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Battlefield 3: The Real Gamers FPS Calls For Recruits. The real FPS Finally Stands up - Not CoD

"OXCGN stated"

"The series has been with gamers for many years, undergone various iteration changes, but it has always been one of the forerunners in First Person Shooters (FPS) on the gaming planet.

Anyone that calls themselves a ‘real gamer’ and that has even wanted to sample a decent FPS would have had to try their hands at at least one of the following titles.

1. Battlefield Heros
2. Battlefield 2143
3. Battlefield 1943
4. Battlefield: Bad Company
5. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
6. Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam (PC)
7. Battlefield 2

And now, the game that will set all the others apart, and ideally set the bar even higher for other FPS’s out there:-

The very latest Battlefield 3 video on the series just released . . . .

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Community4928d ago
Agent-864928d ago

No recruit here, I'm a grizzled Battlefield veteran. Played everyone one of those games on the list and love DICE's take on MP games. BF3 is going to be epic and is my most anticipated game of the year. If you've never played a BF game, do yourself a favor and give them a try. New recruits are always welcome.

bluwulf4928d ago (Edited 4928d ago )

Not even one honorable mention of Desert Combat. Gaming media *sigh*

ChristianGamer4928d ago

How about that, 2 of the 3 most hated on things on n4g in one article, CoD and gaming journalism. Throw in kinect and we'd really have a party

Agent-864928d ago

@bluwulf, I loved me some Desert Combat. Next to Counter Strike, probably the best mod ever made. Stopped playing stock BF1942 once that came out.

XboxOZ3604928d ago

COuld not agree more, with the new Frostbite 2 engine, the game should not only look great, but have that element of 'believability' that many almost get, but not quite.

Especially around character fluidity. While I'm not a huge MP fan, not everyone on the face of the gaming planet is lol, it does seem like the storyline is shaping up to be engaging. So long as it gives me various ways of dealing with situations, then I'll be happy.

But it will be interesting to see it up against the newly powered Ghost Recon: Future Solider from Ubisoft.

gaminoz4928d ago

There often was more of a multi focus I think with these games, but this one looks to have a decent single player as well.

XboxOZ3604928d ago

Yep, same applies to both Operation Flashpoint: Red River (which is shaping up beautifully btw) and also GHOST Recon: Future Soldier.

While games of this nature are excellent for MP, their real niche is the SP side of things.

As it's there the developer can exploit the constant gamer by way of good SP DLC, that has them 'retain' the game much much longer than the MP player who's interests wane quickly once they have had their 15 mins of MP fame.

Look at games like Ace Combat, Forza series, GT 4-5, PGR 3-4 etc etc. Through great SP enhancements via DLC, the gamer retained these games up to 5 times longer than if it was simply a MP game, or heavily MP focused.

Gran Touring4927d ago

Good points made, but the GT series doesn't really do DLC.

XboxOZ3604928d ago

That's where the 'conflict' has been during this new wave of warfare.

The wars of the world have moved from aggressive conflict to insurgency based in local towns and cities mainly in the middle eastern areas, and spilling over to other European cities.

The current 'conflicts' will be with us for many more years, so games will follow that course naturally.

There's such a HUGE scope of possibilities in this era for developers to get gamers 'involved' - I'm just sad that the Six Days To Fullujah didn't get a publisher, but I believe the developer is still trying to locate one.

If games such as this can get approval, then Six Days To Fullujah should get it as well. It was a remarkable set of circumstances that helped Iraq set its self towards some form of stabalisation leading up to their first election.

Mutley4164928d ago

so many little time...another great reason to be a gamer!!!

XboxOZ3604928d ago

True, quite true, thing is, many think that games cost too much, and that the cost of games should come down.

Trouble with that is, they can't.

It'snot that the cost of games is too high, they have remained much the same for a few decades actually, it's the sheer number of games being shifted to shelves each month that is making it difficult for gamers to make a choice.

Once it was relatively within reason to get all the latest games as they came out. But now, with upwards of 20 games per month being released, it's almost impossible for any gamer, bar those with huge incomes and plenty of time on their hands, can not even afford 1/10th of the games they once purchased.

So the cost remains as-is, even as far back as 2004/5, the number of games outstrips the numbers able to buy them, and retain them.

I think I'm the odd one out with my friends, I get games and keep them, because if I go to the trouble to get a game, I'll want to fully enjoy it.

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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Community680d ago
masterfox681d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia681d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad680d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

680d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin680d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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Battlefield 3 Reality Mod Installation and Beginner's Guide Released

This Battlefield 3 Reality Mod installation guide will show you step-by-step on how to install the new reality mod by Venice Unleashed.

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Community801d ago

Battlefield 3 Reality Mod Release Locked for July 17, Explosive New Trailer Fires Out

Battlefield 3 Reality Mod release is now set for July 17, and we get a brand new release date trailer that brings the action and grounded gunfights.

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Community807d ago
MadLad807d ago

There's fun to be had here.
