
Edge | LittleBigPlanet 2 Review

Just like its predecessor, LBP2 leans heavily on its title sequence to make its big statement. But although the original had the weight of enthusing a generation to the idea of material creativity on console, the message this time around is more complex, and perhaps even more urgent. Media Molecule needs to convince players that, despite the familiarity of Sackboy, the return of narrator Stephen Fry and some kooky ’70s tunes, LBP2 is much more than DLC packaged on a Blu-ray disc and sold at full price.

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nix5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

i'm more interested in user generated stuffs this time. q:

RageAgainstTheMShine5014d ago

Edge's nice review screams 9.99 ^_^ but as to why they gave it a 9.0 is beyond me.

The_Count5014d ago

When i saw the creation mode in the beta it was a mindfuck. Amzing how people are so talented at making levels. I'm sure a few will some day become game designers.

Ah Ah Ah

ViciousBoston5013d ago

they deduct 1 point for it being on PS3 for every PS3 exclusive.

FrankMcSpank5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

Edge gave the first one a 10/10, and then called this one better, but gig'd it for minor issues. I am not suprised 9/10. I don't think they can justify a lower score. Like how they gave Uncharted 2 a 9. They could never justify a fail score, so they settled.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5013d ago
GWAVE5014d ago

Not that I put any stock into Edge's opinion scores (i.e. "reviews"), it's nice to see that even they see LBP2's brilliance. Then again, they rated LBP1 highly, iirc.

Spydiggity5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

so then uh...what was the point you were trying to make?

EDIT: disagrees for a question? a question about a comment that means absolutely nothing, which was even acknowledged by the guy with one bubble that wrote it with his pointless little "iirc" at the end?

*sigh* only on n4g...

Sarcasm5014d ago

11/10 from Edge, great score!

visualb5014d ago

what the hell?

I guess EDGE love LBP...everything else? trash, but LBP, godly xD

Knushwood Butt5013d ago

Edge must have a really hard time reviewing a game like this:

Made by UK devs so must give it a high score

Ah, but it is on the PS3 so must ensure a comparatively low score

If only it had the name Shigeru Miyamoto in the credits it would have got a perfect 10

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5013d ago

Even a site like EDGE which is always tough on reviews had to take there hat off for LBP :)

TANUKI5014d ago

haha, I know, eh? I was really astonished.

That just means Media Molecule REALLY upped the ante, and really concentrated on their efforts in polishing the first game.

Dsnyder5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

Even though edge generally sucks at reviews im happy they can see the good in this game at least. LBP2 is definitely one of the few games that deserves to have a 2 in the title and not a 1.5.

kharma455014d ago

"Even though edge generally sucks" I'll like their reviews when it suits me and they give the games I want a good score.

Pretty much what I'm getting there...

Croash5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

"Even though edge generally sucks"

Wait so the magazine itself writes the reviews?

I thought there were different people called reviewers with different opinions who were the ones reviewing games, with only one of them reviewing one particular game and giving it a score, making it a personal review.

Woah O_o

- Seriously, how can people say "IGN" or "GameSpot" or "Edge" when it comes to reviews, there are different editors, different people who do not have the same tastes.

And in the end, one review doesn't matter as it is highly subjective, what matters is the general opinion which gives a more objective view of the product as many aspects of a game would have been talked about by different people, giving us a clear consensus about them.
And now Little Big Planet 2 is getting a lot of praise.

TimeSkipLuffy5014d ago

what matters is your own review of the game. If it isn't fun for you I could care less about any game even if the praise is rocket high.

ash_divine5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

@ Croach

I agree that reviews aren't important but I do believe that it's correct to say "IGN gave it this score" as opposed "Greg Miller gave it this score". Because even though it's one person's opinion, he's representing IGN at that time. It's sort of related to PR. Think about it, when Aaron Greenburg does an interview, he's not representing himself, he's representing Microsoft. This is why you'll see articles with titles like "Mircosoft says this" or "Sony says that". It's also the reasons that opinion pieces and editorials usually have disclaimers like "Jim Sterlings views do not represent the views of Destructiod". They do that because if you don't make it clear that his words DON'T represent the company, those words WILL end up representing the company.

