
'Kinect has no clue that I even exist'

A wheel-chair bound woman is disappointed after finding out the new Xbox Kinect gaming system doesn't recognize her.

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FrankMcSpank5014d ago

I am not going to jump a band wagon and start anything, but this is going to happen. I read somewhere that about 30% of people in the UK had issues with seeing things in 3D. It's sad that everyone can't enjoy everything. This is an imperfect world.

She needs someone to set it up for her. I don't know how they can get it to track her face. Maybe the person could where a mask with her face on it so the camera can have a facial image to record. I know that sounds silly. Hopefully MS designs an intstallation program made for people that have to sit, like those in wheelchairs, etc etc etc....

RememberThe3575014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

I'll take time for MS the improve the tech. The good thing is that a lot of it can be done with software alone. More accurate games will be released as the years go on and I'm sure the next generation of consoles will have very impressive cameras.

EDIT: Holy crap, this is from my home town. God, Komo sucks...

BloodyNapkin5014d ago


Well hopefully it will not take MS as long to improve the tech as it took to improve the 360 to a solid console.

RememberThe3575014d ago

MS is a software company and they have shown to be much better at their software development than their hardware development. I have no doubt that they will make Kinect more accurate. But it's going to more than MS making it more accurate, it's going to take games that use it.

Rush5014d ago


Why I agree with some of the stuff you said you act like the original Xbox wasn't more reliable then the PSX and PS2 combined.

Why the 360 was a massive fuck up the same could be said for the PS2 I have 5 currently in my house 1 of them works.

So let's not pretend MS has shown they can only do software because the first Xbox was insanely reliable.

GWAVE5014d ago

Let's hope Microsoft can fix this.

Kinect will likely always suffer from these sort of issues. When your input is a camera, there are going to be limitations. It just seems silly that she can't play a game sitting down.

5014d ago
dragonyght5014d ago

Its true it can be improve with software but the question remain how much hardware resources will it take since kinect is fully depend on 360

dragonyght5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

.....double post

Bigpappy5014d ago

Kinect game require you to be physical. If you are wheel chair bond, getting this as a gift, at this time, would just be useful for doing through the menus and saying commands to whatch videos. The current games all require you to be able to to be mobile.

candystop5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

Amigatronic, Come on lets at least try to be a little reasonable. Both consoles had problems which should never of happened period. 360 rrod was ridiculous but it doesn't mean PS2 errors were acceptable just because there was a lower attach rate. The one side arguments are seriously so beyond me.

Retro_Zombie5014d ago

Should have gotten a PS3 w/Move. It does so much more than those shitty little rail games.

UCMEandICU5014d ago Show
Scary695013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

Don't hold your breath with MS fixing anything, they will fix the kinect the same way they fixed their RROD issue (they didn't). Kinect is a waste of money and time, not so long ago there was a video of a guy sitting and the game playing on its own, I mean seriously? No wonder my local best buy removed the damn thing it sucks. Maybe a Wii would be best for her to play with her daughter and husband no face tracking required. Could not agree more with UCMEandICU it is a shame $150 camera cannot do what it claims it can, I see a lawsuit happening on false advertisement..lol

huynh0765013d ago

I usually do not reply to article comments but what ICMEandICU said is ridiculous. I'm a computer engineer graduate and been doing some open source project with the kinect. I have to say that this technology is amazing and is a solid first step in eventually replacing the mouse and keyboard within 5-10 years.

I don't really want to argue with random people on n4g, but please try and remotely do any kind of research before comparing it to the eyetoy.

I also have to comment on some of the early articles on the kinect as well. wtf were they thinking claiming the kinect is useless on the xbox 360 with only a few months into it? My girlfriend and i enjoy playing the kinect a lot. Although, there are sometimes latency or inaccuracy in kinect sports and dance central, it is still really fun. Games will be better as time progresses.

Also, please get a job. $150 is a moderate price for this kind of technology. The ps3 move is $100 for one set of control, so if I want to play with my friends, I have to spend at least $200... $50 more than the kinect. btw, I own a ps3 as well. I'm not a dumb fanboy. I enjoy all type of technology. I just hate ignorant and dumb people.

