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Is Sony Shooting Themselves in the Foot?

Sony announced on Tuesday that the long awaited price drop for the PS3 has finally come at a great new price of $249.99 in all US retail stores. However, was this as smart a move as it seems?"

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More of this iPhone is killing consoles and handhelds BS? Your logic is so flawed I don't even know where to start.
Wintersun6164784d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
If only as much thought went into the article itself rather than just what title will generate the most hits.
BitbyDeath4784d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(2)
It is a price is it shooting themselves in the foot? Sony even said they will still be profiting from it.
TheBeast4784d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(4)
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Community4784d ago
TheKindRoost4784d ago (Edited 4784d ago )

for each step Sony takes, they(Sony) seem to always shooting themselves according to these bloggers *smh*

TheBeast4784d ago

This is beyond pathetic. A price drop is good and sony even stated they will still be making a profit. How does that make sony shoot themselves in the foot?...journalism.

MintBerryCrunch4784d ago

If Sony lowered the price on the PS3 and shot themselves in the foot, then Nintendo must have done the same with the 3DS when they lowered the price as well

pointless article , only looking it at one sided because this is the hot new topic

Anon19744784d ago

Yeah, how many of these ridiculous articles are we going to see? "With the PS3 and Vita at the same price, consumers will get confused!"

No they won't. When I was spending a lot of time in airports because I was travelling a lot, I went to buy a portable device. I bought a PSP, I didn't walk out with a Wii because they were similarly priced at the time and I got confused because they both played games.

I can't believe we're seeing another one of these articles.

Slayer OP4784d ago (Edited 4784d ago )

Hate article on Sony again? IT WAS THE SUMMER OF 95!

farhad2k84784d ago (Edited 4784d ago )

The article does have a point, if I was not in to gaming, and I wanted to buy a new console for my brother, when I end up seeing that the PSV and PS3 are the same price, I will go for the bigger console with more features.
With that out of the way, I'm pretty sure Sony know this themselves.

Therefore, I predict a PSV price drop before the release.
The new prices will be something like $250/$300 and £200/£250 for UK.
As long as the PSV is $10 lower than the PS3, it will look lower in the eyes of all those confused parents who want to buy a new console for their kids. Thus leading to a whole bunch of sales for Sony.

Fez4784d ago

Seriously, how idiotic would you have to be to not research something which will cost you over £200.

How can anyone not tell the difference between a handheld device and a console? And why would two things costing the same price confuse people?

I saw a washing machine that costed the same as a ps3, I was confused for a bit but eventually got the washing machine, it had better games, and was portable.

Jdoki4784d ago (Edited 4784d ago )

"when I end up seeing that the PSV and PS3 are the same price, I will go for the bigger console with more features."

Wow, that explains the meltdown I had in a Sony store... The HDTV was BIGGER, but the Vaio had MORE FEATURES. But the price was THE SAME!!

I couldn't cope, and went home to eat crayons.

/s and maybe /jk

farhad2k84783d ago (Edited 4783d ago )

LOL at your reply.
I didn't mean 'bigger' physically. I meant technology wise, name wise.
People who have never had a console before would more likely go for the console that can be connected to a HD TV, watch blu-ray movies, surf the net with Flash and also play stunning HD games.

Compare that with the VITA, obviously people with no knowledge will go for the PS3.

If Mercedes unveiled a new smaller version of one of their classics, which was more economical and slower than the other better looking model, what would you go for if they are priced the same?

That being said, people like me and you who already have a PS3, already know that we're going towards the VITA, most likely because we already have a PS3 and don't need another one.

BTW, I'm probably the biggest SONY fanboy on this page right now, so don't try and say that I am downgrading the VITA or the PS3 in anyway, it's just logic to be honest.
I know what I am saying is correct from previous experiences with the elder family. It's simple.

nnotdead4783d ago

people with no knowledge won't look at either, or look at the one that their kid asked for. most people understand the difference between a home console and a portable device. the Gameboy has been around for over 20 years, i think people get by now. if someone walks in to a store and doesn't own the ps3 or vita, i don't think Sony gives a shit which one they buy. either way it's money in the bank.

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allyc4t4784d ago

They aren't shooting themselves in the foot with this price drop. If anything, they aren't helping themselves with what they've priced the Vita.

