
Five Reasons to Purchase Gears of War 3 Over Uncharted 3

PlanetXbox360: "There's no denying that 2011 will go down as the year with some of the biggest head-to-head battles in the history of gaming. With Battlefield and Modern Warfare duking it out for the envied position as the year's best military shooter, there are a number of other genres facing similar competition, most notably the third person shooter category. There's really no question that Uncharted 3 and Gears of War 3 are the front runners in this category and will be competing for our time. Before you all start chewing my head off, I realize that these are two very different games, and while Uncharted is much more of a platformer and Gears is a more tactical and competitive shooter, the reality is that gamers not only have limited time, but they also have limited funds. So I'm going to break down for you why Gears of War 3 is the better choice if one should find him/herself in such a predicament."

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EVILDEAD3604756d ago

It would be easy to bash PlanetXbox360 for starting the inevitable flame war, but it would be hypocritical. Game Trailers is doing exactly the same thing. Pitting Games against games (includung these two).

Two different consoles two different games..and the truth is Gears of War 3 dropping in September won't effect Uncharted 3 in November.

If you own a 360..Gears HAS to be at the top of the list for must buys..

If you own a PS3 why on this planet earth would you not get Uncharted 3..

Epic and Naughty dog are simply the cream of the crop for what they do..

Gears 1 and 2 are hands down two of the best co-op experiences this gen. Gears 3 has jumped into Halo territory and will be 4-player co-op for the first time..There are too many things to list that make Gears special to gamers..but Jeez was Horde mode f-ing fun or what?

Uncharted and later Uncharted 2 buried Lara Croft in the sand. (she's only know popping her head out for air). It not only got the adventure game technical stuff right (controls, camera etc.)..the game absolutely revolutionized what great voice acting was about. Uncharted 2 felt like an 8 hour blockbuster summer movie that you didn't want to end. At it core, Uncharted 2 was easily one of the best single player cinematic experiences this gen.

I'm glad I don't have to choose beteen them. I'm getting both day one. But I will say, I'm damn near on the fence about getting that Marcus Fenix statue for 150 dollars..lol..D@mn you Epic!!


RayRay364756d ago

So what if GT does it too? So its okay? Its not just 'Gears 3 vs Uncharted 3', its which one you should buy. Really? The author of this article is pathetic.

EVILDEAD3604756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

@ RayRay36

So what if GT does it too? So its okay? Its not just 'Gears 3 vs Uncharted 3', its which one you should buy. Really? The author of this article is pathetic.

I said it's hypocritical to bash them when GT is doing it right now. In fact, you are calling the author 'pathetic' because he favors Gears..

Two and a half weeks ago the article "Uncharted 3 Beta vs. Gears of War Beta' came out on N4G.com and the author gave 3 reason why he thought Uncharted 3 was better..and just as predicted Ray Ray comments were completely positive for THAT article.

Again..it's easy the see through hypocrisy..but we all know where the energy comes from

This article is FAR from the first to do it and FAR from the last. My point is GT an established site is doing it and deserves the same criticisms right or wrong


firemassacre4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

uncharted 3 and gears 3 aswell,although i prefer uncharted 3 for many reasons i dont want to miss out like a tramp.

rayray, yea ita obvious he is going to favor g3.

RayRay364756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

Do you see what Im saying? I couldnt care less if the author was comparing the two, opinions are opinions. But he's telling which game you should buy, coming from a website called PlanetXbox360. This is why the author is pathetic. You see, I understand the fact that people have opnions. This, is just idiotic. You act like theres only two websites doin shit like this.

RayRay364756d ago

"I think the Uncharted multiplayer is decent at best. It seems too average." I know, I was really talkin that beta up huh? Unreal dude.

sdtarm4756d ago

really constructive article mods... :/

milohighclub4756d ago

Not one of them is reason enough for me to buy gears of flaw over uncharted. Ps.3 of those reasons were online multiplayer.fail.

Kleptic4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

EvilDead360...I totally agree...get both if you can; get the one for the system you have if you can't...if you don't have either console...you're not doing it right...

as far as this article though...its almost like the author actually attempted to put something up that would easily be picked apart...certain pro's to Gears 3 are ridiculous...ESPECIALLY the last one, going on about set pieces and how great they are 'but' they will get old...so therefor its better to not have them?...I'm very happy that some people aren't making video games...

