
8 Minutes of New Uncharted 3 Marketplace Singleplayer Gameplay.

Dualshock Nexus: **This video may contain spoilers**. Watch at your own caution. Uncharted 3 is only 1 week away from hitting the store shelves and new footage is popping up everyday. In this 8 minute video you are shown marketplace gameplay taking place in what appears to be Yemen. Not too much information about the story is given away here. If you've been itching to see new direct gameplay check out the video below.

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ArmGunar4625d ago

I don't watch, not feel like spoiling me ^^

dark-hollow4625d ago ShowReplies(3)
aceitman4625d ago

it surpasses un2 graphics and motion . i thought they can do it but not by that much . its like un 1 to un2 the leap in graphics is amazing . hats off to nd. i thank u for such great games . from crash to un3 .

omi25p4624d ago

It looks amazing. But one little nit pick ive got. (I really mean little) I cant understand why Drake touches everything he walks past.

Not that its that big of a deal im just wondering

Elimin84624d ago

Gaming Orgasm at out's finest?!

dark-hollow4625d ago (Edited 4625d ago )

Why the hell my comment is "trolling"???

praising uncharted is forbidden now, n4g???

What I meant with the old hardware is that it is impressive that they can push the graphics so high on 5 years old hardware.

Is that a crime? Smh.

kikizoo4624d ago

"old" but much powerfull than the competition in 2006 (used for supercomputers = to 46 pentium 4 terraflops !! not a single 2006/7 can compete), so you can have that kind of graphic in 2011.

TheKindRoost4625d ago

no major spoiler(imo), more like a highlight of the improved melee combat which was awesome.

ArmGunar4625d ago

For me, spoiler is when I watch new environments of a game and new gameplay :P

brettyd4625d ago

i want to go into this game without seeing anything, only video i watched was the cruise ship. Cant wait to be blown away.

Jonah_Reese4625d ago

I know what you mean but I know that when you actually play it and that camera pans out to reveal a ridiculously beautiful set piece you'll think "Wow, those videos showed me nothing."

Convas4625d ago

Dammit NO! It's just a week away GAHH. I just got my copy of BF3, I'm going to take it like a man and wait.

BUT that thumbnail look so pretty X( arrrghgggg.

Godmars2904625d ago

Wanna say Elaina's far too comfortable with the whole underground and black-market thing, but then she is a reporter.

And its still wrong.

NealCaffrey4625d ago (Edited 4625d ago )

Is it just me or does Elaina look a little Asian now?

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Shawn Layden Hammers Down The Importance Of Preserving Games

Former PlayStation US bigwig Shawn Layden has weighed in on the subject of video game preservation during a chat with Lan Parties, stating that more should be done by the big players in the industry to help preserve games.

Preservation is important. I’m hoping that more people in the industry, certainly the big players, begin to realize that there’s an obligation and responsibility. This isn’t throw-away stuff we’re making. This is stuff that should be around for a long time because future generations will enjoy it in the same way that we have and it’s criminal that we’re not doing more to protect it.

Sony in particular has come under attack for its poor attitude towards game preservation, having originally announced plans to shutter the PSP, PS Vita, and PS3 stores back in March 2021. This was met with widespread backlash, resulting in the format holder confirming the Vita and PS3 stores would remain open.

isarai240d ago

Bring him back! Or put Shuhei in charge

Obscure_Observer240d ago

"Bring him back! Or put Shuhei in charge"

I would rather have Jack as Playstation CEO and Shu as President/Head of Playstation Studios.

But Layden is definitely better than Ryan

Eonjay239d ago

Wouldn't your rather the government pass a law banning PlayStation and requiring all citizens to purchase 15 Xboxes and GP subs?

Obscure_Observer239d ago (Edited 239d ago )


"Wouldn't your rather the government pass a law banning PlayStation and requiring all citizens to purchase 15 Xboxes and GP subs?"


I don´t want Playstation to disappear. Actually, I want Playstation to be quite successful and maintain its leadership on the market so MS could´t never get back to their cocky ways and f* with Xbox gamers ever again.

If you read my comment history, You´ll be able to confirm by yourself that I´d been actually encouraging your PS pals hurt by MS latest acquisitions to boycott Xbox games and support Sony instead.

So I´ve been noticing that only Jin Sakai, jznrpg and Apocalypse Shadow will actually walk the talk and boycott MS unlike some hypocrites talking sh*t about monopoly and consolidation, while giving their money to MS anyway.

