
7 of the best PlayStation games that deseve a reboot in 2013

Assuming the apocalypse doesn’t happen then not only will we get a second chance, so should some games. With our new found love for life, let’s think about what we’d love to see get a spangly new reboot and a fresh chance to wow gamers.

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Robotronfiend4236d ago

I didn't see anything about Destroy All Humans. I'd love to see that IP come back in some form.

Thatguy-3104236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

Destroy All humans was a fun IP. It will be nice if it came back. Honestly I think Haze should get a reboot.That IP had a lot of potential. Maybe have GG work on it.

avengers19784236d ago

That was a fun game... it be great on vita.
I still want a new psi ops, with current consoles I think the game would be amazing.
I'm hoping one day that i will be able to get every game from ps1 and ps2 from the psn

UltraVegito4236d ago

The lack of legend of dragoon invalidates this list

Lord_Sloth4236d ago

Partially agreed but I kinda hate reboots on average. Especially when a sequel would do just fine.

Godmars2904236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

Old list of most wanted is old - but still mostly wanted.

Prince of Persia and Silent Hill have both made appearances this gen however. Are broken.

guitarded774236d ago

I actually liked Downpour. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it didn't suck. Of the games on that list, Star Wars Battlefront is my most wanted. Damn shame what it's been through this gen with no release.

rainslacker4236d ago

While it wasn't a Sony IP, I wouldn't mind a Wing Commander game again. It's been a while since I've seen a good space shooter like it. It even did choices that affected game play long before ME did.

Unlimax4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

Again .. Parasite eve , Tenchu , Onimusha , Haunting Ground and Fatal frame not on the list !?

HarryMasonHerpderp4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

I love all of those games you listed there.

I would add Silent Hill (same as OPM)
Legacy Of Kain series, Legend Of Dragoon and Dino Crisis to your list.

Unlimax4236d ago

Those games you listed are a part of my childhood Why shouldn't i put them already .. Thanks for the heads up :]

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Vits275d ago

I mostly disagree with Downpour's position. Yeah, the game is not amazing by any stretch of the imagination but is much better than the HD Collection and Homecoming. The main issue is the performance, but that was mitigated by the patches, especially on the PS3. Personally, I put it a little behind Origins and The Room.

Having Restless Dreams as a different entry from Silent Hill 2 is also a choice.

bfrye26275d ago

Normally, we would not consider it a different game (Restless Dreams), but since it had a very different critical reception and had new content, it was allowed. As for Downpour, I would agree, but since that one is subjective, we let him make his case for the placement.

gold_drake275d ago

silent hill 2 is definitely the best one out of those.

for me personally, the whole ritual/cult stuff was always so weird to me in all the other games.

CrimsonWing69274d ago

No disrespect but I put SH2 over 1. 1 is fantastic, but 2 took it all up a level.

bfrye26274d ago

We agree, that is why the writer put it in top place!