
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection: Konami Reveals New Bundles, Preorders Begin

Konami has begun to take preorders for Metal Gear Solid HD and Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker and has also revealed new bundles along with exclusive bonus items.

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chickens4744d ago

any idea if any of these are available for the uk? im interested in the headphone package. thanks

Double_O_Revan4744d ago

These look great. Now I understand why they split up the collection in Japan. I'll probably have to pick these up.

Can't get to the site on my phone, can anyone tell me how much these sets are? in dollars would be appreciated.

trikster404743d ago

It's a Japanese site. just average 100 yen = $1

regular editions = 4482 yen (roughly $45)
premium editions = 9980 yen (roughly $100)
style premium editions = 14980 yen (roughly $150)

kingPoS4744d ago

The gold look better on the ps3 ver (clear cases FTW)

solidboss4743d ago

so this is only in japan? no special editions for the u.s?

trikster404743d ago

Wow, you know what's weird? I can find that item by following your link, but you cant find it just by searching for it...

solidsnake2224743d ago

I know, I had the same problem. Found this link on an article here at n4g.

solidboss4742d ago

i love mgs but jesus christ 30 more dollars for an artbook?


Metal Gear Solid Master Collection: How to Unlock the Best Items in MGS1

If you're replaying MGS1 in any of its available forms, you'll want to know how to unlock all the best items in the game!


Metal Gear Solid HD Collection - Preparing for Snake Eater Remake

The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection launched in 2011, and is still the best way to play Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater ahead of the remake.

contra157467d ago (Edited 467d ago )

Can’t wait to one day break that game out of the collection vault

aaronaton466d ago

Currently playing Snake Eater HD on CRT 16:9, via Scart RGB. Game looks great but not as clean as MGS2, but thats due to the setting. Can't wait for the remake + the next HD collection on PS5.


Metal Gear Solid games still missing from PlayStation and Xbox stores

Months after they were removed from sale, a number of Metal Gear Solid games have yet to return to the PlayStation and Xbox stores.

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Nyxus901d ago

It's Konami. Expect nothing.

Snookies12901d ago

Konami's too busy with their Pachinko machines to worry over silly little things like this.

901d ago
masterfox901d ago

glad I have my PS3 HD MGS collection.

Orchard901d ago

MGS is just missing in general. Thanks Konami.

901d ago Replies(2)
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