
inFamous 2 Review - NowGamer

NowGamer takes to the streets of New Marais to see how Cole's second outing turns out.

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extermin8or4863d ago (Edited 4863d ago )

What the Fuck, Having played the demo how is the sound worth 5.4/10?? It's really quite good and they go against most other reviews I have seen and why is sound not mentioned within the review?? I mean by all means give it whatever score you want but at least justify every score you give and why do they have a "worse than" section bit negative isn't it???

Edit: And rereading the review it sounds almost as though the guy has an issue with sandbox games and sequels in general... also note they've actually said sound and gameplay are worse in this than the 1st...

Peaceful_Jelly4863d ago (Edited 4863d ago )

he doesn't like sandbox games and he used the sound to drag down the score. All of his complains from the game are stuff like: "repetitive missions"... You know this is the typical area where all sandbox games fail.

TimmyShire4863d ago

He doesn't say he doesn't like sandbox games, he says people who don't won't like it - but those who do will love it.

If there's problems with the games then there's problems with it. I think people who liked the last one will probably love this though.

extermin8or4863d ago (Edited 4863d ago )

@Timmy Shire: But the way I'm seeing it is someone is lying here; because I've seen several good reviews 8's and 9's from some german sites, IGN ect also and now this so either they were giving it to high a score or nowgamer are giving it too low a score he starts off the review by saying sequels go into 2 catagorys most of the time and neither sound like a place you want to be in really doesn't sound like an objective unbiased review... It sounds like someone with a vendetta against the genre and sequels. Sandbox game surely you assign someone who actually likes sandbox games to review it?

Ju4863d ago (Edited 4863d ago )

@TimmyShire, If that is true, I wonder how GTA, LA Noire and Red Dead can ever get those high scores.

And, well, I know, over all is not the average of all scores, but the lowest - besides the sound - is 7.7, yet the over all is 7.3? Longevity is 9.1 yet it is repetitive. What? Looks like a collection of random numbers to me.

SoapShoes4863d ago

@TimmyShire - That is just retarded! That's like giving Call of Duty a 5/10 and saying if you like the FPS genre you'll love it but if you don't you'll hate it.... You could do this for EVERY game and EVERY genre!!!

I played the demo and it's just miles better than the first one.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4863d ago
TimmyShire4863d ago

That's fair I guess. I read it in a different way, but I don't think it's a negative review.

7.3 is a good score. I enjoyed the first and this review says if I enjoyed that I'll enjoy this, so I'm still excited.

Too much emphasis on scores these days.

extermin8or4863d ago

I saw the score and read through the review several times and was suprised that sound and graphics weren't really mentioned at all, and then saw the score given to sound I mean clearly the guy thinks it's an issue yet he hasn't incl;uded it in his review? I just find that annoying the point of reviews is to help people know what games are worth their money yet he doesn't actually outline something he clearly feels is a real issue?

SuperM4863d ago

To a certain degree i agree. However games getting 7ish scores are almost always boring and uninspiring games. If a game scores 7.3 across the board i would not buy that game.

However im pretty certain this game will get mostly 9/10 scores and im also pretty certain i will like it. But if you give the sound 5/10 then you better give a really good reason for it. If you dont then it seems like the reviewer just wants to give the game a low score. There is no excuse for that.

If i buy the game and it turns out the sound is actually great then that would be enough to forever disregard nowgamer as a serious gaming site. Ofcourse the sound could be crap although i find it strange that sony would release the game in such a state, but if it is, it should be explained in the review.

Ju4863d ago

This is an open world game with graphics fidelity of UC2 (based on what I see in the demo). No slow down, no hick up, no tear, no pop in. Yet, lately, this whole aspect of games - now that they actually fixed all those early issues - is nowhere to be found in reviews any more. How so? Are we too spoiled so we don't need to point out the technical aspect of a game any more?

jimmins4863d ago

inFamous 2 really, REALLY boring. This review being rather kind, actually.

chidori6664863d ago

shhhh, don't talk this for fanboys...:P

PRHB HYBRiiD4863d ago

i played the demo and idk... it felt like infamous 1 just with better graphics...and that's not bad but i just feel like im playing the same game again ..same sounds,same climbing mechanics and the missions are pretty similar .. on the other hand the graphics are a great upgrade and the new powers are cool,and cole is faster so u can move from point a to point b faster and the added those cinematic moments i think ill give it a 7.50 / 10

Zynga4863d ago

@PRHB HYBRiiD I also felt the same way man. The demo didnt impress me at all. It felt more of the same old with better visuals and a few extra powers here and there. The cities enviroments were meh to me, i liked the way the first one looked. Also the game was still too easy even on hard mode. :(

LNDCalling4863d ago (Edited 4863d ago )

Boring because its a sequel??..