I enjoyed the pro for Gears 3 being that Epic figured out how to get their community features working better...and that somehow makes it something you should pick over another title...which NEVER had those problems...

thats a 'Gears 2 had network problems, Gears 3 won't, so buy it instead of _____'...?...In the real world that is called 'making shit up'...

Godmars2904756d ago

You do realize that the difference between Gametrailers and Planetxbox360 is that one has Xbox360 in their title right?

Nevermind that both tend to favor the 360 when they do comparisons.

gamingdroid4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

Because your site focuses on Xbox 360, doesn't mean you can't do comparisons with games from other platforms.

Although the article made some good points since I'm a biased Gears fan and I enjoy online, but a balanced article usually also has counterpoints.

Bottom line, it all boils down to preference. So play what you like!

mindedone4756d ago

I don't think you understand what hypocrisy means. It's hypocritical if GT were bashing planetxbox360.com for being biased, not the people who comment here.

Now it's a different story to claim that the commenters are being hypocritical by being biased themselves towards a console and then bashing plantetxbox. That is hypocrisy.

I_find_it_funny4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

this is why I dislike n4g

nobody needs nobody's stupid reasons for anything

nycredude4756d ago Show
EVILDEAD3604756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

Well Said Kleptic..

And I'm not hating on Ray Ray..in fact I concede to his third point about the article unnessecarily plays on purchasing one title over the other.

But let's be real there are plenty of sites including, the PS3 and 360 sites that have done this ad nauseum in the past.

Either way..two day ones for me..Epic through the kitchen sink at Gears and Naughty D. are simply amazing developers..

The fall can't come soon enough.


Edit..@ mind..

Nope..I know exactly what the word is used for..

My point is as soon as I saw the article I easily could have gone into bash mode for it being flame bait or trolling for hits..but GT is doing the exact same thing..they are pitting titles vs. titles for which games you should buy..the last episode which airs next week will pit Uncharted 3 vs. Gears of War 3.

edit 2..

well said from gamingdroid..and lol @ Chug hitting it on the nail..It's good to see that N4G is starting to ignore falling into the flame fails traps that people would fall into..

Shepherd 2144756d ago

Im wondering why anyone even cares that websites are comparing games. Theyre games, something to play and dick around with in your spare time. Why not just let these websites collect their hits and have fun comparing third-person cover shooters or modern battlefield FPS's?

Plus, you dont have to read the article anyways.

Chug4756d ago

You can bet your ass I'll be buying Gears 3 over uncharted 3.

You wanna know why?

...Because Gears 3 will be out before Uncharted 3.

Once Uncharted 3 comes out, I'll buy Uncharted 3. And I'll enjoy the piss out of it.

Seriously though, this is pathetic.

Impaler4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

What I found funny was how the author says it will have a better online component that Uncharted, but says that Gears 1 and 2 were plagued with online issues like lag and slow matchmaking times.

Call me crazy, but I do not recall ever having these issues in Uncharted 2(it has been awhile since I have played), and the beta had slightly long MM times, but that was fixed in a patch.

Now I love the Unreal series(2k4 is one of my favorite MP shooters), but the fact that it takes Epic two full releases to fix these problems and Naughty Dog, who had almost zero experience in making online multiplayer, didn't says a lot about the studio. IMO of course.

This is a pointless argument like people say, but I still had to point out how the author shot himself in the foot with that "point" he made.

stevenhiggster4756d ago

How about this:

If you have both consoles, buy them both cause they're both great games.
If you only have one or the other, then your choice is made, simples.

Digitaldude4756d ago

5. True, co-op campaign is fun.
4. "Won't support a big online community" what the hell? It was Playstations biggets beta and U2 is playable even now, its community is fine.
3. Tighter online package? I can't see how you can compare, Gears has competitive and horde and so does Uncharted, they both havevery tight and long lasting experiences.
2. Horde mode is oh so sweet yes.
1. Those set pieces are one up on normal gameplay, Uncharted has sweet 'normal' gunplay as well, its a different experience to GoW competitive.

IMO the online's are different to each other and are worth playing in their own right. I'm getting both :D

jeseth4756d ago

1. Because you only own 360.
2. Because you only own 360.
3. Because you only own 360.
4. Because you only own 360.
5. Because you own both systems and Uncharted 3 is sold out.

Dee_914756d ago


badz1494756d ago

and for those comparing planetxbox360 to GT, at least the later doesn't have "XBOX360" name slapped in your face!

