
Crysis 2 Textures Are 1/2 Size of Crysis 1

The first Crysis represented the benchmark of PC gaming when it released, but with Crysis 2 also on consoles, the game has been watered down – so much in fact, that its resolution is lower than that of the original Crysis.

doctorstrange4869d ago

I am disappointed, Crytek promised this wouldn't happen.
Not the greatest advert for the Cryengine either.

Shaman4869d ago

They could have gone for 4k by 4k resolution textures all around you if they wanted,thats not CE3 fault.Problem is that you can't make textures for PC AND for consoles.It costs money and it costs time...

B1663r4869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )

Actually, in both middleware packages I use, you can adjust the texture size by build target...

But that is besides the point, earlier today I was marveling at a steel door in C2 that had some sort of normal map on it, that lined up perfectly with the texture, and it was seamless... It looked almost just like you would expect a steel door to look, and I was never able to get close enough to see the texture filtering, on that particular texture.

In any case, I marvel at their craftsmanship on this game, although I have only played it on console.

Anyhow... There are some older video cards, and in particular video card drivers *cough* intel *cough* that are limited to 2k textures, and they probably wanted the game to work on the widest variety of computers. You know money grubbing and all that...

Finally, I am sorry... for all the elipeses... in my... post... Crysis 2 kept me up way past my bedtime last night...

Edit: In Unity and Unreal you can target your texture pipline to build target. So if you are targeting the iPhone say, you put puny little textures in, but if you are targeting say a console or PC, you can put giant textures in.

The problem with giant textures is the state changes. There are certain conditions on PC video cards that cause the whole texture to be resent to the video card, like say, changing the render state, and you start to have bandwidth issues over even the PCIX buss...

That is my non-computer-engineer understanding of the issue, I only ever work with middleware, so I don't know exactly what is happening under the hood.

HappyGaming4869d ago

Can't you just make extremely high textures for the PC and use those same textures but at a lower resolution for the consoles?

-Superman-4869d ago

Trust me. Crysis is and looks better than Crysis 2
I played Crysis 2 on PC same settings like Crysis
Crysis 2 looks worse

1)Crysis 2 is more limited... Only 1 big city while in Crysis we had freedom, so many different things.

They even removed nuke and great multiplayer modes :(

BubbleSniper4869d ago

still have not open mine yet... no DX11 no attention span...

it cost money, right... wtf happen to us PC gamers?
Crysis1... we supported you Crytek!
i hope DX11 save this game, cuz if not... gonna
look in to recreating Crysis2 with Crysis1 sand box editor..

Crysis1 an Metro 2033.. still the benchmarks for PC..

Kleptic4869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )

core PC gaming is more or less becoming a cult gaming audience...and there really is nothing that can be done about it...

development costs for a game like Crysis 1 or 2...or killzone 2 or 3...or any other technological storm runner...are insanely high...and only getting worse...the more detail a game has, the more expensive it is to create...

so the only thing left to do is spread it out to as many possible users as possible...unless of course its being paid for by a hardware manufacture (in this case Sony with the killzone franchise, thats the only one like that)...but the problem with that is you have to scale the game to those particular platforms, not build 3 specific renderer's that take full advantage of all hardware architectures...do that and you are right back where you started...

case and point is crysis 2...there is no doubt its been 'dumbed' down to run on consoles...and was STILL a massive undertaking costing as much as any big AAA modern shooter (probably 50 million+)...its just now they have about 10x the audience than they do with PC gamers, at least PC gamers that have a rig capable of running it to a degree where its much better than consoles...

we can argue the price of a capable PC all day...how 'you can do it for under $1000' etc. etc. But it doesn't change the fact that consoles are simply easier, and more readily available...and still cheaper...You would be hard pressed to build a full gaming PC that can out run a 360 or PS3 for Crysis 2...for $300...

You can also argue that this is all console maker's fault...that PC gamers don't get games that blow everything away all the time because they have to fit them on consoles too...but that doesn't work either...because of there were enough PC gamer's to pay for a massive development budget, they wouldn't need to span it out across consoles also...

