
Cliffy B 'upset' by hateful 8/10 Gears of War 3 reviews

D'Toid Writes:

With any other videogame, scoring an 8/10 would be considered glowing praise. According to Epic Games' Cliff Bleszinski, however, that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, according to him, anybody who dares give Gears of War 3 a score of eight clearly hates it.

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NYC_Gamer4697d ago

Its not hate could be they set the bar too high for themselves and expected more

gamingdroid4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Cliff does have a point!

That said, it is a review and very opinionated. It could be a different reviewer than last time.

LOGICWINS4697d ago

Yeah, he made a great point about sites that rated Gears 2 better than Gears 3...but as you said, it could have been a different reviewer. Cliff doesn't have to worry though, so far it seems that plenty of people LOVED the game.

A 9.5 from Gamespot is quite an honor considering how tough the staff is on games.

-Alpha4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

It sounds more to me that he was using the word very lightly, and Destructoid made it sound like he's very upset. He was asked the question and I found the answer "Good, though there are a couple of haters" to be pretty casual.

He never used the word "hateful" as if it was a genuine hatred. How many times have people casually thrown the word "haters" around? Doesn't mean that you genuinely think that people are being hateful.

Sounds blown out of proportion to me.

LOGICWINS4697d ago

^^He did the same thing with Bulletstorm in an X-play conference. If anything it was a joke. He wasn't even actually mad.


NiKK_4194697d ago

So what if they rated gears 2 higher than 3. How many times has that happened with other games? It's not because they think 2 is better than 3. It's about how much better 3 is over 2, and also... Time. Time can be a big factor in the rating of a game. 2 was better then, than 3 is now. It may not be true, but thats how it feels to most people when they have to put a rating on their review.

OC_MurphysLaw4697d ago

Cliffy has a point...and this is the problem with game site reviews in general these days. Consistency of review scoring. If you the reviewer feel the game is an 8 out of 10 on a personal level, but also concede its better than the previous iteration of the game which scored higher, I think both the reviewer and site have an obligation to their readers to give some consistency of scores. In this case if Gears 2 got an 8.5...and reviewer feels Gears 3 is an 8 out of 10 but it was better than Gears 2 ... then the Editor and reviewer should be conceding the points and at min. giving Gears 3 an 8.6 and possibly make the comments in the review as to why they scored it that way.

Again, I get reviews are personal opinion but for large sites there should also be a level of consistency and acknowledgement to your historical scoring as well.

snipermk04697d ago

"A 9.5 from Gamespot is quite an honor considering how tough the staff is on games."

Really now? Gamespot is Xbox central.

LOGICWINS4697d ago

"Really now? Gamespot is Xbox central."

Thats why they've given 11 PS3 exclusives Editor's Choice awards right.


gamingdroid4697d ago

I think there is an issue with lack of standard guidelines of what criteria the reviews are based upon.

Without this, it is meaningless to talk about scores, because they aren't even comparable.

buddymagoo4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )


At the moment I don't think it will happen because games will lose points for lack of 3D, motion control and 5.1 dolby features.

Not saying it shouldn't happen though. Also I think the most pro-active way to look at a review is by a percentage of how likely it will be you will like the game. 80% to me is an 80% chance I will like the game and that the odds are I will like it and should buy it.

kneon4697d ago


The problem is that the criteria by which we judge games changes over time. Also when you rate a game you are rating relative to everything else you've played, even if it's only done subconsciously.

What was great 5 years ago may only be ok today. So maybe Gears 3 is better than gears 2 but the rest of the competition have moved further on ahead.

OC_MurphysLaw4697d ago

@kneon you make a valid point about games from the past. Certainly a game say like the original Dues Ex won't hold up to today's standards but at the time certainly was cutting edge.