AndrewRyan5013d ago

She is in a wheelchair. The world is harsh but it just sucks to be her for motion gaming like Kinect unfortunately. I know I sound like an asshole but that is just the way it is...

jwk945013d ago

Not trying to be an asshole, but what did she expect? Kinect requires her full body to be mobile of course it's not going to work with her in a wheelchair, some things she just can't do.She would've been better off with a wii, or, and i hesitantly say this because you have to calibrate it a lot and i'm not sure how it would be affected by being in a wheelchair, PS Move.

DSI5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

Okay, I don't want to sound harsh or insensitive, but is she also complaining about soccer balls, pogo sticks, trampolines, etc. Some things simply aren't made for some people it's just that simple.

The moron that bought her Kinect for Christmas should have done some research.

What will N4G say when the guy with arms complain about Move?

Newtype5013d ago

LOL, are you freaking kidding me? Windows OS has numerous problems within itself.

HappyGaming5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

I agree with the people above this woman can not complain... Some games (if not all games) require the use of legs for example you need to step forward to make a car accelerate forward.

It's like complaining about not able to play console games because you 2 fingers and no thumbs...

Why would you buy a full body motion controller when you can control your full body.

Shepherd 2145013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

What about playground equipment? Are the construction workers supposed to come back and alter the playground sets they made for handicapped people?

What about skateboards and bikes? They exclude handicapped people, how is that their fault? Or color blind people who play video games? How are they supposed to make our colors or patterns in some games?

Sometimes you just cant cater to every single minority. It sucks but its the way life is. I dont complain to the makers of the equipment that i cant wear my glasses(im blind without them) when i jump on trampolines or go boxing, what are they supposed to do about it?

InTheKnow5013d ago

The technology is solid and will only improve. It's up to the developers to program the game. Most if not all game require people to stand and use their WHOLE body as the controller. Maybe a developer and a publisher will get together and make a game for those select few that do not have full control of their bodies...but I doubt it. M$ has already patented the use of sign language with kinect.

Here's a demo presented by Lionheads Peter molyneux dealing with sitting down. If Kinect is program to see someone sitting down then it will see it...


What's sad is typical fanboys trying to use this ladies dilemma in life as a tool to push their ignorant and just plain dumb position and theories.

Daves5013d ago

@ InTheKnow

So even after "Milo" you rate anything PM has to say?

It's prob bull.

frostyhat1235013d ago

Great comment why all the disagrees?

frostyhat1235013d ago

Just in Guy with no hands can't play videogames. Shocker!

ComboBreaker5013d ago

Trying to make Kinect more accurate means it'll take more processing power, which means it will be even laggier. Microsoft would never waste money trying to accomodate everyone. As long as it works for some people, and as long as people are buying it, Microsoft is happy with it.

madjedi5013d ago

@rush While i might be mistaken didn't nvidia design the original xbox, because i really have a hard time believing that ms made the first xbox like a tank and did a snafu on the 360 afterward.

Really i only had 2 a old fat for 4 yrs till i tried to mod it a used slim ps2, i gave to a friend after i got a 60 gig ps3.

Spydiggity5013d ago

where are all these ps3 fanboys coming from?!? do you all msg your friends on psn and tell them to join n4g just so you can troll every article?

the woman can't play kinect...she also can't go skiing or rock climbing. but because this is just another opportunity for pathetic fanboy trolls to bash 360, it's a top article. give me a break.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 5013d ago
JsonHenry5014d ago

It doesn't notice me if I am sitting down. If I stand up, wave at it, then sit down it still sees my hands. But I can not be sitting and expect it to start working that way.

CrIpPeN5014d ago

I guess kinect isn't for everybody, lol.

no_more_trolling5014d ago

the ps3 is not for blind people, or people without hands

consoles cant be suitable for everyone
grow up

stevenhiggster5014d ago

I'm sorry but is this not kinda like a man with no arms complaining about how he cant wear a Rolex?
Not everything can be designed to be perfect for everyone, it's not discrimination, its just an unfortunate bit of bad luck.