NewMonday4756d ago

talking about a PS3 game in an Xbox site just promotes the competition

own goal

Anon19744755d ago

I'll be getting both, but if I had to choose, Uncharted 3 wins - no contest. My main reason is I'm all about the single player. I tried Gears online and couldn't stand it. It was like multiplayer for people with ADD. Everyone rush to the center. Match over in 50 seconds. Everyone rush to the center. Match over in 63 seconds. It was like the frag equivalent of basketball. A point every 30 seconds it seemed. I just like my multiplayer a little more in depth.

And that's were this article fails. "5 reasons why you should pick Gears. All of them multiplayer" What not just say multiplayer and leave it at one reason, if that's your opinion?

I almost laughed out loud when I saw "Better Online Community" Yeah, if racist 12 years olds are your thing. Sorry XBL, but that's something that PSN simply doesn't have the same amount of. And what if you don't like the Gears brand of multiplayer, or, like me, don't shell out extra for multiplayer because the PS3 does multiplayer for free.

Nah. Single player is where it's at for me, and in that case Uncharted has few equals. I'll be getting both, but this article is just extremely short sighted flamebait.

tee_bag2424755d ago (Edited 4755d ago )

Good points EVILDEAD360 and your pretty much spot on in my opinion.
I'm always amazed that for so many gamers/posters its always a one or the other choice, rather than both.

Boody-Bandit4755d ago (Edited 4755d ago )

I'm getting both day one!

davekaos4755d ago

My 5 reasons to purchase gears 3 over uncharted 3.

1: I dont have a ps3
2: I cant afford a ps3
3: Whats a ps3
4: I love the old ass unreal engine (like cods engine)
5: I am a xbox fanboy

Thats the only logical reasons i can think of

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 4755d ago
JsonHenry4756d ago

And I will give you more than 5 as to why you should purchase both.

IcarusOne4756d ago

Exactly. Though not everyone has that option. But luckily I won't have to pick and choose.

It's funny how 4, 3 and 1 are all basically the same point - "teh online is teh shit". Horde and co-op are the only legit reasons he makes on that list. But like I said, I'll be getting both.

andibandit4755d ago


Online really is the shit for a lot of players. I have a bunch of single player games sitting on my shelf that i havent even played simply because i would rather play online with my friends.

lelo2play4756d ago

I will get Gears of War 3 and i will get Uncharted 3 (if it doesn't have PSN pass).

solar4756d ago

i hope UC3 doesnt either. if it does, ill buy it used. i refuse to support Sony's online pass.

Impaler4756d ago

You both realize the online pass comes with the game with you buy it new right? If you buy it used and want to play online you have to actually buy the pass on PSN.

Why is everyone so butt hurt over this pass? If you plan on buying the game on or shortly after release NEW, then YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!

4756d ago
Bigpappy4756d ago

The biggest gripe for me with online pass and other restrictions on its kind, is that when I give the game to my son, I have to pay for him to use all the features. These games are $60. If they want to implement these schemes, they should drop the price back down to $40

andibandit4755d ago

My main gripe with online passes is the statement it makes.

poindat4755d ago

Why are gamers suddenly accepting this whole online pass garbage? I remember a few months ago everyone was up in arms about it, and rightly so. And suddenly there's no issue with it? Let me tell you, there IS an issue with it and those of you who simply accept it are the ones that are slowly leading gaming down the continuing trend of having to pay for things that used to be free, that SHOULD be free.

I'm with lelo2play and solar, I refuse to buy this new out of principle. There are plenty of other games to play online that don't force me to support this garbage policy.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4755d ago
RedDead4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

Gears buy, Uncharted rent.
Gears multi, Uncharted Single.
Uncharted multi beta felt average to me aswell. Naughty dog have only a tiny bit of experience with Multi, Epic has...well, a few Generations of it.

Uncharted is unfortunately coming out at a Bad time for me, I would pick Dark souls, Skyrim and BF3 over it in a Heartbeat.(same with Gears)

jwatt, resistance is a fast paced FPS. The gameplay is way to different, only the setting is alike, Uncharted is more like gears except is has climbing while Gears just has the cover to cover thing perfected. Gears is better cover to cover wise, but Uncharted adds vertical combat into the mix.

TheDivine4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

I agree kind of, uncharted is a singleplayer game to me, rent it and buy it down the road for 20 bucks. Gears is more multi although i like it best for co-op, awesome fun. Im glad un3 has more co-op and splitscreen and peeps sem to like the multi so far although i never got into the online in 2(its a single player experience imo). Im def playing both i dont see why anyon would miss out on either game. One console is so 2008.