That said, 2 yrs on the same system is not some generational leap in time. The hardware is all the same on the 360. So in cases like this or say Infamous 2 where you see 2 or more of the games come out on the same hardware I do think you need to take consistency into account. If your reviewer is claiming to find Gears 3 better than Gears 2 on the 360, as a site you should be making sure the scoring reflects that. Just as is the case with infamous 1 & 2. Infamous 2 was most certainly a better game than 1 from story, voice acting, graphics and game play elements...and yet some sites gave #2 a lower score than #1? It just makes no sense and honestly makes me distrust those sites reviews.

malol4697d ago

and 8 out of 10 is bad since ????

darthv724697d ago

so many times these words are taken out of context and made into something more than they need to be.

Thing is, you cant get what he is trying to convey through typed words. You would need to hear if there is emotion behind the phrasing to see if they should be taken one way or another.

People perceive things differently. Even if the person who said it is meaning it one way there will always be those who will see (and hear) it their own way.

8 out of 10 isnt bad. hell even a 7 out of 10 isnt bad. So much emphasis on numbers this gen is taking away from what the games were meant to do.

evrfighter4697d ago

Jims gone from the sarcastic humor that I used to enjoy reading to just downright trolling.

Hes definitely a shadow of his former self nowadays. he must have hit hard times as I can see no other reason hes so desperate for hits.

teething4697d ago

Cliif B is just as entitled to his opinion of reviewers as reviewers are entitled to their own opinions of his game. Neither are wrong.

Ravens204697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

He's just mad that his game is never going to get anywhere close to Uncharted 2 metacritic. Even though we all knew that was never going to happen to begin with. He's mad that "a clone" has outdone his game.

ABizzel14697d ago

I don't blame Cliffy. If I felt like I put in "A" effort on project in class, and I get a B-, I'm going to be pissed and want an explanation.

I hate when sites allow their so called journalist review a game when they already have an opinion of the game, because there's no way their review isn't going to be bias free. And as an editor that should be the most important thing they look at when reviewing a game. I think 1up magazine/ Famitsu have the best reviewing formula. Multiple people reviewing the same game.

MaxXAttaxX4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Deal with it.

JokesOnYou4697d ago

I think he was joking but either way just take the 8/10 and shut the hell up, we all know its a great game but he should know by now you cant please everybody. btw, Gears3 will be day 1 for me just like Gears1, and 2 were.

ProjectVulcan4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Good game, good scores. But arguably as has been pointed out with time, the impact of the game isn't what the earlier games were in the series.

You have to expect the bar to be pushed upwards as you go along, it never stays the same. Even if Gears 3 is the best game of the series, that doesn't mean the standards by which it is judged are the same as what they were 3 years ago for Gears 2. Several games have pushed up that bar since then.

You have to redefine the level of scoring every so often a game comes along and moves the bar. A game might be as good as it gets for the period, defining a genre and deserving of a 10. 5 years later the same game turns up and it would be classed as derivative and dated. Thus it is not worth a 10.

zero_cool4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

That's why people shouldn't base their game purchasing dissensions on some journalists biased opinion.

4697d ago
MostJadedGamer4697d ago

"Yeah, he made a great point about sites that rated Gears 2 better than Gears 3"

Its totally irrelevent weather Gears 3 is better then every way then Gears 2. You judge the game at the time of release or at the time you played it. Even if a sequel is better then every way then its predeccessor(which it should be) does not mean that it desrves a higher score.

So a reviewer could think that Gears is a better game then Gears 2 in every way, and still have been justified in giving Gears 2 a higher score because it was a better game for its time.

pixelsword4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

I'd just like to point out that when PS3 fans do this, it's considered "whining".

I don't like it when PS3 fans whine about scores (about the sites is another story; seeing that some sites are gunning for 360/PS3/PC/Wii games), and I don't take exception to Cliff, even though I think Gears will be a 10/10 myself.

SilentNegotiator4697d ago

"Yeah, he made a great point about sites that rated Gears 2 better than Gears 3"
So EVERY game should be assured a better score than its predecessor? Let's just give every game an infinity/10 from now on then. Would that make you and Cliffy D happy?

It's two years later. Maybe some reviewers just didn't feel Gears 3 was as mind-blowing these days as Gears 2 was in its time. 2 years make a huge difference in the gaming world.

