
BioWare used DLC to experiment with Mass Effect 3 ideas

PC Gamer: "News probes are still coming back from our trip to BioWare to see Mass Effect 3 being built. Executive producer Casey Hudson tells us that they’ve been using the Mass Effect 2 DLC we’ve been playing as prototypes for ideas they want to put into Mass Effect 3.

Fair warning: the first part of Casey’s answer is about how surprising Mass Effect 3 is, and in the second part he tells us something that happens right near the start. He also refers to some stuff that happens in the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC for Mass Effect 2. Spoilers follow."

tommyth3cat4881d ago

Their experiment worked, if ME3 has more of the elements introduced from the major DLCs such as Lair of the Shadow Broker it will be a very enjoyable experience.

manumit4881d ago

Lair of the Shadow Broker was the only good DLC i've seen from Bioware...okay overlord wasn't too bad either. But how can a company make such an awesome game and then when it comes to the DLC they blow it.

Redempteur4881d ago

overlord was cool , but only lair of teh shadow broken made me "WOAH" at some moments ...

krazykombatant4881d ago

I just wonder, since they mentioned that space battles will be a huge thing... If we will ever have command of the Normandy. we got to play as joker walking around be nice to pilot the ship... Or for once use the shit in a mission... Like in ME1 and 2 there were soo many chances where you could have used the normandy but everyone was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....

MasterD9194881d ago (Edited 4881d ago )

Well I sure as hell hoped they learned that planet scanning for materials and minerals can be done in a fraction of the time with a fraction of the frustration...Scanning like that was awful and practically unavoidable.

I was looking forward to an early release this year but I guess I can download some ME2 DLC to hold me over for now.

Tony P4881d ago

I hope they got rid of mining and I'd hope they'd think about bringing back explorable planets. Though I'm sure the latter won't happen.

While we're on the subject of things to drop, how about fuel? I didn't see *any* point to using it or having it.

InfiniteJustice4881d ago

Shadow Broker was a perfect example of DLC done right, the pacing and action sequences were spot on. Overlord was good, but I personally thought it was too broken up by the damn Hammerhead... Saying that, the Hammerhead is actually alright, it was just the fact it's so damn weak, and those turrets are so damn strong. Frustrating

mananimal4881d ago

Ive got a feeling that Bioware/EA are going to find some way to royally piss off the majority fans of this franchise. EA has always had an Evil persona, and ME has increasingly gotten more streamlined and Hollywood, lol. With the increasing in "Same Sex Options", and EA's Draconic like Forum Banning rules,etc.. I'm strongly considering passing on ME3 all together, I dont care, its princple over pleasure, im not a videogame crack addict, who would sell his ____ for my next fix.


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