Yes, the Vita is going to be a great piece of hardware. But most consumers don't care about how much ram it has or what type of GPU it uses. They care about the price. As evident with Nintendo and the 3DS.

Nintendo thought it was going to make a bajillion dollars with the 3DS, but it turns out they weren't as successful with it most notably because of the price. Who wants to drop 250 on a handheld that isn't phone?

My point being, Sony made a great move with the price drop of the PS3. It's never a bad idea to get more people to buy your product. But it might not be so good for the Vita when it debuts in the coming months.

blackburn104784d ago (Edited 4784d ago )

Gamers care how much RAM or what kind of GPU it is. We gamers want the VITA. Everyone went on and on about how the PSP was more expensive blah blah blah and it ended up selling 72 million units. Its not a phone, it is a dedicated handheld device for GAMERS.

A phone's battery and controls can't handle the amount of gaming we play. A VITA is not competing with a phone. It is competing in the GAMING world. It does not have to out sell the 3DS or a phone it just has to sell well. The 3DS was never worth $250. Nintendo got greedy and tried to con you. The VITA is worth $250. Get it?

Stop with the predictions.They were wrong about the price, wrong about the exclusive games, wrong that it can't fit in your pocket and wrong about the RAM. Aren't all of you tired of being wrong yet?

allyc4t4784d ago

The PSP came out at a different time. A time before things like the iPhone ever existed.

Believe it or not, the GAMING handheld market isn't limited by two handhelds (Nintendo DS and the PSP) anymore. It's now accompanied by the iPhone and Android supported phones as well.

Like it or not, despite it's inferior specs, battery life, etc. Phones are a major player into whether the VITA is a success or not. Especially in a shitty economy like the one we have going on now where people have to choose between one or the other and certainly not both.

I'm certainly not downlplaying how awesome the VITA is going to be when it comes out, I have one pre-ordered and can't wait to play some Uncharted on it. But to not consider the current mobile market as a competitor is naive and is exactly where Nintendo went wrong with the 3DS.

Wintersun6164784d ago


While I love spending 5 minutes playing Angry Birds on my SGS2, it will never replace my dedicated gaming. The interface, controls or games can't compete with Vita on any level.

Nobody is saying that the smartphone market doesn't affect the sales of handheld consoles, but it certainly isn't destroying it either. As long as there are core gamers there will be handheld consoles and they will sell well.

The disappointing sales of 3DS is not caused completely because playing on your phone is on a steep rise. It was bad marketing (a lot of people think it's just a DS with 3D), too high price to begin with and the lack of good amount of quality games so far that caused that.

Max Power4784d ago

All I have to say is watch the video of Battlefield 3 on the iPad. With out dedicated controls games us gamers would enjoy the most wouldn't work as well. That is what the Vita is giving us, familiarity.

Soldierone4784d ago

While I AGREE entirely with your post it is flawed from a business perspective. I say it every single day, these devices are not putting out GAMES, its casual trends for wasting time, nothing more. However that hasn't stopped the recent Apple commercials saying iPad and iPhone play "games" or from them putting "Games" on the box to sell it.

Now you have millions of brainwashed people (the one thing Apple is good at) thinking their device plays games. "You spent 250 on that just to play games? I can do that and talk on the phone look" thats going to happen, I know it.

Its Sony's job to get this in as many hands as possible, thus a cheaper price, and to show people these are REAL GAMES thats what they do. You NEED a PSV to play real games or you go play casual WANNABE games. Truth or not, this is what Sony HAS to do to be successful. Honest Apple tooks aim at them, now its their turn to return fire. Make commercials that literally say what I just said and you are golden.

nnotdead4783d ago


too early to say. until smartphones are able to make calls, text, game, internet, music and video all day with no risk of battery dying, i believe there will still be room to own more specific devices.

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Silly gameAr4784d ago

This is probably the dumbest argument I've seen in a while. People who want a handheld would get the Vita. People who want a home console, would get a PS3. I'm not sure how Sony could be leading anyone away if they go to Best Buy with their mind set on a PS3. Likewise for the Vita. This is common sense right?

Who comes up with this stuff?