I would acually LOVE campaign co-op in un3. Make it a special mode after you beat it, most of un2 had drake and someone else with him so it could work, look at how good co-op was in guardian of light. I know its different but the platforming puzzles would be the best shi* ever if ND pu their passion into it. Just reuse the levels with minor adjustments, id pay 15 bucks for dlc that did it maybe more

chasedagreat4756d ago

sorry gears 3 beta was trash

JeffGUNZ4756d ago


A comment like that makes a strong hint that you didn't even play the beta. Gears 1 was one of my all time favorite games, ever. Gears 2 multiplayer was flawed and it blew compared to the original. I nervously joined the beta and was blown away. When it ran on dedicated servers, it was flawless.

Realize too, that half of the games were on servers and the other half were P2P. This was intentional so they could work on their P2P as a reserve if the dedicated servers went down. But when you got into a lobby with dedicated servers, it was such an astonishing experience.

jwatt4756d ago

Well it should be Resistance vs Gears!

Kleptic4756d ago

nope...tried that in 2008...and it didn't matter then either...

kingdoms4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

-stupid article(like they hunt for this kind of crappy 24/7)
-get both(as if they would ever, hypocrites)
-these games are different( bring similar was the goal for a match up)
-fail article(because you don't like and know It's true, hypocrites)
-360 site(a dozen pro ps3 site articles a week are regarded as gospel here)

All this because what the dude said is true and you guys know it. PS3 fans would have no problems with something like this if it were reversed true or not it would have been a rabid bash fest in here.

milohighclub4756d ago

You comment fails on so many levels, thought you were bashing the article until the paragraph at the bottom. Lol.

DigitalRaptor4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

All his comments are fail because he's a jealous 360 fanboy. He doesn't even try to hide it.

I don't see any supposed PS-centric sites doing similar things. But that's not really the point, is it? The only thing I seem to see from Xbox-centric sites lately are articles focussing on PS3 and its exclusives. Kinda sad.

Journalism? Pfffft, yeah right!

PROJECTbadass4755d ago (Edited 4755d ago )

these ps3 nerds are really butthurt over this one. if this was a pro uc3 article they would all be praising it.

i will get both, but gears mp will be getting play a year from now. after playing both betas, its not even a question to me which has the more competitive, team based, skilled gameplay, and its gears by a mile.

not saying i dont like uc3, because it is my favorite game on ps3, but the mp isnt as satisfying. there are too many ways to get cheap kills in uc3. i hate power plays. its just another crutch for bad players and teams. Power plays are worse than mw2 deathstreaks, becuse power plays actually can change the game. if my teams is 30 kills better than the other team , they should know it and not be rewarded for being bad.

either way i have both pre-ordered and will get both day one. its just that one will get more play than the other.

BlackTar1874755d ago

another article filled with 360 fans crying about ps3 fans. You guys are ridiculous. You don't even accomplish anything but a sad puppy face :(

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4755d ago
TBM4756d ago

i'm getting both games, but i'm more excited for uncharted because of story, characters, and setting. gears is a great series but it's story especially after part 2 is just lacking imho, the setting is ok, and the characters decent. still like the series though.

like i said i'm just more excited for uncharted to me its a more round package overall.

Zydake4756d ago

Why not both.. for the love of god why do you make people choose between these 2 if you have both consoles and like both series its most likely youll pick them both up

refocusedman4756d ago

LOL LOL... honestly people how do you disagree with "............." Sometimes people baffle me.

M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4756d ago

...There must be wrong with getting both these days...I mean if you own both consoles, get whatever you want. This is flamebait.

mastiffchild4756d ago

I've been full of praise for single platform sites recently and thought the chances of idiotic articles like this sullying their name was one of the few journalistic lows the gaming world was escaping from and then we get this bollox.

Apart from anything else it's sodding pointless! Anyone who likes Gears is buying it ANYWAY and I can't see there being many people with both consoles that are interested in one and not the other-if you like TPS and own both why in the universe would you fail to get both these gems?

There's preaching to the choir and then there's wasted column inches doing so and this is just that- a total waste of time which does nothing but make the site look daft.

subtenko4756d ago

WTF do we only gotta play one!? I wanna play both games wtf is up with these articles..these shouldnt get approved...

I hope they are only trying to get hits because if they really think we should actually pick 1 of these two awesome games then they are just dumb..they will be missing out

Agree or Disagree if you Agree

ikkokucrisis4756d ago

I'd get Gears if I had a 360.

