
BioWare on tactical targeting in Mass Effect 3 (Interview)

PCGAMER: Mass Effect 3′s combat is going to be harder that either of the previous games, BioWare’s Casey Hudson tells us. You’re fighting the Reapers, vast robot gods, but they’re not the footsoldiers. They combine their technology with the species we know from the previous games, making horrible deformed cyborgs. Tom asked Casey how these differ from the troops we’re used to fighting, and how the new enemies force you to think about where you shoot.

krazykombatant4882d ago

A little too much action and too little RPG......

I have a feeling ME3 will be more action-esque and just pretty much leave the RPG... Please don't let the first game be the best on in the triology....

Tony P4882d ago (Edited 4882d ago )

I'm pretty sure, given the overwhelming success of those changes in ME2, ME3 will focus on improving the combat again to satisfy the shooter crowd. Actually, as I wrote this, I googled and got a story about EA's Riccitello confirming that.

Us in the RPG category will at worst have to settle for the depth of the conversation system again.

I doubt the series will ever be as RPG as ME1 again. There's not enough money in it.

And BioWare has slowly and transparently become more about turning increasingly larger profits than ever before.

Rage_S904882d ago

or.........they could improve both

thats_just_prime4882d ago

Mass Effect 1 sold 2.7 million
Mass Effect 2 (xbox &pc) 2.5 million
Mass Effect 2 on ps3 .4 million.

If you look at the number not counting the ps3 ME 1 sold better and with the ps3 Mass Effect only sold .2 millon better.

I'd say that Mass Effect 1 was more popular. ME2 is a shooter thanks to shitty ass EA buying out bioware and the idiots over ther thinking only a shooter can sale.

I'll most likely pass on buyin ME3

GameZenith4882d ago

Whether you want to admit it or not, the old Bioware is gone. The Bioware that was the independent developer creating new IPs after IP and forever innovating in the RPG genre. That Bioware died in late 2007 when EA bought them out.

Today Bioware is just another EA studio with the plan to create 1-2 unique IPs and crap out sequels for them every 1-2 years. I believe in terms of Bioware Edmonton, the focus in the next 5 years would be the Mass Effect and Dragon Age IP. Compare that to 1998-2005 when Bioware would not focus on just one IP but create new IPs one after another:

1. Baulders Gate
2. Neverwinter Knights
4. Jade Empire
5. Dragon Age (Released in 2009 but was in developement back in 2004)
6. Mass Effect. (Released in 2007, but was in development since 2004/2005)

In 7 years that is 6 IPs (1998-2005). Not counting SWTOR which is Bioware Austin, Bioware Edmonton since 2007 under EA has created ZERO new IPs as the focus has mainly been on Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

Bioware R.I.P.

Tony P4882d ago

"or.........they could improve both"

That would mean adding in the parts they removed. And they describe RPG mainstays such as inventory and stats as "fat" to be "cut". It's not out of the realm of possibility, but I find it pretty unlikely given their statements about the game so far.

"Today Bioware is just another EA studio with the plan to create 1-2 unique IPs and crap out sequels for them every 1-2 years."

In that respect, perception is everything. If you attach years to those grand old days:

Baldur's Gate 1 (1998)
BG: Tales of the Sword Coast (1999)
BG2: SoA (2000)
BG2:ToB (2001)
Neverwinter Nights (2002)
NWN: SoU (2003)
NWN: HotU (2003)
KOTOR (2003)
Jade Empire (2005)

That's BG for about 4 years straight, NWN for two, KOTOR, then JE.I don't see how it's so much different from now.

Besides, if anything, recent EA has been pretty supportive of new ips.

humbleopinion4882d ago (Edited 4882d ago )

"Us in the RPG category will at worst have to settle for the depth of the conversation system again. "

What is an RPG for you if not the depth of the storyline and the fact that actions and conversations have consequences?
Is it the inventory system? The leveling system? Because that's not unique to RPGs anymore (and ME1 never had a deep leveling/inventory systems to begin with)

Tony P4881d ago (Edited 4881d ago )

"What is an RPG for you if not the depth of the storyline and the fact that actions and conversations have consequences?"

My point is that is *part* of an RPG experience and ME's strongest point. Very few games allow you to carry over decisions between titles and I haven't played any that take it to ME's level. That is the only thing unique to ME. And that is admittedly the *only* reason I enjoyed ME2.

Sure, Devil May Cry has upgrades and an inventory. But what can you do with it? Not much. RPGs however, have been known to give these systems depth unseen in the pretenders. ME's inventory wasn't great? I agree. IMPROVE IT, BIOWARE. Planets not fun to explore? IMPROVE IT, BIOWARE. No, they just ended up removing it in ME's case. I call that not even trying.

So I heavily disagree with BioWare when they act as if those things are *bloat*. That is PR talk to disguise the fact that they didn't want or feel it was necessary to improve.

I'm not trying to say it needs to be exactly like Baldur's Gate or something. But I am saying if BioWare thinks the systems that got them to where they are suddenly mean zip, then they are quite mistaken.

I write a lot. I know. Sorry.

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captain-obvious4882d ago

Mass Effect 3 = tactical 3rd person shooter

manumit4882d ago (Edited 4882d ago )

please be armor/weapon mods! how you upgrade your weapons, ship ect. was a real let down in me2. Bring more RPG and more action to number 3!

EDIT: and by action i mean story driven.

limewax4882d ago

Strangely enough one of the main things I want back is armor in boxes, I miss having some color to mess around with and making the soldier I want, Armour in ME2 sucked, its one choice with bland color selections or a couple suits with auto-selected colors. What a downgrade

moaradin4882d ago

Casey already confirmed that the game would have more RPG features. better combat does not equal worse RPG features.

krazykombatant4881d ago

Tell that to ME2 and Dragon Age 2

No_Pantaloons4882d ago

yay more discussion about the fantastical combat upgrades for the new mass effect -_-


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