
Victorious Boxers: Revolution Now Available for Wii

XSEED Games today announced that it has shipped Victorious Boxers: Revolution to retailers across North America. A challenging, intense boxing title exclusively for the Wii home video game system, Victorious Boxers: Revolution offers the best boxing simulation outside of stepping into a real ring. Not only will players get a chance to swing and knockout their opponents, but they will also get a great workout! Victorious Boxers: Revolution is now available for a suggested retail price of US$39.99 and is rated "T" for Teen by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).

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ItsDubC6128d ago

Considering the numerous control schemes and looking more into what ppl have said about the Japanese version, this game is starting to appeal to me more and more.

ManOnFire6128d ago

I was feeling the same way after seeing some footage of the game being played. Looks like it could give you a good workout aswell.

goodganja6127d ago

If you're a fan of Hajime No Ippo, you'll really learn to like this game. There's one coming to PSP as well. I'm buying a Nintendo Wii for this game exclusively.


hotrider126029d ago

127 games and no contra,gradius,g-darius,r-type shooter on the wii i know they r on the v.c but i rather have it on the wii instead

resistance1006032d ago

At least they still have HAZE out soon. I suspect a early march release in UK

Greek996032d ago

Sh!t. I forgot about Haze.

Double-Edged6032d ago

UBIsoft is all about Conviction.

Haze is a cheap spinoff of any FPS game.

I can't believe PS3 fans want Haze still. LOL.

faisdotal6032d ago

Yeah 'cause most FPS's thrive to create a story driven game that affects your game play and other mode's right?

Tell me what makes a good story driven FPS , and then tell me that HAZE hasn't got it , cause you'll smell like bullshit even thinking about it.

Greek996032d ago

They need to advertise Haze alot more. I lost all my hype and completely forgot about that game.

resistance1006032d ago

Your comment there was the stupidist i've ever heard.

HAZE looks great, and have had it on preorder since September.

And yes all FPS, use nector, have 2 parts to the story with different gameplay in each part.

Double-Edged i just suspect your bitter about Free Rad dropping the 360 version.

@ Greek99 - I suspect they will hype the game up again, however with no set release date for now, theres little point. Saying that in December issue of OPMuk they had a 2 page ad

Double-Edged6032d ago

have you seen haze in gameplay?
it's horrible.

please... taking off my fanboy glasses... Haze looks terrible.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6032d ago
superman6032d ago

Totally spies for Wii. Wow.

Intrepid6032d ago

Ubisoft is working on so many projects and so few of them are worth buying. Its a shame...

whoelse6032d ago

Yeah i was really looking forward to Haze but its not worth it anymore as every time we get let down with delays.

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Victorious Boxers: Revolution (Wii) Review

I must admit that I was quite excited when XSeed Games announced that they were developing the newest installment of their "Victorious Boxers" series. I had previously played their last PS2 entry and though it's not your traditional boxing game, the body language and fighting styles of the boxers really intrigued me. As a boxing writer, I've always appreciated realism in the way the characters move and react to punches and after seeing the previous iterations of Victorious Boxers, I decided to give the Wii version a spin.

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