Crying over an 8/10....this just further goes to show how screwed up this industry is, where every review score has to be a 9+ or else is biased (and "hate"ful) and 99% of reviewers give 95% of all game a 7-10.

MSN gave the game a 7/10....I guess Microsoft "HATES" its own games?
lol - Look out! Microsoft is biased against itself!

JokesOnYou4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Yes it is "whining", thats why Id like to point out almost all of the Gears fans think its a good score and although it may be a better game then Gears2 he should just get over it, btw I believe he's already clarified it was a joke.

@silent, If your point is that there are too many folks crying about reviews then I agree, as for MSN its just 1 opinion and #1 MSN isnt your typical gaming review site, most gamers who put any stock in reviews prefer opinions from a few dedicated gaming sites+ overall meta rating #2 contrary to what anti-micro folks think micro is not some Borg-like corporation, it has seperation between departments, Ive seen plenty of bad reviews from staff in seperate areas like CNet for micro products, yet nobody loss their job, and why would they, fake reviews over time would only lower that part of the company useless because consumers would no longer trust their reviews meaning CNet and other sites like it wouldnt generate traffic and therefore lose money for micro as a whole. So much for those conspiracy theories.

morganfell4697d ago

I have said it from the beginning and I will, to the chagrin of some, repeat myself. No written standards that are well defined, no editorial control to insure evenness among various reviewers means no validity of a review.

Whether that review is good or bad it is at the end of the day worthless and little more than a fanboy rant wrapped falsely in the cloak of respectability.

These sites such as IGN and Gamespot have force in the gaming world because gamers cede them that authority. If people, particularly developers are hating a review they should take pause and remember all of the exclusive material they provided said site. They helped make said site a power with some sway in the gaming world.

As regards this particular incident, Cliffy didn't seem to think reviewers were being unfair when they gave Gears 2 a 9.5 despite the through the wall grenade tagging, through the wall melees, roadie running and shooting, back flipping on to buildings and more on top of a netcode that could keep players in the game.

You can't have it both ways from a site, just like all major and most minor sites that have zero, absolutely zero standards. Reviews are for the most part utterly worthless.

DMason4697d ago

Man, Jim Sterling needs to chill the feck out and quit whining. He's been complaining about this since he put out his review. A couple days ago the lead at Dice was perplexed by the 8/10 that jim gave the game, and Jim wrote an entire column justifying his score. He is the scum of the gaming industry, and hes a giant baby.

trancefreak4697d ago

damn was typing and hit the back button.

Well Morgan my friend there is truth to that comment to an extent because I use to rely on gaming sites for a game I just might or might not purchase with some non bias validity.

But these days I cant realy trust any review but my own and if I know a title is my type of game I'll either play the demo or rent to make the decision of its worth.

If I would of listened to some these gaming review sites I would of bought some games I hated and bypassed the ones I actually liked depending on some one else s review.

This gen has had the most corruptly biased gaming journalism I have ever seen. People seem to pledging their love and allegiance to a singular entity and its sad.

I realize some games deserved what they got and people shouted that there was favoritism towards a single console game score that was just , but others got a turned cheek when it came to the same or worse issues.

I'll judge whether a game is good or not but I don't like to see some companies make a fantastic game just to get docked for certain issues and it hurts the developer that made the game financially because of a major site feels a certain way.

jessupj4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Well said morgan.

Most reviews I've seen this generation have been a personal opinion, that is, handing out a score whilly nilly based on what they just happen to be feeling at the time. That isn't fair to the developers, and it isn't fair to gamers and consumers.

ALL reviews, should instead, be a professional opinion, marking the game against pre-established standards. It's what virtually EVERY SINGLE OTHER outlet or authority does when they need to review or critique something. And people wonder why gaming jounalists are seen as a joke.

A lot of fanboys can't grasp this simple idea, the difference between a personal and professional opinion, especially when PS3 fans rightfully point out inconsistencies with certain sites. And when that does happen, the fanboys spurt out the predicable "it's their opinion" in a shallow attempt to defend a journalists own unprofessionalism and fanboyism.

Morgan's right, as long as there and no standards gaming reviews should never be taken seriously.

