
Gears of War 3′s Visual Evolution Is Phenomenal: A Screenshot Comparison

GB: "Gears of War 3 is one of the major games releasing for the Xbox 360 later this year and it is a pretty important title for the system. Considering how Epic Games is really pushing the envelope for visuals in video games, we decided to check how Gears of War 3 has evolved compared to it's predecessor. And the results are there for your viewing.

What do you think? Does Gears of War 3 will look even better than this? Let us know in the comments below."

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gameseveryday4870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

Whenever I think of Gears of War 3, I hope that Epic will use their next generation of Unreal Engine.

I wonder how consoles would be able to handle the new Unreal Engine. Hell, I doubt a PC that costs anything under $5000 can handle this. (lol)

But if Gears 3 will use the new engine, everyone's jaws will drop.

Mystogan4870d ago

Xbox 720, No current Console can handle so many Awesomeness.

Istanbull4870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

Lol Gears 3 will look like Gears 2 wich looked like Gears 1. The XXbox 360 and Unreal Engine 3 maxed out with Gears 1 way back in 2006.

And also Epic Games are infamous for releasing BULLSHOT screenshots before release!


Look at this, real time Uncharted 1 graphics demolished Gears 2 graphics:


jetlian4870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

that site doesn't take not one real picture of gears 2 hell lot wouldn't do an uc vs gears. those 2 are ps3 fans lol

the ones in the source of this articles isn't using bullshots as you say here somemore



and that site used mp from gow they also never panned the camera and looked at the characters full body

gamingdroid4870d ago

In the end nobody gives two flying f's, because I aint staring at the jaggies while shooting the noob in front me! :)

Bigpappy4870d ago

This video http://www.youtube.com/watc... looks better than those pic's. The vid was take off screen with a cell phone and they were playing the multiplayer version. 6 more months before Gears is released. I have no doubt about Gears being a top contender for best graphics at the end of this year.

kancerkid4870d ago

The new Unreal Engine tech showcase GTX 580's in triple SLI, so yea, it is possible on PC's, but expensive.

AAACE54870d ago

@Istanbull... You can bash all you want, but fact is Gears 2 looked better than Gears 1! And Gears 3 will look better than Gears 2!

You need to solve your own fanboy problems and ask why Killzone 3 has only sold a little over a million units when it is considered better than KZ 2 in every way! The game has been out for about a month and most high profile games usually sell their most within the first month!

Anyway, Gears 3 will do what is expected of it.

Objective4870d ago

Anyone who has downloaded the preview of the multiplayer of Gears 3 will see immediately the vast improvement in graphics.

Gamer_Z4870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

It looks the same, colors are just a bit brighter but what can you expect Xbox has never been known for pushing insane graphics and I'm not bashing the game I'm just saying it doesn't look insane like battlefield or killzone. The game is going to be awesome just not the best looking anyways it's the gameplay that will make Gears one of the best titles this year.

@disagrees love is blind and so are fanboys but whatever believe what you want

Millah4870d ago

@Objective- and do you expect the fanboys to be objective as well?

It doesn't matter whats shown to them, or what the facts are. The disc could be covered in red and they would argue that its clearly green.

joab7774870d ago

Honestly, I hope a game that releases as an exclusive w the backing of all the money in the world, released 7 months later does look better than k3. I'm not sure if it will but i play them botha nd love them both. Epic will do a great job and unlike k3, gow3 will get the support it deserves from Microsoft as it is their sole flagship this year. I was so disappointed w Sony's advertising for k3. Guerilla delivered and i guarantee if it released on Xbox, it would probably have sold 3x as much by now. Its sad to me.

4870d ago
MaxXAttaxX4870d ago

Gears 3 looks the way Gears 2 should have looked like.

We've seen bigger jumps from other games before.
But the graphics in the Gears games took for ever to transition.