If get a 360 if I didn't have to pay for online and had some assurance it wouldn't break on me after 1 year of use.

yoge4756d ago

I totally agree with you.

Scary694756d ago

I need no reason to buy one over the other, they both come out on different months. So guess what BUY them both. Sheesh

LastDance4756d ago

every single reasons is multiplayer... IDontGAFuck about multiplayer.

I guess he is saying gears single player is shit?

NanoSoldier4756d ago

I stick with Gears 3. I would never trade in Gears for Uncharted.

pain777pas4755d ago

Logic seriously you win with your comment of disbelief. Planetxbox should just relax. UC3 is next generation gaming at its finest for a TPS. Gears will be a hit with its fans aswell. My goodness what in the world were they thinking? You have just increased the sales and perception of UC3 as being superior by even trying to bury the game. UC2 was a revelation to me of what the next generation of gaming will probably bring. The running blur effects and the chainsaw are satisfying in Gears but the overall package of gameplay, story, memorable scenes and replayable SP are what make the UC series stand out. They are just amazing even the second time through the game.

Adam21014755d ago

all i see is one reason, better multiplayer ..

and now a sony fanboy will write "5 reasons to buy uncharted 3 instead of Gears 3"

then he will give us 5 reasons about how the main story is great ..pfff pathetic,THE FANBOYS! ugh!!

i love both , im getting both. each for a reason.

BlackTar1874755d ago

better mp is opnion. Why you crying?

Adam21014754d ago

That's what im saying @blacktar187, im getting gears for multi and UC3 for single .. no need to troll asshole.

zero_gamer4755d ago

I would love to get Gears 3 but there is no PC version for Gears 2 and have not purchased it. I probably won't purchase this one either.

x5exotic4755d ago

the only cool thing about gears is that its abbreviated GoW3 :)

seinfan4755d ago

Yeah, an attention seeking article, so I'm not bothering giving it a hit. I'm getting both games.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4754d ago
WhiteLightning4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

5. Co-operative Campaign

Not every game needs co-op, having co-op in the single player would ruin Uncharted and the single, "you against the world" feeling it gives you.

4. Better Online Community

No online community is perfect

3. A Tighter Online Package

"Let's face it, the first two Gears titles suffered from some serious issues online. From serious lag problems to an incredibly slow matchmaking system"

It took them two times to get it right, ND didn't even try, they just threw in Multiplayer and it was a hit.

2. Horde Mode

<sigh>.........co-op arena mode

1. Better Competitive Multiplayer

Does Gears 3 have co-op missions with cinematic experiences....nope. ND will be doing more levels for DLC, just you watch.

DrRichtofen4756d ago

+bub you hit the nail on the head and the main reason why I'm gonna get uncharted is for non other than the single player campaign.

Gazondaily4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

Please tell me you are not comparing Gears of War's multiplayer and Horde mode to Uncharted.

Honestly, how deluded can you be?

Ser4756d ago

Someone hasn't played Co-Op Arena.

xPhearR3dx4756d ago


Co-op arena is not even on the same level as Gears 3 Horde, or Beast Mode. Uncharted 3's MP is average at best, it's a SP game at heart, not MP like Gears is.

PirateThom4756d ago

Seriously, co-op Arena is basically hoard mode without camping.

KeiserSosay47884756d ago

I'm sorry DrakBlack but Arena is NOTHING like horde or beast mode (variation of horde)

Ser4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

Sorry, naysayers. I've played Horde Mode, and I don't see much of a difference.

TheOtherTheoG4756d ago

Gears of War 3 is a better MP/Co-op game, although it's campaign isn't too bad, and Uncharted 3 is a better SP game, although it's MP and co-op isn't too bad either. Sorted?

KonaBro4756d ago

Anyone saying Arena is not Horde Mode for Gears 3 is deluding themselves. After playing both betas, Gears 3 is starting to feel stale while UC3 felt fresh and exciting to me.

NanoSoldier4756d ago

What are you smoking? Gears alway has some epic SP Campaign too!

jetlian4755d ago

mode is now like a tower defense game. beast mode is a complete change in game style! they are nothing like coop arena

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4755d ago
Brownghost4756d ago

It's just an opinion calm down u don't have to follow it everyone has there own preferences

tawak4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

1 co op campaign
2 better online
3 better online
4 better online
5 better online
(know what i can make it 10)
6...7...8...9..10 better online
see 10 reason!
and what if my online is down or i don't have online?
so it sucks when i play it offline then?