AndrewRyan5013d ago

Agreed. As soon as I read the comments in one of these articles I just see sympathy EVERYWHERE. I mean like come on guys she is in a wheelchair. Yes it sucks oversized balls but its the way it is. It just sucks to be her.

bangoskank5013d ago

I thought the same exact thing except my analogy was a mute complaining about a defective microphone. The harsh reality of it is that Kinect wasn't designed for people in wheelchairs. This is as absurd as her boycotting treadmills. She still has use of her hands. I'm sure she can have just as much or even more fun playing games the old-fashioned way: with a controller.

huynh0765013d ago

I usually do not reply to article comments but what ICMEandICU said is ridiculous. I'm a computer engineer graduate and been doing some open source project with the kinect. I have to say that this technology is amazing and is a solid first step in eventually replacing the mouse and keyboard within 5-10 years.

I don't really want to argue with random people on n4g, but please try and remotely do any kind of research before comparing it to the eyetoy.

I also have to comment on some of the early articles on the kinect as well. wtf were they thinking claiming the kinect is useless on the xbox 360 with only a few months into it? My girlfriend and i enjoy playing the kinect a lot. Although, there are sometimes latency or inaccuracy in kinect sports and dance central, it is still really fun. Games will be better as time progresses.

Also, please get a job. $150 is a moderate price for this kind of technology. The ps3 move is $100 for one set of control, so if I want to play with my friends, I have to spend at least $200... $50 more than the kinect. btw, I own a ps3 as well. I'm not a dumb fanboy. I enjoy all type of technology. I just hate ignorant and dumb people.

AndrewRyan5013d ago

Hey bro, I don't think you realized it but you said something positive about Kinect... That ain't allowed here.

devilmaycry20205013d ago

You should take your own advice and do some research about the move's price.

punisher995013d ago

"The ps3 move is $100 for one set of control, so if I want to play with my friends, I have to spend at least $200... $50 more than the kinect."

Actually thats not true. The PS move BUNDLE is 99$. But a PS move controller is 50$. After buying the bundle first all you would need to do is buy another controller for your friend which is 50$. So in total you would be paying 150$.

Ravenor5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )


Which is the same price as Kinect and you are also omitting the cost of the Nav Stick, while not required, holding a PS3 controller is not all that comfortable.

Move bundle+Extra Wand+2 nav sticks was over 200 dollars Canadian. That's not including the software I purchased either. Both the Kinect and the Move are hefty investments, I really don't see how the price of Kinect can be held against it.

Spydiggity5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

that's not true and you know damn well it's not true. to get the full experience you need 2 controllers per person. do the math again.

apologists are the wheelchair bound of the gaming community.

here's your bundle:

here's your extra controller:

and here's your 2 numchucks (or whatever sony is calling them):


but THEN...if i understand it correctly, some games need 2 controllers...not one controller and one numchuck...

like i said, do the math again

100 + 50 + 30 + 30 = 210.
100 + 50 + 50 + 50 = 250.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5013d ago
Tinasumsum5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

A guy with no hands might be thankful and could have thought the same things about controller based games. Is this really news? What's next stories about the blind and TVs?

Willio5013d ago

lol, someone said they have 5 xboxs. hahahah. why?

madpuppy5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

I am not a fan of MS in any way but, If MS said that kinect will NOT WORK with you in the seated position why the hell would you buy it and then complain??

It is sad that she has a disease and cannot stand up to use kinect but, this is about as much of a big deal as if she went out and bought a 10 speed and then complained that she couldn't use it get around because she didn't realize that you needed to be able to use your legs to ride it.

Immortal3215013d ago Show
rrw5013d ago

"MS has no clue that hardcore gamer even exist"

yet even casual cannot play it

Arnon5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

Look, this woman is physically disabled and is complaining that she cant use a device that's meant for full body motion. As cool as it would be for Microsoft to incorporate something for the disabled, her complaints hold little meaning when she knew what the device did in the first place.

It's a device that was built with the idea that your body is the controller, requiring you to jump around and get on your feet and move.

madjedi5013d ago

Then why not skip motion controls and go to cameras that track eye movement?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5013d ago
Wizziokid5014d ago

we already knew it couldn't track you when sitting but on that note, not to cause offence but you couldn't play any of the games sitting anyway.