^^you mention that 'we supported crytek' for crysis 1...you...and like 10 others dude...seriously Crysis 1 would have sold 5x as many if it was on consoles also...Crysis 2 will sell on consoles at the very least 2x that of the PC...and that is a very very conservative estimate...

the simple fact is that you no longer HAVE to have a PC to play the best games anymore...since the consoles have been fully connected with online gaming networks...there is no must have feature that only a PC has...sure its more open, and therefor more powerful...but its always more expensive, always more difficult to keep up with, and overall less appealing to even hardcore gamers for the past 5-6 years...

sobekflakmonkey4869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )

wow...you pc elitists have to smarten up, the difference isnt THAT BIG, thats honestly just being extremely picky, like, the game still looks phenomenal on the PC, so be happy, jeez.

nveenio4869d ago

I know this is a little disappointing. I'm still playing on PC right now, and some of the textures are noticeably low res, but it's not that bad. Besides, isn't part of this due to their new method of texturing? Remember? Let's say there's a big brick wall. Instead of having one giant texture for the wall and then repeating areas, they layer two textures over each other to create more diversity and detail in the environment. It doesn't do much for texture resolution, but for the environment, it works really well, I think.

ct034869d ago

Yes, they could have used higher res textures for the PC version but chose not to. Metro 2033 for example uses quadruple texture res on PC (2Kx2K on PC, 1Kx1K on 360).

HappyGaming4869d ago


A game so good that after 5 years even the developers that made it can't make a sequel that looks better than the first.

awi59514869d ago


Its using direct x 9 for everyone right now. The diffrence in direct x9 and 10 crysis was huge. The fact that crysis 2 doesnt have direct x 10 or 11 is a total joke.Battlefield 3 isnt even supporting direct x 9 its a joke. Pc is stuck with direct x 9 because thats all consoles can do. Direct x 10 and 11 cards are far more advanced than that old crap thats why crysis 2 is a joke. Direct x9 is way back i dont even remember what graphics cards was running that.

bakasora4868d ago

So its actually Crysis 1/2? haha

paintsville4868d ago

This article falls squarely under the "I don't care" category. Interesting, yes. Relevent, no. It's still the best looking of ALL console games. Great job Crytek. Keep it up.

ProjectVulcan4868d ago (Edited 4868d ago )

Twas obvious to me that the texture resolutions were lower after just a few minutes of playing the game. Walking up to billboards or looking at number plates, getting close to brick walls etc made that very clear.

The game is kind of like Crysis with all the settings maxed, improved lighting, but texture setting set to medium.

Course this is why the game runs better! There is no wide use of 2048 x 2048 textures like the first two games- most of them are probably 1024 x 1024 by the looks of it. If someone patched in the higher res textures the game deserves, it would likely impact performance and memory usage heavily- although most of the high end cards have bags of headroom going by my performance on the game.

Then, the game would look absolutely incredible....

pixelsword4868d ago

This can't be blamed on consoles. That's just like blaming consoles for the lack of DX11. If Crytek wanted to do do it, they could have. Heck; they could have transferred C1's Character textures into C2... but they didn't.

Computersaysno4868d ago

Its obviously to be blamed on console... at least directly as a result of the transition. The textures have been created and sized to fit into console memory. This would simply not have happened if the game was developed as a PC centric title, instead its a console game with console assets thrown onto PC with minimal improvements.

Clearly we know PC can handle much better, but with the massive distractions involved in making the game run on a new engine for consoles then they simply neglected the PC version.

The clearest case of catering and developing for the lowest common denominator for some time.

If this isn't obvious to you, then you probably should stop reading N4G altogether, give up gaming and go find another hobby.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4868d ago
Hanif-8764869d ago

Crysis looks way better than Crysis 2 even a blind person can see that


-Alpha4869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )

I have to agree. For me, it's the amazing jungles of Cry 1 that still makes it look like one of the best games around. Cry 1's graphics are still unmatched in many ways, and it's sad to see that Crysis 2 was "consolized"

I haven't seen Crysis 2 on PC, but surely more could have been done with it if not for it coming to consoles

Still, note you are comparing one picture. There is still a lot Crysis 2 probably does better in different areas, but I haven't really been following the game to notice. I was still more impressed with Crysis 1 shots.

Battlefield 3 is probably the one game I can think of that is doing the opposite, for once. At least we will get a proper PC sequel with DICE

CaliGamer4869d ago

The water looks like clear jello. Just sayin.

Hanif-8764869d ago

@CaliGamer I guess someone doesn't know what the ocean looks like...you should really get out more lol

B1663r4869d ago

*** spoilers ***

Stop reading now if you havent played...

No really stop...

The flood looks amazing, make sure you run down that street as fast as you can so you get right up on it when it starts.

jetlian4869d ago

a mod though the actual crysis 1 doesn't look better than the actual crysis 2

Scenarist4869d ago

everyone cant see it... someone that goes by the name of " Hiredhelp " on here genuinely cant see it for some odd reason....


Kleptic4869d ago

Alpha...that is exactly it...