Nice to see they've FINALLY improved the freaking lighting! LOL

OneSneakyMofo4870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

Didn't Epic Games release like 30 bullshots of Gears 2? Until the images look like the game, 360 fans need to stop creaming their undies.

Here's a link to the Gears 2 bullshots:

RedDragan4869d ago

A $1000 PC will destroy anything on the 360 visually.

Kurt Russell4869d ago

^Nerd graphics clowns^

This game will be great regardless of what it does or doesn't look better than. It will sell well which in turn will lead to some people loving it, and other people hating it.

Arguing graphics is probably the single most pointless and nerdy things to spend your life doing... As next year the games will look better than this, the year after that; better still and so on and so forth... All the way up until nuclear winter comes.

"bu-bu-bu-but" - Stfu.

Objective4869d ago

There is actually a video of 4 players playing a multiplayer co-op campaign in Gears 3, and if you have ever played Gears of War 1 or 2 even, you'll be able to see straight away that Gears 3 is quite a leap in graphics (and some pretty cool new gameplay elements too).

@ Gamer_Z - you mentioned KZ3 and BF and conspiciously left out Crysis 2... whose love is blind I wonder?

jetlian4869d ago

your beating a dead horse. they have never shown an image beating gears 1 even.. they All talk!

crysis and bulletstorm both at the top. They just now getting good looking games with splitscreen hell KZ3 isn't even split its a mess

yet reach does 4 player split and online but thats nothing special in their eyes. Oh 360 can't do more than 16 people online yet now they adding splitscreen RE3 locked at 16 go figure!

Jezuz4869d ago

i now confirm Istanbull is a complete fanboy

paintsville4869d ago

Wow this is Awesome. This game will easily crush Anything exclusive on ps3. Epic really knows their stuff. Gears Of War baby!

Rashonality4869d ago

you can do better than that

PraxxtorCruel4869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )

Graphics, graphics and more graphics? Is that all you PS3 users got going for you? Why don't you just go watch your cutscenes whilst we do the gaming.

I just don't get it, you're supposedly supposed to have so many exclusives and more to come yet you're all here continuing to bash the 360 and boast about graphics and how 360 is not on par with the ps3. What's the point of your 20 exclusives if not even one can keep you of this site? At least we have a reason to be here (360 users) but with all the games ps3 has what reasons do you have? Maybe the gameplay on most of them didn't turn out to be so good, but you'd put that all aside just for the graphics, right?

Looking back now, whenever I've seen a ps3 game do well, the only thing anyone can say about it is 'graphics'. Do you actually play games on a ps3, you know involve yourself in it, or is it just CGI from the start to the end.

WhittO4869d ago

the lighting is much better

SixShotCop4869d ago

This game is going to be beautiful. I can't freakin wait!! For those who are complaining, how about you guys go find something to play?

tokugawa4869d ago

instanbull, and all the idiot agrees...lol

quick just forget that crysis 2 destroys gears in the graphics department.

and, lets not forget that it makes every idiotic sony fanboy look like the idiots they are when they said/still try and say that the 360 is/was maxed!!

crysis 2 served the crow for you idiots. infact, being as i own a ps3/360, i can say that crysis 2 is up there with the "greatezt excluzivez" on the ps3.... exclusives that i own myself.

just imagine what crytek could have done if they had made crysis 2 exclusive to either console??

SixShotCop4869d ago

I can't wait to see some in game footage for Codename: Kingdoms. An exclusive Crytek game on 360 is sure to make the haters hate.

MaxXAttaxX4869d ago

Hope the multiplayer isn't broken this time around, instead.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 4869d ago
Reibooi4870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

Those screens are not what the game is gonna look like. When Gears 2 was shown off like this it looked MUCH better then the final game and alot of people came to the conclusion that the screens were taken from a PC running the game at max specs which isn't how the 360 would run it.

It's quite easy to see that the game won't look that good. The leap is far to big and Gears 1 to Gears 2 didn't have a leap half that big and again the Gears 2 screens prior to release looked similar and then the game came out and it didn't look nearly as good as those screens.