Wizziokid5014d ago

well there you go, there's one game she can play ^_^

MGRogue20175014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

I don't know why but that video made me LOL.. I think it was because of the way you said "this is me playing Joyride while sitting down" at the beginning

MidnytRain5014d ago

Some people don't have that weird sense of humor you and I seem to have. That made me laugh, too. ;)

Scary695013d ago

@ TheOldOne

Bad example, LMAO the dude reactions does not even go with what is happening in the game. LMAO

White-Sharingan5013d ago

although kinect joy ride is playable while sitting down, you can't play it how it's meant to be played. How will she boost? you need to move your whole body (or upper body) backwards and then boost forward. How do we know if she can even do that? granted, I haven't tried it while sitting down so I could be wrong, just a thought.

Even if she could, she couldn't have expected to be able to play most games, if she can play #2 of kinect games, I would say it's too much IMO. She should go the safe way with the wii, maybe even the move.

FragMnTagM5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

@white sharingan.

You do not need to pull your entire body back to build up boost, rather your hands need to go back to about where your chest is.

I grew up with people in my family that had this condition. This story just does not make sense. People with this condition can't even wipe their own but, much less worry about playing video games. Not trying to be rude, but someone with this condition should not be expecting to play any games, regardless if it is the Kinect, Move, or Wii.

For people who have no idea what I am talking about:
"Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect a person's ability to move and to maintain balance and posture. The disorders appear in the first few years of life. Usually they do not get worse over time. People with cerebral palsy may have difficulty walking. They may also have trouble with tasks such as writing or using scissors. Some have other medical conditions, including seizure disorders or mental impairment.

Cerebral palsy happens when the areas of the brain that control movement and posture do not develop correctly or get damaged. Early signs of cerebral palsy usually appear before 3 years of age. Babies with cerebral palsy are often slow to roll over, sit, crawl, smile or walk. Some babies are born with cerebral palsy; others get it after they are born.

There is no cure for cerebral palsy, but treatment can improve the lives of those who have it. Treatment includes medicines, braces, and physical, occupational and speech therapy."

Source: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medl...

People with this type of condition have a hard time doing any normal task. This "news" story should not even exist.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5013d ago
Spitfire_Riggz5014d ago

I was gonna say.. no offense but with these motion games that need you to be MOVING around and getting fit it would have made a lot more sense to just stick to your controller.. sorry if i offended.

FragMnTagM5013d ago

People with this type of condition cannot even do that.

5014d ago Replies(3)
CrazyOrange5014d ago

she can use kinect to navigate the menu + voice regconition

and some would still track her like joy ride but work as good as standing

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5013d ago

I feel her pain that she is in a wheel chair and i dont mean to sound disrespectful but most games for kinect will require ur hole body from ur head to legs, so kinect is not for people like her.But is still a bit bad that it can not notice her upper body.


not for people like her? you do realise no matter how much sugar you sprinkle on it, that is discrimination. When you make a product you have to follow laws which guideline diabilty use, why do you think so many schools have disabled access?

thats like saying oh well getting into school up steps requires legs so learning isnt for disabled kids which is a load of bollox.

Sarcasm5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

Uh calling it discrimination is a bit too far here.

They make guns and you have to be 18 and over to own one, is that discriminating towards minors?

They make cars that is meant for people with two legs to drive, is it discriminating to those who are unable to use their legs?

This is just a sad unfortunate thing for the woman to not be able to enjoy it with her family. But honestly, it's already probably a sad enough story that there are other things that she is unable to do due to her condition.

But I do think that perhaps MS can somehow improve the tech so that situations like this don't happen.


I am not discriminating against her, my aunty is on a wheel chair with a 13 year old son and i knw her pain so i can never discriminate. Im just saying that when MS was making kinect im very sure they did not have in mind to appeal to the handicap.

BloodyNapkin5014d ago


"They make guns and you have to be 18 and over to own one, is that discriminating towards minors?"

Did you just really use that? Terrible analogy. It is called laws man, not discrimination.

And yes they do make cars for handicap people, and there is alot of add ons for vehicles for handicap people. They dont say well you are handicap so you just cant drive.

grailly5014d ago

you always will be discriminating at a certain level when you put a product out. poeple who are missing fingers are unable to use a controler, that's how it goes.
Anyway, I don't think that being unable to play kinect is the biggest issue with being in a wheelchair...

FragMnTagM5013d ago

Wow, some of you guys just don't know what this ladies condition actually is. SHE HAS CEREBRAL PALSY, not just wheelchair bound, but basically cannot control most parts of her body and those parts move randomly all the time.