BF3 will be the first game to kind of start the next generation...and from then on its pretty realistic to think that the PC will then be getting a version of a multiplatform game that can not be done on consoles...

i'm not talking about resolution...or AA...I mean a game on PC that is noticeably bigger in every way from its console counterpart...

ridiculous PC hardware is not cheap enough, and therefor in circulation enough for developers to start really leaving consoles behind...up until around now, PC hardware was significantly strong enough to out pace a console...but not in ways that the game could be considerably more complex...

CaliGamer4869d ago

@ Deadly, seeing as how I live in Santa Monica, I guess I don't know what the ocean looks like. LOL. What a Joke.

Hope your precious Crytec stock appreciates now that the new game is out. How about you man up and learn to take a joke. LOL.


morganfell4869d ago

It isn't just the look. Personality goes a long way. Crysis Warhead had some personality due to the lead character. You get none of that from Crysis 2. I have had to force myself to slug through it as it is because the game is, and here come the disagrees, a borefest.

Crysis Warhead had a grit to it and the ability to associate with the character you played because he wasn't made of wood.

As a gamer it is beneficial to have something on which to latch. Games give you varying degrees of this feature. Just Cause 2 was a game that could have benefited from 10 times the number of comments from Rico while he was going about his "job". But that game still has so much more character than Crysis 2.

There is little worse in gaming than getting a new title and then feeling the need to yawn and re-box it after a couple of levels for a later, more desperate time.

Undeadwolfy4868d ago

Nice, use a YouTube video to prove your point about high resolution visuals... ¬¬

arjman4868d ago

Crysis 1 looks better because you're surrounded by the jungle, the greens of the trees and the blue waters will obviously look nicer compared to Crysis 2 which is a grey, city affair.
Although I do agree it has been consolized, but then Crytek are a business and they'll probably double their revenue by releasing on consoles.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4868d ago
RedDead4869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )

Honestly can't say i'm surprised. It seems Crytek are all talk. Their game looks great, but they haven't beat all console games and the haven't beat Pc games. Not even their own game.

-Superman-4869d ago

Kinda sad to see big amazing game to going limited, low game :(
Crysis had grahpic, freedom and great multiplayer. Nukes too.

Now grahpic is bad, very limited, only in city and multiplayer Power Struggle is removed...











BubbleSniper4869d ago

sigh... really thought Crytek would retake graphic crown from 4A Games

if DX11 aint all that n bag of tricks then 4A Games gonna prolly pass crown unto them selves

CoLD FiRE4869d ago

Vanilla Crysis doesn't look that good. IMO,vanilla Crysis 2 looks better than vanilla Crysis 1.

I mean the overall IQ is better in Crysis 2 and feels more polished.

See for yourself:



Anyways, the modders will take care of this issue and will make the game even look better.

nsnsmj4869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )

Honestly, that comparison still makes the first Crysis look better. Hands down. It looks more realistic to me. By that mean, Crysis 2 looks more "gamey". I do see what you mean though. Crysis 2 does look more "crisp" or "clean" in that pic, but Crysis still looks more realistic. At least to me.

CoLD FiRE4869d ago

@nsnsmj "Crysis 2 looks more "gamey"." I guess that's why I prefer the look of Crysis 2. I'm not that much of a fan of realism. And that's why I didn't like a lot of the "Mega Ultra Super realism mods" for the first game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4869d ago
Danniel14869d ago

Yeah fuck affordable gaming, we cant let the average guy play the games we like!

zero_cool4868d ago

Who are you trying convince you or everybody else?Well if your trying to convince everybody else your wasting your time people are going to play games on the platform of their choice regardless of what you say & think about it so get over yourself!

Bhai4868d ago

See for yourself, no difference, consoles of 2005 vs PCs of 2011.... this is what PC power all about?
Really sad, watch this:

On top of that there is only 1 city and not quite open like Crysis1, also its not as free and interactive with vehicles and all too. Vegetation doesn't react as well and overall its just over-rated package. Again, Crysis is but a display of GI lighting...

FanboyPunisher4868d ago

There you have it

Verified proof I can smell consoleitis a mile away.

Vherostar4868d ago

Why is it this happens to every game released on 360 you never hear about this happening to ps3 games.. Always when games get ported to 360 there watered don for one or another console so they can port to console. Sure it may look better on 360 as that's the easiest of the consoles to develop for but since its also the weakest it holds back everything else.. FF13 was the biggest example of this.. Now crysis has suffered when will it end??

