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We don't need Xbox 720/PS4, Pitchford explains

We don't need a next generation console platform, Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford has told The outspoken creator of Borderlands didn't stop there, but outlined the many reasons why the current crop of consoles is good enough.

"I'm actually excited by the fact that we're at a point now with this generation where it's not a technical problem," he said speaking to this morning. "We're in the craft of game-making now. We understand the hardware, and now we're focusing on gameplay, focusing on leveraging that hardware towards the purposes of entertainment, instead of wrestling with the technical issues of how to just exist on it. As a game-maker, that's the best possible place to be."

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Community4823d ago
Cardenjs4823d ago

This is a tough issue but Microsoft needs a new console soon, if not to just upgrade to Blu-Ray since LA Nior's 3 disk edition for the 360 shows that limitation.

The bad part would be that we'd begin paying no less than 65 dollars per game now since more time and resources will be invested into making the games.

We can combat our need for new expensive consoles by hiring more imaginative programing teams to give us new experiences on our old consoles. Really support the Indie teams and the "different" games. Personally I like Sim games and really would like to see Sim City 5 on a console.

Best4823d ago (Edited 4823d ago )

Seeing that PSN was easily hacked on the PS3 and the PS3 only has 256mb of ram then it's obvious we need a PS4.

mrv3214823d ago

That would be the case


The PSN hack was server side a PS4 would have made little difference.
The PS3 has 480MB of ram, 32MB below the 360.

It has 256 Dedicated V.ram to the GPU and a further 256 ram via the XDR, giving it a 480 max, the 360 has 512MB ram between the CPU and GPU.

Anon19744823d ago (Edited 4823d ago )

Easily hacked? Excuse me if I'm missing something, but hasn't the PSN been operating just fine for the past 5 years prior to this? If it were hacked right out of the gate, I'd say "Yeah...that's easily hacked," but that's not what happened here. And the RAM thing, yeah...I don't see RAM holding the PS3 back versus the 360 - and the evidence is in the games.

If it was so easily hacked, why did it take 5 years for someone to do it?

Anyway, I agree with Pitchford. As it is now, games cost a small fortune to make for the existing platforms. How many developers have we seen collapse under the weight of making console games. If the next gen consoles come out right away, how many developers are actually going to have the resources to push that hardware?

It's too soon.

Active Reload4823d ago

Cardenjs, LA noire is coming out on the 360 next week. You're saying they should wait to release a new xbox to play this game? smh

@Best, lol, I just don't know what to say.

dangert124823d ago

PS3 ain't even hut 199 your not getting a ps4 anytime soon, im happy with it atm too those who want more pc gaming is for you

Istanbull4823d ago

I don't need a PS4 for the next 3 or 4 years, Sony just announced Starhawk Not to mention PS3 is still 299$. Expect a PS4 when PS3 hits 149$ in 3 or 4 years.

firelogic4823d ago

way to go nintendo. screwing things up yet again.

Blaze9294823d ago

Lol yeah seriously. If they would have made the Wii what the Wii 2nd rumored to be from the beginning, we would not be in this mess. Now the whole generation cycle is screwed up.

Dread4823d ago

yep we need a new 360 just for blue-ray becasue there is a disc swap, which takes probably one minute of your total gaming experience. Wow great point.

then I guess it follows that we also need a new sony plasytation to avoid all those mandatory installs which talke between 5 to 30 minutes , and also take up space in your hard drive. If the plasytaiton is SO advanced then why the mandaotry installs?

Trevonn4823d ago

its the developer not the console dumbass

Dread4823d ago (Edited 4823d ago )


yes I know its never sonys fault. I have been reading comments in this site for years. So i understand the logic well. to summarize:

Sony = always good, never makes mistakes, and a victim. They love the gamers and everything they do they do it out of love for the gamers and never for profit.

MS = evil and we should always hate them no matter what. The only reason there is negative information about Sony is becasue MS pays all journalist to pulbish negative things about them.


VenGencE9994823d ago

Two things, first I hate disk swapping because it breaks my immersion when I'm playing.

Nothing worse than having tension built up ready for the what's around the corner and you're hit with "insert disk two".

Only to play 3 or 4 more hours and have the same thing happened again. It may be small to you, but it's annoying as hell to me. I only own one game that requires disk swapping(ME2) and I make sure to not buy a multiplat game for my 360 if it requires it.

I'm not saying we need new consoles nor do I want new consoles anytime soon, I'm saying it's a pain.

Secondly, mandaotry installs have NOTHING to do with the hardware and EVERYTHING to do with the software.

