
PCN: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Review - 9.5/10

PS3center.net reviews Naughty Dog's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for the Playstation 3 console.

"The series is bound for greatness and will receive sequels. If you own a PS3 then you must play Uncharted: Drakes Fortune."

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shmee6141d ago

ps3 has strike gold with UNCHARTED,HS and R&C

iceice1236141d ago (Edited 6141d ago )

This game has no chance against Halo 3, Mass effect, Bioshock Forza 2, PGR4 or any other game for GOTY. Another average game for the flopstation 3 *YAWN*

Funny how the dead 360 outsells flopstation every month :) Funny how it has the highest attach rate and software sales of what, 50% for all 3 consoles? Yeah, dead. Meanwhile the PS3 struggles to sell, lets not even talk about the games sales...sad. bad-average games on the bottleneck 3 will not be GOTY. True games such as what I listed are. PS3, good as dead, jump in.

Oh and Nasim look what we have here: PGR4 http://www.metacritic.com/g...

Unchrated: http://www.metacritic.com/g...

Two marks higher, and PGR4 is the worst in the series right? Well UC must be trash:)

shmee6141d ago (Edited 6141d ago )

PGR4 has got 7/10 from most websites.

UNCHARTED will be the GOTY 2007

Most eu websites have denounced Mass Effect and dont bring that cartoon HALO 3.

typical XBOT defending dead360 aka GARBAGE BOX 360

AddisonW6141d ago

Uncharted is the undisputed Game of the Year for 2007.

Graphics far beyond any other console game besides perhaps Ratchet and Clank

Amazing movie quality acting and story

Rock solid controls and gameplay

After just one year and the PS3 already has the greatest lineup of games for any system. And Sony hasn't really gotten to most of their big hitters that 120+ million people bought PS2s for last gen like MGS,Final Fantasy, GT, SOCOM, Team ICO and so on.

mesh16141d ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAH u shud be a comic if u think games liek these shud get goty u must be on crack coccaine

Lord Cheese6141d ago (Edited 6141d ago )

lets think about your statement shall we.

Struck gold with uncharted, heavenly sword, and r&c. Right, well:

Uncharted - i can't comment too much, i've not played it, and no matter how hard i try, the damn demo still wont work (eu demo and a us ps3 arent friendly it seems). However it looks like it has some potential - best exclusive game so far based on the reviews i'd say.

HS - MASSIVE DISSAPPOINTMENT. Graphics are great, voice acting and cutscenes are brilliant, gameplay...erm....just too samey. Bash button-bash button-bash button, followed by frustrating six-axis nonsense. Rinse and repeat. Its not bad, but it tries to be god of war, and there are almost no games that can ever come close.

R&C - Superb fun, but dear lord, i cant remember an easier game. It was over so quick i felt short changed to be honest (despite never laughing my ass off at the disco-ball thingy)

I dont think any of them deserve game of the year. That has to go to bioshock. NOT because its on the 360 (i dont see any reason why they dont just release it on the ps3 as well), but because its the most unique, athmospheric game of the year. So many interesting ideas, awesome plot, tremendous graphics, critically acclaimed by basically everyone...

These games all have good points (as i say, i've not played UC yet - once i'm done with mass effect i'll trade my copy of AC in for it i think) but they arent really killer apps. Fact is, the ps3 still lacks a game thats going to shift systems. Say what you like about halo 3, its gonna shift consoles - m$ made sure of that with the advertising it put behind it - that doesnt make it a better game than whats available on the ps3, but its definately a killer app for the xbox cos it'll shift units - thats what the ps3 needs and doesnt have right now. Hope it gets one or two in 2008, my games collection is getting a bit lop-sided.

Power of Blu6141d ago

Dude, Heavenly sword gameplay was just too samey? You mean like for a hack and slash all you do is hack and slash. Like in an FPS game all you do is shoot stuff? Then you complain about the change to gameplay using the Sixaxis because it's frustrating? I think you need to learn how to use the Sixaxis controller... The Cannon and Bow levels were a joy in HS. Download Super Rub a Dub, will help you learn how to use a next gen gamepad.

Then you go on to say that Ratchet and Clank is too easy. Yet you think Bioshock where you absolutely cannot die should deserve the crown? Bioshock was an awesome game but it had a glaring fault in that there was no penalty WHATSOEVER for screwing up. Let's take a Big Daddy out with a wrench.

I know it's your opinion but your argument against the games above is flawed.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 6141d ago
gamesblow6141d ago

Oh, look... more 9's + that'll never show up on the % sites. hahaah.. What a piece a' joke! Waitin' for those Gametv R&C reviews to show up on those "trusted" % sites, along with 9 other reviews for the game that were all 8.5 and 9 +... Same sites reviewed the game that review xbox 360 games, only those get added to the mix. Bias much?

shmee6141d ago


and CNET is owned by MS

so what do u expect.