Croash5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

@ NightmareLuffy, agreed, in the end it is all about your own experience with the game. But I was talking about general consensus that would inform people about broken mechanics, glitches, things that aren't subjective and aren't seen differently by different people.

You can't deny that when something is broken, it IS broken, and that's why reviews are useful, they tell us about the product. Now saying the graphics are beautiful/ugly is entirely up to the players.

As for me, I don't care about review scores, heck, I don't even care about school grades, they're all numbers and insignificant subjective data.
Numbers aren't important, words are.

Still I'll agree, even if a game is clearly awful, one could still have A LOT of fun with it (or vice versa), and in the end, it's the only thing that matters. Games are supposed to be fun.


It is indeed correct to say "IGN gave it this score", as even IGN says that in its own articles.
What I meant was that people shouldn't say things such as "IGN is clearly biased" as this only involves the reviewers.

I tend not to be manipulated by that, when I see "Sony says"/"EA says"/"Microsoft says", to me, it is only one person talking, and their job might be more or less important in the company.

The greatest recent example I have is Ninja Theory, just because there were a lot of interviews involving Taneem Antoniades, some people insulted the whole Ninja Theory team and said they would not buy Enslaved for that.
Now please can someone explain that to me?

ash_divine5013d ago

@ Croach

Now that I know what you meant i definitely agree. It's a shame that alot of people take crap for what one or two people said or did. As far as Ninja Theory goes, i can't speak for others but, I personally just wasn't interested in Enslaved. That why didn't buy it. So i think part of the reason it flopped was because it just didn't appeal to as wide an audience as they expected. Though It does suck that people purposely ignore (thus hurting the entire team) because of the way a few individuals acted.

WesMcLaren5013d ago

The difference is that all of edge's reviewers rate games lower than other sites and mags.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5013d ago
Dsnyder5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

""Even though edge generally sucks" I'll like their reviews when it suits me and they give the games I want a good score.

Pretty much what I'm getting there.."
Um no I didnt say that I like them at all. I said they they got the score right for once. Pretty rare for ps3 exclusive games. Not to mention they gave a 10 to bayonetta calling it a "GOW killer" and we all know how bad that game turned out.

" Seriously, how can people say "IGN" or "GameSpot" or "Edge" when it comes to reviews, there are different editors, different people who do not have the same tastes.
Yes but they all represent the company so I can refer to a group of reviewers based on the company they work for. Just makes it easier that way. People do it in a lot of ways. Sony for example is a partnership of many companies but you dont list them when you want to talk about sony do you? No. You just say "Sony".

Dude_5013d ago

'Pretty rare for ps3 exclusive games.'
- Demon Souls
- Uc2
- MGS4
And I reckon the most respected magazine in the industry is entitled to their opinion as much as some little man ion N4G is.

Quote 'A beautiful and graceful fighting game that lets imagination loose, and winks before slapping Dante, Kratos and every other hero back to the drawing board'

Funnily enough, a general comparison to all action games was interpreted as a direct one to your pathetic exclusive title (or your patehtic favourite title).

Overdosed on Jesus Christ again, aren't we?

Croash5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

Hey there, you do realize that Bayonetta has a score of 86/100 on Metacritic on Ps3 and 90 on Xbox 360?

It is a really great game that had its own personality and its crazy gameplay was amazing to discover (though NOT in Very Easy/Easy modes).
I don't see how it compares to God of War, and it certainly wouldn't be called a "GOW killer", mainly because these two beat'em all aren't playing the same way. Bayonetta can be compared to Devil May Cry, Dante's Inferno can be compared to God of War.

"we all know how bad that game turned out."
Since the reviews were praising it, the only thing I can imagine is that you're talking about the inferior Ps3 port, which people thought made the game horrible.
But having the Bayonetta's Platinum trophy, I can't really see how it made the game unplayable.

And anyway, it doesn't have the same genre as LBP (to stay on topic), I think the latest Pac Man game got a 10 from IGN, but I will not say that it is much better than Darksiders or Castlevania, I'd say that it is one of the best games in its category, and as far as Beat'em alls go, Bayonetta is one of the best.