I have people in my family with this condition.

One of them has absolutely no control over nearly every muscle in his body. He drools on himself, due to not being able control the muscles in his mouth, his arms twitch and occasionally yells out of nowhere.

No matter which way you spin this, all your analogies fail. Every add on or disability devices that you could put on a car, would not help people with this condition drive one. They can basically do nothing. Kind of like a vegetable, but the brain still works enough to communicate in most cases.


Not trying be mean as I love the people in my family with this condition, but Kinect will never be suitable for this woman, as well as the Move, and the Wii. That is a sad fact of her condition. NOT NEWS.

Darth_Bane795013d ago

@MARKUS_MAX1MUS: No he's not discriminating. People use that word all the time to try to shun a persons opinion. By your statement then we should could say that car makers and society discriminate against blind people because they don't make vehicles that they can drive? If a person that is 400 pounds can't pass through my apartments doorway, then the builder discriminated against fat people? The device was built in a way that it s required to be at a certain distance and position to be able to be detected, if you cannot perform this actions, then you shouldn't have bought it. As much as society should understand and provide for those that are handicap and their limitations, those that are handicap also should understand the limitations that we all have to face when dealing with them.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5013d ago

@ sarcasm

It really isnt when the device should properly be able to facilitate disabled access.

No guns for minors is discrimantion? seriously that was moronic, no guns for minors is pretty sensible and common ground based on the fact its a safety issue.

No it isnt because theose same maufacturers make cars specially for those people.

Yeah exactly its a sad enough story so we dont need to add to it with this which could have been avoided.

your last point contradicted your whole argument towards me.

Trizard5014d ago

I remember the court case about a blind man sueing PS3 because he couldn't play. Is that discrimination against disabled people? Not everything is for everyone. They shouldn't have to tailor something for less than 1% of their audience. And besides, M$ is a private business, why should they have to cater to fit the needs and wants of the entire world.


AceofStaves5013d ago

@FragMnTagM: I have Cerebral Palsy, actually. Along with a degenerative joint condition. Whilst I have mobility and balance impairments, I also hold a Bachelor's Degree, several post-secondary diplomas, and numerous academic awards. In other words, I'm far from a vegetable.

Protip: Cerebral Palsy is what's called an 'umbrella diagnosis.' Some people with CP can't function independently. Others of us manage quite well on our own, and still others are so able-bodied, you'd not know they had CP unless they were tired and started to limp.

In other words, it's best not to make blanket statements about a condition.

AwesomeJizz5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

What the fuck does she want?? She is bound to a wheelchair.. How can she play any of these games anyway?
I feel for her really but people need to stop being over-sensitive.. There are things that certain people can't enjoy

@Below, I understand.. But she CAN'T share this experience with her daughter and husband, can't because she is in a wheelchair.

RememberThe3575014d ago

"What the fuck does she want??"

To share this experience with her daughter and husband. Read the article.


Ur a very sad person talking like that.No body wishes to be handicap..Just pray God protects u and guide u this year bcuz u never knw 2morrow.I dnt pray it for u but if u find ur self in her situation one day im sure u will read this article and think twice b4 posting a comment like that.

RedDead5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

Not really, you think because he said that he doesn't feel sorry for her?

This is the harsh truth(awesomejizz's comment), it's not made for handicapped people. She has cerebral palsy, what does she expect?

Of course your going to feel bad for a person who can't play. But what are we gonna do? Some people have no hands, should MS and Sony ditch the Joypad? It's just harsh reality.

It's unfortunate but that's it. If your in a wheelchair, don't expect to be able to do everything. That's all there is to it. And again, you do feel for people in that position, but we can't say MS are discriminating against them for it(for once i'm defending those wankers...)

Darth_Bane795013d ago

He's not sad, he made his opinion and he has al the right to do so, as much as you had the right to ambiguously wish he became handicap because of the words he said. You don't fool me with your nice words. People always tend to satanize those who express their opinion in a way that offends them.

Darth Stewie5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

This is what Kinect has to say

Wizziokid5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

I love that clip

@disagree, apparently I don't love that clip?

Pedobear Rocks5014d ago


After the edit do I agree with you or disagree? Fuck it...I'll report you instead.