JokesOnYou4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

I've been reading gamining reviews for 20+ years way back when they were just in print from gaming mags. I knew then, the same thing I know now, that reviewers for the most part are GAMERS who've made a professional career out of their hobby. Generally speaking the major sites have educated people who possess at least some basic credentials for the job. Now whether you choose to deem their opinion worthy of consideration is your personal choice but like it or not writers/journalists/editors/re viewers at sites like IGN and Gamespot do have a certain amount of creditability. No different than popular movie review outlets, like say the New York Times. Yet there are NO standards accross the industry to review movies, music, etc. Sure some individual sites have a pattern or a method, just like some review sites always talk about certain key elements but NONE HAVE A UNIFORM STANDARD, but I say why should they? Movies like games have just way to many variants in content, format, genre, classification, target audience, etc to all be regulated/judged by a standard format. Do you hear movie buffs argueing over what some movie critic said? Almost never, and trust me those guys are waaaaaaaaay more critical....but the reason most folks don't get upset is because a movie fanatic likely reads tons of reviews and he has a feel for what he likes no matter what a review says he's gonna go see a movie he's interested in.

lol, Its ONLY gamers with the petty fanboy wars that put TOO MUCH STOCK IN REVIEWS, when everybody else takes reviews for what they actually are intended to be A GUIDE, ADVICE, A OPINION, A NUMERICAL SCORE, A SUMMARY OF ONES PERCEPTION ABOUT A GAME, A INTERPRETATION OF A GAMES VALUE, NOTHING MORE. ppfft Stop acting like we're all robots controlled by powerful review sites.....well maybe the .1% on n4g lmfao, Sure they carry some weight, just like a sports analyst talking about team matchups, but at the end of the day REAL gamers listen, think and make up their own minds whether they agree or not.= I've done it for over 20 years and I've brought plenty of games reviewers who I trust didn't like and thought "man that was better than advertised" and vice versa. Yet I have been burned just as many times by buying a game I took a chance on and found out I agreed with the reviews, thats life but I find the system of having plenty of professional reviews very helpful, its ridiculous to say we'd be better off in the industry having NO dedicated sites to give opinions, while we just take our chances buying $60 games with nothing to go on but trailers/devs word. There are definitely some reliable reviewers out there with good insight, everybody's wrong sometimes but either way I will always ultimately make MY own decision, while still being mature enough to understand the reviewer serves a purpose= gives his readers a preview of what he THINKS they will like/dislike, so they can make a BETTER decision on whether they should spend their hard earned money, your choice what to do, why hate on that= if more people treated reviews like this then we wouldn't have these self inflicted problems.

Boody-Bandit4697d ago

Well said Morgan.
*end comment*


the media bias would have given him a heart attack

insomnium24696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

It's funny that now we see all the x360 fans saying the same things that every PS3 fan says when a PS3 exclusive gets a bad score. Should the PS3 fans now accuse you people of being a tinfoil hatted butthurt fanboys too?

Every once in a while (when x360 gets an exclusive) the crap you people spout might actually come back and haunt you. LOL! Too funny.

8 is a great score. Only a fanboy tries to downplay games based on an 8. Does anyone still remember the slogan "anything below 9 in Metacritic is not AAA"? Can you still remember the origin of this slogan? This is a serious question btw. I can give you a hint. It was heavily used by the time Uncharted 1 and R&C:TOD were launched in 2007.

upallnightgamer4696d ago

He does not have a point. 8 out of 10 is a damn good score, and he's complaining about it? Talk about holier-than-thou.

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 4696d ago
dark-hollow4697d ago

I miss the days when an 8 was considered a good score......

OC_MurphysLaw4697d ago

I personally think 8 out of 10 is still a good score.

HeavenlySnipes4697d ago

To me the way it is now is:

Average game that you should maybe look in to when the price drops or if you find it used somewhere. Nothing to write home about. A game like Lost Planet fits this category.

Good game that only needs a few improvements to push it up to excellence. A game like KZ3 fits this category. It was good, but some of the stuff missing from KZ2 lowered it from its pedestal of excellence KZ2 raised it to.