"Yes but they all represent the company so I can refer to a group of reviewers based on the company they work for. Just makes it easier that way. People do it in a lot of ways"

I do know that, and since you posted that before my second comment, all I can say is that I have clarified what I meant by that right here: #3.2.3

And I'd just like to add that there are not such things as getting a score right. People's opinions are always different and scores can not always represent what a reviewer has said in their review (sometimes people say what they read would lead to a 9/10, others say it's more of an 8/10, but in the end, only words should matter, not scores).

I know you don't have any bubbles left, but I still wanted to comment about that. Oh well, you could still send me a pm if there's anything you'd like to add.

antz11045014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

LMAO, agreed with Kharma.

I've seen Edge get RIPPED ON the past few months here with everyone saying bullsh%t on the scores they hand out and on their reviews.

Don't get me wrong, I def think this one deserves it. Just sayin'.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5013d ago
callahan095014d ago

I'm not quite sure why this game didn't retain the 10 that its predecessor got from Edge the way Super Mario Galaxy 2 did. This game brings more brand new elements to the franchise and makes more improvements to the formula and basics of the game than Galaxy 2 did. It does a more grand job of perfecting what was there and it contains an infinite amount of content. Galaxy 2 was a great game, but there was not very much about it that differentiated it from being just an expansion pack to Galaxy 1. It had a new way for the player to navigate to the levels, it had Yoshi and a couple of new suits for Mario to wear, and that's basically it. LittleBigPlanet 2 is even more of an improvement and expansion of LBP than Galaxy 2 was over 1, so I'm not sure why it isn't deserving of the same score it got last time around as well.

LarVanian5014d ago

I'm not quite sure why this game didn't retain the 10 that its predecessor got from Edge the way Super Mario Galaxy 2 did
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Different reviewers, possibly.

Jdoki5014d ago

Yeah, I somewhat agree. Although I think SMG1 was over rated - SMG 2 was better in almost every way and deserved a higher mark.

The problem with dishing out 10's is that by definition you can not get anything better. Which means that older games either need to be re-scored as they age (which would highlight the true classics), or reviews need to define why a sequel scored less.

Either Edge are saying that LBP2 is not as good (which they are not), or that LBP1 got a 10 because it was radical at the time, and there was nothing else like it (which is more likely). But I would argue there STILL isn't anything like LBP1 or 2 on any platform - and LBP2 appears to have brought far more to the table that LBP1.

Not that review scores ultimately matter to me - but I do like to see consistency and fairness from a publication/website that is ultimately vying for our money or page clicks. And there are some people who base their purchases just on review scores.

Jdoki5014d ago

There's something about Edge's reviews - good or bad - that just grate with me these days (this comes from someone who was a long time subscriber to the mag until a few years ago).

I dunno if it's a slightly pompous attitude or their ability to nitpick, rather than objectively criticising games, that annoys.

I think Edge painted themselves in to a corner by giving LBP1 a 10 (iirc) - it left them no wiggle room. So even though it seems LBP2 is better in every way - it gets a point knocked off. Not saying that's bad - or even that LBP2 deserves a 10, as I haven't played it yet, just that it seems inconsistent - what would Media Molecule have to have done to get a 10. Their review even calls the game a revolution (compared to LBP1); not many games can get that attributed to them.

Perhaps they knocked a point off for this 'flaw'.

"therein lies LBP2’s inherent restriction. It provides a revolution, but only inside its own idiosyncratic attitude and aesthetic. Sackboy remains Sackboy, and he won’t convert those who didn’t like the way he behaved in LBP. And for all the fascinating flexibility of its toolset, clearly this is still a framework: you can stamp a creation with your own style, but the overall vibe will ultimately be Media Molecule’s."

That's a bit like arguing that if you don't like Master Chief, or Nathan Drake then Reach or Uncharted 2 won't convert you!! Or arguing that Forge is only a framework and will always have the Bungie vibe running through it.

nix5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

wait until Gears of War 3 comes out. every site will be going "gears is exactly what you expect it to be... it plays like it has been... and it's awesome!"

pfft. reviewers. i really don't need reviewers to tell me what games i'm gonna buy this year. i've already made up my mind.

