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Child of Eden PS3 Release Date Pushed Back

Though Child of Eden on Xbox 360 is now set for June 14 in the U.S. (and short after in other territories), PS3 owners aren't so fortunate.

Ubisoft confirmed the PS3 version of Child of Eden is still in development and is expected to support PlayStation Move. Just don't hold your breath waiting for it, unless you can't hold your breath until September. That's Ubisoft's new target for the PS3 version of Child of Eden.

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Community4904d ago

Probably it will be released with some extra stuff, besides of PS Move support.

iamnsuperman4904d ago

I think it has to because of the long delay (not even by a month)

thereapersson4904d ago

I'm stoked for this game because I've been waiting for a spiritual successor to Rez ever since it was released on PS2.

NYC_Gamer4904d ago

this game has been promoted like its kinect exclusive

Kon4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

For a sec i thought this game was a 360 exclusive

Zeevious4904d ago

This often happens with the 360.

It's very easy to put a clause in your agreement to restrict comments about version on other platforms. Look at the press for Download Content, like for Grand Theft Auto 4. Speculation for months if it was coming to the PS3 and Rockstar said nothing, because contractually they couldn't say anything.

It's just marketing and PR, but I've seen it more between the PS3 & 360 than at any other time.

They both have sales in the 50-million range. Other than a few studio's owned by the manufacturers, why NOT make a game for as many platforms as you can get paid for?

I welcome exclusives, but the relative press-silence around Child of Eden on other platforms is the same pattern we've seen on other games or downloads that magically appeared or where released 6 to 12, or 18 months later on another console.

The way that news is being suppressed does make it seem like Child of Eden is exclusive.

It may just get me to try Kinect again, if they've fixed the other limitations and bugs, and I hope added some of the wilder hacks we've seen for it on the PC!

Bigpappy4904d ago

The developer said the motion control insepration came from Kinect. They never announced a date for the PS3 version. He said he would like to do the PS3 version in 3D and that would be another interesting way to play his game. This has nothing to do with M$, they are not even publishing the game.

harrisk9544904d ago

Actually, when they announced this game at E3 last year, they specifically talked about the PS3 Move version. There has never been a time that this game was not going to be a multi-plat release. Ubisoft announced a DELAY, not announced that an Xbox exclusive was going to have a PS3 version was released. And those who have played with the Move have said that that the feedback you get from the controller makes it more immersive than simply waving your hands in the air with no feedback at all.

Bigpappy4904d ago

I never said anything about them not mention a PS3 version. I said the release DATE was never ANNOUNCED.

Zeevious4903d ago (Edited 4903d ago )

Bigpappy...I thought this was originally designed before there where motion controls for anything but the Wii, then they decided to update it for motion versions. It's a successor to Rez (now 10 years old)...which did not use motion controls and was developed with the codename "Project Eden" - Explaining the name "Child of Eden"

It does look ideal for Kinect, and I'd be interested how it works with Move

Well at this point, considering they both have significant differences then I might just rent this to use with a friends Kinect and hold off buying till I compare it with the Move/3D version.

3D immersion for this type of game would just be amazing.

Thanks for the information!

blackburn54904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

That is just something Microsoft always does. The way the trumpet on about third party games you would swear it was a 360 exclusive. When they showed MW2 I really thought it was an exclusive game with the big fuss they made out of it.

EVO-OM3GA4904d ago

Sony do the same thing quiet being a fanboy!

On Topic:

I'm happy to see the delay hopefully the developers will be able to add 3D Support cause it would look crazy!

The_Nameless_One4904d ago

I still don't trust Ubisoft.

Zeevious4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )


I'd like some confirmation of that, because I can't recall the time when Sony had a claimed exclusive that in fact was multi-party and coming out later for another console.

Please let me know when this has happened, because I have seen it happen in reverse, but would like any links to those facts -- I couldn't find any.

