
New Footage of MLB 11 The Show features Rain

Operation sports has uploaded a new video, shot at CES 2011, showing Rain during play.

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Boody-Bandit4947d ago

And in 3D!!!
So pumped for 3D!
I wish my freaking set would get here already.
Freaking snow storm screwed up my arrival time by a week.

Commander_TK4947d ago

Rain? Lol, that's pretty much what Fifa has been doing since 04 or something

Bnet3434947d ago

Wow ... just looking at the game offscreen, when the player was stepping up to the batters box, it looks like real life. go yankees ... :)

theIMP4947d ago

I thought in baseball if it started raining they quit until it stopped. I never knew they played through it in real life.

metsgaming4947d ago

they play threw light rain but if its anything significant they go into a rain delay.

btk4947d ago

This game begs for Move controller support...

PyReX-4947d ago

You can only use move for the HR derby.

nycredude4947d ago

I know it's impossible to make the game completely Move support die to battle stance of official players. What they should do though is allow you to make your own player only that player could support move. It would be funny to see some funky batter stances while you play. Also making it supported in road to the show would be great also.

Mario204947d ago

This game would play better with Kinect..

SKUD4947d ago

This game would play better on the PC...

Seijoru4947d ago

What, so you can swing your arm like an idiot and then watch as the bat swings 3 seconds later?

Mario204947d ago

so you can pitch your move controller into your tv?

blumatt4947d ago (Edited 4947d ago )

Yeah, ok. lol Most people would probably like 1:1 motion and something in their hand when they play it, so Move is the best choice. Of course, I see MS eventually releasing their own peripheral to go with Kinect. It's inevitable.
On topic, rain sounds like a pretty cool addition.

Seijoru4947d ago

They have a strap for a reason.

Mario204947d ago Show
Craptain_Steel4947d ago

Reported for personal attack lololol

And they don't even sell this game in the UK, D:

Adva4947d ago

Immature kid in his fantasy land where he sees all of this immature items

nycredude4947d ago (Edited 4947d ago )


You obviously haven't used the Move before. I've had it since launch and the ergonomics are far superior to any other motion controller on the market. NEVER once did I feel like it would slip out of my hands. In fact the straps aren't even necessary. Stop talking out of your ass. Kinect wouldn't work on this game 1) it lags way too much for baseball sim, and 2) this is an exclusive, which isn't available on MS Kinectbox 360.

I know havig no games but Kinect games suck and having no money to buy a good gaming machine sucks too but try not to take it too hard.

tawak4947d ago

This game would play better with game-boy 1st gen..

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4947d ago
StarScream4Ever4947d ago

I'm not a follower of baseball but don't they usually postpone games during rain?

jukins4947d ago

not all the time if its not a torrential downpour or heavy rain or lightning storm they pretty play anything after 5 innings or something like that counts as a game. could be fun to play a game like that

saint_john_paul_ii4947d ago (Edited 4947d ago )

it depends on how hard the rain is falling to Postpone/cancel the game.

The baseball game becomes an official Game after the 6th inning. so if its raining hard after the 6th inning and your team is losing, the umpire could could call the it game over for you before the 9th.

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Top 10 Sports Games Of The Generation

In many ways, this past console generation was a brutal one for sports video games. While other genres flourished, sports gamers were subjected to an irreversible thinning of the herd, losing MLB 2K, 2K Sports football, NHL 2K, both NCAA basketball franchises, and seeing arcade sports games all but vanish. Competition, which breeds innovation, is weaker than ever. But that’s not to say some standout games didn’t arrive as well.

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PlayStation 3 Games For $19.99 at Amazon

Amazon has some great game deals for PS3 that include The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection, Heavy Rain: Director's Cut, ModNation Racers, Sports Champions, MLB 11 The Show and more...

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SSKILLZ4396d ago

The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection – $19.96

Heavy Rain: Director’s Cut – $19.99

ModNation Racers – $19.96

Sports Champions – $20.08

MLB 11 The Show – $18.70

Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time – $18.80

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction – $19.70

Killzone 2 – $19.96

The Fight: Lights Out – $18.80

MotorStorm – $19.99

PlayStation Move Heroes – $17.75

Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest – $18.27

White Knight Chronicles International Edition – $19.99

Deputydon4396d ago

For the record, White Knight Chronicles 2 is only $3 more than the first game, and it comes with the first game...

MiamiACR214396d ago

AAA Games on Steam for $5.99

Summons754396d ago

What dose that have to do with playstation exclusives?

crimsonfox4396d ago

@MiamiACR21 get hit by a bus.

BattleTorn4396d ago

I know the steam summer deals are awesome, but you are still, technically 0ff-topic, trolling.

ChunkyLover534396d ago

Some of those prices are okay, but I got Killzone 3 Helghast Edition for only $40, which had a ton of cool stuff with it.

Dojan1234396d ago

Beat you. I got Killzone 3 Helghast Edition for $20 at best buy after Christmas. :)

ChunkyLover534396d ago

Dang, that is a pretty good deal. I got it for $40, but I also ended up getting the Collectors Edition of Uncharted 3 for $40 as well that day. $80 for both of those fantastic sets is well worth it.

Almir9084396d ago

Gamestop has better deals than this piece of crap list. It has team Ico collection for 20 bucks with all the other games on the list but cheaper. Hell motorstorm is like 3 bucks on gamestop while here its 20


PSP Sports Games To Play While You Wait For The PS Vita

The sports genre might be one of the most underrated categories in all of gaming. Sure, they suffer from a yearly release schedule that makes the previous entries obsolete, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t games worth remembering. - PSLS

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knifefight4586d ago

Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee and its sequel are awesomely fun games. It's a shame no one plays online anymore :(

They're a great tune-up for World Invitational though, which will be a Vita launch game~

MmaFan-Qc4585d ago

i must resist..argghhhh....have ...to buy vita.....only....in... spring...arrrrrrghhhhhhhhh.


ftwrthtx4586d ago

I am still playing MLB 10 The Show even though I have MLB 11 for my PSP.

Not being able to transfer your RTTS players from one year's version to the next has always been a handcuff for me.

I'm in my 10th year as a right fielder and am on my way to the Hall of Fame. Why would I want to start another guy before I'm immortalized in the HoF with my current guy?