@jdoki (below): yup... fairness is all i ask too.

Jdoki5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

Gears 3 will be an interesting review for sure. I'm really looking forward to the game. Loved 1 and 2 even if the story is a bit lame.

I agree that scores ultimately mean nothing - and a 10, a 9 or even a 7 wouldn't stop me buying LBP2. But with an industry that seems to be gearing more towards paying bonuses based on metacritic scores; and some people who do actually listen to the reviews (or even just read the scores) to define what games they buy - I do like to see objectivity from reviewers, and fairness.

Spydiggity5014d ago

it is a critic's job to "nitpick"

a good critic gives you all the details so you can make an informed decision.

nix5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

here's 'nitpick' from one of the reviewers.


if it PS3 game came out like this, the press would be all over it.

like i said earlier, i don't need reviewers to tell me what games i want. FAIR REVIEW is all i want.

Jdoki5014d ago

Nitpicking is not what is required. Objectivity, unbiased reporting and as Nix said, fairness, is what's needed.

I welcome criticism in reviews when it's valid and objective. What I won't accept is reviewers picking at something as insignificant as 'Sackboy isn't for every one'.

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Dead Space Isaac Clarke: Every Cameo in Other Games

Isaac Clarke of Dead Space fame has appeared in many games, both as a playable character and an Easter Egg. Have you played them all?


Older PlayStation games that we'd love to see on the PlayStation 5

From Xfire: "For a company with a three-decade-long history in gaming, Sony has done a crappy job at preserving its legacy. "

Flawlessmic882d ago (Edited 882d ago )

All the mgs games, all the ape escapes, silent hill 1-4, croc 1 and 2, legend of dragoon, tekken 3,tenshu, bushido blade, vagrant story, okami, ico, crash bash, gt4.

Thats just off the top of my head that i would play immediately, still so many more though that id love.

Welshy881d ago

MGS, Silent Hill etc are no brainers, but you earned my thumbs up for our boi Croc. I talk about him all the time, it's an honour to find another man of culture.

Flawlessmic881d ago (Edited 881d ago )

Hahaha yea was one of my very first games i owned on ps1 as a child, great memories!!

Love to hear there other people out there that enjoyed the gem of a game that is croc 👌

RedDevils881d ago (Edited 881d ago )

Okami has HD version already. I want those Sly games though since PS3 and vita had it.

Flawlessmic881d ago

Yea sly would be cool, i never got into those so would be a good opportunity for me to do so.

But yea theres so many games in sony catalogue we coukd be here all day listing titles.

Hopefully we all get the ganes we are hoping for.

outsider1624882d ago

Tenchu 1 and 2
Socom 1 and 2
MGS 1-3

seanpitt23882d ago

RDR2 for me they can boost that up to 60fps with better graphic settings than last gen

Luc20882d ago

Folklore. It was such a unique and beautiful game. Great soundtrack. I still have my PS3 copy

The_Hooligan881d ago

YES please! Also I would love to see Warhawk come back. Such an awesome game.

moriarty1889882d ago

The Resistance and a killzone series for me.

Bigman4k882d ago (Edited 882d ago )

Infamous 1 & 2 probably will get remaster for PS5/4 at some point as for the others in that article idk

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An update on the LittleBigPlanet server and online services

Classic LittleBigPlanet servers are to be shut down permanently following hacks.
Sony’s drastic move comes after months of downtime for the older games.

darthv721109d ago

It was fun while it lasted. And some of the user created stuff was a blast to play with.

Snookies121109d ago

Whaaa-? That's crazy. Didn't expect it to be permanently shut down...

Teflon021109d ago

It's still up on PS4, they just shut down the PS3 end because hackers on PS3 can't be stopped and go on the game making announcements that can't be avoided without having to go back to all the old game codes and updating to remove the feature etc. It's one of those sad and garbage things where hackers ruined a good thing. I'm mostly sad about the Vita, I'm not sure if I have my music stages saved to my Vita, meaning they're gone forever if I didn't save them back to it. They were good too :(

Profchaos1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

Have to say I expected them to be permanently shut down problem would be in the underlying server architecture and possibly something like a depricated authentication protocol which has to be replaced that the PS3, PSP and vita can't support which is why they can't be securely restored on those consoles but the PS4 does support it.so lbp3 was restored on that.

