
GGTL: In Defense of Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Gamer's Guide to Life.com, Wednesday 4th May 2011: Marvel, Capcom, and all-around fighting game enthusiast Joey Núñez stands up for the merits of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 in the latest entry of his GGTL column, RePlay.

GGTL: "Surely, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is not the second coming of Christ; and no, it is not the perfect fighting game, but I’ll be damned if I stand by idly and let you fine readers allow a couple of naysayers turn you off of this fine game.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is the fighting game equivalent of a bowl of cool beans bathed in awesome sauce. Let's discuss why."

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itsthatguy4789d ago

As long as you play with people who refrain from constantly bitching about inbalances or "Sentinel" you'll be able to play this game for 12 hours at a time. Trust me.

Daver4788d ago

Theres no need to go back to that game after MK9, Marvel vs Capcom 3 is just not fun you better keep your money and get the one on PSN when it gets back or Live if you really want to play a Marvel vs Capcom game.

antauwnehart4788d ago

marvel vs capcom 3 blows MK9 out of the water!

Antholex4788d ago

I think I may need to check this game out, given my love of all things Marvel.


Looking back to 2011 and Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Richard writes: "During a press conference in Hawaii, Capcom made dreams come true by finally announcing Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. The wait was absolutely worth it - this was nearly everything fans had been hoping for."

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Marvel vs. Capcom remains a strong performer for Capcom despite turmoil in the past decade

The Marvel vs. Capcom series is probably one of the most fondly remembered and cherished in the fighting game community despite its tumultuous past, present, and future which continues to influence and impact the scene.

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bouzebbal1380d ago

I'm missing a Capcom vs SNK.. MvC isn't my cup of tea

Nasty_Neeeks1380d ago

Why the fuck they got Wolverine up there?

kayoss1380d ago (Edited 1380d ago )

I think this article is talking about both Capcom vs Marvel and capcom vs SNK.

kayoss1380d ago

The one problem i have with this franchise and series is that the end boss is always a Giant and youre fighting his giant hand or his giant head.


Marvel vs Capcom 3 Producer Ryota Niitsuma Is Leaving Capcom

Capcom veteran Ryota Niitsuma, who produced Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, has announced his departure from the company.

JoshuaMPascoe1592d ago

I haven't liked a vs game since mvc2.

Tetsujin1592d ago

I wonder who did CvS 1 and 2?