
PS3 title Dynasty Warriors No. 1 at Japan retailer

Koei Corp.'s Dynasty Warriors Empires 5 for Sony Corp.'s Playstation 3 ranked as the No. 1 selling game title at Amazon Japan on Tues. to signal an increased demand in the hardware.

The next installment in the tactical strategy series will be released in the territory on Nov. 11.

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dale16073d ago

its been in the top ten for what seems like ever and the ps3 white hasn,t left the top twenty five

Dpa6073d ago

Did i miss something? Wasnt Dynasty Warriors 6 meant to come out like 2008?

resistance1006073d ago

This game has been out for ages.

However DW6 is out on the 11th in Japan

expect alot of Ps3 sales on the 11th, a New SKU, Rumble controllers, DW6 + R&C (i think) are released that day aswell

Dpa6073d ago

Shin Sangoku Musou 5 = Dynasty Warriors 6.
Why would they port 5 to the PS3, it was released on PS2 like 2 years ago..

CaliGamer6073d ago

It has its charm, I got the old PS2 versions from a friend for free, and it was some of the best fun I had, but they are extremely repetitious. I wonder what changes they will implement.

DrWan6073d ago

can't blame them, just look at how many ppl buy madden every year. it's like...the same game

Baba19066073d ago

is it good? i love the franchise. allways a lot of fun playinf with my freinds or brothers on splitscreen. =D

InMyOpinion6073d ago

It's balls. It's the same game as when it started (3D style) on the PS1, but for the PS3 and Xbox 360 version Koei have put days of hard work to deliver PS2 graphics. Can't deny the fact that it's pretty addictive in split-screen, but it does'nt offer enough value to make it a buy.

Darkiewonder6073d ago

That's how it started out on the ps1 ^^

InMyOpinion6072d ago

You mean like 1 on 1? I don't remember. Before the PS1 it was a 2D side-scrolling beat em up.

remix6073d ago

i wonder if sony can sell 5 million more consoles in japan next year with a cheaper price, mgs and grand turismo and lbp

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Dynasty Warriors Series Turns 15

The Dynasty Warriors series has turned 15 years-old. And Koei Tecmo is celebrating with the release of a special trailer.

Hoffmann3246d ago

Thanks Koei and Omega Force for this entertaining series.

Master-H3246d ago

Cool. Looking forward to DW9.

DasTier3246d ago

Such a shame the series is so much worse now than it was back in its 4/5th iterations.


Andreas-Sword3246d ago

Thank you Tecmo Koei. I love Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors and Sengoku Basara.


Hyrule Warriors Stands As One Of Koei Tecmos Most Successful Games

NeoGAF member ZhugeEX has provided some interesting data comparing how the various Warriors games have done in the past in both the United States and also Japan. As it stands Hyrule Warriors is one of the company’s most successful games and has achieved large sales very early on. You can check out the US sales figures in the infographic above, and the Japanese sales data below.

For those interested in Japanese sales of Wii/Wii U musou games.

Hyrule Warriors ~130k
Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper ~35k
Fist of the North Star 2 ~15k

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Nodoze3436d ago

It is an awesome game! WELL worth the money. I don't usually buy DLC, but I did for HW. You really get your money's worth. Hundreds of hours of gameplay!

JohnathanACE3436d ago

Yep, and all of the DLC isn't even out yet. The DLC just adds to an already great and complete game, the way DLC should be.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3436d ago

Amazing game. They should do Fire Emblem Warriors.

3-4-53436d ago

eww no.

This gameplay style is boring.

Swing sword once = take out 30+ enemies.....that just ruins the immersion or fun from the game.

After 2 minutes of that, it becomes mindless and not that fun.

* I am glad that they are at least attempting to branch out and try new things though.

More collabs in the Video Game industry could be a good thing.

ChickeyCantor3436d ago

"Swing sword once = take out 30+ enemies.....that just ruins the immersion or fun from the game. "

It might be someones cup of tea, so why not?

-Foxtrot3436d ago

Because they slapped Zelda on it

marloc_x3436d ago

You should be an industry analyst..

JohnathanACE3436d ago

Yeah, they slapped Zelda on it but in a good way that makes fans of both series happy. The games actually pretty fun and I like the idea of Nintendo mixing franchises like this.

-Foxtrot3436d ago

Not really a good way because it shows you in reviews how a brand can influence them. If this was just a normal Dynasty Warriors game it wouldn't be getting the sales, reviews and reception it's been getting.

Doesn't that say something about the overall state of the industry.

ChickeyCantor3436d ago

"If this was just a normal Dynasty Warriors game it wouldn't be getting the sales, reviews and reception it's been getting. "

And you're always bitching about how Nintendo is still making Mario games. Well there you go, you answered all of your questions.

Metallox3436d ago

Captain Obvious had to arrive someday.

Not trying to be rude, but it's selling obviously because it has Zelda themes everywhere. And that sells everywhere, no matter on what console it is.