Given the attackers were able to breach the server there was obviously a fear of lateral movement once inside their servers so I can't blame them for this and it makes sense despite the huge blow to the community millions of hours spent building that community.

Despite this blow I believe the millions of creations are going to be available via lbp3 and it's capability of backwards compatibility with user generated content so that's something to be thankful for still not a huge consolation to the many players who only own a older console but unfortunately that's the world we live in these games are old the older they get the more insecure the servers get which the company that make them.host them on and the more likely they need to be shut down.

MadLad1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

Feel bad for the people who dedicated so much time into this game.

Battlestar231109d ago

Nice edit to your troll comment.

MadLad1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

I reread the article, and changed it, to be as honest on the topic as possible.
Let's be real, it was an easy reaction to have considering their actions of late.

CaptainHenry9161109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

He's been on a roll and it's comical 😁

RedDevils1109d ago

This guy love stealth troll on playstation article as I see the pattern, but he doesn't want to admit that he's a MS fanboy.

Christopher1109d ago

I am also sorry people enjoyed the online aspects of the game?

mikey151109d ago

TheRealTedCruz10h ago(Edited 10h ago)
Feel bad for the people who dedicated so much time into this game.***

I'm sorry for the PC fans port begging for Dreams to come to PC... You do realise that


Little Big Planet 3 PS4 - PS Now PC gameplay
224 viewsJun 26, 2020

LBP is on PS Now and PC right?? So less of the crocodile tears/crap when you stated PS Now was crap... Clue

The man who earned a job by playing LittleBigPlanet
By GamesRadar Staff March 03, 2015
***“We've hired four people from the LBP community" reveals Alex Evans, co-founder of UK studio Media Molecule and creator of LittleBigPlanet. Including one lucky soul who dodged death to get a job on LBP2. Enter John Beech, or 'johnee' to his PSN friends. Two years ago John was a builder with absolutely no qualifications to speak of. But now? He's a full time designer at Media Molecule working on LittleBigPlanet 2, one of the most anticipated titles on PlayStation 3. This is his story.***

Dreams players are being employed by game studios

3RD MAR 2020 / 11:49 AM
Posted by
Tom Ivan***

The CREATIVE CONSOLE creates JOBS... What are they using to Sculpt??


the failure that is the MOVE controller. lolol

John_McClane1108d ago

Why would anyone disagree with your statement? I don't get get it.

mikey151108d ago Show
John_McClane1108d ago

@mikey15 Actually my comment was for TheRealTedCruz. There is absolutely no good reason for all those disagree votes.

mikey151108d ago

John_McClane9h ago
@mikey15 Actually my comment was for TheRealTedCruz. There is absolutely no good reason for all those disagree votes.***

of course there is.. He was stealth trolling stating all LBP contributors wasted their time making levels for LBP... I pointed out that some of the contributors for LBP + Dreams have actually got JOBs because of the CREATIVE console. Just like Gran Turismo fans


***Team GT Academy Competing at the Nürburgring 24hr This Weekend with Kazunori Yamauchi
May 18, 2012 (updated Mar 13, 2016) · News Article
by Jordan Greer · 37 Comments***

If you are so clever, step up and show me where I was wrong, or keep schtum and we'll see what a hero "John Mclane" actually is. lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1108d ago
Battlestar231109d ago

Understandable they had to do this better to be safe then sorry. I just wish those right wing racists that hacked the servers and started posting homophobic slurs would get want they deserve a good few decades in prison.

Profchaos1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

That's the thing I guess if it wasn't them it would just be someone else and we would still be in this position regardless of their intent.

darthv721109d ago

What are you going on about?

Profchaos1109d ago

The attackers breached and manipulated the servers to place abusive messages all over the game ccontent https://www.ruetir.com/2021...

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