
IGN: Time Crisis 4 Hands-on

Yesterday, a representative from Namco Bandai visited the office and gave IGN a hands-on demonstration of Namco's upcoming lightgun game: Time Crisis 4. The game is scheduled to release in a bundle only, and will include the newest GunCon peripheral and the necessary sensors that will allow you to use the lightgun with any display you may (or may not) have. Although their time with the game was limited, they had the opportunity to play through the entirety of a later stage, all using the new FPS interface made possible by the GunCon 3.

resistance1006217d ago (Edited 6217d ago )

Im a massive TC fan and already have my preorder on this. Gald to here the classic mode is staying in, but very interested in the new FPS mode to see how it works

Edit - Before you say im not on about visuals as that doesn't matter, im on about the gameplay

HarryEtTubMan6216d ago

U've barely seen like two movies...this game is going to be sweeeet!

Chaos Striker6216d ago

I've played the earlier TC's in the arcade and enjoyed them a lot. The visuals may not look all that great, but with the Guncon3 I'm sure its gonna be more of a feel/gameplay than the visual aspect. That being said, it seems PS3 has integrated more motion sensing technology, which should give it some more flexibility. Of course this is only one instance and Wii still rules in that category (motion sensing), but I believe this is a positive step forward.

sheng long6216d ago

i thought it was all about gameplay, xbots? now suddenly grafx are important?


Time Crisis 4 | Good Game Review

GG writes: No trip to the arcade is complete without some light gun blasting action. Especially co-op style! So we're going to have a look at what's still one of the best around, the classic blast-em up, Time Crisis 4.


El33tonline Review: Time Crisis: Razing Storm (PS3)

El33tonline writes:

"... Now though, light gun games seem pretty darn archaic compared with what’s available on home consoles and PCs, what with full 3D first-person shooters that allow gamers to interact with environments and move through areas at their own pace, using their own strategy and guile (and arsenal of weapons) to make it through a wall of enemies. Now-a-days, ‘on-rails’ shooters are considered a cop out – why not just make a full 3D game?

Just because something seems a little old, however, doesn’t mean that it’s not a whole ton of fun, and Time Crisis: Razing Storm packs enough ‘old fun’ onto one disc to make you forget about advances in videogames, and just lets you kick back, squeeze the trigger and have a blast!"

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Move, dodge, kill: Time Crisis Razing Storm on the PS3 gets pirates | Ars Technica Preview

Motion controls such as those found on the PlayStation Move and the Nintendo Wii give you the option of bringing a very specific arcade genre into your home: the light gun game.

We've seen these games on Nintendo's system, but with Time Crisis: Razing Storm Namco, Bandai has the chance to further prove the PlayStation 3 can be a good home for the "kill everything on screen" games.

Razing Storm doesn't just include the titular game, it also packs in the arcade version of Time Crisis 4, as well as the little-known Deadstorm Pirates. For $50, that's quite the variety of games.

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deadreckoning6665117d ago (Edited 5117d ago )

Its been known that Deadstorm Pirates would come with this game for a while now. How did this get approved?

Kors5117d ago

This article is Preview of the games, not news.

darkdoom30005118d ago

Luckly not the bad pirates ;)

Tommykrem5118d ago

I am quite likely to purchase this fine product.

5117d ago
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