
Naughty Dog: LA Noire's Facial Capture Tech Wouldn't Work On Uncharted 3

UnchartedCentral.com: In a recent interview the cinematics lead of Naughty Dog explained why they are not using this technology.

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Xwow20084829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

"You basically have to sit the actor down in a room , have him not move and speak all of his lines directly to the camera and then you have to do the body capture completely separately , probably another day with another person and the characters should look exactly like your actors"

His right...for a game like uncharted the actors are doing the body capture and speaking and the same time.

hazelamy4829d ago

it could work for bioware or the elder scrolls games though. ^_^

lastdual4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

You'd have to sit down some cat and lizard people for Elder Scrolls :)

Honestly though, Team Bondi has said that the captured animations take up a lot of file space (hence the 3 DVDs for the 360 version), so I doubt it would be practical for a huge game with 1,000s of NPCs like TES. Besides the time it would take to capture all the dialogue, you'd end up with a game that would need like 5 blu-ray disks....

Rainstorm814828d ago (Edited 4828d ago )

WHAT! LA Noire is 3 discs on 360? I hope your joking because i planned on getting it on xbox ..... If so looks like im getting it on PS3, no matter how much better the textures are on 360 (ie RDR, GTA4)

I loathe disc swapping the only game i tolerated it with is ME2...

nveenio4828d ago

Ummm...I actually prefer Uncharted's facial animation. L.A. Noire's animation has potential, but there's something about it that just doesn't look right. Uncharted 2's facial animation remains the best I've seen in a game.

Blaine4828d ago (Edited 4828d ago )


I know what you mean. To be perfectly honest, it's been a while since I've watched an LA Noire trailer, but the last time I saw the facial animations I found them more creepy than impressive.

To me, it's because the graphical quality of the faces (textures, and whatever else it is) isn't on-par with the animation quality. The great animations coupled with sub-par graphics is just creepy.

Persistantthug4828d ago (Edited 4828d ago )

For GTA4 there's a difference in resolution, but the game is identical with the "naked eye". In order to see any difference you'd need a pixel counter and frame counter.

I can't comment on RDR because I haven't played it for either system.

However, LA Noire isn't using the same engine, it's using the engine the game started on, which was built originally for the PS3, because as we all know, this game originally was owned by Sony until they scrapped it and eventually sold it to Rockstar/Take 2.

Edit in.....If I'm not mistaken, But isn't the PS3's version supposed to have an extra mission or something like that?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4828d ago
Deathz4829d ago

Im not too sure on what the tech is capable of, but from what i've seen the in game characters will look exactly like the real actors playing them.

This is a big no no for games with unique characters like Kratos, Nathan Drake, Snake etc and therefore does limit game characters to 'real life' which imo isn't welcome.

However games like LA Noire, GTA and Heavy Rain which are going for that realtime realistic look would benifit greatly.

Hassassin4829d ago

you just put makeup on actors... like in movies, not so difficult.

saladthieves4828d ago

L.A. Noire's facial animation technique is very impressive. In my opinion, a little too impressive in such a way that, for some reason I find it eerie or freaky. It's like seeing someone's face LITERALLY plastered onto a 3D model. They look exactly identical.

I was like...wait, isn't that the guy from Mad Men, or isn't that Walter Bishop from the TV series Fringe? I would love to have seen a character similar to them, or modeled after them, but NOT the exact down-right identical person's face, it is a bit 'freaky' looking at it.

theafroman4829d ago

Maybe thats why the tech might be limited. But I think games like Heavy Rain could benefit from it well.

Crazyglues4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

Yeah I would say it depends on the game, a game like Uncharted does not need this tech, because looking at the face to see if they are lying does not really play into a straight forward action driven game..

This works better on stuff like GTA, Heavy Rain, Games where some serious interaction between the player and the other characters in the game is needed.

Games where facial expression is key to determining what you as the gamer need to do next..


-Alpha4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

Uncharted would benefit from it, any game would

But of course, like you said, it's not a top priority for a game that is more focused on action/fluidity of body.

One day we will have all these technologies as standard as a red barrel in an FPS title!

Scyrus4829d ago

yes alpha male, and then dev time would take a useless extra few weeks. something like that is pointless when a game like uncharted is already perfectish.

still I guess in the long run 2 gens from now it would be ok.

newn4gguy4829d ago

It would look more realistic...which is a BAD THING!!!