They are nothing but hype inducing screens simple as that.

SuperLupe4870d ago

Not too sure about that man, Gears 3 in mtion is looking mighty fine. I'm actually expecting it to look this good.

Reibooi4870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

I'm not saying the game looks bad or anything quite the oppisite in fact. It is easily the best looking Gears game.

That said it's not because of some new found Tech or the updates to the Unreal Engine. It's because of better character design and MUCH better use of Color(everyone has at this point noticed they are using Color better and the game no longer looks grey and dull but at the same time still looks like a Gears game so Kudos to Epic for that)

I have seen Gears 3 in motion from the various vids around the net but it doesn't look as good as the screens in this article show. These are messed with. They are not straight captures they have been prettied up to make it look as good as they can and they did the same thing with Gears 2(Never needed to with Gears 1 because at the time it was the best looking game around and needed no help)

Again I'm not saying the game looks bad at all. It's just not gonna look this good unless they release a PC version.

kaveti66164870d ago

"I'm not saying the game looks bad or anything quite the oppisite in fact"

Okay, show me where in your first post you were saying the opposite.

SonyPS3604870d ago

Anyone who's played Gears 2 on a HD tv knows that the screenshots were never "Bullshots".

Go watch some gameplay videos.

rob60214870d ago


by 'better use of color' you probably mean a more dynamic range of colors. This is most likely actually due to an upgrade to the engine. Designers don't necessarily chose to use bland colors, It's just a trade off done to get more performance most of the time.

LCF4870d ago

IMO from playing Gears alot online. The only things Epic did from Gears to Gears 2 was sharpen up the textures, went from grey to brown and screw up MP. I lost track on how many patches and restructuring of MP they did. I dont see myself paying for live again just for this game. Shame really, MP was alot of fun in the 1st Gears and had high hopes for the 2nd.

P.S Dedicated servers is a start Clifford!

sobekflakmonkey4870d ago

Look at uncharted 2/3 though, the leap is HUGE, theres no reason why Gears 3 wont look amazing...

eliasg4870d ago


I am sure that you have already forget which console runs better the game with the best graphics of the generation (Crysis 2)

Megaton4870d ago

Gears hasn't lived up to its ridiculous screenshots 2 times now, yet people still fall for it again. No entry in the series looks bad, but there's a very cut and dry history of Epic bullshotting what they release to the press.

dabri54869d ago

I think the screens shown thus far are a fairly accurate portrayal of the game. Then again, I think I'm the only one here who is actually seen the game in action frequently.


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Lekumkee4870d ago

lmao @ Epic - The king of all bullshots.

CobraKai4870d ago

Gears always look amazing in stills, then "ok" when you're actually playing it.

FinalSpartan4870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

wooow one the best looking console games. Gears started the dark colour scheme and everyone copied it. Whole generation copied it. Gears also popularised the cover mechanics, Now you see one of the most overused gameplay aspects this whole gen.

Now look at it look still awesome and with colour. Unreal engine 4 looks so dangerous the power is immense if a game is made like that everything on PC and consoles blown away.

no one can deny that gears of war is one of the largest hitting new ip this whole generation that did alot.

BeOneWithTheGun4870d ago

I might be wrong but i think rainbow 6 did cover first...anyone?

trippyaaron4870d ago

@ BeOneWithTheGun
no, the first cover system was way back on n64.

shadow27974870d ago

"Gears started the dark colour scheme and everyone copied it."

I stopped reading right there. Surely you don't actually think Gears was the first game do be dark or grey, right?

And guys, he's not saying Gears invented the cover system, he's saying it popularized it. Which is true.

Anyway, screens look great. I'll be impressed if it looks like that on my TV.

FACTUAL evidence4870d ago

Looks sorta the same, just more green.

awi59514870d ago

yep winback had a cover system back on 64 and i think it came out on playstation as well.