Those sites expunge all the bad reviews of x360 games including all the EU reviews.

all the PRO X360 websites are counted but PS3 advanced,psu,ps3 center are not counted in the METACRITIC /GR average

mesh16141d ago

WHAT DO U RETARDS EXPECT ? its from a playstation mag 1 that actaully owned and sponserd buy sony thus its not on metacritic/gamerankings uncharted is a pile of pooo

HeartlesskizZ6141d ago

I never had fun looking at the environment until UDF came out =)the water
and the living trees are so photo realistic and the combat system is sure
one of my favorites so far =)

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Celebrating Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 15-Year Anniversary

November 19 marks 15 years since the release of the Uncharted game that started it all.

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Nyxus674d ago

I hope they make another Uncharted game some day.

MIDGETonSTILTS17674d ago

I hope they don’t make another until the end of the ps5 lifecycle…. Show us a better jungle

Minute Man 721673d ago

It's 15 years already....time flys


The Inconsistent Harmony: 5 Examples of Ludonarrative Dissonance in Video Games

VGChartz's Issa Maki: "I finally have a proper designation akin to what I've always referred to internally as 'the line that must be crossed' or 'The Line', for short – ludonarrative dissonance – the separation from a video game's story in relation to its gameplay. Why isn't PETA all up in Mario's grill for jumping on turtles and killing fish, or charging Samus Aran with the extinction of the Metroid species? Ever notice how fire has that habit of making bosses in Resident Evil stronger? Read on my friend, for I endeavor to imbue you with the ability to engage in basic queries concerning the concept."

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0hMyGandhi822d ago

I absolutely loved this article! well done.

MadLad822d ago

Nathan Drake is a monster.


Ranking the Uncharted Games From Worst to Best

KeenGamer: "Which Uncharted game is the best? Uncharted is widely recognized as one of the most groundbreaking and consistently great franchises in gaming. For both long-time fans and newcomers to this action-adventure classic, here’s a ranking of the franchise’s four main games."

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Kyizen1153d ago

UC 2, 4, 3 and 1. Great read and article

ABizzel11153d ago

No Golden Abyss -_-, otherwise I agree with the order.

UC2: Best overall
UC4: Best graphics, best gameplay, best locations, best environements
UC3: Best set pieces IMO (the boat and desert fights will always be amazing)
UC1: A rough Draft of what was to come
UCGA: Basically UC1 on Vita

Levii_921153d ago (Edited 1153d ago )

Great list and great article nicely writen and explained. Although for me personaly i would put Drakes Fortune above Drake’s Deception and Uncharted 4 is absolutely my favourite of the franchise and number 1 for me.

Inverno1153d ago

U2 is the only game playable on crushing without causing a great amount of frustration. Not to mention just how much influence it had that they redid some of U2s set pieces like the caravan twice, and armored truck chase in U4.

DFresh1153d ago (Edited 1153d ago )

I'd rate it as the following.

1.) Uncharted 2
(Close to perfection of any game I've played in years. Single Player/Multiplayer/Co Op all amazing.)

2.) Uncharted 3
(On par with UC2 multiplayer/co op wise minus the kickbacks [aka killstreaks]. I really liked the Lawrence of Arabia story.)

3.) Uncharted 4
(Single player is amazing. Multiplayer was meh. Co Op had potential. Absolutely hated the health revive system it slowed down the game way too much. Always preferred the fast pace action of UC2/UC3. Made it way more fun that way. Recoil was too ridiculous that most people in lobbies would only do hip firing, using power weapons and using that OP grappling hook to melee people after dropping them. Nobody wanted to revive anyone.)

4.) Uncharted
(It's the first in the series so it's hard to judge. Though I loved the story.)

NecrumOddBoy1153d ago

I agree here but it’s also a series you can play from front to back and truly enjoy. Story-wise, they are all great and flow so well. I wish they threw both Golden Abyss and Lost Legacy on this list. Lost Legacy is the best mechanically in my opinion. You can see it’s stepping stone framework for TLOUS2.

Michiel19891153d ago

uncharted 2 is one of the few games that actually surpassed its pre-release hype.

medman1153d ago (Edited 1153d ago )

I am a single player gamer...I barely ever touch a multiplayer component. The only exceptions over the years have been the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, TLOU factions, and the Uncharted 2 multiplayer. The Uncharted 2 multiplayer saw me spend more time playing it than all my other multiplayer experiences over the years combined. That game really was a masterpiece all around.

brando0081152d ago

I agree completely, those are all stellar MP experiences, coming from another SP gamer who only occasionally gives MP some time.

Gardenia1153d ago

Come to think of it, the step between Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2 is huge. It goes from the weakest in the series to one of the best games ever made.
I think I'm going to play all of them again soon.

Ninver1153d ago

Yeah all of a sudden I've got that Uncharted itch.

Michiel19891153d ago

is multiplayer still up for the remastered trilogy? or did it never have UC2 mp?

Ninver1153d ago


Not sure

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