
Peach vs Daisy vs Rosalina vs Pauline: The Fatal 4-Way Princess Battle

It is time for the Fatal 4-Way Princess Battle! Normally in the Nintendo Link Versus Series, we pin two concepts against each other, but this time we are doing things a little differently. In classic Fatal 4-Way rules, four princesses will enter the battle but only one will exit. Who will win between these four Mushroom Kingdom women? Click here to find out.

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FallenAngel1984640d ago

Pauline and Rosalina aren’t princesses

Jeriphro640d ago

The article recognizes that Pauline is not a princess. However, Rosalina does have a crown, and according to Mario Galaxy lore, she is absolutely a princess.
And since Pauline is a mayor of New Donk City, she is kind of the princess of the city, no? hehe

FallenAngel1984640d ago

Rosalina doesn’t have a kingdom to rule. Nowhere in SMG was it stated that she was a princess

Jeriphro639d ago

Rosalina is described as an intergalactic princess and a "mother" to the Lumas. That's straight from Nintendo.

FallenAngel1984639d ago

Being an honorary mother to the Lumas doesn’t make her a princess

Big Boss for example is seen as a father to his soldiers, that doesn’t make him a prince. The Boss was seen as a mother to Big Boss and Zero, that doesn’t make her a princess.


Could Super Mario Odyssey 2 Be Luigi's New Big Adventure?

Super Mario Odyssey was the Nintendo Switch’s debut for the franchise, and we saw our red-hatted friend don a new piece of gear that doubled as his new sidekick, Cappy. With so many characters getting some prominent screen time, Luigi felt completely uninvited to this party. That’s why we can’t help but think that Nintendo has something special cooked up for him in Super Mario Odyssey 2.

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NotoriousWhiz38m ago

Nope, Luigi is destined to stick with mansions.


The 10 Biggest Nintendo Direct Moments of the Switch Generation

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Barlos136d ago (Edited 136d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.