
PS3 outsells Wii & 360 in Japan, PS3 Dynasty Warriors 6 outsells Mario Galaxy

In addition to the first day sales figures, some early numbers from Famitsu have been released for the whole week, including hardware sales that show a massive leap for the PlayStation 3 following the launch of the new White model, plus a price drop. Due to the increase in adverts for Wii Play and Wii Sports, both games launch back into the Top 10, whilst Super Mario Galaxy holds up quite respectably in its second week, also helping to keep Wii sales at a healthy 35,000. Check out the numbers below:

1.) Mario Party DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 242,000 | NEW
2.) Dynasty Warriors 6 (PS3, Koei) - 176,000 | NEW
3.) Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, Nintendo) - 78,000 | 335,000
4.) Dynasty Warriors 6 (360, Koei) - 27,000 | NEW
5.) Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (NDS, Square Enix) - 24,000 | 235,000
6.) Castlevania (PSP, Konami) - 20,000 | NEW
7.) Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo) - 18,000 | 2,091,000
8.) Nishimura Kyotaro (NDS, Tecmo) - 16,000 | 112,000
9.) Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo) - 15,000 | 1,648,000
10.) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 13,000 | 2,528,000

Nintendo DS - 82,000
PlayStation 3 - 56,000
PlayStation Portable - 55,000
Wii - 35,000
PlayStation 2 - 9,400
Xbox 360 - 7,000

resistance1006099d ago (Edited 6099d ago )

Good for sony. DW6 really has helped alot. Now hopefully the ball will start rolling

titntin6099d ago

I genuinely believe that the price cut/new model is responsable for most of the PS3 sales.

DW6 is also on the 360, but despite there still being an increase in demand left over from Ace Combat 6, sales of 360 have started to drop back to its normal levels - and the DW6 title doesn't appear to be driving sales of that platform....

MK_Red6099d ago

Actually I believe DW6 is the big reason behind PS3 beating Wii. Price drop is a factor but it all comes down to games. Remember how 360 outsold PS3? It was because of people's love for Ace Combat 6 and now it's love of DW6. If Ace Combat 6 was on PS3, system's sales would have been doubled by now.

bruiser816099d ago

i disagree MK_Red, first the 360 didn't outsell the ps3 by that much at most 300 units you might as well call it even. I know Xbox fans would if those were NA figures and it was the other way around. Ace did push 360 sales but the only reason it was on par with the ps3 is because it was a week before a price drop and the introduction of a new color. I think color was a driver for the simple fact its exclusive and the first color change to date.

Skemo6099d ago

The Japanese aren't hugely into shooters to begin with. If people want to play dumbed down shooters they buy a 360. If they want a wide assortment of games they buy a PS3. The love of the console shooter is so comical to hardcore PC gamers. Why would I use a gamepad, when I can play a better, more innovative shooter (Crysis) on a PC with a mouse and keyboard? I'll never understand it.

CrashSharc6099d ago (Edited 6099d ago )

Because using a controller is a VERY small price to pay for being able to enjoy nexgen gameplay without spending TONS (reletively) on upgrading hardwware. AND if you are getting UT3 on PS3 you can enjoy M/KB ANYWAY.I used to be exclusively a PC gamer, I then just got sick of always being behind the curve and just switched to consoles. I was a student and couldn't afford to keep up. And I payed for my own stuff, my mommy didn't pay for it (not saying you do though).The only console I ever owned before the PS3 was the Sega Genesis, beleive it or not! (But my mommy did by that one for me ;)

But on point, I am actually really amazed at the figures. when I read "PS3 outsold Wii" I thought it was by a small margin! this is a little more surprising. Anyway, good news all around! CAN'T WAIT FOR UNCHARTED!!!!

The Wood6099d ago

when people know a price drop is on the way the smart buyers tend to wait until thats happened. I would of waited for the black wii if they were going to release it in the uk

Gamespot-equals-EGM6099d ago

Nintendo is dominating the hell out of everyone in Japan (and pretty much worldwide). 8 of the top 10 software titles are Nintendo based (only 1 ps3 title which is pretty sad).

No wonder Nintendo is the 2nd biggest company in Japan (or something like that; according to market capitialization).

FLEX6099d ago

I agree 100%.That is exactly why I got a PS3.You can't keep up if you game on a pc.Got sick of having to upgrade all the time.Not trying to bash pc gaming,I still like to play on my pc.
Anyway,good to see such high sales for Sony.

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MK_Red6099d ago

Yay, PS3 is back and is outselling Wii. I'm not a DW warriors fan but for the fact that it's helping PS3, I say DW6 FTW!

Thanks for the awesome tip The Round Peg.

ruibing6099d ago

It's really amazing to see such a spike in sales. Let's hope the upcoming titles will help maintain the momentum.

sonarus6099d ago

what how is this possible i thought the elite sold better than the 40GB. The real challenge is however keeping these numbers. Would be a shame for ps3 sales to fall as quick as xbox sales. If ps3 sales can maintain lead over wii then devs WILL have to take another look at the ps3. And then maybe b1tch a$$ capcom can give us monster hunter back

titntin6099d ago

Thats good PS3 hardware numbers! I wander if this 'spike' can be retained now in Japan? I think theres indications that it can be, as a large number of the most anticpated titles in Japan are PS3 titles.

Given America's seeming love affair with the 360 in its home market, the Ps3 needs to score big in Japan and consilidate its lead in europe to continue to attract prime developement. There is every indication that this is exactly what will happen, and the market will be split USA / rest of the world. Intresting times... :)

MK_Red6099d ago

Interesting times indeed but I believe the markets are already split. USA loves Halo 3 and Madden. Euro loves Fifa, NFS and Buzz!. Australia loves Buzz! and Brain Age games and finally Japan... well I have no idea what they love but it's definitly not my cup of tea.

Meus Renaissance6099d ago (Edited 6099d ago )

I'm a little confused. The 40GB was introduced on a Friday and sold around 40,000 correct? So the additional 16,000 (that makes 56,000 total) was the other models for the entire week?

Is that so?

And this comes after a few days after some ignorant people, I won't mention names, like Firstknight, claimed it was equal in Japan between the 360 and PS3. And to those who made the previous such a big deal, I was right. The price drop plus the games created a spike of sales for the 360. It doubt it'd even manage more than 5,000 a week after this peak of sales.

crinale6099d ago

The 40GB SKU was introduced on Sunday, so both DW6 and new SKU are just one day sale numbers.

Meus Renaissance6099d ago

Wow. I can't wait to see weekly sales of the new SKU then, if it sold that much in just one day, it could rival the sales of the DS

WAR_MACHINE776099d ago

good lord that spike is just for first day sales! I really didn't think it would hit that hard in japan... but me being wrong FTW lol.

crinale6099d ago

still, these numbers are regarded as "weekly" numbers for last week, because the period is always Mon. - Sat. and they never change this.

Last Sunday was one year anniversary for PS3 and this is the reason new SKU and DW6 were released on rather irregular day.

Anything sold after Monday will be counted into this week's numbers.

The Wood6099d ago

would you listen to firstknight anyway. Really? What does he know about japan? He and others will spin things like the leader of the opposition. Dont ignore them just treat them like your 6 year old brother giving you sex advice if you know what i mean.

KnowitAll6099d ago

If ds is selling like it did a couple of months ago nothing can compete with its 2 million a month!!!! Maybe if wii xbox and ps3 all 3 unite maybe can outsell the ds.

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