If that's the case then I can think of numerous generic FPS games that are worse.. COD to name but one!...

Hey if you liked the first and this appeals play it.. It is a sequel but that's kinda the point, to find out what happens, if they changed the whole mechanics of the game it wouldn't be a sequal in my mind and they would would likely piss a lot of people off..

I enjoyed the first immensely, in fact it was first game in a while that I found hard to put down and I look forward to getting my copy of inFamous 2 :)

Reviews are just one persons opinion, nothing more nothing less.. don't let them rule the games you play/enjoy!

HeavenlySnipes4862d ago

do know that you wer playing a demo right? Not even close to having the stuff from the full game?

rob60214862d ago

Why don't other open world games that are equally boring get knocked too then? Like red dead and GTA.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4862d ago
TBM4863d ago

I've said it in other articles but no reviews, or the amount of people hating on it will stop me from buying and enjoying the hell out of this game.

Played demo multiple times and enjoyed it more and more each time. Tuesday where the hell are you?


Extermin8or: Bubble added for being funny. I will say this. Scores don't always matter it's all a matter of opinion and than there are times when it does matter and its universal, where everyone agrees a certain game is good and bad. Lastly, there are those that will destroy a game just for the hell of it, just so they can get hit for there website and that they have some grudge against a video game publisher

saladthieves4863d ago

Personally, I find this game AWESOME. I've played the demo and I am going to replay it again very soon!

Oh well...as crazy as this score may seem, unfortunately not everyone can like it. There's always bound to be someone around who doesn't think that the game deserves say a 9.5/10.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4862d ago
Mr-Dude4863d ago

Í don't read reviews about exclusive games anymore, they have the habbit to be ehm...really crap!
Look at KZ3, al those so called ''journalist'' who took points because it whas to much like COD???

yeah, screw u! And the lengt of the game? Yeah srew u to...u rushed mate!

So, i played the demo of infamous 2 and i liked it! So keep your silly reviews at your own!

PandaJenkins4863d ago

uhhh the review is the opinion of the reviewer.... you don't have to agree with the author but why tell them to keep it to themselves? its like saying you should keep your opinion to yourself. I really don't get people sometimes >_>

Mr-Dude4863d ago

Because, sometimes i don't get the journalist.
They want games what bring change into a game, but then always they nagging about this, and that.
Offcourse its a opinion, but sometimes their opinion really annoys me...

That why i never read a review....I play the game, and when its crap o well...I have the luxery to buy games, and here in Holland whe can;t rent a game like in the US...

Veeger4863d ago

If it's a PS3 exclusive, +2 to the score given by "gaming journalists". If it's a 360 exclusive, -2 from the score. Works for me.

velcry4863d ago

Strange though. I looked through Nowgamer's other reviews, and I can't them any of their other scores being listed on Metacritic, so I can't even see whether Nowgamer has been rating games higher or lower than industry average.

gustave1544863d ago

yup i don't trust this review...

MasterCornholio4863d ago

Score seems a bit low. Suckerpunch are really good devs and the first one received great scores all over the place. I find it odd that Suckerpunch dropped the ball with this title and made it worth a 7.

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inFamous 3: We Want A Second Son Sequel

Fans of the action-adventure franchise have been eagerly awaiting news of a potential sequel to one of the best games on the PS4.

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Alexious490d ago

I want it too. Make it co-op as well.

-Foxtrot490d ago

Yeah they had a lightning bolt in the shape of a question mark at the end of Infamous 2

They always went off the good ending for Cole so I think for Delsin it should be the bad ending

What he did in the bad ending, absorbing everyone’s powers, seemed like he was going to turn into something powerful.

Makes you feel like he could have been the real Beast and John was just an anomaly because of them messing with time

Sets up a Cole vs Delsin showdown

potatoseal490d ago

How would fans feel about a reboot? You know to bring a new audience in? Not a good idea? Good idea?

anast488d ago

Not a god idea. They let it sit for too long and the game hasn't been strong enough to carry itself all these years. There is so much other stuff out there right now.

masterfox490d ago

Second Son was released in 2014 was an amazing game visually and gameplay wise, sometimes I play it again on the PS5 and seeing it run at 60 fps is something to behold(yes an almost 10 year old game), if you haven't done that on your PS5 try it you won't be disappointed, pure eye candy, a PS5 exclusive of Infamous would be amazing no doubt.

gold_drake489d ago

meh, i want Cole to come back.

or maybe a reboot. with cole.