MidnytRain5014d ago

Around here at N4G, mashing the disagree button doesn't necessarily mean these people disagree. Sometimes, it's their "I don't like your comment" button. Or their "I just don't like you" button.
*Sigh* The internet...

Show all comments (161)

Joy Ride Turbo - The Beginning of the End for Xbox Kinect

Joy Ride Turbo launched 10 years ago today. The first title was Xbox Kinect exclusive, yet this sequel failed to support the device at all.


10 of the Biggest Video Game Hardware Failures Ever

Cultured Vultures: "Sadly, not all hardware is created equal, and no matter how much developers might try, some gaming hardware just fails to hit the mark. We’ve compiled a list of 10 gaming hardware fails, and boy did some fail hard."

Read Full Story >>
Knightofelemia975d ago

I would label the Power Glove, Kinect, and that Tony Hawk skateboard more as hardware addons hardware failure would be like the Virtual Boy and one day Stadia.

Magog975d ago

Kinect was bundled with every Xbox One and inflated the price on an already underpowered and low RAM machine so for the One it wasn't an accessory as much as a white elephant.

CaptainHenry916975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

Definitely the RROD but that power glove had a lot of issues as well. The Kinect just didn't work

974d ago
CrimsonWing69974d ago

Hardware add-ons are more like RAM or a video card, basically components that enhance capabilities or performance of the computer.

If you really want to get technical the Kinect is more of a peripheral device, kind of like a keyboard or mouse to a computer.

ThatsGaming974d ago

The person in this article obviously is not up on their gaming history....

Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Coleco Gemini, Commodore 128, Commodore Amiga, Atari 5200, Atari 7800 were all massive failures and in most cases cost their companies participating in future gaming generations.

Gamer79974d ago

Sega saturn (successful in Japan) and dreamcast were not failures.
Seems like you're not up on you're gaming history

septemberindecember974d ago


How in the world are the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast not seen as failures? They both sold around 8M each, which is much lower than the ~30M that the Genesis had sold before it, and even the Master System before that. They were both the worst selling consoles in their respective generation (PS1, N64 outsold Saturn, PS2, GC, and Xbox outsold Dreamcast). Both of the consoles were incredibly short lived. The Saturn was discontinued in every territory but Japan after just three years. In Japan the console was discontinued after six years. Meanwhile the Dreamcast was discontinued worldwide in 2001 after launching in most territories in 1999 and in Japan in 1998. The failure of the Saturn and Dreamcast lead to Sega pulling out of the hardware market. Which, by the way, all of this occurred when Sega was massively dropping the price of their consoles quickly to compete. Sega was hemorrhaging money at this point.

None of this indicates a successful console. Saying the Saturn was a success because it did better in Japan is like saying the Vita is a success (they both sold around the same amount of units in Japan). Even the Wii U outsold these consoles worldwide.

Magog975d ago

The picture should be the 360 RROD. When I think of gaming hardware failures that's what springs to mind. Kinect and it's bundled price tag definitely hobbled the already underpowered Xbox One though for sure so I would give it a close second place.

porkChop975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

That's not what the author means by failures. It's about hardware that failed in terms of sales (Wii U) or just failed to deliver on its promise (Kinect).

Magog975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

Given that the 360 had a year head start, much easier hardware to develop for, was cheaper, and still ended up in third place I think it qualifies especially when you factor in the frustration and huge losses incurred by RROD.

porkChop974d ago

Selling over 80 million consoles isn't a sales flop. We get it, you don't like Xbox, but that doesn't mean the 360 is suddenly a failure.

Rhythmattic974d ago

You know how many people I know bought a 2nd or third 360 due to RROD? Even when MS had to confront the issue with replacement systems, my mates couldn't wait for even the turnaround of sending it in, and waiting for a replacement.,,..,..
If that's how you consider it a win... OK.. but so is having 5 , of which 3 don't function.... Its a win win....mwhahahahaha

porkChop974d ago

"my mates couldn't wait for even the turnaround of sending it in"

You're acting like it would take months. When I sent my 360 in I got a new one literally 5 days later. As soon as MS had tracking confirmation that you sent yours, they'd send a new one to you the same day. No one is going to spend hundreds to buy a new console instead of waiting a week. I swear you guys pull some of the dumbest shit out of nowhere and think people will actually believe it.