HeavenlySnipes4756d ago

but I actually prefer Uncharted's online. Granted I only played Gears 1 online, I thought it was kind of average. I hated how everyone was just wall bouncing with shotguns and shit.

I only played UC2 online for 6-7 hours (I borrowed it) and I was hooked. I loved that you could bring the platforming from the SP into the MP and that the maps were open and dynamic. (I was impressed when I saw the helicopter come through in that city map, and the tank roll through the Tibet Village map)

UC3 is bringing more cinematics than the last. Just look at the betas. UC3's was 10 days shorter but was played for 100 years more than Gears 3's in total. Add to the fact that there were the about same amount of players in both betas. How can someone then try to claim emphatically that Gears 3 MP is better. Many people including myself really enjoyed it. It only had 3 maps and was played that much. (With InFamous 2 released like 2-3 weeks prior to it launching).

Gazondaily4756d ago

Seriously, how nit-picky are you guys? 6 people agreed with tawak. Really?? Honestly, you guys...

What if online is down of you don't have online? Well then maybe you should try not live in Mogadishu, Somalia.

There is a co-op campaign. The campaign is still great fun. But I oils easily make as silly as a point of yours tawak and say, what if you finished the campaign. Then what?? Are you seriously going to play through the campaign more than once??

Honestly, you guys need to wake up. As far as multiplayer goes, Gears d War is FAR superior. Unlike Uncharted, it isn't an afterthought. It is arguably the main focus of the game.

If you actually are going to argue that Uncharted has a better online component, then there isn't any point in a comments section on this site. You guys would actually argue that black is white.

Seriously 3.0

tawak4755d ago (Edited 4755d ago )

i don't live at Somalia, i do live at panorama city,you know what, people has 101 reason to be offline. like me, i moved and travel all the the time. usually when we move you have to make an appointment before you can have your internet service provider installed your internet and phone. most of the time it takes a day till a week of waiting.
and this is only one reason..and are sure the 100% of people living in north America has access to internet all the time??..not!and is something really funny about Somalia? butt hurt basement dwellers cant live without cheeseburger for a day.

andibandit4755d ago

"5. Co-operative Campaign

Not every game needs co-op, having co-op in the single player would ruin Uncharted and the single, "you against the world" feeling it gives you. "

coop is great...
if ND designed the story so that coop couldn't be
implemented it still dosn't change the fact that,
coop is great.

WhiteLightning4755d ago

Co-Op is great if a game is built up from it OR if it fits the game....L4D, Borderlands, Fable, Halo

But if you try to include it in a single player driven game then it would ruin it....Resident evil 5 for example. Co-op dosen't need to be in everything, it can be a game killer.

MrSpace4755d ago (Edited 4755d ago )

"coop is great"

Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong
Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong

Your Wrong

Your Wrong

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4755d ago
Solidus187-SCMilk4756d ago

Ill be getting both for sure. Ill get U3 for the multiplayer, and gears for the SP/co-op.

I know dont tell me, backwards from what most people buy them for, im special.

LOGICWINS4756d ago

Yeah I mean, why couldn't the title of the article just be "Five Reasons to Purchase Gears of War 3"? Simple.

Why o why4756d ago

for hits


to insight a intelligent conversation ¬_¬

Cyb3r4756d ago

Reason 1 if you dont own a PS3

kneon4756d ago

That's not a good enough reason.

dgonza404756d ago

lol yeah just buy it to look at the box art :P

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402d ago
KicksnSnares402d ago

I currently play Gears 3 often, especially after the 60 FPS Boost. Gears of War is my favorite gaming franchise, and the Locusts are the coolest faction in history. Gears Judgment will always be a disgrace for not having the Locust in VS multiplayer.

AuraAbjure401d ago (Edited 401d ago )

GoW 3 and Judgement were the last installments before the series went woke and soulless. I'm level 50 in GoW 3 and LOVE it's multiplayer to death. It's just so crispy.


20 Best Xbox 360 Games of All Time

The Xbox 360 is one of the most successful consoles ever made, and the best games in its library are a huge part of why.

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dazzysima559d ago

My first thought. Deserved to be somewhere in there.

Vits561d ago (Edited 561d ago )

That is the most "normie" list that I ever saw. This does make some sense given the console in question, but still.

Tacoboto560d ago

Sure, the list itself sucks. But that click-saver table-of-contents, every list should have that.

BrainSyphoned560d ago

Might as well list it as the One's top twenty as well since all it had for games was backward compatibility.

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