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Older PlayStation games that we'd love to see on the PlayStation 5

From Xfire: "For a company with a three-decade-long history in gaming, Sony has done a crappy job at preserving its legacy. "

Flawlessmic880d ago (Edited 880d ago )

All the mgs games, all the ape escapes, silent hill 1-4, croc 1 and 2, legend of dragoon, tekken 3,tenshu, bushido blade, vagrant story, okami, ico, crash bash, gt4.

Thats just off the top of my head that i would play immediately, still so many more though that id love.

Welshy879d ago

MGS, Silent Hill etc are no brainers, but you earned my thumbs up for our boi Croc. I talk about him all the time, it's an honour to find another man of culture.

Flawlessmic879d ago (Edited 879d ago )

Hahaha yea was one of my very first games i owned on ps1 as a child, great memories!!

Love to hear there other people out there that enjoyed the gem of a game that is croc 👌

RedDevils879d ago (Edited 879d ago )

Okami has HD version already. I want those Sly games though since PS3 and vita had it.

Flawlessmic879d ago

Yea sly would be cool, i never got into those so would be a good opportunity for me to do so.

But yea theres so many games in sony catalogue we coukd be here all day listing titles.

Hopefully we all get the ganes we are hoping for.

outsider1624880d ago

Tenchu 1 and 2
Socom 1 and 2
MGS 1-3

seanpitt23880d ago

RDR2 for me they can boost that up to 60fps with better graphic settings than last gen

Luc20880d ago

Folklore. It was such a unique and beautiful game. Great soundtrack. I still have my PS3 copy

The_Hooligan879d ago

YES please! Also I would love to see Warhawk come back. Such an awesome game.

moriarty1889880d ago

The Resistance and a killzone series for me.

Bigman4k880d ago (Edited 880d ago )

Infamous 1 & 2 probably will get remaster for PS5/4 at some point as for the others in that article idk

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Latest RPCS3 build brings major improvements in Metal Gear Solid 4, inFamous 2, Ninja Gaiden & more

A brand new version of the best Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3, brings major graphical improvements in Metal Gear Solid 4, inFamous 2, Ninja Gaiden & more.

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Game-ur1543d ago

If the PC can emulate the PS3, then for sure the PS5 would be able to do same. but dose Sony want it?

Mr Logic1542d ago

If there was money in it, then Sony would do it. People can bitch and moan all they want, but even if every person on this site used BC, that would still be a tiny fraction of gamers. Almost nobody really uses BC.

DethWish1542d ago (Edited 1542d ago )

I think there would be money if they made PS3 games downloadable through PSNow and added a bunch more.
Edit: I would get it if MGS4 was available

Mr Logic1542d ago


That would be an emulator. You're not making any sense.

DethWish1542d ago

Mr Logic, really? If PS5 could emulate PS3 games (BC) and PSNow would let you download and play PS3 games locally instead of streaming (like it lets you download PS4 games), wouldn't that be awesome? PSNow has some really interesting PS3 games, but I'd prefer to play them locally

MadLad1542d ago

Remasters of popular games do extremely well. MS basically hands them out for free. If people didn't want to play older games, then why do remasters sell so well?

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anonymousfan1542d ago

I honestly would probably never ever use it... But I still think it would be pretty neat. Its one of the few avantages PC still has on console that is complete backwards compatibility. But for all the work needed to implement this I doubt it would be worth Sony's time.

Melankolis1542d ago

In my opinion.
The difference is independent emulator developer can build any emulator as an experiment that will be perfected for years, maybe more than 10 years. During that time, expect many glitch, bugs, and updates. They can do that because they do not have any obligation towards PC users or whatsoever.

Fos Sony, once they announce PS5 will be able to play PS3 games, they have to make it safe and playable for users. They do not want the emulator cause bricks, glitch, heating up or anything to the consoles and get sued for that.

Harkins17211542d ago

The amount of work it would require sony for each game probably isn't worth it. Maybe after rpcs3 is done they can patent it and use it. That's the dream lol

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Father__Merrin1542d ago

This has been going on for years any full game playable yet

EazyC1542d ago

Wish I never sold my PS3 for MGS IV alone, I'm dying to play it again

Gamerking821542d ago (Edited 1542d ago )

Any ps3 owner has too own this masterpiece . My disk drive has just gone on my old super slim . So I bought the digital version no questions ask . If you have a ps3 own this masterpiece that’s all I can say . I replay it every year and still find loads of enjoyment . The last true metal gear in my opinion . V was good and gameplay amazing , but it’s just not a metal gear quality story wise .