
Sony's PlayStation Vita First Edition: A Master Stroke?

Chris Buffa (Modojo): A few days ago, I pre-ordered a Wi-Fi enabled PlayStation Vita at GameStop, largely because I don't want to be on the outside looking in February 22, driving around like a madman in search of a system.

Misterhbk4712d ago

already changed my WiFi only preorder over to this. Its an extra hundred but I was going to get the Little Deviants game for my little brother with his Vita anyways so now I'll get to test it out for a week then give it to him from that point on most likely. It'll also let me test out all of Vita's features so its cool in that sense as well. As far as the 3G goes I will not be getting a plan right away but the idea that I have the option is always nice.

Getting the system a week early is the real motive behind me doing this though! Can't wait! Feb 15th!

Bleucrunch4712d ago

I think the bundle is cool...I wish they would have it for the wifi model (unless they do but to my knowledge it's only for the 3G model.) and plus for all of us educated people who know about AT&T and 3G we know that their 3G coverage is terrible to say the least and you will not have coverage everywhere and the speeds they advertise you will never reach unfortunately hence why I will be getting wifi model. Nice article by the way.

Godchild10204711d ago

I'm a educated person and I have AT&T and a iPhone and I get great service and speed everywhere I go. But that doesn't mean I will be getting a plan for the vita right away. There is no clear indication that I will be playing it on the go online.

I preordered the First Edition Bundle last week after finding out it was available and I feel great about doing it, since I was planing on getting the 3G compatible one anyway. It's a great value, when the game alone is priced at 40 dollars.

Bleucrunch4711d ago

Well I will render a guess that you do not live in NYC...its atrocious over here with no end in sight as far as it getting better...all I am saying is playing games online using 3G will be a decision you will soon regret when you realize that it is not as fast as you thought it would be.

Godchild10204711d ago

I live in NYC. I'm not saying the 3G from AT&T on the Vita will be great, but that I won't know until someone tries it out and let the world know about the service and if it's reliable, quick and worth the money.

3G on this first edition model is just an option if I don't want to spend the extra money to tether from my phone. If the 3G plan for the vita is 15 dollars, than it's worth it for the vita, since I will be paying 15 dollars more to tether from my phone anyway.

Bleucrunch4711d ago

Oh well if you scenerio is what we get then YES that would be awesome because I wont expect much at 15 bucks a month...I was under the assumption that it would around 30-40 bucks a month...if I know At&T and their rediculous pricing system.

Wintersun6164712d ago

I have a very cheap and yet quite reliable 3G plan in my SGS2 and I can always use it as a hotspot, so it's Wi-Fi model for me.

despair4712d ago

I like the bundle but in my country I have no use of 3G or if I want to use it, so paying the extra is pointless for me..I wish I could get the Canadian WiFi deal though, that one I would take.

miyamoto4712d ago

I will get the Canadian Wifi deal. coz i have a 4G smartphone.

pain777pas4712d ago

I am going to do the same and pay off half at least when i pick up UC3 tomorrow or tonight if there is midnight launch. I think little deviants is a good enough gateway to understand the Vita features and some cool AR. I wish this was LBP instead but whatever LBP needs to be cooked well before it debuts.

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10 PlayStation Vita Software Missed Opportunities

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Many would argue – and I wouldn’t really disagree – that the PlayStation Vita never really had a killer app. There wasn’t that one piece of software that helped change the console’s fortunes. The closest we got was arguably Persona 4 Golden, an early release that received huge critical acclaim, but it was part of a niche series and as such its sales impact from a hardware perspective was muted.

There were missed opportunities along the way, as certain titles had the potential to change the Vita’s fortunes, but the way the final product was delivered (if indeed it was delivered at all) left a lot to be desired and so they didn’t reach their full potential. It’s these games I’m aiming to look at this in this article – 10 games that were missed opportunities on Vita. I’m not saying that every release I’ll be talking out here had the potential to be a “killer app”, but if they had been executed a little better they would have undoubtedly been a key factor in helping the console reach a wider audience."

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ilikestuff1822d ago

Still thinking about the that last of us 2 multiplayer missed opportunity

isarai1822d ago

My soul still aches over the idea of making 3D Dot Game Heroes a Vita series never happening after the dev studio expressed interest in doing so. Could've been a flagship for it, or at least carried it a bit further.

Abcdefeg1822d ago

The vita contributed to the ps3 having less support from Japanese devs. I hope sony keep focusing on one console at time like they are now in the future

1822d ago

10 Games That Best Used the Vita's Unique Inputs

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "There are examples out there of games being developed for Vita that truly make the most of its inputs, coming up with unique ways of interacting with the hardware to make for a memorable gaming experience. It’s these titles I’m looking at in this article – what they are and how they worked on Vita, both in terms of what they did right and what they could have done better."

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Games with Gold VS PlayStation+ Free Games June 2016 - MONG

It’s that time of the month again folks. The time where gamers collectively gather all over the internet to criticize what free games they get this month. So, who plundered the other’s fanboys for all their self-worth and gratification in life? Who was the victor in June? Let’s take a look.

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