wonderfulmonkeyman2312d ago

Castlevania 64 was an amazing game for its time and I'd LOVE to see it get a proper remake or reboot.

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IO Interactive Gains Rights to Freedom Fighters, But Loses Kane & Lynch

In addition to retaining Hitman, IO kept ownership of Freedom Fighters, a 2003 third-person shooter that appeared on sixth gen consoles and received high praise.

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Community2501d ago
Cueil2502d ago

Freedom Fighters was one of my favorite OG Xbox game

UCForce2502d ago

I played Freedom Fighter on PC when I was a kid. Damn, the game was so freaking good.

strayanalog2502d ago

I can live with this IO. So how about that sequel, so I can forgive you already?

Kyosuke_Sanada2501d ago

WOW!!!!!! I would be so hyped if Freedom Fighters returned but it's very disappointing that Kane and Lynch is still on ice because the story has so much potential. Both games also features Jesper Kyd's best work.

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