Nathan Drake is modeled after Nolan North. He doesn't look exactly like him. Doing this tech would ruin it.

DigitalRaptor4829d ago

Alpha-Male, it wouldn't benefit from it. Not only is is a longer and less natural process, but the game character would have to look like the actor playing their role.

For realistic games, perhaps this tech will be beneficial, but there are so many stylised games out there that don't need this sort of facial realism. It suits L.A. Noire down to the ground, but wouldn't be convincing for every game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4829d ago
Headquarters114829d ago

LA noires tech is absolutely stunning. I can't wait to see it used in other games.

AAACE54829d ago

Can't wait til we get games using Image Metrics the way I originally saw it! For those who never saw it, here you go...


Snatcher4829d ago ShowReplies(5)
Downtown boogey4829d ago ShowReplies(1)
sleepy34829d ago

way to reply to comment on the story. good contribution, lol.

ThanatosDMC4829d ago

All im curious about LA Noire is if i can go crazy in the city and drive in the sidewalk, run over people, blow up cars, and basically play it like GTA. Do we have that freedom in LA Noire? I hope so. I saw street racing in the preview too.

Nac4828d ago

I would prefer narrative to freedom. I don't want a GTA clone in the 40's.

ThanatosDMC4827d ago

I want both. There can still be narrative with freedom.

Nac4826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

At great expense of the other. The narrative is really getting pushed as something important, not just a side feature like GTA or RDR, I want to see Team Bondi do something different.

jc485734829d ago

not sure if capcom or some other company used this back in the days, or maybe they didn't. I have no problem with it, but it kinda raises the question if this method is used just to save some time. I always thought there was something funny about the faces in LA Noire as if they want to pop out like ghostly apparitions. Oh, Siren used this method too.

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Nyxus616d ago

I hope they make another Uncharted game some day.

MIDGETonSTILTS17616d ago

I hope they don’t make another until the end of the ps5 lifecycle…. Show us a better jungle

Minute Man 721615d ago

It's 15 years already....time flys


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0hMyGandhi764d ago

I absolutely loved this article! well done.

MadLad764d ago

Nathan Drake is a monster.


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Profchaos996d ago

It's about retirement...oh wait

UNCHARTED2FANATIC996d ago (Edited 996d ago )

I cant even say what the point was its easily the worst story in the series. The online was a whole lot of fun though but overall doesn't come even close to 2

porkChop996d ago (Edited 996d ago )

It was a step back for sure. Personally, I thought even the MP was way better in U2. Solid game, glad I played it. I just think they didn't push as hard as they did with U2.


Yes both the online and story was better in 2 no doubt

Flewid638996d ago

The "young Drake" portion was pretty top notch, story-wise. But yeah, everything outside of that I felt was inferior.

DanielEndurance996d ago

Villains were all over the place in this… one second they wanted Drake dead, the next they needed him, then they want him dead again, then they coulda killed him, but poisoned his friend instead, then coulda shot him again, but had brunch with him, then needed him alive, then coulda mowed him down, but decided to kill him by fire and let him escape… Uncharted 2 was way better. 😅😅

slowgamer996d ago

=D Sounds crazy. I don't remember any of that. Played it on ps3 and I remember thinking that why was this game so bashed compared to second one. I liked it.

Chocoburger996d ago (Edited 996d ago )

Another thing that annoyed me about UC3 events was the agent Talbot teleporting around Turkey. It just felt off to me, and made no sense.

Also, for about one third of the game, you go on a wild goose chase to rescue Sully, who wasn't even there to be rescued, and you end up back where you started again. There was simply no pay off for all the events you go through, so it fell flat in that regard as if they couldn't figure out how to make the game longer, so they decided to side-track you to do something with no pay off, hoping you wouldn't notice due to all the incredible action set pieces they made.

Overall though, even with its flaws, I still enjoy the game.

TheEnigma313996d ago

This was actually my least favorite in the series. Didn't have that same impact that part 2 set.

Flewid638996d ago

Uncharted 2 is the pinnacle of the series (to me).

Granted, 4 had the best story in my opinion, but 2 was the overall best game.

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