I'm also hoping for 3D would be so wild, I'd have to install a railing to keep from falling into my huge TV!


testerg354904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

Didn't Virtua Fighter 5 go on PS3 first? Then it came out later of the 360 but with more features.


And there was Fatal Inertia that looked like a PS3 exclusive, but then ended up being released on the 360 and the much later on the PS3.

Zeevious4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

Thanks...That's not quite the same as what I was saying...intentionally making it seem like an exclusive when it wasn't...with a press blackout suppressing any mention of another platform. Still, thanks for the reply and helping out.

To those who disagree'd but don't provide one single link.

How sad you have so little conviction in your belief I'm wrong but you don't even believe enough to utter a single word.

It's not even a question of right or wrong, I just would like to know if this has happened for Sony "exclusives" -- Like TesterG35 Mentions for a couple examples of the same type of thing happening.

I've seen Microsoft do this, so would like to know when Sony has concealed the facts that a game was in fact later being released somewhere else -- claiming or implying it was an exclusive. It's a simple question, not some console cult-worshiping issue! I'm just curoius because I never noticed this happening with PS3 "exclusives"

If you disagree...any suggestions or links...please?


Just disagreeing with nothing . . .

Well then, that silence speaks louder than anything further I could say.

SilverSlug4904d ago

Going to wait and purchase it on PS3 with a smile on my face. Tesuya Miziguchi is the man.

Troll_Police4904d ago

I honestly thought this was an Xbox Kinect exclusive.

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Are video games art? Looking back at... Child of Eden

Jack writes: "“Are video games art?” This is a perennial argument, one with staunch advocates on both sides who are hard to sway. Naysayers, though, can be shown examples of art in video games that are hard to deny – such as the visuals of the sadly overlooked Child of Eden, released for Kinect in 2011."

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GameEnthus Podcast ep336: Rabbid Clarity or Hook Noise

This week Rachel(@RacialRachel) from joins Mike(@AssaultSuit) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) to talk about: Toy Story3, Black Mirror, White Bear, Animorph, Dead by Daylight, Left 4 Dead, Fortnite, Gin Blossoms, Black Panther, Simpsons World, Barts House of Weirdness, Simpsons Road Rage, Simpsons Hit n Run, Utomik, Gametap, Batman Arkham Asylum BlackGate, Ty Lawson, Gerald Lawson, Fairchild Channel F, Microsoft, Sega, Kinect, Vanquish, Bayonetta, Sea of Thieves, Tomb Raider, Simon West, Shadow of the Colossus, Get Over It, Super Mario Bros. Movie, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, J’ean Darc, ARMS, Wolfensteins II The New Colossus, Catlateral Damage, Dandara, Hello Neighbor, Knockout League, Bridge Constructor Portal, Child of Eden, Celeste, Crackdown, Timothy VS the Aliens, Jungle Book, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, Scramble Spirits, violence in video games, Matilda and more.

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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for December 2017 any good?

Neil writes: "It seems rather strange to be saying this but 2017 is fast coming to a close. Before we start to party the night away and usher in 2018 though, the Xbox Games With Gold scheme has got one last surprise up its sleeve - four free games being gifted to all Xbox One and Xbox 360 players.

But hot on the heels of November’s offerings that delivered so much (or at least three of the four did), can the free titles being given away during the month of December match up to the quality, or are we being sent a few duds that refuse to let us go out with a bang? We take a look at the good, the tempters and the, well, ugly."

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RyanDJ2488d ago

I purchased BTTF on PS3 at the tail end of the system's life. I enjoyed Episode 1 but life went on and I never finished. I'm actually pretty psyched about getting that one.

Prince_TFK2488d ago

You should definitely play Back to The Future. No matter what reviewers say, I really enjoyed this game. The story is awesome and the twist is just heartbreaking.

2488d ago
2488d ago
TheColbertinator2488d ago

Fantastic games. Thank you Microsoft!

Concertoine2488d ago

Child of eden + weed is a good time, trust me

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