I really wish people would stop being cheap and get both consoles so there won't be a need to defend or attack one or the other...

green4823d ago (Edited 4823d ago )

Fanboys on this site praise exclusives like multiplats are not worth playing is the same way they talk about 360 DVD disk swapping. In the real world, nobody gives a rats ass about a game being exclusive or how many disks the game ships on.

At my work place there are a few gamers here and not once in my 10 months working here and occasionally discussing games with them have the words "disk swapping" or "exclusive" ever come out of their mouths.

A new gen of consoles are needed not because of disk format but because the tech in the 360 and yes the PS3 are both 6 years old plus. So we have gotten to the point that not much advancement with current gen technology can be had.

If you wish, you can fit a 1tb disk drive in the ps3 or 360 and they still will not be able to produce 1080p native games, with fully destructable environments, advanced AI at a constant 60fps.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4823d ago

They can keep the Sims off world but I agree with you otherwise

BrunoM4823d ago

Agree with legend on the sims part ...
With out being that I agree with post 1

Nac4823d ago

No more of this "We don't need" stuff, it's happening so deal with it.

Falaut4823d ago


other than that, its fine, even in the VRAM dept.

RedDead4823d ago

A new GPU would be good too. Cpu's are alright though

IGAMEHARD4823d ago

because were getting wii 2... where ps3 and 360 fans finally unite

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Gearbox says Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands ‘clearly a new franchise after shattering targets’

“Future experiences [are] already under development at Gearbox," says Randy Pitchford

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Community674d ago
melons674d ago

I'm actually surprised by this, I feel like it came and went very quickly without too much interest

but good to see!

dumahim673d ago

Well, it was relatively short and no True Vault Hunter mode to replay the campaign. The DLC was horribly short, lame and overpriced, which didn't help.

Sgt_Slaughter673d ago

Probably had a significantly smaller budget, so it was able to smash lower targets while not being immensely popular.

I wonder how Borderlands 3 did overall as well. I've seen that game for under $15 multiple times (and in multiple clearance racks for $5).

franwex673d ago

I too am surprised at how well this sold.

gold_drake673d ago

im surprised, bit damn was it a good game.

porkChop673d ago

A sequel will need a lot of work. They didn't lean nearly enough into the fantasy elements, which left the combat feeling like Borderlands rather than a new franchise. The end game is trash, there's no new game plus, no proper DLC/expansions, etc. The drop rates for loot were god awful.

It had a lot of great ideas but in terms of gameplay it felt way too safe, like Gearbox was too scared to stray too far from Borderlands.

Profchaos673d ago

I legit thought it was intended to be dlc at first for b3 which kind of explains why it didn't

dumahim673d ago

Yeah, fuck those drop rates. Trying to farm for something specific was futile. Especially for the armor. Need to match 2 classes instead of 1, and then there's the whole Ascended, Primordial, etc thing that made it even harder. Add another class into it later lowered the chances even further. They really needed to tailor drops so you had a better chance of getting your own classes drops.

This is why I stopped playing. I'd spend an hour or two every day farming, filling my inventory, loading up loot bunnies with crystals, and consistently get nothing to show for it after a month of trying to get an upgrade for one piece of gear.

673d ago
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Gearbox Is Working on a New Brothers in Arms Game, Confirms Randy Pitchford

Pitchford mentions that they're currently working on a Brothers in Arms game, but also suggests that the game is in early development.

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Community1047d ago
RaidenBlack1047d ago

Finally ... the much needed conclusion to Baker Company's story.

porkChop1047d ago

It's been way too long. They cancelled BiA: Furious 4 to make Battleborn and look how that turned out. Though I do hope this new entry is more like the proper BiA games, rather than F4 which was basically Borderlands meets Inglorious Basterds.

Bathyj1047d ago

Please let it be true to the series. Don't wreck it like Rainbow 6. Can we get at least one tactical single player shooter with squad commands?

outsider16241047d ago

Socom is another that could hopefully be it.

outsider16241047d ago

Oh my God!! Freaking finally!! I loved the BiA games especially RtH30 and EIB

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Randy Pitchford: The magic behind Gearbox’s merger with Embracer Group

Gearbox Entertainment CEO Randy Pitchford said that selling his company will be good for both gamers and employees.

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Community1267d ago
Knushwood Butt1268d ago

Lots of cash enhances the magic.

1268d ago
NeoGamer2321267d ago

Any merger that openly talks about financial targets is bad news for gamers and code for "We need to figure out how to get more money from gamers".