Narutone664783d ago

Journalist with uncommon sense?

tarbis4783d ago

They just want hits on their sites, 'coz its dying. XD

remanutd554784d ago

yes sony is shooting themselves in the foot , they are doomed !!!!!!! they will be broke by next year no more ps4 , bye bye playstation !!!! lmao , new playstation coming out , same old hate

Rushing_Punch4784d ago

Just like everyone else does when they lower a price to improve sales.
Where is everyone getting all these bullets

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PS Vita jailbreak now lets you hack Sony handheld permanently

Team Molecule hack PS Vita with Jailbreak that unlocks Sony handheld permanently. The HENkaku hack arrives 5 years after the launch on PlayStation Vita.

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Community2610d ago
boomtube19872610d ago ShowReplies(2)
Noctis2609d ago

this is actually like half a year old.

DivineBliss2609d ago

The article is about Enso which was released yesterday.

ILostMyMind2609d ago

So Vita dies, maybe for a good cause. Now Sony can launch its next handheld.

DragonKnight2609d ago

And continue the tradition of expensive handhelds they don't support.

Fist4achin2609d ago

I'd take a new handheld with better remote play features. I.e true R2 and L2 triggers and R3 and L3 buttons in the thumbsticks.

MadLad2609d ago

It died when Sony stopped supporting the thing years ago. Modder and indie platform.

Will eventually grab one of the originals, with the oled screen, jailbreak it, and do with it what I will.

Fullmetalevolust2609d ago

its third life begins and it continues to flourish the best way it can...this handheld will go down in infamy as one of the best gaming system on the go...a true legacy that should've been supported by its maker til its last days.

letsa_go2609d ago

Alright I jailbroke my PSTV, now what?

ImplyingQuality2609d ago

Install oclockvita to enjoy higher framerates and faster loading times

ImplyingQuality2609d ago

But nothing has begun. This has already been going on for an upwards of 10 months

OGamer2609d ago

Begins? Shyt has long ended cuz ain't no body buying a vita after 5 years over a switch. Plus a new vita should be 2 to 3 years down the road.

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ARESWARLORD2610d ago (Edited 2610d ago )

It's a waste of time put on your big-boy pants and buy the games with the crazy flash sales that Sony doess all the time and The Amazing weekly deals. I have such a crazy backlog of video games do to the Sony sales that I'm set

Team_Litt2610d ago (Edited 2610d ago )

No. *Puts on little boy shorts*

Sam Fisher2610d ago

*looks at both big pants and little boy pants.*
*chooses little boy pants, trys it on but only gets to knee....* :( 🙁

SilverDemon2610d ago

Lol. You pants peasants #NoPantsMasterRace

Silly gameAr2609d ago (Edited 2609d ago )

Don't you always have those on tho? Anyway, bet a lot of people have been waiting for this. Wonder if it will still be considered "dead" with the surge of sales because of the possibility of free games?

FullmetalRoyale2609d ago


Seriously though, I'll just continue to support the guys that bring their games to Vita.

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2609d ago Replies(2)
CrystalFantasy2610d ago

Does this mean I can play psp games on vita for free?

DivineBliss2609d ago

If you have a vita on firmware 3.60 or lower.

Protagonist2609d ago

Actually you do not need it to be under 3.60 for psp games.

2609d ago Replies(2)
Gaming4Life19812609d ago

Damn this marks the 3rd time i have bought a ps vita and I never played it. I love modding and mods so I have to indulge. I did own the best games but handheld is just not for me but maybe if the transferring was easy.......but who knows such things only the oracle??????????????

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TAC Pro For PS4 Allows For A PC Gaming Experience

PC like experience on PS4 – Sony’s attempt to address cross platform gaming

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Community2900d ago

Top 5 Most Realistic Games

A list of the most realistic games available.

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Community4628d ago
iamnsuperman4628d ago

number 4 ,in my eyes, is a total kick in the groin. Total dis service to the whole tactical genre.

I can't decide if the list was based on what games look realistic or what games are realistic.

3GenGames4628d ago (Edited 4628d ago )

Battlefield is a FPS primarily that requires teamwork and tactics to win. Doesn't mean it did a dis-service to the tactical genre, it just means none of the tactical genre games were good enough to beat it. Pretty accurate, IMO. Everything in the game is spot on physics and realism-wise. Of course there's some thing that can't be to have a good game, but deal with it.