Botton line, though, without Playstation as competition, Xbox gamers are doomed! Period!

shinoff2183240d ago

Meanwhile Nintendo shuts down what 3ds, and wii. You hear that

Fking crickets

-Foxtrot240d ago

Well yeah, it’s Nintendo, people don’t mind when they do something shitty

DarXyde239d ago

It's not that they don't mind. People just know what to expect from Nintendo. They're ridiculous in many ways. Charging for a terrible counterintuitive online service? Cracking down in emulation when they don't do enough for their own game preservation? Charging a premium for the tech they've got?

People mind, but they are perhaps willing to treat their bad behavior with less weight because they do deliver with games. It's functionally an abusive relationship with good sex.

Bizarre analogy, but I think it's true.

ModsDoBetter240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

Whilst the compang does the bare minimum with backwards compatibility?

EvertonFC240d ago

Preservation of games isn't just BC, so many gamers don't actually know what the full meaning of preservation even means.

ModsDoBetter240d ago

That's true, but the main focus from a consumer standpoint is allowing gamers to continue to play their older titles.

Preserving the history through backwards compatibility and ease of access, which Sony don't do a great job at...YET.

The ps catalogue is continually expanded and love being able to play older titles I enjoyed on PS3 like Tekken 6, so at least they're moving in the right direction on that front, albeit very slowly.

ModsDoBetter239d ago

Learn grammar is a bit rich coming from you who can't differentiate between your and you're. English clown 😂

blacktiger240d ago ShowReplies(2)
240d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic239d ago

Does this mean we can have a lot more "Playstation Classics"? I don't feel like we're getting enough for what was promised, at least they added a few games this month.

shinoff2183239d ago

True. I've been waiting for some of those old school rpgs from the ps1 ps2 Era, where f is legend of legaia Sony

FinalFantasyFanatic239d ago

Oh yes! Give me Legaia! I don't have my original PS1 copy any more (idk even know what happened to it). There's so many games I missed the first time around, I would love the opportunity to play them.

Yui_Suzumiya239d ago

The boom of Playstation Classics seems to have fizzled out last gen. Now it's mostly remakes or remasters.

MrBaskerville239d ago

Sony is in a position where they could do a lot, with their premium games. They have all the systems in place to do something cool on the psp, ps2 and psx front, but they don't really want to, it seems.

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Analyzing 'Uncharted: Drake’s Deception' – Wait, What is The Game About?

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception has a lot to live up to as Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is an incredible and near-perfect game.

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Profchaos963d ago

It's about retirement...oh wait

UNCHARTED2FANATIC963d ago (Edited 963d ago )

I cant even say what the point was its easily the worst story in the series. The online was a whole lot of fun though but overall doesn't come even close to 2

porkChop963d ago (Edited 963d ago )

It was a step back for sure. Personally, I thought even the MP was way better in U2. Solid game, glad I played it. I just think they didn't push as hard as they did with U2.


Yes both the online and story was better in 2 no doubt

Flewid638963d ago

The "young Drake" portion was pretty top notch, story-wise. But yeah, everything outside of that I felt was inferior.

DanielEndurance963d ago

Villains were all over the place in this… one second they wanted Drake dead, the next they needed him, then they want him dead again, then they coulda killed him, but poisoned his friend instead, then coulda shot him again, but had brunch with him, then needed him alive, then coulda mowed him down, but decided to kill him by fire and let him escape… Uncharted 2 was way better. 😅😅

slowgamer963d ago

=D Sounds crazy. I don't remember any of that. Played it on ps3 and I remember thinking that why was this game so bashed compared to second one. I liked it.

Chocoburger962d ago (Edited 962d ago )

Another thing that annoyed me about UC3 events was the agent Talbot teleporting around Turkey. It just felt off to me, and made no sense.

Also, for about one third of the game, you go on a wild goose chase to rescue Sully, who wasn't even there to be rescued, and you end up back where you started again. There was simply no pay off for all the events you go through, so it fell flat in that regard as if they couldn't figure out how to make the game longer, so they decided to side-track you to do something with no pay off, hoping you wouldn't notice due to all the incredible action set pieces they made.

Overall though, even with its flaws, I still enjoy the game.

TheEnigma313963d ago

This was actually my least favorite in the series. Didn't have that same impact that part 2 set.

Flewid638963d ago

Uncharted 2 is the pinnacle of the series (to me).

Granted, 4 had the best story in my opinion, but 2 was the overall best game.

