
Kinect Invasion: Ready or Not, Here it Comes

Why is it that Microsoft loves casual gamers so much these days? What about their die-hard fans, forged in fire and blood through generations of development? Our staff writer Ryan questions these corporate decisions, and the general future of our world as we move closer and closer to a more interactive gaming experience.

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blitz0x4746d ago

The kinect is pretty awesome, as long as its an option.

malandra4746d ago

"Why is it that Microsoft loves casual gamers so much these days? "

what is the answer to nine out of ten questions? money, that's all they care about

Kon4746d ago

You sound like MS is the only company that cares about money

tigertom534745d ago

strange comment of course any company is about money, expanding there audience and improving on there product if you don't then you might as well go belly up.

agentxk4746d ago

I've seen some great Kinect uses out there, unfortunately almost everything has me punching the air like a flailing maniac

Agent-864746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

Watch out what you say about Kinect around here. I had a comment tagged as trolling for saying "I don't want to play my games like I'm conducting an orchestra". Some people are really defensive with their Kinects and will mark your opinion as trolling just because they don't like your "unfortunately almost everything has me punching the air like a flailing maniac".

maskren4746d ago

I think this one has a much more painful truth behind it: hardcore gamers are lazy. We want to feel badass for being good at games with little to no coordination involved. I'm sure as hell not going to get up off my duff so I can dodge from cover to cover in an FPS when I can just push the A button at a fraction of the effort!

silencedwriter4746d ago

Yeah, i think as gamers, we are supposed to be lazy.

agentxk4746d ago

On that topic, multi-disc titles... the worst!


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anast105d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


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586d ago Replies(1)