TooTall194628d ago

Stopped watching after I saw his first 2 choices. What a joke he thinks Battlefield 3 is realistic. It can be tactical, but certainly doesn't need to be played that way in order to succeed.

3GenGames4628d ago

You'll totally be able to win planting 0 bombs in rush or capturing 0 points in conquest, not ever flanking or getting behind people to do said things if your teammates can't. Good luck with that, you've just never played the game right. I also bet you haven't won, either.

TooTall194628d ago


Actually I have won a game doing nothing but lone-wolf running and gunning. In fact, I've won quite a few games doing my own thing. I've also been in the top 3 (out of 24) about 28% of the time.

Ejecting from a jet, shooting another jet with a rocket launcher while in mid-air, and then landing back in your jet is NOT realistic. It's fun, but that's not the point of this top 5.

h311rais3r4628d ago

compared to many other games it is realistic. sure there goofy shit u can do but come one. u know why u won lone wolfing? the other team wasnt working as a team or even cared about winning. COD kiddies just want kills

TooTall194628d ago

Okay then 60% of BF3 players don't use tactics is what you're saying. And that's on "hardcore" servers even.

Just because it's more realistic than some other games doesn't mean it deserves to be in a top 5 list.

ExCest4628d ago (Edited 4628d ago )

You know why you do well? You don't die. You know why? You don't play the objective. Just killing scrubs that can't fight back because they have more important things to do. Like PTFO.

You're one of those people who run up to the bomb, kill everyone, and then run away so you don't die. Without planting/defusing. I hate those people. Don't play BF3 if you're going to do that. Play COD and don't give BF3 a bad name.

Now I sound mean but seriously...

BTW your Battlelog isn't impressive. You lone wolf it but dude, it's fairly unimpressive. I do better by playing the objective. (But I've been sniping recently so I haven't helped the team too much.)

After looking at your Battlelog. You lie. You do play the Objective.

TooTall194628d ago (Edited 4628d ago )

Yes you are right. Your 1.74 W/L ratio and 8 more hours of playtime is so much better than my terrible 1.53 W/L ratio... That's a whopping 3%

Of course I play the objective! Look at my original comment. I go in Rambo-style and take the objectives, cause half of your team is doing their own thing away from the objective.

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ExCest4628d ago

Then name a game that is huge (in a sense that everyone will play) and is also tactical. Nowadays, people like the fast-paced action of FPS so it would be boring if BF3 was all tactical. Everyone would be too cautious and sit back and not die. EVER. Tactical requires a captain who can plan everything but if that happens, it won't be fun because you won't be doing your thing, but instead someone else's.

lorianguy4628d ago (Edited 4628d ago )

For #3, I'd say GT5 is more realistic than Forza. Simply because it is a simulator and puts realism before fun, whereas Forza is very fun but not as realistic as GT5.

I know his list wasn't going to include simulators, but you need them for a realistic game, no?

Series_IIa4628d ago

It's obvious that you nor him have heard of rFactor...

lorianguy4628d ago

Just checked it out. It looks very nice indeed. :)

But I still think GT5 is more realistic.

(Or if you can find a good gameplay video of it, I might change my mind. I don't have much time to look for myself I'm afraid.)

RXL4628d ago

Realistic feeling = if you switch out a don't get to keep the bullets in the previous mag you just threw away = no games out that are THAT realistic

should've just named this "Games i think are fun and kind of, almost, not really realistic"

Ducky4628d ago

There are games that are smart about weapon reloading.
RedOrchestra is one that I can name off the top of my head, and it isn't even a military sim.

Slugg3r4628d ago

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising did this, although I'd say it gets annoying to use the left overs of your ammo belts when you run out of fresh ones.

ninjahunter4628d ago

There was a game called like swat or something i played along time ago. You start with 4 mags, one in your gun, 3 spares. If you reloaded You would keep the mag but it might only have 1-2 bullets left. Of course that game somewhat tanked it for obvious reasons.

MaximusPrime4628d ago

Well that's Gamersheep's opinion. Respect.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4628d ago

That guy......

Does he ever blink?

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