
Neocrisis: SoftKinetic Wins Media Momentum Award

Neocrisis: SoftKinetic, the leading developer of gesture recognition solutions, today announced that it has received the Media Momentum Award for Most Innovative Company. CEO Michel Tombroff received the award at the seventh annual summit, which brings together Europe’s most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders in the digital landscape.

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SoftKinetic Razer VR Tech Interview

Softkinetic exec Eric Krzeslo explains how 3D depth sense camera and middleware, used in conjunction with the Oculus Rift and the new Razer headset, works in this exclusive interview from GDC 2015 in San Francisco.


SoftKinectic Adds Oculus DK2 Support, Hosts Competition to Win GDC 2015 Pass

VRFocus - With the Oculus Rift virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display's (HMD) second development kit (DK2) now having shipped to a good number of developers, support for the device is becoming more and more common. Today sees 3D vision and gesture recognition company SoftKinect add DK2 support to its own technology allowing developers to create hand controlled experiences without the need for other controllers. To celebrate, the company is hosting a competition using its ReachVR App.


SoftKinetic Talks NVIDIA Tegra Mobile Games

Eric Krzeslo, chief marketing officer at SoftKinetic, explains what NVIDIA Tegra technology and its own gesture recognition software opens up for mobile video games in this exclusive interview from GDC 2014.

jagiii3707d ago

There are cool applications for this in mobile.