
Kojima Wants Someone Else To Handle Zone Of The Enders 3

It appears that Zone of The Enders 3 is in development but from the looks of it Hideo Kojima may not be the one to finish the 3rd game in the series.

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feedurhabit4759d ago

Platinum games maybe? I reckon they'd do a decent job of it

firelogic4759d ago

He didn't direct the first two so no big deal. He just served as producer on both titles.


3 Third Sequels I Would Rather Have Than Half Life 3

Chris Locke from We Know Gamers gives his three sequels that he would rather see than Half Life 3.

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RedTriangle533309d ago

"I don't have anything to say about HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED, but I know mentioning it gives me clicks and puts me in the HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED section of the news tab"

liban-ali3308d ago

Errm... no one said anything about Half Life 3 being confirmed... you feeling alright?

RedTriangle533308d ago

Mentioning HL3 despite the article having absolutely nothing to do with HL3 is a really cheap tactic for getting more clicks. It's really common.

People writing articles like "comon, hl3 is not getting released" and "RUMOR HL3 coming out tomorrow??!?!???" along with articles like these "vaporware: these games that I'm looking forwards to but probably won't get released. Oh, and also, HL3, needed to mention that" are too abundant.

It's getting old.

MWH3308d ago

Amen for both; Dark Cloud 3 and Zone of the Enders 3.

jeremyj29133308d ago

I definitely agree with Zone of the Enders 3. Konami's decision to cancel it based on sales of the HD collection really irritated me.

Yui_Suzumiya3308d ago

Snatchers (Snatcher 2) before Zone of the Enders 3. I've been waiting 20 years for a sequel :(

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10 Konami Games That Need a Good Revival

"Here are ten Konami games that deserve a good remake." - Patrick Kulikowski

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KingofGambling3680d ago

So many classics. I want Suikoden Konami.

darkwalker3680d ago

They should add Rocket Knight to that list. I don't think the revival was all that it could have been.

Cali-Gang3679d ago

Can't wait for contra to come back they showed a lil teaser at E3 3 years ago

Spotie3679d ago

Zone of the Enders is what I require.

DA_SHREDDER4165d ago

Jehuty! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Godmars2904165d ago (Edited 4165d ago )

Why even talk about it...

I still think that the very FPS, real world physics nature of many graphic engines prohibit the development of anything which doesn't have first or third person "real world" perspectives.

Jsynn74165d ago

NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Oh c'mon, this sucks! "On hold" usually leads to canceled somewhere down the line. Worst news I could hear right now.

DarkBlood4165d ago (Edited 4165d ago )

well that sucks kind of want to see what happens ish after the second one when i was lucky enough to find it for rent from a library and platted both games few weeks back lol

Simon_Brezhnev4164d ago

Wish MGS was on hold. It's been 10 years i want a new ZOE. All he ever makes is MGS now.

Inception4164d ago

Agree. As much as i loved MGS (big fans here) i want Kojima to make something different with no Metal Gear on the cover box. ZoE had a lot of potential to be a great franchise just like MGS. But apparently Konami higher-ups only demand Kojima to make more and more MGS rather than give hime more creativity to try something fresh with new IP :(

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