EXCELLENT GAME. Only games in which will appeal to almost EVERYBODY should be in this category. There is little room for improvement (meaning there are no major problems) and the title does everything it sets out to do almost flawlessly (because nothing is perfect.) Games like GOW, Gears, and Uncharted fit this category. All of the sequels in the series didn't even have to add any gameplay changes to be receive scores of 9+ because everything was on point.

Honestly, there shouldn't be anything getting 10's. Whenever you see a 10/10 a fan of the game/series is reviewing it. The ONLY game I ever played (and have not played any other game in the series) that could be considered a 10 is Chrono Cross. Best BGM I've ever heard, long DYNAMIC story (you could skip over a lot of stuff without even knowing), multiple endings, best iteration of turn based combat I've played. I think it's the best game Squaresoft ever made to be honest.

GSpartan7774697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

8/10 is a good score, but 9/10 is a great score and 10/10 is perfect score. When you are in an industry as competitive as the gaming industry, you aim to be the best and stand above everyone else. If you are not first you are last. You don't do that with 8/10 scores. The most it gives you is bragging right, but 8/10 don't win you game of the year awards and doesn't give your game a place among other great titles such as Uncharted 2, Batman Arkham Asylum and others. It doesn't give you the right to talk highly of yourself. That's reason companies such as Infinity Wards and DICE can talk as if they are so great, because they have delivered critically acclaimed titles that were given massive 10/10 and won them awards.

This is like studying a month (everyday) in advance for a test, only to have the end result being a 80%. Of course you are going to be disappointed. And if you know the kind of person Cliffy B is one that loves to talk highly of his games, you will understand why this affects him. Because now he can't.

k4rma4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

"I miss the days when an 8 was considered a good score......"

It still is for most of us.

Anyway 9 is the new 8 according to some reviewers out there. Gears has always been rated too highly.. well in my opinion. Probably not shared by everyone, but its just not my thing.. I prefer first person shooters with less gung ho WWE swearyness teen anger on steroids, but I have played GoW 1 and 2 and my score was an 8 for both of them. Good games but not classics!

Nothing should get a 9 short of perfection.

theonlylolking4697d ago

This is how I see the 1-10

10-No flaws, Perfect
3-very bad
1-Should never have been made

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4697d ago
Thatguy-3104697d ago

Lol wonder if sucker punch, media molecule, and GG asked themselves the same question...its obvious that journalist's can't be trusted no more when it comes to reviewing games. But no matter what anyone says I'm still getting this game regardless just like I did with infamous 2, killzone 3, and little big planet 2...If you like the series and the past installments then its a difinte purchase no matter what..

TBM4697d ago

Exactly i didn't care if certain sites/publications don'tlike the games i like. Their opinions mean nothing to me since im the one paying for the game i want because i like the series. Scores/reviews are just opinions and its sad that people gives these peoples opinions any weight.

kikizoo4697d ago

when you have to many biased sites giving easy tens, cliffy donkey, like some other fanboyz, become ridiculous when someone give a 7, or 8 (good scores)

aviator1894697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

I think Jim Sterling is the main driving force who is making such a huge deal out of 8/10 scores. First, he gave gears 3 an 8/10, then wrote an article about how 8/10 scores should not be taken the wrong way and that people shouldn't complain, and then he takes such a simple joke statement from cliffy b and turns it into a flamebait article.
Personally, I just hate Jim Sterling. He's a fat ass and he acts like a kid.

ReservoirDog3164697d ago

"I don’t want to come across as defensive," he defensively said"

Haha, well, people just can't understand that a B is a good grade. God knows they were proud of their Cs in school so I wonder why they can't understand it?

JaredH4697d ago

I get why he thinks that way because if they improved everything greatly from Gears 2 and got a lower score from the same place for 3 it makes it seem like 3 is worse. I don't know if it is or not but reviewers might just be growing tiresome of Gears of War and other games are getting better and better making the competition bigger than it was so more's expected from a top franchise.

chidori6664697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Cliff is an IDIOT. Gears is boring and not great and haven't been able to top there first two titles Unreal and UT'99. Played the Bulletstorm Demo on the weekend and it was soo boring too...