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Uncharted 3 Anniversary Retrospective: Shackled By Its Precursor's Legacy

A decade after its release, how does Uncharted 3 fare today? Does its story still work? Was its precursor’s legacy a bedrock or quicksand for its own aspirations?

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964d ago Replies(2)
SullysCigar964d ago

When arguably the weakest game in the series is still awesome and more fun than most games today, you know you're onto a winner!

coolbeans964d ago

I'd extend "arguably" before awesome too. Many technically demanding scenes were jaw-dropping for the time, but it's tough to ignore the sub-par context propelling the action forward.

SullysCigar964d ago

Tough for you, perhaps, and that's fine. I enjoyed it very much. Perhaps a little less than the others in the series, but then the bar is extremely high.

I remember being blown away by the water and sand tech in U3 for the time too. It certainly was a visual treat!

LucasRuinedChildhood963d ago (Edited 963d ago )

It is very good, but when I originally played Uncharted 3 it was the most disappointed I'd ever been in a video-game because Uncharted 2 was just that good. I enjoyed 3 much more when I replayed it in the Nathan Drake Collection though. I could just enjoy it for what it is and accept that it's not Uncharted 2 - it's not a roller coaster, and it doesn't balance and rotate between action, puzzles, platforming and set-pieces in the same way.

Uncharted 3's gameplay is a bit more compartmentalized and focused on one thing at a time. I'm not surprised the scrapped version of Uncharted 4 was going to have no gunplay for the first half. It's also paced much differently - it takes a long time to get to the notable set-pieces. Uncharted 2 is insane from Nepal onwards which is about an hour into the game. haha.

I did like the introduction of chase sequences, and I love first hour (bar fight, young Drake) and from the airplane sequence onwards but I just think the rest of it just sort of meanders along without as much purpose as 2.

When it comes to the script, you can feel the absence of Neil Druckmann and Josh Scherr (writer on every other console Uncharted game). Drake gets hit in the face, and the game goes on a random side plot for an hour to give you some boat set-pieces. He then washes up on a beach close to where Elena is staying to get you back to the real plot. Drake just says "How convenient" to try make you laugh off how sloppy the plot got.

In retrospect, I'm not sure if Naughty Dog were ready to work on 2 different games at once. 3 clearly had production issues that 1 and 2 didn't have, and Hennig's version of 4 didn't work out. They had to crunch so hard to get the rebooted version done on time that Bruce Straley gave up making video-games.

coolbeans963d ago

I'll give you some props for the extra analysis. I remember Druckmann climbing his way to a writer spot in UC2, but wasn't aware of Josh Scherr. I didn't know that was the reason for Straley's departure either. That's pretty damn rough.

GhostofHorizon963d ago

They had to make some weird choices as far as story went because the actor for Cutter had to bail which left a few holes in the story.

Uncharted is one of my favourite series and while the leap from 2 to 3 was not nearly as big as the leap from 1 to 2, I think it was an amazing experience none the less.

coolbeans963d ago

Graham McTavish's departure wasn't easy, but I don't think that would fix many holes tbh. Because the main issue to consider is the precarious mindset Naughty Dog was operating on: an increased emphasis in set pieces that HAD to go in and worrying about the context later.

Petebloodyonion963d ago

I really liked part 3 ( Among Thieves is still the best in my opinion) My only complaint was the interactions with the villains and how they were a missed opportunity, Linda MacMahon (Marlowe) was an interesting antagonist due to the history with Sully and Nate but it fails basically flat especially with her ending. And I couldn't care about Navaro 2.0.

What I did love and made me care was Cutter, in the short time he was in the game you could feel that the guy was a good treasure hunter for example when he pulled his own notebook with the clues he founds so the team can escape a room.
It was a small touch that add a lot to the character.

Good-Smurf963d ago

Marlowe was played by Rosalind Ayres.

MadLad963d ago (Edited 963d ago )

I have mixed feelings on the series. I still own all of them on the PS3, and the collection for PS4, but I didn't truly "love" any of the games until 4.

They're good games, but they always stumble on some element.
The first is good, but the climbing mechanics weren't exactly fine tuned with the first showing. Not to mention the spongey enemies if you played on anything past normal; but you're then faced with a fairly unchallenging game experience.
The second mostly fixed the climbing, but added in a pretty clumsy stealth mechanic.
Three was just two with a new story.

Four got it right though.
I don't remember once getting annoyed by any mechanic had in the game.

I know that everyone has a soft spot for 2, and 3 is sort of the black sheep of the series; but they did, overall, get progressively better. Which doesn't always happen.

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