Actually who cares? PC gamers can go cry for all I care great graphics don't make a great game and if you think they do then your nothing but a fanboy... Graphics are pretty at the end of the day but gameplay makes a great game as without it graphics mean squat. Look at the highest selling games this gen Mario Galaxy do the graphics match Crysis?? No in fact HELL no but it will outsell it about 35-1.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4868d ago
DERKADER4869d ago

DX9, 32bit, SLI/CF issues, login errors, lower res textures. I'm glad they decided to put so much time and effort into the PC version of the game./s

Bhai4868d ago

Here's the comparison:

Clearly there are bugs and glitches in the PC version, look into the distant water rendering in PC version in the vid above!

Kamikaze1354869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )

Did they use the exact same character model?

Edit: Nvm

ultramoot4869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )

"Basically, the majority of all textures in Crysis 2 are half the resolution quality of those in Crysis 1. Crytek downgraded the textures significantly in order to be on consoles."

Uh Oh. Looks like Crytek has some explaining to do to their PC fanbase, since they said the multiplat decision wouldn't affect the PC version.

You can actually see the HUGE difference in the comparison pics provided. Damn you, Crytek.

theonlylolking4869d ago

I really do not see the point for crytek to do this? Why didnt they just get the cryengine 3 to run on PS3 and xbox then just make the PC version a upgraded cryengine 2?

kyl2774869d ago

so make the PC version worse? why not make it PC exclusive then it would be great

ultramoot4869d ago

As I've said time and again, their main aim is not to make "great" exclusives, but to sell their engine across all platforms. This game is a much more "glorified tech-demo" than the first game ever was.

BeaArthur4869d ago

It's called business. The console versions will sell more than the PC version.

kyl2774869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )


Yeah and Crysis' main selling point was fantastic graphics and being open world, if consoles end up making the game look worse and become closed in after 3 years then what is the point of buying it?

jetlian4869d ago

who said it had to be open world?

BeaArthur4869d ago

I wasn't talking about whether you should buy it or not. I was speaking on behalf of Crytek. They made the game work on consoles so they could sell more units. That's how smart people do business. Besides, just because it won't make your eyes bleed with graphic fidelity and just because you can't go anywhere and do anything doesn't mean it's not fun or a great game. Personally I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

radphil4869d ago


Some of us would like to see progression, not a stalemate.

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4869d ago
Viper74869d ago

Consoles are not to blame here, they are just PC's with "fixed/static" hardware and closed operating system.

Its too sad to see that Crytek left the PC version to this shape, while focusing mainly on consoles but guess there are business related variables at work there.

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Can You Run Crysis In VR? You Can, Thanks To A New Mod

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Rynxie474d ago (Edited 474d ago )

No one cares. The whole can it run Crysis is old, dead and stupid. It's also irrelevant, considering only less than one percent of pc owners, own a high-end PC. Second, I believe Crysis wasn't even optimized properly.

TheColbertinator474d ago

Crysis blew my mind back then and still kinda does.

bunt-custardly474d ago

Let's hope the modders can get the other Crysis games working in VR as they use the same Cryengine.


10 Old Games With Outstanding Graphics

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ShwaaMan546d ago

Bioshock still looks fantastic, one of my all time favorites.

Yui_Suzumiya546d ago

Beyond: Two Souls on PS3 can compete with modern day graphics.

SonyStyled546d ago (Edited 546d ago )

Same as Killzone 2 and 3, uncharted 2 and 3, Infamous 2, Heavy Rain, Resistance 3

jasonismoney546d ago

I wish this was entirely true, but you might want to load up Killzone 2 and Resistance 3 again.

SonyStyled546d ago

@jason I watched some gameplay videos of KZ2 and R3 on my full screen. They are on par or succeed graphically to the first person shooters mentioned in the article that also launched on the seventh generation of consoles. Try the same and see what you think

cthulhucultist545d ago

Killzone 3 was super impressive! I could not believe the graphics back then as I was regularly pausing the game to stand in awe looking at the surroundings! Resistance however did not impress me that much. Heavy rain is also another amazing graphically speaking game. It almost felt next gen

Fist4achin546d ago

I always thought the first 3 Gears of War games looked great and still hold up for today.

SonyStyled546d ago

They did for their day. I recently played gears judgement with on the 360 and the draw distance was so blurry. The characters up close look great though

JEECE546d ago

Far Cry 2 was awesome. In addition to having demonstrably better physics and AI than later games in the series, it had a lot of design decisions that, criticized at the time, have since been praised in games like BOTW and Dark Souls.

iNcRiMiNaTi546d ago

It might not be super amazing by today's standard but I thought Mgs3 looked really good

JEECE546d ago

In terms of art style it still holds up.

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