Dee_914697d ago

why do retatrded articles like this always get so hot

Blackdeath_6634696d ago

in any case opinions are opinions and if you are "upset" by what other people say then you will never be able to improve on your work. it was a bad move for cliffy to blame a reviewer for being a hater.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4696d ago
LOGICWINS4697d ago

A millionaire who is the most popular face behind the years most critically acclaimed PS3/360 exclusive title is a "poor bastard"?

KingSlayer4697d ago

You need to remove PS3. Uncharted 3 isn't out yet.

thatsBangin4697d ago

thought lbp2 was the most critically acclaimed ps3/360 exclusive this year

mieko4697d ago

This years most critically acclaimed ps3/360 title? LBP2 has the same score with a much higher aggregiate of reviews. Somehow that slipped right past you though. Typical.

Kurt Russell4697d ago

I get everyones point... but your comparing lbp2 and gears ffs.

RedDragan4696d ago

Yes they are Kurt Russel. You got a problem with that now?!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4696d ago
jdfoster4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

If this isn't trollish behaviour then I don't know what is...

How could he (they) have the cheek and the audacity to say this and expect this?

talk about trolling your own game... (About as bad as Duke Nukems PR was towards reviews and reviewers!)

LOGICWINS4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

"How could he (they) have the cheek and the audacity to say this and expect this?"

Because maybe he and his team worked their asses off to push the boundaries of the 360 to make sure that Gears 3 is better than Gears 2 in every was imaginable.

If you know u give 150% towards something, you expect fruits to come out of your labor.

Biggest4697d ago

It's sad that you'll defend this game (which needs no defense), but are the first to comment on the other side for every game released for a certain console. Remember the mantra about "though it's better than the previous version, it isn't completely new and therefore may not warrant a higher or even equal score"? Gears of War 3 is an awesome game to pretty much everyone that has it. Stop defending something that doesn't need your "logical" help.

LOGICWINS4697d ago

"It's sad that you'll defend this game (which needs no defense)"


lol okay, how I'm I defending Gears 3? The only thing I'm defending is a persons right to vocalize what they FEEL that they deserve. I don't know whats "sad" about that.

"but are the first to comment on the other side for every game released for a certain console."

????Yeaaaa, u obviously have some personal issue with me. This convos over.

OC_MurphysLaw4697d ago

@Biggest... I think the real argument here is one of consistency. If Gears 2 got a 9 from this site...and this reviewer thinks Gears 3 is better than Gears 2 it makes little sense that Gears 3 would score lower from a consistency point of view. I get it may be a different person scoring but the site itself should be managing that situation and making sure their reviewers are keeping the historical scoring in mind as well.

I honestly don't care that Gears 3 got an 8 out of 10 from any site. I care more about sites being consistent in their review scores instep with their review content. If you claim its a better game than the previous game it should equate to a better score regardless if its a different reviewer.

mieko4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Almost every game released thus far has gone through the same treatment when its being reviewed as "greater than its predecessor" yet for some reason its given a lower score. No it hardly makes sense, and it shows ABSOLUTELY no consistency, but that's the way it is.

It happened for infamous 2, lbp2, Resistance 3, and now for Gears 3. Each was said to have been "greater than its previous entry" yet for some odd reason the score is lower than what it's predecessor. Most certainly Uncharted 3 will receive the same exact treatment. Learn to deal with it and get over it.

I find it quite funny and hypocritical however coming from logicwins with his statement "though it's better than the previous version, it isn't completely new and therefore may not warrant a higher or even equal score" Yet he want's to scream defense and cry foul when its a 360 exclusive receiving the treatment.

I think we all know what that is.....

Drekken4697d ago

I would like to know how LOGICWINS has any bubbles. I NEVER see him with positive agree-disagree ratios... I have no clue how the bubble system works on this site anymore.

I hit him with immature every time because, frankly I see him as a very immature poster.