Regardless, none of this changes the fact that this isn't what the article is even about.

Rhythmattic973d ago (Edited 973d ago )

"You're acting like it would take months"
Sometimes it could.. FFS.. 'Strya here...
Best turnaround I reckon was 2-3 weeks.....
Either way, My mates experiences still exist.. So Sorry, no point trying to earn Xbox Achievements when it doesn't feature in what was a situation you never dealt with,,,,
3 of my friends would disagree (overall, 10 extra Xboxes purchased)
Regardless.. MS sold a lot of 360's that was due to this reason.. That is sales. Fact

"none of this changes the fact that this isn't what the article is even about."
Headline says HELLO !
Oh and "Sadly, not all hardware is created equal," that's enough to pass this on without taking your article bias into consideration.....
As for the rest.... Ok.. But you've actually gone out of your way to give MS a Pass... Fap on.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 973d ago
Aloymetal974d ago (Edited 974d ago )

Yup, and because of that big fiasco MS had to fork out 1 billion but knowing them I think they're very proud of the 360, it's the only time a MS console reached 80mil+ sales, RROD played a big part of that and a record they will never break again.

Rhythmattic974d ago (Edited 974d ago )

So true.. Even when MS accepted they where caught out in the biggest lie of any generation, The wait for a replacement was outweighed by just buying another, and having one be returned as a backup, which, btw, generally failed on first swap.
I own honestly can't believe MS tards are just supporting , or arguing why and what MS did by just dismissing it....

lonewolf10975d ago

Lol I had the Atari Jaguar, surprised its "competition" the 3DO isn't on the list too, both as "popular" as each other.

SullysCigar974d ago

Lol same. Played the crap out of Aliens Vs Predator and Tempest 2000 .... aaand that's about it really!!

lonewolf10974d ago

Sad but true that was pretty much it.

Kurt Russell974d ago

Agreed, I never actually saw a 3DO make it to retailers in the UK. At least the Atari Jaguar was sold for around 6 months.

lonewolf10974d ago

It made it to some my brother got one, fared just as well as the Jaguar so most probably hard to find in general.

darthv72974d ago

3do had way better games. Jaguar not so much. Neo Geo sold less than both and yet isnt considered a failure. Go figure.

LWOGaming974d ago

Stadia is a weird one. It hasn’t sold at all well but in terms of how it works it’s still miles ahead of Xcloud in terms of stability and performance. Xcloud is still a way behind and that needs sorting but it will be in time. Stadia for me is one of those things that will go down as a what could have been moments. With better marketing it could have been a roaring success. I still play it and it remains the best place in my opinion to play CyberPunk 2077. Only platform I have played it on without having any issues at all. The tech is great. The concept is fine. Marketing terrible. Shame really.

Magog974d ago

The sales model was awful. They should have teamed with an existing player to allow for local and cloud access to games or a gaming subscription service.

LWOGaming974d ago

It was a strange mess from such a huge company, as I said, as a system it works really well but without gamers it’s nothing. Such a waste,

LWOGaming974d ago

The Xbox One was Microsoft’s Nintendo Wii U. Undercooked, undersold and just an unholy mess. The thing is with any of these failures is to learn from them and thankfully both Nintendo and Xbox did just that to the benefit of gamers everywhere.

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Pivotal Decisions in Gaming History - Xbox Goes All-In on Kinect

Xbox 360's Kinect had flopped yet Microsoft insisted on mandatory Kinect for Xbox One, driving the price up and alienating their potential customers.

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darthv721151d ago

the tech was pretty damn good but their focus on making it the centerpiece was not. Had they opted to keep it as a secondary or even tertiary device, it may have found new use for AR/VR.

PrimeVinister1151d ago

Maybe. But they were two early for VR and too late for motion control

1151d ago Replies(2)
Godmars2901151d ago

Their focus was marketing metrics. Information gathering for targeted advertising. Also "event curating" or head counting for special TV events. If MS had had their way with always online and mandatory Kinect pre COVID, as and during it they'd likely be turning into dominant presence in many Western homes. Be getting subsidized by Disney and other streamers as well as the NFL.