Xof3436d ago (Edited 3436d ago )

Also, by changing their core mechanics some to emulate Zelda, they also made the best Musou game to date. Locking on to enemies and being able to roll/dodge are huge innovations for the franchise.

They were also able to do much note imaginative movesets due to no longer being constrained by a real world setting.

So, yeah: Hyrule Warriors deserves its success.

AKR3436d ago (Edited 3436d ago )

Yes, because themeing your product with a household name is SOOOO bad. (/s)

Both Nintendo and Temco Koei are smiling pretty right now at the revenue, while Wii U owners are enjoying the game. Nobody loses.

MrSwankSinatra3436d ago

I own a Wii U, Zelda is one of my top 3 favorite franchises of all time and I though Hyrule Warriors was complete ass. All it is, is Dynasty Warriors with a TLoZ skin on it. So I lost out on 60 dollars....

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hduce3436d ago

I have to buy this game. I have been dragging my feet because so many games have come out but now is the time. I have heard too many good things about it.

Big_Game_Hunters3436d ago (Edited 3436d ago )

I'll buy it when it gets a complete edition, maybe. I do only want it because its a zelda spinoff though, i would never buy a DW game. I don't see how thats a bad thing. Its not much different than the Expendables, as an action movie its average at best, but you watch it to see your favorite old action heros fighting together.

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Dynasty Warriors: A Wonder of the Gaming World?

DaxGamer's Sam Welsh writes "With a seventh Dynasty Warriors from Japanese developers Koei on the way, I’ve got to admit that even though I am a huge fan and have been since the first release in the UK, I really am amazed at how on earth are they are able to re-release the same basic format every few years and quite literally sell …millions. One of the gaming wonders of the world perhaps? How do they do it? I’ve decided to put my bias aside and have a have a good look at possibly the most recycled, but awesomely fun game ever under the microscope."

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DragonKnight4837d ago

The reason is simple. Half of the fans play because they love the history, half because it's mind-numbing, button mashing fun on the Normal difficulties. It's a great stress reliever to go in and mow down hundreds of thousands of enemies, and on harder difficulties you will always be finding yourself running to look for health as you have a sliver left on your health bar. One good hit and you die, but you then find that health and the relief pours over you as you return to kill everything in your way.

Simply put, it works.

BiggCMan4837d ago

This^ I understand that its still very similar to how it was 10 years ago. But as a long time fan, I really don't care. I've been with this series since its birth and I will never let it go. It has its bad games no doubt, but overall it is a fantastic series with addicting gameplay, engaging story, and decent sized fan base in Japan. Its a shame that its not so popular in the U.S and elsewhere, but as long as they are still released in my country for me to play, I am happy.

DragonKnight4836d ago

Dynasty Warriors 6 is definitely the worst of the series.

BiggCMan4836d ago

I agree, 6 was pretty damn disappointing. I hated the cosmetic changes to all the characters, the new weapons they gave them etc.. I was happy with the graphics though, and the swimming and climbing. If they improve that again even more in 7, and return the characters back to their roots, I will be very happy. I'm looking forward to 7 so much.

DragonKnight4836d ago

I hated the Renbu system. The great thing about the old DW games was that if you were brave enough, had a sh*t ton of luck, and patience, you could get your level 4 weapons right from the start and always have the same amount of combos. But the damn Renbu gauge crap that can go down with strong hits was just horrible. Then there's the weapon changes. Thank god for DW6 Empires which kind of changed things back a bit, and made Meng Huo AWESOME, but other than that it's still awful.

Though I agree with the swimming and ladder climbing. Siege weapon warfare was awesome.

Andreas-Sword4836d ago

I love the Dynasty Warriors series.
I think, the best Dynasty Warriors game was "Dynasty Warriors 3"!
And now, "Dynasty Warriors 7" will be the best Dynasty Warriors game ever!

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Vherostar4836d ago

Nothing to do with the history I am a big fan of the series and have bought every game on launch day. They say it all right there its all about that one word FUN. It's why we bought games all those years ago before great graphics and storys and it's why people like me still buy games today.

DragonKnight4836d ago

Agreed. DW games are simply good old fashioned fun. Can't wait for the 29th.

gravemaker4837d ago

never liked this series, simply boooring and overall mediocre

JusenkyoGuide4837d ago

just maybe different gamers like to play different games and have different tastes? did people ever thought about that?

Xof4836d ago

People who think Musou games haven't changed, either haven't played Musou games, or don't care to remember Musou games. Each new game is fairly different. Obviously, the core gameplay mechanics won't change, so it's moronic for gamers to (constantly) complain about them not changing.

No one moans about Halo 3 for having the exact same point-and-shoot gameplay of Halo 2 and Halo.

radphil4836d ago

"Obviously, the core gameplay mechanics won't change, so it's moronic for gamers to (constantly) complain about them not changing. "

But that requires thinking, which most public don't like to do. :p

gorebago4836d ago

I just watched Red Cliff - the two part movie based on the romance saga and now I can't wait to play this game even more.

Repetitive or not, this game will be awesome.

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