This guy has the gall to say that "If you know u give 150% towards something, you expect fruits to come out of your labor." after he has bashed everyone else for questioning other review scores.

I guess whats good for the goose, is not good for the gander.

Gears 3 is a good game regardless of who marked it an 8. Gears is the ONLY game I wish I could play, but can't because I don't own a 360.

Silly gameAr4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

How does this guy keep his bubbles right? Strange.

Anyway, I've always considered 8 a great score, but sometimes I think certain sites give games a lower score then they deserve.

Haven't played Gears yet, so I can't judge, but I have played games that deserved better then the scores they got. That's when you have to ask yourself if other peoples opinions should hold so much weight.

diehardgamer10004697d ago

Lol after a long time i think its safe to say you lean towards the 360 although you pretend to make objective comments everytime.Time and time again ps3 fans are accused of whining when they raise the same point of developers working their asses off creating some of the most technically advanced software like killzone3.I remember them being bashed for complaining about how LBP2 being vastly superior to LBP but its just passed off as whining.

solidjun54697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Drekken, you're not the only one. I don't know how LOGIC (AKA Deadreckoning666: it's time you know his former account) keeps his bubbles. He rarely says anything logical and a stealth troll.

"lol okay, how I'm I defending Gears 3? The only thing I'm defending is a persons right to vocalize what they FEEL that they deserve. I don't know whats "sad" about that."

Yet, when other people does this on this site, you're first to say "WEll it's their opinion. Everyone has one." Okay, so I and others have an opinion on their opinion. Yet you come around bashing people for same thing you're doing right now! Talk about being a troll. You're not objective man. Everyone is catching on to you.

RedDragan4696d ago

LOGICWINS, they could have spent 20 years on a game... but that won't automatically make it the best game in the world.

Since when did resource time and rating become symbiotic? The good news for you is that you have lots of bubbles to give us a massive essay explaining explicitly how spending a lot of time on something makes it a world beater.

The bloke who made this game came off as nothing more than a spoilt brat who was throwing his toys of the pram. The man needs to grow up.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4696d ago
Relientk774697d ago

He shouldn't be upset by 8/10 reviews that is still great, and better than a good chunk of the games this generation

CrazyOrange4697d ago

I had gears 3 for quite few days like 4, but I couldn't play it much because of the university.

but the first ACT was very dissapointing

it doesn't have the feeling of gears :(

The_Con-Sept4697d ago

If someone is upset by an 8/10 score, and I am not talking about the general public but that of a public figure, then they can not accept criticism. That is a perfect example of an extremist. If he truly is distraught about it then he should stop making games.

buddymagoo4697d ago

"The sheer spoiled greed of that attitude is staggering."


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15 Top Notch Single-Player Games You Can Complete in 10 Hours

For those who don't have time for massive open worlds or role-playing games with epic tales, these 15 games are worth checking out.

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anast140d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


Gears Of War 3 And Judgement Servers Are Brimming With Life Once Again

Gears of War 3 and Judgement servers have returned to their "updated" condition, adding several features, such as increased XP and more.

402d ago
402d ago
KicksnSnares402d ago

I currently play Gears 3 often, especially after the 60 FPS Boost. Gears of War is my favorite gaming franchise, and the Locusts are the coolest faction in history. Gears Judgment will always be a disgrace for not having the Locust in VS multiplayer.

AuraAbjure401d ago (Edited 401d ago )

GoW 3 and Judgement were the last installments before the series went woke and soulless. I'm level 50 in GoW 3 and LOVE it's multiplayer to death. It's just so crispy.


20 Best Xbox 360 Games of All Time

The Xbox 360 is one of the most successful consoles ever made, and the best games in its library are a huge part of why.

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dazzysima559d ago

My first thought. Deserved to be somewhere in there.

Vits561d ago (Edited 561d ago )

That is the most "normie" list that I ever saw. This does make some sense given the console in question, but still.

Tacoboto560d ago

Sure, the list itself sucks. But that click-saver table-of-contents, every list should have that.

BrainSyphoned560d ago

Might as well list it as the One's top twenty as well since all it had for games was backward compatibility.

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