Thing was, Kinect as an actual game system, its games, just weren't ready. MS moved on it too soon. Thankfully.

Atticus_finch1151d ago

Sorry but it was incredibly bad for gaming. The thing barely worked as intended and the games were broken shovelware. And let's not forget all the lies from Xbox to try and sell it. What happened to Milo?
It's like Xbox it's a perpetual lying machine.

PrimeVinister1151d ago

I had almost forgotten about Milo. It looks so unbelievable in retrospect. How did anyone believe it?!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1151d ago
TheEnigma3131151d ago

Kinect requirement, TV focused, DRM, and $100 buried Xbone before it even stared.

PrimeVinister1151d ago (Edited 1151d ago )

I think Kinect was the worst of the bunch. They reversed DRM overnight and try to play down the TV stuff when they realised it made them look disinterested in gaming.

Kinect stuck around for six months, preventing sales and making more and more people upset when they dropped the Kinect and the price.

Atticus_finch1151d ago

Don't forget the inferior hardware which affects their game development to this day.
And the constant boasting and lying that hasn't change very much to this day.

kayoss1151d ago

I was kind of excited for the kinect. It had potential. That was until i tried it at one of their Microsoft store. The thing was so laggy and worker who was there, had no clue what he was doing. It kind of made rethink about buying an Xbox One with Kinect.

PrimeVinister1151d ago

I had already been turned off of the idea by Kinect for 360. Even when it worked, the games were bad and showed no potential.

Wii made you understand what they were going to do with it within about 10 seconds of Wii Sports. It went on to become a bit of a joke but at least it worked and had a purpose.

Thundercat771151d ago

The damage to the Xbox brand was so hard that til this day they are just the last place brand in the market.

PrimeVinister1151d ago

Totally. They haven't been really all that relevant since.

Godmars2901151d ago

That has to do with repeatedly failing, having to reaffirm only to again fail at creating a competent flow of decent games.

Until Game Pass and BC are mentioned. Only for the point to be missed.

kayoss1151d ago

thats because they dont know what they want to be. A gaming console, Television, or a gaming service?

Godmars2901151d ago

They wanted, expected, to be Steam. To have everyone coming to them and paying for the privilege. That's the exact mentality on display when they tried to push always online.

brewin1150d ago

Its sad because the Xbox one version of Kinect was actually pretty solid. Not for motion games, I couldnt care less about those, but for the other features that are now commonplace in the gaming ecosystem. Things like voice control and optional motion features in games. Stuff that Sony did with the PS camera was pretty sweet and they could have done some of that stuff with Kinect.

The tech was pretty sweet when implemented right though. Who remembers the implementation in Dead Rising 3?! You could lure zombies away by saying stuff into the kinect, it was a bit hokey at first, but it actually enhanced the game significantly once you learned all the different voice commands. There was and still is nothing else like that!

The focus on TV seemed to be an issue for people, but the TV pass through had some real potential. They could have had cable companies giving the XBone out instead of cable boxes! I understood what they were trying to do, but they needed to show the games too, and thats where they lost the core gamers. Being able to jump right to a sports event or TV show with out leaving the console was actually a pretty cool thing. I spent many nights switching between NHL games or TV shows and jumping right back into my games seamlessly, just by telling Kinect to do so. It was better than people care to admit, but I loved it!

People say XBone had no games, but on launch I got Dead Rising 3, AC Black Flag, Watch Dogs, Killer Instinct, Battlefield 4, Forza 5, and Ryse. That was actually a pretty solid lineup in hindsight! Then later on it got gems like Quantum Break, Dead Rising 4, Sunset Overdrive, Gears 4 and 5, the Ori games, Rare Replay, Forza Horizon 3/4, State of Decay 2, ReCore (SUPER UNDERRATED GEM), Halo 5, Halo Wars 2, and all the great 3rd party stuff as well! I dare anyone who sat on the Xbox One to go back and give it a shot now.

It was actually a pretty great console all things considered. Yes the PS4 had better 1st party stuff, stuff that MS just couldnt top or even compete with, but there are some really great games that a lot of people missed out on that they would probably really enjoy if they actually played them. Thats why I recommend a Series S and Gamepass to a lot of people, as its a great way to get an awesome lineup pf games for super cheap!

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