Amphion4870d ago

It looks the same as Gears 2. Just because they are hyping it up trying to convince us that it looks better, doesn't mean it actually does.

The best graphics on the XBOX 360 is Crysis 2 and Gears 3 doesn't look anywhere near as good as that.

starchild4870d ago

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Gears 3 has a completely new lighting engine. Going from having no real-time lighting to a dynamic real-time lighting engine is a HUGE difference right off the bat. Then there are the other improvements to foliage rendering, post processing effects and so on.

I played Gears 3 at PAX and it easily looks as good as any game on the PS3. Actually, I think it looks better than any game currently out on the PS3.

So in conclusion, nobody is trying to convince anybody that it looks better, it is obvious to anybody with eyes that it looks much better.

NewZealander4870d ago

artistically gears3 blows crysis2 away, but graphics wise? i dunno its going to be pretty close judging by these pics, either way gears3 is going to be one of the best looking games so far this gen.

talltony4870d ago

You both have no clue what you are talking about. Gears 3 looks great but Starchild quit being such a fanboy. Your biased opinions never change even though you are proven wrong literally all the time. Wrong with so many games you said the same kind of crap about.

Amphion4870d ago

I don't care how many new technologies Gears 3 employs, it still looks very close to how Gears 2 looked. Games like Killzone 3, Crysis 2. Uncharted 2, God of War 3 blow it away!

baodeus4869d ago

ah i see the new tactic. Saying Gears look better than crysis 2 -> then say but gears doesn't look as good as UC/KZ/GoW etc....show some old pictures and wala.....Ps3 exclusives still the best. I see it quite often (funny no one ever mention Dead space 2/resident evil/RDR....etc...):D insteresting tactic.

Bread and butter of gears is the gameplay, great game modes (horde/beast mode for example), great coop etc...and that what gear does best (gameplay). I think many loves gears for those factors not just graphics; although gears's graphics look greats as well.

Kleptic4869d ago

I love how Gears 3 is finally getting a real dynamic lighting engine...although we've heard that before (wasn't gears 2 supposed to finally have real lighting also?)...and all of a sudden its 'better' looking than any PS3 game because of it...

congrats to Epic on making UE3...at least...sort of modern...but starchild...save it dude...its not like 360 kids need to even fight about it because Crysis 2 absolutely crushes this...on YOUR system...at least from whats been shown...and knowing Epic's PR...it will NOT look better than this...and we'll all be happy if it simply looks as good as their promo shots...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4869d ago
Colmshan19904870d ago

If Epic don't make the debut of the next Unreal Engine with a new Unreal Tournament, I will be very disappointed.
UT3 is still my favourite shooter on PS3, and UT2004 my favourite on my crappy laptop.
So more Unreal Tournament please!

Megaton4870d ago

Hey, it's someone who actually knows what Epic was famous for before Gears. A rare thing around N4G. I'd gladly trade the entire Gears franchise for another UT. My fav FPS of all time.

mrv3214869d ago

Does anyone else find it slightly weird that the Unreal engine is known as the Gears engine ABOVE the Unreal games engine.

I also remember playing those games... they where fun.

antz11044869d ago

I STILL enjoy a good round of UT3 when I have time, love that game!

Kleptic4869d ago

UT3 was great, but I can see how PC fans felt it was gimped for consoles...even though the PS3 version supported full UGC and everything...

but either way, Gears is now the franchise Epic is known for...its no longer Unreal...I wouldn't be surprised if the next batch of middleware that Epic licenses out will have some sort of Gears name...even UE3 made its debut through the first Gears of War...not UT3...

thats the way it goes though...those of us that know and love Epic because of the original Unreal games quickly became a minority because a massive influx of gamers didn't start gaming until the 360...its the same phenomenon last gen with Halo...and how millions of people thought Halo was the very first first person shooter...and the rest of us simply stared at them blankly, and stopped listening...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4869d ago
Dagobert4870d ago

My computer under 2,000$ can handle that easily. Time to upgrade your computer man.

Aarix4870d ago

How about a $300 computer.....didn't think so.

mrv3214869d ago

Yeah but a $300 computer can run internet explorer, multitask... You could easily make a $600 computer and run that, heck if you have Case, HDD, DVDD, fans and a old copy of windows XP you could get away with $400.

zeddy4870d ago

it doesnt look that great. although it prob looks better in motion rather than in stills.

BX814870d ago

@Istanbull and anyone else who uses the made up term "BULLSHOT", STFU you dumb BAC! That's my made up term for B#tch @ss C*nt!

SixShotCop4869d ago

I don't undersand the hate on this site. Could somebody care to explain why so many people are hating on Gears in the thread? Everybody knows Gears is going to kick ass just like Uncharted 3. Whats the problem?

BX814868d ago

@JerryKurl I agree. Every system has great games. 4 some reason made up crap like bullshots really gets to me. Why not just say you think the pics are touched up? Wierd.

Vherostar4870d ago

Gears 3 will look a lot like 2 right now it may look a bit better but with a demo you can do that.

AnxietyAttack4869d ago

LOL! Nice pic from Gears 1 dude! It's also quite obvious to anyone thats actually played Gears, that the pic was taken before the textures loaded as well. Your trolling sucks.

milohighclub4869d ago

Lol, all they've done is change the colour and added extra lighting, the graphics are exactly the same.

Mizz_mai4869d ago

Ummm it's part 3 it's supposed to look better....put it up against some ps3 exclusives!!!!!!

But wait a minute,those are'nt in game shots....WTH!!!!!

frostypants4869d ago (Edited 4869d ago )

They could use the new Unreal engine...but that doesn't necessarily mean they'd be able to push it too hard.

Not sure about all the disagrees saying the 360 couldn't handle the stuff in that demo of the new engine. It's common sense. It's the equivalent of a 6 year old PC. Of COURSE the 360 can't handle the stuff shown in that one demo.

But it can certainly handle the stuff in these screenshots.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4868d ago
GCO Gamer4870d ago

I remember when they announced the budget for Gears of War 2, I cried because it was so low. Anyway, I can't wait tell they announce the budget for Gears 3 because it seems to bring another level of awesomeness. I wonder how low this one's going to be.

SonyPS3604870d ago

The level of denial here is absurd. If you see no difference then you need glasses.

Aarix4870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

The fact your Bolding your statement prooves your being an unbiased prick.

halocursed4870d ago

The textures and the lighting looks better IMO!

GamingForever4870d ago

Looks amazing! The place I think graphics need to move forward on the most is skin, and dang does this skin look good! (IMO)

crystalnova20044870d ago

Must say the blood effects still have a certain cartoon-like over the top feel to them. Was never much of a fan of that considering how gritty the rest of the gear's universe is.

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anast140d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


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Gears of War 3 and Judgement servers have returned to their "updated" condition, adding several features, such as increased XP and more.

402d ago
402d ago
KicksnSnares402d ago

I currently play Gears 3 often, especially after the 60 FPS Boost. Gears of War is my favorite gaming franchise, and the Locusts are the coolest faction in history. Gears Judgment will always be a disgrace for not having the Locust in VS multiplayer.

AuraAbjure401d ago (Edited 401d ago )

GoW 3 and Judgement were the last installments before the series went woke and soulless. I'm level 50 in GoW 3 and LOVE it's multiplayer to death. It's just so crispy.


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dazzysima559d ago

My first thought. Deserved to be somewhere in there.

Vits561d ago (Edited 561d ago )

That is the most "normie" list that I ever saw. This does make some sense given the console in question, but still.

Tacoboto560d ago

Sure, the list itself sucks. But that click-saver table-of-contents, every list should have that.

BrainSyphoned560d ago

Might as well list it as the One's top twenty as well since all it had for games was backward compatibility.

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